All Things Wrong

Chapter 916: Claim

"Meet the people of the undead?" Anthony thought about it a little. He didn't understand the meaning of Marinna. "Queen, why do we want to meet people from the undead?"

"His Highness, this is a bit strange. Although we have not signed any treaty with the undead, but now it is the state of the factual alliance. In this case, we have never even seen the leader of the undead. Is this a bit unreasonable? Said Marina. {3w.

"This... seems to be the same." Anthony nodded, which is a bit unreasonable.

"And mainly because we have a very unpleasant thing now." Marina said, "The devil's tricks in the past few days almost made us and the undead people go to war. Now, although the estimate has been exposed, But we have nothing to say to them here, and this is not to say."

"Well..." Anthony nodded again. Although the two sides said that they were not right, they did not explain anything. It was not too late.

"And now we have also captured the Marshal-level characters of the Mozu, which just allows the undead to see the strength of our army, isn't it?" Marina said.

"This is true." When it comes to this Anthony is really heart-warming. Now the Terran and the Undead are attacking the Mozu in the north and the south. There is a little bit of competition. Now the Terran has the first result and grabbed the other Marshal. Isn't that just showing off?

"So, we should see the leader of the undead now, of course, using the contradictory things on both sides as an excuse. Of course, the main purpose is to be able to test each other and see what the other party is." Marlena said, "Gordon said that it was correct for a few days. After the end of the war, the strong countries on the mainland left us and the undead, so now we have to prepare in advance. This time we will try it first. On the other side of the undead, look at what the undead are."

"The Queen said it is reasonable." Anthony nodded here. "Dernat, what do you think?"

"Under the next, I think that the consideration of His Royal Highness is very appropriate." Dernat here will not say badly, because Anthony has said that it is reasonable, that is, he has already agreed. You can't jump out against the king at this time.

"That line, you will arrange this thing. Let's talk to the people on the side of the undead. We want to see the leaders of the undead people and see what they are," Anthony said.

"Yes, my subordinates understand." Dernat immediately nodded.

The communication between the Terran and the Undead is still relatively convenient, because there is a garrison of the undead in the main city of the dwarf, and when you go there to talk, you can bring the message.

When sending people out to convey the news, the ceremony of the captives of the main city of the Terran is also in progress. The two people here, De La Mo and St. Regis, represent Li Huailin. With Gordon from the street all the way to the Grand Plaza in front of the palace, and then handed this important prisoner to King Anthony. Anthony here also immediately gave an exciting speech, expressed his confidence in the battle of the Mozu, and of course praised the imperial warriors fighting in the front line, but said that the war has not ended, rewards, etc., until the war Issued together after the end.

Because of the legitimacy of the previous throne, the rebels here have been defeated. However, Anthony’s support rate has also dropped a lot, but now people are seen under the leadership of the emperor. The troops of their Terran have actually lost their helmets for a thousand years, and the marshals have been captured. Even though the marshals have been captured, I think that although the throne is a bit questionable, this is indeed a good emperor, and the people’s hearts are rapidly picking up a lot. Say. Although the ceremony is a performance, the effect is really very good.

Along the way, the captive Gordon here is still relatively cooperative. Because the Terran is really hating the Mozu, when the people on the street are throwing things, they will forget it. They directly want to kill the evil Marshal of the evil. Fortunately, there are guards to stop, otherwise the Gordon here has been killed by angry people in the street, but even so, the Gordon here is still very calm, there is no life to die on the way, the ceremony is also The embarrassing sly, the bow of the bow, just the eyes of Anthony who have been watching this side, it seems to repeat the previous words.

Anthony still ignores this guy. He throws him into the dungeon when the ceremony is over. At this time, the empires who are generally suspicious will have some doubts, but Anthony obviously does not even call Li Huailin to face the quality of Gordon. No, and he did not think about the things of the undead, but he thought that he was showing off the face of the war in front of the undead.

The messengers of the Terran were dispatched very quickly. Here, they asked for a meeting with the undead. The messengers of the Terran immediately took the instrument to the city of Melting Iron, and then met the people of the undead.

Now inside the molten iron city, because Su Dyce and Li Huailin went to the front line together, the highest commander of the undead is Su Di's deputy, that is, Ti Anke. Hearing the messenger of the human race, Tyanke here immediately summoned him, but after hearing about it, Tyanke here was slightly guilty.

He was the person who discovered Li Huailin with Su Dasi before, that is to say he knew Li Huailin's identity. Now that the Terran wants to meet with the leader of the Undead, it is natural to meet with Li Huailin. How can this be? Li Hualin’s identity was discovered not later. Thinking of this, here's Ti Anke said: "Sorry, now that our lord is not there, I can't be the master for the time being, but I will report it to the lord, and you will stay in the city for a while. Time, Lord Lord, they have a decision, I will inform you immediately."

"This is the case." The Terran messenger here also nodded and accepted. "I hope that the general is a little faster, and the Highness of the King is waiting for my response."

"Okay, no problem." Tienke also said.

Sending away the messenger of the Terran, Ti Anke here immediately reported the news. Soon, the news came to the hands of Sudais on the front line. Seeing the news that the Terran would meet with the leader of the undead, the brows of Sudes at this side also immediately wrinkled.

"This is absolutely impossible..." This is the first reflection of Sudes. The Terran Emperor and His Royal Highness are too familiar. The two are said to be buddies. When the two meet, it is estimated that they can be found in camouflage. How can it be, but refused... You seem to find no good reason for refusal. People are now a temporary ally with you. You said that there is something wrong with the situation after the leaders of the two sides will talk about each other. How can this be rejected? ?

After thinking about it, Sudays here thought of looking for a personal discussion, and this person is naturally Matthew, because now in the military camp, Li Huai-lin’s identity is only Matt Schönen, and other Dennis and Fiona still doesn't know, so it's useless to talk to them. So Sudés here immediately visited Matthew's camp, and wanted him to help me think of a decent way to reject the Terran proposal.

"Oh? This is a good opportunity." Listening to the complete story, Matthew said suddenly.

“Opportunity?” Sudés here directly, “What opportunity?”

"Lord Sudese has forgotten what I said before?" Matthew said. "It is not an opportunity for His Royal Highness to know that the Terran is not his own."

"This...what is the argument, you said to listen." Su Dasi did not want to understand, asked directly.

"Of course, the people of this family are suspicious of the Highness." Matt Xiuen said, "I believe that the Terran side is definitely not the relationship between His Highness and us now. If you know it, what do you say about the Terran?"

"This... this is definitely going to be a big deal." Sudis thought here and said immediately.

"His Royal Highness is our emperor. Naturally, it is to break with the Terran, but now is not the time. It is best to wait until the end of the war of the Mozu." Matt Xiuen said, "But now, we can take this opportunity to make people first. Suspected by our Highness, if the Terran Emperor suspected His Royal Highness, it would naturally be prepared for His Royal Highness. Maybe there will be some suppression. Do you say that if this happens, will His Royal Highness be happy?"

"Of course, this is not a point. It is a very strong person. It will definitely be angry when you encounter such a thing." Sudis said immediately.

"The Terran does not trust him, and we are fully supportive of him here. You say which side of the temple will eventually fall to the side." Matthew asked with a smile.

"This..." Sudes behind this side listened for a while and then closed his eyes for a moment. His hands were constantly striking the table and his heart was not stable. Slightly, Sudense 这 here. Open your eyes and say, "What you said makes sense. This is not only the best way for us, for the Highness, and for the undead, that is, we want to let the temple go down to meet the Terran emperor?"

"This can't be done." Matthew said immediately. "It is estimated that the spot will be recognized. It can be said that something will happen. I mean, you and your Highness say that let us both replace the temple and the Terran emperor." When we meet, we will act on the plane and let the emperor of the emperor be suspicious."

"Well, this is a good idea." Sudés here thought about it. "The commander on the bright side of the dead spirits is still a few of our lords. It is not impossible to send two to meet the Terran emperor. I immediately thought of a way to talk to my Highness, just do it." (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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