All Things Wrong

Chapter 919: survey

"Another Excalibur?" In addition to the cathedrals, Li Huailin went on and studied what should be done now. First of all, let the Guangming side know about its own situation. Li Huailin does not want to see it. Let’s not talk about the coalition forces that have surrounded the undead. The most important thing is that the Terran is hard to stay on, and probably...

Because of his state of reversal, Li Huailin does not know what the human race will know when he is the leader of the undead. In general, the support rate will rise rapidly, but it does not rule out that it becomes hostile. situation.

Li Huailin feels that the current situation is quite good. On the bright side, he is still the Duke of the Terran Empire. In fact, mastering the undead family is not a very good state? Li Huailin does not want to change this situation now.

After thinking about it, Li Huailin decided to continue to maintain this situation. It seems that he must first converge on his own side. Don't always use the Excalibur to solve the problem. The second is that Li Huailin must intervene on each side of the day. Otherwise, it is really troublesome.

Thinking of this, Li Huailin decided to say hello to the people on the side of the undead. After all, the current situation has already begun to pay attention to the undead. The Mozu and the Terran have begun to notice, but there is no doubt. Go to his own head (Li Huailin doesn't know that Gordon has recognized him).

Thinking of this, Li Huailin directly used his own necklace and sent it to Su Dies, in order to say hello first. Of course, Su Dasi is now looking for Li Huailin just across the street.

"His Highness, you have come so good!" When Sudais was here, it was arranged in the military camp, just to see Li Huailin appearing, happy to say, "I am looking for you."

"Oh? What's the important thing?" Li Huailin asked strangely, after all, said it before. No important things are not to find him.

"This is the case. The Terran suddenly made a request for a meeting and wanted to meet with the leader of the undead. We don't know how to reply, so ask your opinion." Suedes said immediately.

"The Terran requires a meeting?" Li Huailin took a look.

"Yes, I just made a request. Now the messenger is still waiting for our reply from the Iron City," Sudes said.

"Anthony proposed this?" Li Huailin asked a little surprised.

"Yes. It was proposed by His Royal Highness the Emperor." Sudes immediately replied.

"Hmmm?" Li Huailin took a glimpse. Before the Mozu had talked with the Terran, he had already mentioned that the Undead had a new leader. The identity of Wocha was also semi-open, but the Terran did not propose anything. The request to meet, or pretend to be unknown, but now suddenly said that you want to meet, is it a new situation?

After thinking about it, Li Huailin asked: "Does the Terran say why you want to meet?"

"This is the case, the Terran side said that we have a misunderstanding before the two races. In order to better fight against the Mozu in the future, the leaders should see each other, a little bit of a state." Sri Lanka also recounted the words of the messenger.

"This way." Li Huailin nodded. This is no problem, but what is it for? In consideration, Li Huailin said, "I can't go directly to Anthony. It is estimated that he will be recognized on the spot. ""

"Yes. Your Highness, I think so too." Sudis said here immediately. "So my Highness, my consideration here is, or else let me and Matthews replace you to meet the emperor's emperor. After all, now we are the six lords who are the masters of the dead spirits, now go Two, it is already given to the human face."

"Oh?" Li Huailin took a look. It’s not that Su Dasi’s words are not reliable, but very reliable. He thinks this way. He didn’t expect the other party to say it first, but it was because of this Li Hualin’s accident. When did this guy suddenly become so reliable?

"His Royal Highness, what do you think?" Sudés here has a little guilty conscience. After all, he wants to do something with Li Huailin, although he thinks that he thinks it is for His Royal Highness, for the great cause of the undead, but there are still some snacks. Comfortable.

"It's pretty good, Su Dyce." Li Huailin nodded. "That's it. I have something to do here. I need to leave for a while. I may not be here in the next few days."

"Please rest assured that your Devils have almost no troops to stop our advancement. Now the plan is going very smoothly. It is good to give it to me with confidence." Sudis said immediately.

"It’s getting more and more reliable, Su Dyce, it’s not bad. The things that meet here are handed over to you. You should know how to do it.” Li Huailin nodded. "And, I am coming. Here is to remind you that now the Bright Church seems to have begun to notice the situation on my side. Do you know what the situation is?"

"The Church of Light!" Sudés immediately frowned, and then said, "It is said that when Hops the Great attacked the mainland a hundred years ago, the light **** gave a warrior a sword. Our undead, the Bright Church is our greatest enemy."

"Bright God has given me ... forget it, and it is not awkward. Anyway, the things on my side need to be kept secret, and we can't let others know the situation of the Excalibur. This is the plan of our undead people." Li Huailin said.

"Yes, please rest assured." Sudis said here immediately.

"The Bright Church is estimated to send a lot of people to check the situation, so we must pay attention to this." Li Huailin continued.

"Yes, Your Highness." Sudes answered seriously, he had no doubt about this.

"That line, I will go first." Li Huailin ordered, and then returned directly to the city to leave.

"The Church of Light..." Sudés squeezed his fists a little harder. "It seems to be discussed with Matthew."

Li Huailin said here that it is natural for these days to find the Excalibur for each side. Leaving the military camp of the undead, Li Huailin considered what should be done. First, each side of the heavens went to Death Valley now, in order to find the trace of the Excalibur, but there is nothing estimated in Death Valley, the Excalibur has been taken away. The people inside are basically dead. There is nothing to say. According to Li Huailin’s estimation, the most important part of this task should be a woman, the female knight of the church that Li Huailin had encountered before.

This person first knew the identity of the Duke of Aquitaine, and then directly witnessed the situation in which he used the Excalibur to burn almost all the people in the town. If this news is brought back, then just a reasoning can I know that Li Huailin is the holder of the Excalibur.

Li Huailin estimates that the task clues that can be found in each side of the day are estimated to be the female knight. By the way, Li Huailin has forgotten the name of the female knight (in fact, it is called Lisa).

For this person has never returned to the Guangming Church report, Li Huailin felt a bit surprised. Li Huailin did not consider such a lot of things when he got the Excalibur. He didn’t know that things would change to the present situation. At that time, I couldn’t find a reason to ask for the church. See if this is a bit of a chance, but now the situation is different. I have to find a way to hide it now, so now I can find the female knight first. Now, the person who knows his dual identity is the female knight in addition to the undead. The only person who proves that Li Huailin does not say anything, at least should be controlled in his own hands.

The question is... Where is this guy going? Li Huailin now only has to find a way to look for it. Of course, the way to find it is to go to the incident to see what the situation is.

Sitting in the transmission array, Li Huailin came to the town of Mariana, which had been slaughtered by himself before. The town was just like the one he thought. Now it is a quiet place. When I walked down the street and looked at it, the town is now in a chaotic situation. In the street, there are all kinds of garbage and other things. It is just like being ransacked. In addition, Li Huailin also saw several people who are looking for things everywhere.

"What is the situation here?" Li Huailin went up and asked a cockroach, "What happened?"

"This, this adult..." The shackles here did not recognize Li Huailin, but when they saw Li Huailin’s equipment, they knew that they were not ordinary people. They immediately said: I beg you to order something for me. "

Li Huailin flipped his backpack a little. As a result, Li Huailin didn't need to eat at all (the eating only reduced his blood return speed), so he didn't have the habit of carrying food. He turned over and Li Huailin immediately took it out. A gold coin was placed in front of the donkey. "This is for you, I ask what to say."

"Yes...Yes...thank you an adult! Thank you, adults!" The cockroach here said immediately, this...this is really an adult, it is a gold coin, it is too rich.

“What happened here?” Li Huailin continued, “How is it so worn?”

"You don't know adults." The cricket here said, "The townspeople here suddenly died all the time. They didn't know what was going on. Some people said that it was an undead attack. Some people said that it was the robbers around them. But some people say that it is because of the curse."

"Curse?" Li Huailin took a look.

"Yeah, adult, you didn't see it. I was there when I found the body. The guy, the death of this group is really terrible. It's all blood, it's too horrible. It's definitely a curse." "Hey said.

"Curse? Hehe." Li Huailin smiled and continued to ask each other. (To be continued.)

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