All Things Wrong

Chapter 880: secretary

The Human Palace, a very big thing on the dynasty today, is about the war between the Undead and the Mozu. {The Terran is naturally always paying attention to the war situation of the Mozu, especially after the retreat of the Mozu army, because it is possible to come over to the Terran side again, but soon they received the correct news. The Mozu troops here are really going to the territory of Matthew.

The Terran does not know what is wrong with the Mozu. Matt Xiuen doesn’t know what’s going on here, but it looks like it’s in chaos on both sides. Of course, the Terran doesn’t need to shoot at this time. Let’s look at the situation and say the result. Today is opening a dynasty, suddenly received an urgent military situation, here the Devils 70,000 troops were actually defeated.

The specific situation is not very clear, but according to the information received now, the Devils here are very surprised, because the undead troops are in their own city (the Terran has not received 1000 cavalry out of the city). The intelligence), the 10,000 troops of Matthew will be left to defeat the Mozu troops, but is this possible? Ten thousand people play 70,000, can they be defeated directly in one night? This Matthew is too powerful.

"Is this Mattesun so profitable?" Because the undead people have not announced the affairs of the Emperor Wascha until now, the people who received the information basically believed that the battle was played by Matthew, and the Anthony here saw Later, I was a little annoyed. Although the undead are now allies, he is not very trusting to the undead, and they now have a general who can play, which is not a good thing for the Terran.

"His Highness, now the Mozu army is defeated, the undead army is still intact, the battle has been reversed, and now it seems that the undead people can not be defeated. Do you still want to send troops to fight the Mozu side now?" Suddenly a minister went out and said.

"This..." Anthony heard this slightly intent. After all, compared to the undead, the Mozu is the greatest enemy of mankind. Now the other side seems to be on the scene, and he should be down on the stone.

"His Highness... This measure is feasible." The first legion, Marshal Wilham, suddenly appeared and said that the first legion returned to the main city. Wilhamm also stayed in the main city for the time being. He also attended the meeting today and asked about the military. When Li Huailin was absent, Wilhamm naturally represented the highest representative of the military and made his own opinions.

"His Royal Highness, we have enough supplies to support the troops." Mach, who is here, said that everyone is unanimous at this time. After all, the opponent is the Mozu. There is absolutely no psychological pressure to fight them. And now the Terran is temporarily not going to pay for the grain, the Dwarf has become a cash machine.

"Well..." Since both sides agreed, both Anthony wanted to play, so he nodded. "But Huai Lin just doesn't know where to go now. Now he is still a wartime Grand Marshal. These things should still be found. He discussed..."

"This..." It is said that all the civil and military ministers have some headaches, although the Duke of Aquitaine is powerful. But the problem is that it is a little too eager to work. You see that he is now the highest military commander of the Terran. But I don’t see people all the year round. The lower official wants to find the Grand Marshal and doesn’t know where the people are...

"Emergency report!" is discussing this matter, suddenly there is a guard shouting.

"Emergency report? Is it something that happened to the Mozu?" Anthony snorted a little. "Come, please come in."

Immediately, a guardian was brought in and worshipped by Anthony. Then he said: "His Royal Highness, an emergency."

"What happened to the Mozu?" asked Anthony.

"No, it's not a war thing," the guard said immediately.

"Not a war?" Anthony was a little stunned. Is there something more urgent than the war? Need to report directly at the DPRK? "What is that?"

“The Annunciation of the Church has just been issued, and we have replaced the bishop in the Terran church area,” said the guard.

"Oh?" Anthony gave a slight glimpse. But think about it too. The former bishop was Degusby. Because of the relationship between the rebels, the relationship between Degusby and his own side is very bad. But when the church changed him, is it that Reconciliation with yourself?

Anthony is still a little angry about the incident. It is not like squatting directly on this slope. So he said: "Whether he can change people, we are now this attitude towards the Church of Light. It doesn't matter."

"His Royal Highness, it is very important." The guards here said immediately.

"Ah?" Anthony was a little stunned. Didn't he think that this guard did not give him face, is it against his own attitude towards the church? So I immediately asked, "What's the relationship, you talk."

"His Highness, according to the announcement issued by the church, the name of the bishop of the next Terran Church district is called the chest of the heart... This...there should be no one with the same name as the Duke of Aquitaine." The guard did not know what to do. .

"Ha?" The people in the entire hall are a glimpse.

"Wait..." Anthony was only half-day to react. "What do you say, say it again."

"His Highness, the next bishop of the Terran parish is the Duke of Aquitaine." The guards here once again affirmed.

"..." The entire palace hall was silent for ten seconds.

“This is impossible!” suddenly someone shouted, “How can the Duke of Aquitaine become the bishop of the church? This simply doesn’t make sense.”

"Yeah, how is this possible? Let's not talk about how the church is now with us. Even if the Duke of Aquitaine joins the church immediately, how can he directly become such an important position as the bishop of the Terran Church? This position is definitely a church. The confidant in the heart can only be appointed."

"Is the message correct?" The prime minister, Mach, is also reluctant to confirm.

"Yes, prime minister." The guards here once again said, "This is the official announcement announced by the Guangming Church, and the personnel of the various parishes have been notified. The parish on our side has also received notice, of course Haven't notified us yet."

The Bright Church did not inform Anthony that they had no surprises. After all, the relationship between the two sides is awkward, but since all the parishes of the subordinates have been notified, it should be true, but the question is... How is this possible?

At this time, Anthony here thought of it. Before Li Huailin told him that he would go to the church to see if he could mix in to be a senior. But although he has already spoken to Anthony, how can Anthony think that Li Huailin’s plan will be so successful, and it will be directly mixed up to such a high level. This is not to say that this is still the work done during the Terran War. You This work efficiency is a bit too high.

"His Highness, I will send someone to verify immediately." The prime minister, Mach, who was surprised to come here, said immediately.

"No, Huai Lin's words, it is estimated to be true." Anthony helped the amount, "I really want to be scared to death every time."

"This time is fun." Wilham, who was next to him, suddenly said that he was also very disgusted with the church. Now that I heard about it, I was a little gloating. He also knows Li Huailin’s destructive power.

"His Royal Highness!" At this time, suddenly there were guards.

"what's up?"

"The Duke of Aquitaine saw you." As he said, Li Huailin here is just here, and he is also looking for Anthony.

"Come in, please come in." Anthony said a little happy.

Soon Li Huailin went to the temple. As before, he had already prepared a seat for Li Huailin, but Li Huailin did not sit down, but said a little anxiously: "Anthony, I am in a hurry, I will go to the church to report it later. You hurry to help me find someone."

"Ah? Who?" Looking at Li Huailin seems to be really busy, Anthony here does not say anything nonsense, immediately asked.

"Do you remember the person who called you Moira last time? Where is the person, I am looking for her help." Li Huailin said.

"Mahira? What you said the woman?" Anthony here almost said to the dark church, and quickly accepted it, because there are still many ministers, and there are many people who can’t Ming said that after all, the power of the Church of Light is still very large, and now it is impossible to confront the face.

"Yes, it is her." Li Huailin said, "I just became a bishop."

"Hey... I just knew about this, is it true?" Anthony asked.

"Of course, I am not telling you that I am going to church to mix." Li Huailin said, "But you also know that I don't know what the bishop is doing, I don't understand it at all, so I want to find a way to understand this. Secretary, I think that Moira, who wants to go here, is a very good candidate. I quickly found her. I asked her to be the deputy bishop."

"Oh..." The 呃 Anthony here almost stopped, you let a dark church be a deputy bishop in the largest parish of the Guangming Church, you...this is a good job, think about the consequences, this The side of Anthony almost laughed on the spot, "OK... I know where she is, you wait a little, I am looking for her now."

"Oh, I am going to take office now, let her and I meet there." Li Huailin wanted to go after he finished, but Anthony still stopped him.

"Wait for Huai Lin, the things of the Mozu..."

"Oh, I know that thing, I will give it to me with confidence. I must give our Bezela friends a little long memory. In this way, I will go first." Li Huailin ran out after he finished.

"Oh..." Anthony smiled softly here, not adjusting why Li Huailin seemed to have no problem every time he was upset. "Everyone heard it, hand it to Huai Lin to deal with it, then discuss it." Question..." (To be continued.)

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