All Things Wrong

Chapter 867: Task progress

"Have you found a team of horse thieves who have just robbed the church carriage?" He listened to Li Huailin explaining why he was going to the Glen Canyon. The thousand-year-old here was the first to disappear, then suddenly said, "Then why didn't you stop to look at the situation at the time, this is too suspicious, maybe it is a hidden mission?"

"I wasn't tmd doing the **** transfer job? It was a time-limited task. I had to go back and hand in the task. I was afraid that it would be too late to stop and look at it. I didn't care. I didn't expect to pull it now. I was dragged in for a long time. {3w." Li Huailin said.

"Oh, this way." The thousand-year-old nodded and said that he could understand. After all, the priority of the transfer task is still much higher than the hidden task that may be triggered. There is no way to do this. "The last few horse thieves. Will it be here again?"

"I don't know, I don't know the location of the horse thief's base camp. If I know it, I will go directly. Now I can only see if I can wait until the other party comes out to play the autumn wind." Li Huailin said.

Li Huailin in front is talking to the task for thousands of years. The red face in the back seems to be talking to Enron suddenly, but of course it is not a task, but the red drink here is a food, then I want to put this side. Enron’s strange food tastes turned to find a way to reverse it and began to recommend Enron to eat something normal.

A few people walked and talked, and soon came to the vicinity of Glen Canyon. Of course, the direction of this walk was exactly the opposite of the direction of Li Huailin. The road here is going north to the boundary of the elf.

"Just here in the area..." Li Huailin looked around now. Before seeing the carriage jam and the corpses everywhere, it was all gone. It is certainly impossible for such a little time to be automatically weathered, that is to say, it has already been cleaned up, and it may be done by horse thieves. Of course, you said that it is very bad to let others see the bodies of these faculty members lying on the ground. It may be a very normal thing to bring the church’s encirclement at any time.

"There is blood!" The thousand-year-old here suddenly pointed to the ground and said.

"Crap, such a big spread." Li Huailin lifted the amount, the ground is naturally bloody, although it has been cleaned, but still can see the faint blood.

"No. Fresh." The thousand-year-old here said unchanged on the ground.

"Ah?" Li Huailin looked at the place where it was worth a thousand years. It really is like this. There is a line of blood on the ground. It’s really not killed. “That is, just a horse thief came over and robbed?”

"It is estimated that this is the case, we will go straight down the blood."

"On this beach, there is nothing else." Li Huailin looked around. This beach was discovered around. Did not give them the route to find.

"I have a way." The thousand-year-old here said unchanged. "Forgot my profession?"

After saying that the thousand-year-old here has not wavered, the former pet wolf king appeared at his side, and soon the thousand-year-old here will command the wolf king to sniff a little on the blood, soon this side The wolf king began to bow in one direction.

"This side."

"I rely, so convenient!" Li Huailin a little stunned, did not expect pets can still use this, but before also seen the hunter's hunter's beast eye with bird pet detection. I have to say that it is really very convenient.

The Wolf King itself is not slow, and immediately rushes in the direction he smells. Li Huailin and others immediately followed behind him. Several people ran a little toward the east. Li Huailin suddenly heard the sound of fighting in front.

"Someone in front!" The thousand-year-old here will not be said immediately.

At the beginning, Li Huailin thought that the horse thief was robbing. As a result, it seems that it is not the same thing. The situation here is that five horse thieves are besieging a person, but the besieged person does not seem to look like this. What a good man, it still looks like a horse thief.

As far as the current form is concerned, the man who was besieged here is obviously more powerful. Although he has a broken sword in his hand, the force is not bad. Two people have been cut down, and there are still three others left. He is attacking around him, but he is also very seriously injured. There are still many injuries that are obviously not new, but old injuries, because he still has a lot of simple bandages on his body, obviously before the start. Tied up.

"It looks like a mission story, but it seems that both sides are horse thieves. How can we help?" The thousands of characters here have also found problems. The previous encounter with such a plot is naturally a beleaguem. But now both sides look like horse thieves, and the names on the head are still red, how to help.

"This guy..." Li Huailin suddenly looked at the npc being besieged. I don’t know why it’s a bit familiar. "I seem to have seen it..."

"Hey? Is this Ge Wen?" asked the horse thief who was besieged for a thousand years. "Did you not come once before? Did you see it at that time?"

"Right!" After a thousand years of constant reminder, Li Huailin thought a bit. The former little thief who looked like the most ridiculous little thief was not the one named Ge Wen. A few layers of cloth were wrapped around, and Li Huailin was almost unrecognized.

In this way, Li Huailin, a few horse thieves who besieged Ge Wen, are still somewhat impressed. Isn’t it the few younger brothers who stood behind Ge Wen when they robbed themselves last time? Why are they playing now, and what are they? Rebel?

Just thinking about it, Ge Wen here has been hurt too much, and I can’t help it. I fell to the ground with a knife in the leg. The younger sieges next to me saw the opportunity. All of them took the knife. Go up.

"First, let's call this Ge Wen's insurance and say it." Li Huailin said, while he took out the sun spear directly, and then one of the targets threw it toward one of the brothers who had besieged Ge Wen, "噗", The spear here directly hit a double crit of 24,480 points. The huge impact force directly flew out from the side with the younger brother, and then nailed it to the stone wall next to it.

"What!" In the instant, the two younger brothers who wanted to attack Ge Wen were stunned. When they turned around, they saw Li Huailin. Li Huailin doesn't remember these few passers-by, but their impressions of Li Huailin are very profound. When I saw that people were not the untouchable hard bones of the day before yesterday, how come this guy is back, one The time of the gods, the thousands of unchanging attacks here have arrived.

The remaining two people had already been cut by Ge Wen for a few knives, and they were almost out of blood. Together with the attack of Li Huailin for a thousand years, the two men fell directly on the ground in a few seconds.

"Is it you?" Ge Wen clearly recognized Li Huailin. Last time Li Huailin’s spear was almost his life. He was of course impressed. He saw Li Huailin’s first reflection and wanted to run, but Falling on the ground is also impossible.

"The name has turned yellow." The thousand-year-old here suddenly said, "What should be triggered, see if you can add blood?"

The red face here immediately went up and threw a treatment. I didn't expect it to be feasible. The bloodline of Ge Wen here really went up a bit.

"Why are you saving me?" Ge Wen's face is a little better, but he still can't move on the ground, gasping.

"You are a nearby horse thief." Li Huailin asked, "How are you being chased by the younger brother now?"

"Say... I don't know the truth." Speaking of this, Ge Wen here is also a foggy water. "I was not attacked by you the day before yesterday. Then I fainted, and when I woke up, I found out that my men were preparing to cut me. I immediately overthrew them and fled, but the injuries were too heavy. I didn't run too far. I could only hide in the hidden places nearby. As a result, these guys came to look every day. I also sent people to hold the two ends of the canyon, not letting me run out. Today I am so hungry, so I want to find something to eat, and they are discovered by them, and they have been chasing them here. ”

"Ha ha ha, this person is very fun, I don't know if I play and I will be chased." The red face here can't help but laugh.

"I have done it. From the time he started robbery, I know that this guy's IQ is a bit problematic." Li Huailin said, "I am too lazy to hear why you are being chased. We are now looking for where your camp is, not the day before yesterday. Have you robbed a church carriage? Things should be in your cottage."

"Church? You were sent by the church this time?" Ge Wen asked.

"Yeah, aren't they chasing you? Just we helped you solve this problem, let's say, where is the cottage?" asked for a thousand years.

"Well, since they are not benevolent, don't blame me for being unjust." When it comes to this, Ge Wen here is also worried. "Take me another treatment, I will take you there."

"Yes." Li Huailin waved his hand directly, letting the red face behind him give him a treatment. Anyway, this guy is so weak, even if it is full of blood, there is no threat, so there should be no problem.

Soon with the help of the treatment, Ge Wen here quickly recovered his health. He took a little bandage on his body. Ge Wen picked up the long sword that fell next to him and said, "Let's go, I want it when I arrive. Ask the big master, why send someone to chase me, what am I doing wrong."

"It looks very smooth." The matter developed here, Li Huailin felt very smooth, but what he did not expect was that there was a scene that he could not imagine. (To be continued.)

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