All Things Wrong

Chapter 940: Cooperate

The news from these days is also a bit of a sneak peek at the Mozu. The ups and downs are a little too fast. I’m just here to be here to celebrate the big win. I didn’t expect to receive a news that shocked everyone. The undead people actually crossed the Heilgaro River without knowing it, and they actually It took an afternoon, which really made it impossible for the Mozu to imagine what was going on.

"Are you sure that the undead people have crossed the river?" Bezera couldn't believe it.

"Yes, Your Highness, the reconnaissance unit has just returned the news that the undead troops have successfully crossed the Heilgaro River and have now started camping on the North Shore." The soldiers here immediately replied.

The undead people are also on the same side as the plan. They have no meaning to hide their whereabouts. Instead, the deliberate performance is very obvious. It is very easy for the detectives of the Mozu to find their whereabouts. It is also symbolic to send a little anti-reconnaissance troops everywhere seems to feel the news of the blockade, but it is also a look, the news of the success of the undead people crossing the river was very smooth and was passed out.

"How did this happen?" Bezera here did not figure out for a long time, and thought that they had achieved a staged victory, successfully blocking the troops of the undead people on the south bank of the Helgalo River. I didn't expect the other party to come so soon, and there were still a lot of troops. According to intelligence, there are at least 30,000.

"His Royal Highness, it doesn't matter how the other party did it. The important thing is that the other party has already come over, what should we do?" said the prime minister of this side, Soron brows.

"I thought that the undead people would choose to withdraw from the army after they had suffered a big loss this time. They did not expect their reinforcements to arrive in time, and they only chose 30,000 troops to cross the Haiergaro River. It seems that they are not hitting us. The genocide will not give up," said Bezera here in anger. "The wicked undead, I used to be an ally before, and the result was a group of white-eyed wolves."

"The undead side has already determined the decision to continue to attack us. If we hear that the undead have already robbed the Heilgaro River, the troops that have been stagnant by the Terran should also take the initiative to continue the attack." Sauron said, "This way, although we have destroyed more than 30,000 undead troops. The situation of my family is still very dangerous."

I thought about Sauron here and continued to analyze: "In the original case, the opponents on both sides now add up to 100,000. We also have 100,000 people, and they are still defended according to the city. The threat should be small, but now it is out. A variable, that is the Excalibur in the hands of the leader of the Undead..."

"It is true that the power of this Excalibur is too great. The evil people are really stunned. How can we not see that our Mozu is dead after it is the next one? It is simply for the tiger!" "The most abominable thing is that they also attacked Marshal Gordon's troops and held a ceremony of donating, which is simply a shame to our devil's red fruit!"

"Now the war is still not good for us, we need to find a way to deal with it." Sauron said here.

"Do you have any way?" asked Bazera.

"Now..." Sauron thought a little bit. "There is no way to think of it. The leader of the undead is holding the Excalibur. The threat to us is too great."

"Do you have any way?" Bezera here looked at the remaining ministers and said. "Now the Mozu is in a critical moment, you are not talking one or two, do you think that the Mozu is destroyed?"

"Report! Emergency military situation!" Just talking, the beauty buckle suddenly heard the report of the soldiers.

These voices have also been seen in the past few days. Now the Mozu is in full-scale war, and any news is directly reported to the palace. In recent days, the reporters have been busy.

"Say! Is there any bad news?" Bezera said with a little anger.

"Reporting His Royal Highness, just received the news from the undead main city, the undead people issued a notice, scheduled to hold the throne ceremony three days later, the new Emperor Vocha the Great is ready to ascend the throne." The soldiers here reported.

"Wocha the Great?" Bezera was a glimpse. "Who is this?"

"It is estimated that it is the name of the mysterious leader of the current undead." Sauron’s eyes lit up and said.

"Is this guy's name Wojza?" Bezera was the first to hear about this name. Finally, it is no longer necessary to call this guy with a mysterious black man, but as you think about it, here is the Bezera. A little angry, "Undead people actually chose to enroll in this ceremony?"

Bazera feels that she is really being despised. What happens to the other party, if you take the main city of the Mozu, and then hold the throne ceremony, it will be considered. Now that the war is not over, you will be directly enthroned. Are you sure you can attack yourself? I didn't put them in my eyes at all.

"The commander, talk carefully." Suolong next to this time suddenly said, "Is this news ok? What is the specific content."

"Yes, this is just the news." The commander replied, "We have received news from the spies in the main city of the undead, and this is very public news. The undead have been sent to the Terran and Dwarves. The tribes issued notices welcoming them to send messengers to observe the ceremony, and now the new zheng government is also organizing warm-up activities in the main city of the undead, as if it were preparing to introduce the new emperor to the people of the undead."

"Wait, do you say that the new zheng house is preheating in the main city of the undead?" Sauron seems to have caught the point, and immediately asked, "That is to say, now the main city of the undead is in the center of the undead." in?"

"Yes, not only that, the three lords of the undead have appeared in the main city of the undead, including the great lord thiok, the great lord Markham, and the traitor Matthew."

"Is this really true?" Sauron suddenly felt a shock and said to Bezela, "His Royal Highness, this may be an opportunity for us."

"What?" asked Bezera here, "What opportunity?"

"The leader of the undead is eager to hold the ceremony to determine his own position. This is anxious and gives us the opportunity." Sauron here said, "Look at the form of the undead troops now, although they have successfully passed. The Heilgaro River, but at the same time, the problem is that their troops are now carrying the river, there is no place to escape, this is a very fatal mistake."

"Well?" Bazera didn't understand what it meant.

Sauron here immediately said: "If we now boldly attack the troops, the other party will never think of it."

"Proactively attacking? We? But... But... yes, I understand." Here's a sudden glimpse of Bezela, who wants to understand the meaning of Sauron. "Right, the leader of the undead is not in the military camp."

"Yes, Your Highness, not only that, a few undead lords are not in the military camp. Here, Fiona is estimated to have been punished for the defeated relationship. All three lords except Sudais went to the main city to participate in the throne. The ceremony, that is to say, there is only one Sudés left in the military camp," said Sauron.

"That is to say, now is the weakest time of the undead people, they will not think that we dare to take the initiative to attack their troops at this time." Herezela immediately said.

"Yes." Sauron nodded. "If our troops set off now, they could barely rush to the vicinity of the Heilgaro River in three days, and that time it was the time when the undead people held the throne ceremony. We may be able to give them the most deadly blow when the other party holds the throne ceremony."

"Yes!" Bezela said immediately. "The other party is absolutely impossible to think of. This is a good way!"

"But..." At this time, Solo suddenly hesitated.

“What happened?” asked Bazera.

"I always feel that it is not quite right. At this time, the other party held the ceremony, but it was too strange... It was a bit of time..." Sauron said here, "Is it a conspiracy of the undead?"

"Well?" Bezera said a little. "You said that they specifically lured us? This...this is a bit too scary, but in case it really..."

"However, Chen believes that we still have to send troops to think about the current situation. We are already very dangerous. If we continue to develop, if the two ethnic groups really advance to our main city, whoever loses and wins? It’s really not sure, and if we lose, we will kill the people directly. Like the dwarves, we must now seize any possible opportunity.” Sauron thought about it. “His Royal Highness, we can let our troops get in place first. Then continue to observe the situation. Isn’t the enthronement ceremony here not three days later? We are watching what the dead spirits want to do here. If the other party really holds the ceremony, we will let our troops launch attacks. At that time, the leader of the other party could not catch up; if there was a problem, we would let the troops come back immediately, so that it would be safer."

"Yes." Bezela here said a little, "This is indeed the best way."

After saying this, Bezera waved his hand: "Listen to my orders, the troops are ready to go, and always pay attention to the situation in the main city of the undead. Any news, I got it in the first time, especially the leader of the other party. trend."

"Yes, Your Highness." All the Mozu ministers replied at the same time. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!


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