All Things Wrong

Chapter 896: Air combat

"Fu Kechang, I am about to arrive at the place." On the other helicopter, Fu Weiwei and the members of the entire department have already arrived at the incident. Of course, Fu Weiwei’s helicopter system is guaranteed and carefully checked. However, apart from Li Huailin, Fu Weiwei felt that no one could invade them, and even if Li Huailin, it would take a long time to solve this procedure.

"The chief of staff, the situation seems a bit wrong." A member of the auxiliary room wearing a headset said to Fu Weiwei, "The scene is not two police helicopters, but a police helicopter and a z1077 model. Driving the attack aircraft."

Yang Zhengheng next to "The Reclining!" said, "The fighters are all out, so exaggerated?"

"Damn!" Fu Weiwei here quickly took out the walkie-talkie and said, "Zhang Yonglin, who controls the fighters over there?"

"It's on our side." Zhang Yonglin's voice came immediately from the intercom. "Li Huailin is now in control."

"I don't control it, the onboard computer controls it myself, I don't have time to manage it." Li Huailin's voice came from the side.

“Li Huailin!” Fu Weiwei said immediately. “When did you invade the military network? Don’t tell me that you have already invaded successfully within half an hour since the beginning of the game.”

"How is it possible?" Li Huailin said with a smile. "I am not so embarrassed, but all the networks in the military area next to the city of Xs have always been under my control."

"You..." Fu Weiwei here was so angry that he didn't say anything for a long time. It was really enough to do this under the eyes of their eyes, but there is no way. Who told this guy to have this ability to prevent them from discovering? Then, thinking about it, Fu Weiwei here said. "You don't mess up, we are coming, there are weapons to deal with helicopters."

"I also want it to be messy. The problem is that this guy doesn't listen." Li Huailin said, "You see this guy is catching up now, how do you let me wait for you."

"Zhang Yonglin. Listen well, try to open to no one's place, so go out the city all the way." Fu Weiwei here knows that Li Huailin can't make sense, and immediately orders Zhang Yonglin.

"Know it!" Zhang Yonglin immediately nodded, and the car followed a turn to the next high-speed entrance to the city.

"Accelerate the speed, go now!" Fu Weiwei here immediately said to the helicopter pilot next to him.

"Yes, the section chief, is already very fast." The driver immediately said.

"I know, fast!" Fu Weiwei tried to be annoyed. So the tone is not very good, but no one is entangled in her tone at this time, the situation is really urgent.

Back to Li Huailin, after the arrival of the "Relief Force", the crisis of Li Huailin was temporarily lifted. Although there is another helicopter still behind Li Huailin's car, the fighter next to it is not vegetarian.

The explosion of "Boom" sounded, and the fighter's heat-locked missile was not able to escape from the speed of the helicopter. Especially the computer-controlled helicopter, the target is also set by Li Huailin's car. I didn't even control the fighter next to me, so I made a perfect hit directly. The helicopter here turned into a fireball directly in the air, and then the line went down to the ground.

"Hey..." Zhang Yonglin, who was driving, shouted, "Can you wait a little while, then you will be out of town. Can you go out of town and fight?"

"I said, this plane is operated by itself. After locking it, I will naturally shoot myself. I don't have time to take care of him." Li Huailin said that he stretched out directly. "No. This level of computer operation speed." Still not enough, I need a large machine and a dedicated network."

"The support of the section chief is coming soon," said Zhang Yonglin.

"The woman has a fart." Li Huailin said, as he said, the computer in his hand reacted. Li Huailin took a look and then frowned slightly. "I am in trouble."

"What's wrong?" asked Zhang Yonglin next to him.

"The fighters above us are not our people now," Li Huailin said.

"Hey? You didn't make a mistake." Zhang Yonglin said here, "Is the other party controlling your fighter?"

"Yeah, it's weird, why my algorithm will be discovered by him, it is impossible to crack in such a short time." Li Huailin said to his chin.

"Now is this time? We can have a fighter jet on top of us to prepare for attacking us." Zhang Yonglin said.

"Reassured, the z1077 model of the unmanned attack aircraft is small, there are only two bombs, and it is gone after the throwing. You see that you have just shot down two helicopters, and now there are no bullets." Li Huailin said.

Just finished, the sky suddenly remembered the sound of a machine gun, only heard a few bangs, Zhang Yonglin's car was directly swept out of a bullet mark, but fortunately both were not injured, but the car The front and rear glass has been completely shattered, and the roof of the car is cracking.

"Oh, yes, this plane is also equipped with a 13.5 mm defense machine gun..." Li Huailin added.

"You tm now only say this!" Zhang Yonglin snarled here, and then directly took out the pistol next to it, the handle of the gun smashed a few times on the front glass, and smashed the windproof glass that had been broken to block the line of sight. .

"Reliably assured, as long as the defense machine gun is aimed at the air, the defense against the ground is very small, because the aircraft is too fast, it is almost impossible to hit the ground unit.

"Then we just got hit," Zhang Yonglin said.

"It is almost impossible to have a case. You see that the two of us are of the type of debilitating, and the face is not very good." Li Huailin said.

"Mom! Wait, you said that the other party cracked your algorithm right." Zhang Yonglin suddenly said.

"You just said that you can control the network of the military department next to xs." Zhang Yonglin asked again.

"Yeah, what happened." Li Huailin spread his hand.

"What about the opposite plane if you fly a few more, then what are the tracking missiles?" Zhang Yonglin asked.

"Oh..." Li Huailin smiled. "Good question."

"And then?" Zhang Yonglin said.

"Then there is no more then..." Li Huailin smiled.

"..." Zhang Yonglin was a little silent for a while. "It means that he has just been chased by a helicopter. Will we be chased by the fighters soon?"

"Well... probably, that's right." Li Huailin nodded.

"Oh! I am going to have a high driving skill to escape the tracking bombs, and you don't have to think of ways to get control back!" Zhang Yonglin said.

"Oh... I don't want to." Li Huailin said.

"Why!" Zhang Yonglin shouted. "It’s not like you are looking for death. I am also here, bastard."

"Because the other party is now cracking my core code in the military network, the police network and the traffic network before it were all done in advance, so I have already done a good job of anti-probing, I can't trace his position, but Now that the military network has been cracked, he started it temporarily, so now there is no defense at all. I used to release this bait so easily, that is, let him bite, and of course I will not take the bait. Li Huailin said seriously.

"But now if you don't take control back, we will be killed by the plane above!" Zhang Yonglin said here, because he was talking, the fighter above turned directly in the air for a few laps. Zhang Yonglin’s car crashed over here. It seems that there is no missile and he directly chooses to use suicide attacks.

"Reassuringly, there is not much fuel in this thing. Even if it is a blast, the explosion damage is very small. If we don't have a bad face, we should not be seriously injured." Li Huailin said with a smile.

"..." Zhang Yonglin looked at Li Huailin directly with his white eyes. "You just said that we are both declining ghosts. Can anything be met by us?"

"Trust yourself, you do." Li Huailin said with a smile.

"Trust a ghost, hurry to give me control back!" Zhang Yonglin shouted.

However, at this time, the chat is too late. The other party is a fighter. This speed is not a helicopter. It is a slight turn. The fighter here is already close to Li Huailin’s car. It will hit the front.

The sound of "嗖" suddenly came along with something like a missile, but it didn't hit the fighter, but it exploded directly in the air near the fighter.

“Hua”’s muffled sound, Li Huailin felt that his eardrum was slightly shocked, and then the computer on his hand was turned off directly.

The fighters in the air seemed to suddenly lose control in an instant. After the fire in the cabin, they immediately plunged from the side to the ground and exploded.

"Electromagnetic pulse bomb?" Li Huailin looked up and saw a helicopter appear, but unlike the previous one, this time there was a military transport helicopter, very large, just launched electromagnetic pulse bomb should be it launched of.

"It’s the section chief." Zhang Yonglin looked over and said immediately, "Support is coming."

"Tmd is at this time." Li Huailin looked at the computer that had been turned on. This thing is not a military thing after all. This pulse has broken it even so far, and now it can't be opened. He just caught the little guy of the guy over there, and he didn't start to determine the precise position. Now he suddenly shuts down.

The helicopter slowly rose to the sky above the vehicle. Zhang Yonglin also immediately stopped to park. Fu Weiwei also drove down from the plane with a few people.

"How is the situation?" Fu Weiwei said off the plane.

"The computer on board will borrow me." Li Huailin immediately said, "Or else a dozen planes will start bombing xs city." (To be continued.)

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