All Things Wrong

Chapter 884: Surrounded

On the afternoon of this afternoon, Li Huailin also took the Mozu troops to the road to Mori and Jiacheng. What he did not know was that the Terran Palace had already held an emergency meeting because the Mozus here were actually sent. The messenger, and he actually came to talk with the human side, this is really something that the Terran did not expect. {3w.

"Oh..." Anthony heard a sneer when he heard the incident. The Mozu actually took it soft. He naturally received the order that the Fourth Army had already attacked. Of course, Li Huailin went to the sea in the morning. Nathande camp, then let Colin attack, and his specific plan, Colin is very straightforward to report to Anthony, although Anthony does not want to control the war, but the peace talks here. It is what he has to manage.

Of course, in the eyes of all Terran people now, the Mozu side is unable to support it, so he wants to talk with the Terran. Of course, Anthony also believes that he can win the final victory, but he did not expect the Mozu. Is it so fast to be soft, is it because Li Huailin’s previous work on the dwarfs allowed the Mozu to know that he would be able to surrender a little earlier?

Like all Terrans, Anthony also hates the Mozu and receives news from the other party. The first reaction is to leave it alone, let them hurt, but then think about it, Anthony decided to look at the other party first. How to say, maybe you can hit the other person's face on the spot.

So the ministers who had just finished the morning meeting in the morning were once again summoned to the palace hall, but there was no complaint from the ministers. Everyone wanted to see how the Mozu swayed.

"Come on, bring people up." Anthony waved his hand and immediately there was a democrat-like person who was brought to the hall.

"Troan, the foreign minister of the Foreign Minister Momorad Empire, has seen the His Majesty the Emperor." Unexpectedly. Here, the Mozambique, who is called Troan, looks quite emboldened, and looks like a person who is defeated by the defeated country.

"Oh, this is very rare. The Mozu has not sent people to our Terran side for a long time. After the establishment of the new empire, it has never been here. I don’t know what Foreign Minister Trojan has. Deliberately rushed to our Terran Empire from such a distant place." Anthony said with a smile.

"I am here to submit a letter from our Emperor Baizella to your personal letter to the Emperor of the Terran." The Trojan here said and took out a letter. When I thought of handing it over, I immediately walked over to a soldier, and then I was very skilled to open the letter and check it. After all, I saw if there was any poison powder or magical organs in it, but I looked at it and had no problem. Gave the Anthony above.

Anthony was a bit strange. Byzella had nothing to do with writing for himself, but after a little look, the face of Anthony was slightly serious.

"His Royal Highness. What happened?" Mach here saw Anthony's face change and asked immediately.

"Look at you." Anthony immediately handed the letter to Mach. Mach was his own person. It didn't matter if he looked at it.

Mach also took a look, but soon, Mach’s face changed: "The undead is actually there... Your Highness, this is a bit bad."

"Yeah." Anthony nodded. The letter said that it was the thing that Gordon had encountered before, who seemed to be the leader of the undead. Because the other hand was holding a black sword, and this incident made Bezera think of the incident that happened a long time ago. That is the thing of the undead Emperor Hosper.

This matter has actually passed for a long time, and it is a long time since the founding of mankind. Even the historical records have been recorded very little, that is, a few high-level officials still know this, and Bezera knows that Anthony Originally the people of the Jura family. I also heard that my father had said this before. Mach was originally a prime minister and knew about it.

"Mach, Wilham, you two are advanced when the meeting is suspended." Anthony thought about it. Then said. Now this matter is still discussed with the first person who knows it. Otherwise, it is also afraid of an accident when it is announced.

The two also nodded, then followed Anthony to the lounge behind the main hall. Mach on the side of the road also showed Wilham the letter of the Mozu. Of course, Wilham knew this thing, immediately. The face has also changed.

"His Royal Highness." In the room, Wilham said here first, "So, this person who appears on the battlefield of the Mozu and the Undead is likely to be the new leader of the Undead. This person is now We still don't know any information about him."

"It’s no wonder that the recent movements of the undead are so strange, showing the civil war that ended the grass, and then began to attack the dwarfs. It turned out that there are leaders who unify the undead." Mach next to him said.

"And this person is very likely to hold the legendary sword." Wilham added, "The situation is very bad."

"Before the undead, I heard my father talk about it." Anthony said here, "I heard that a hundred years ago, there was a big event that shocked the mainland. The leader of the undead, Hosper, started. Fully encroaching on the war in the mainland, and with the power of one family, against the other dozens of ethnic groups on the mainland, they can still fight, they will be defeated, and almost all will be destroyed. After that, they are the gods of the gods led by the gods of light. Breaking the space and interfering with each other solved the crisis of the ruin of the whole nation in the mainland. Of course, I started listening to it as a story. I didn’t expect it to happen now."

"I have also heard this story, Your Highness." Wilham also said, "There are very few records in the history of the history. It can only be said that the undead people at that time were exceptionally strong, and the reason for their power is that black. The sword of the gods."

"Yeah." Anthony nodded. "If the side here is true, then the black sword in the hands of the black man who appeared in the battle yesterday is probably the sword."

"His Royal Highness, if this is the case, we may have to think about really talking to the Mozu." Mach here is also serious. "This war, although said to be able to greatly weaken the Mozu after the fight However, if the undead people are also rising, it is also very unfavorable to our human race, especially if the other party already has the Excalibur. At that time, if the undead people launch a mainland war again, there are not many races that can resist them now. It is."

The current situation is that the elves and the orcs are still fighting, and both sides are broken. The dwarves have no need to say, they have been labeled as dogs, and the rest are very powerful humans and the devils who are about to be disabled. Two races, if this war is over, the dead spirits will fall, and if the undead people are in trouble, only the Terran family will fight against them. Anthony who heard this side also frowned.

"This can't help but pay attention." Anthony thought about it. "First, Wilham, you should check here, what is said in the letter of Bezella, is it true, the whole situation of yesterday's battle." Just check it out now."

"Yes, Your Highness." Wilhamm here also knew that this was a big event and immediately nodded.

"Mach, you are preparing materials here. Now there are not many ministers who know this. When we talk to the Mozu in time, it is up to you to explain the work." Anthony added, in fact, Let Mach go to prepare some of the wars of a hundred years ago, and it is convenient to explain them. After all, the ministers do not want to talk to the Mozu now.

"Yes, Your Highness." Mach also said immediately.

"And, that Trojan, let him live in the main city first, we must first check this thing clearly," Anthony said.


"This thing must also talk to Huai Lin." Anthony here also remembered this matter. He was afraid that Li Huailin here still didn't know about it and wanted to hear about Li Huailin. Of course, Li Huailin may not know about this. The mysterious person they originally discussed is Li Huailin.

"Yes, Your Highness, this is indeed to tell the Duke of Aquitaine, but I heard that the Duke of Aquitaine had not seen the order after the attack was made, and now I don't know where it is..." Mach said.

"Send someone to his territory to find his wife, they are all adventurers, there is a way to contact Huai Lin." Anthony said here.

"Yes, Your Highness," said Mach here.

Sure enough, after a while, the messenger on the side of the palace has already arrived in the Duke's House of Li Huailin's fiefdom. Just as Su Ruyan is here, I heard that the emperor was looking for Li Huailin's urgent matter, and Su Ruoyan also contacted Li Huailin remotely.

"Anthony is looking for me?" Li Huailin said a little, "Is it urgent? What?"

"I don't know, this guy didn't say anything, anyway, let you go back quickly." Su Ruoyan said.

“Hmmm?” Li Huailin thought for a moment, didn’t think that there was anything important, was it the problem of attacking the Mozu on this side, wasn’t it said that it was handed over to himself? Anthony should not manage it, think about it, Li Huailin replied, "You let him wait, I am really busy here, just hit the Mozu city."

"Oh, I know." Su Ruoyan did not care about this issue. She was still counting money, so she replied to the messenger.

Li Huailin really didn't make a joke, because when he received the remote, Li Huailin's leading troops had just arrived at the city of Mori and Jiacheng, and the 1000 cavalry looked down at the 30,000 people on the gate.

"The people inside listened, you have been surrounded, hurry up and surrender in the city, and spare you a way to live, not to face the old man to attack the city." Li Huailin shouted at the troops upstairs, the Mozu troops inside Both are frightened. (To be continued.)

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