All Things Wrong

Chapter 948: action

At dusk, in the Room 305 of the Deep Sea Hotel in Undercity, Li Huailin is here waiting for the troops of the Excalibur Guardian. To tell the truth, Li Huailin is still a little nervous. Of course, he is not afraid of hanging up, mainly because he does not know the Excalibur. Can not be robbed, and this thing because the soul is bound, can not be traded to others, otherwise Li Huailin directly traded to Su Ruoyan to let her help first. <

The ambush here is just ready, not just the bomb. Here, thiok has also convened 500 so-called military masters, all of which are now ambushing the facades of nearby buildings. Once the explosion is over, they It will burst out immediately. Then about 3,000 people of the Undead Guards were waiting in the vicinity, because they were afraid that they would not come directly, but once they heard the sound, they would come within ten minutes.

All that can be done has already been done. Now I am waiting for the troops of the Excalibur Guardian here to bite, and Li Huailin is waiting here for a reason, because he just discovered a better way.

"Squeaky", the door has no lock, it opened directly. The person who came in at the door was the captain of the investigation team, Xiu Tule, and saw that Li Huailin had already waited inside. The repairee here was a little surprised, Li Huailin It will be so early.

It’s not just him, but soon the human pastor Chisri also came in. It seems that the two people are acting together. Both of them are wearing very heavy cloaks, naturally for this than they are, of course. They don't know that they have entered the encirclement directly.

"It’s really early." Xiu Tule here nodded slightly and said to Li Huailin. "I thought that you were a human being. It would be more difficult to get into the main city of the undead. I didn't expect it. Well done, it is the heir to Isaac."

"Generally average." Li Huailin immediately said. I looked at the two people here and then went over and asked: "Is there two more people?"

"The time for the appointment is coming soon. It is estimated that it will come soon. Once they come, we will start to act." said Xiu Tule here. "I just asked the news in the city. The throne ceremony is also right. It’s about to start, we first mix in the crowd to see the situation, hey, what's wrong with you?”

The Xiu Telai side here is introducing the situation. Li Huailin, who is next to him, has come over, and directly grabs the collar of Xiu Teli here, and then hits it without a direct slap.


"Hmmm?" The Xiu Telai who was beaten and the Chisri next to him were a little bit stunned, but his face turned out to be good immediately. "Well. It’s good, but I have already reported it to help, help. My words are also the points of contribution that will not be obtained."

"It doesn't matter, what contribution point is, now is to hit you." Li Huailin was a little happy, this method is really useful, because now I have not played with these two guys. Now his identity is the guardian of the Excalibur, that is, the teammates of the two. Now they have no relationship at all, although the feeling of goodness is already full, but the purpose is only to kill his blood.

The only trouble is that the amount of Schotter's blood here is really thick enough. The slap in the face is only 1600+ damage, and the blood volume is 1%. That is because the decimal point is not displayed. It is estimated that the actual amount of blood is lost by a few tenths of a percent.

Because this guy is really too hard, and Li Huailin doesn't need to brush it now, so he just took out the magic knife and swallowed it. He started to squat at this guy.


Equipped with weapons, Li Huailin’s injury can be seen. Although the physical defense of this guy is also amazing, but at least he can lose blood. Li Huailin smashed three knives. The blood of this guy fell to 98%, which means that the blood of this guy is about 1 million. The look, really is the wave ss level guy.

This is the way that Li Huailin had just thought of. Now he dares to face him not only because of the good feelings, but also because Li Huailin has discovered that this team is a combination of four warriors and a pastor, but this captain is a dead soul. That is to say, he can't receive the treatment of Holy Light. The Chisri in front of him can't add blood to him. In this case, it is a bit of a hit. When you explode for a while, you might be able to kill him directly.

The task does not know when to start, Li Huailin now only has to seize the time to cut the amount of blood. It is obvious that Xiu Telai here has blood returning, and the speed is not bad. However, Li Huailin’s speed is really faster than that of Xiu Tule’s returning blood. This is a little bit of a fight. The amount of blood was also slightly down, and it became 71%.

"Oh..." It is obvious that the repairee here was finally wounded and felt very uncomfortable, but did not stop Li Huailin’s actions. Next to Chisri came a little concerned and asked: "What happened to old friends, it looks very serious."

"Well..." Xiu Telai nodded a little, "but it doesn't hinder the action..."

"吱啦", Li Huailin’s joy, the door next to him suddenly opened, and a man wrapped in a robes came in from the doorway. He was the uncle of the human being, Lego, and saw the situation inside the house. Leger’s whole person glimpsed, but immediately restored his original expression, as if he didn’t mind it.

"Come on." The shackled Sitley was also slightly pointed at Lege, where Leger did not speak, returned a head, and then walked to the chair next to him. It’s still the same as before, I don’t like talking.

"Hurry up." Now that four people have arrived, it seems that the mission is about to begin. Li Huailin must also hurry up. Li Huailin immediately uses all the skills that can be attacked and starts to go up. Among them, Li Huailin also discovered an effect of pulling the group, that is, the sun spear, the attack of the light attribute hits this repair is really the effect of the group, although the opponent's defense is so high, it can also hit 8000 damage, and out of violence Hits can be tens of thousands. However, because the sun spears are a bit high, Li Huailin can only fight while returning to the magic potion.

Just as the Xiu Lai's blood volume in North Asia knew that it would almost be 50%, the door was opened again. Li Huailin turned around and looked very unfortunate. The last person, Lyme, also arrived.

"You are a little late." Xiu Tule here said immediately.

"I am very sorry," said Lyme here. "In order to confirm that no one is behind me, I have delayed a little time."

"Forget it." said Xiu Tule here. "Well, everyone is here, now we can start acting."

"Wait." Li Huailin said quickly.

"Sorry, there is no time to accept your favor." Xiu Tule here said with a little touch, "You will remember me for my grace, but now I can't delay the task."

It seems that there is no way to stop the task from starting. Li Huailin can only temporarily stop. Looking at the amount of Xiu Telai’s blood here, it shows 49%. I don’t know if I can kill it, but now I can only temporarily Do this.

"Wait for the captain, I have something to do here, I hope to talk to you." Li Huailin said.

"Well? What?" asked Schutley.

"Come on, Captain, you will stand here first." Li Huailin said to the repairer here.

Although Xiu Telai was a bit strange, but still did not use the strength, Li Huailin pulled to stand aside, because he is now an abnormal trust Li Huailin, and will not doubt whether there is any problem.

"Okay is here." Li Huailin nodded. Of course, he knew the location of the bombs buried here. Now let the place where the repairs are located is the most densely populated place. The threat of this guy is really It is too big, you must find a way to kill him first.

"Yeah." Sutheplai continued to ask, "What do you want to say?"

"I want to say... Hehe." Li Huailin suddenly smiled, and then the whole person suddenly disappeared in front of four people in a flash.

"Ha?" Everyone present is a glimpse.

In a room next to the hotel, Matthewne here is waiting for Li Huailin’s order. To be honest, Matthew’s order for Li Huailin to go to them for a few negotiations (Li Huailin said to him) is completely incomprehensible and very worrying. Now all the hotels below are bombs. This is really It is too dangerous, and he does not think that the other party can negotiate peace with Li Huailin. Is Li Huailin ready to surrender the sword to protect the peace?

At the time of Matthew’s delusion here, Li Huailin’s “唰” suddenly appeared in front of Matthew’s face. The Matthew’s here did not react, and he heard the former Li Huailin shouting: "It is now, fried!"

Matthews didn't even think about it. He immediately started the magic array. A white flash jumped out of the magic array in front of him. At the same time, the magical array on the side of the bomb was flashing.

The sound of "咚" is simply a deafening voice. A deep red fire pillar suddenly rises over the deep sea hotel. All the surrounding buildings are instantly shocked by the shock wave. Although Li Huailin is now a little bit away, it still has been affected. Li Huailin, standing by the window, had no preparation at all, and was directly blown out by the shock wave of the explosion, and slammed into the back wall.

Matthas, next to "His Royal Highness!", was shocked by the shock wave. He even climbed to Li Huailin’s side and asked, "It’s okay."

"Is this power a bit too big." Li Huailin didn't receive any harm, it was just being shocked. He said, while standing up and patted his body and said, "But it's good, you can kill it." (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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