All Things Wrong

Chapter 953: Enthusiasm

The postponement of the ceremony, so that the Mozu here is a little anxious. They didn't know what it was. They didn't receive accurate news until later. It was that the Vojja the Great had been attacked by the assassin before the ceremony, so the ceremony was postponed, but the Emperor Wacha was not injured.

This is of course the official release of the news, the Mozu side can not judge whether it is true, but according to their spy returns, the violent explosion in the dark city of the undead main city, and now the city guards are searching for suspicious people everywhere, so It seems that the credibility is still very large.

In this way, the ceremony was postponed until about 11 o'clock in the evening. If it is smooth, the Mozu side feels that it is a good thing. After all, in the middle of the night, it is more suitable for ambush. Now the Mozu troops have arrived near the northern shore of the Helgalo River. They have also confirmed the location of the undead battalion. According to the current information, it is true that there are no black robes like the Wacha the Great in the military camp, but the other party may also Did not wear a black robe, directly mixed in the soldiers.

At the same time, because of the two-day rush, the Mozu soldiers here are generally very tired. Now that they have three more hours of rest, they can get a reply. The attacking team of the Mozu is a total of 50,000 troops. It is already half of the current strength of the Mozu. The leading general is the Mozu veteran Mitri. He has a lot of combat experience and naturally feels that the attack is very successful. high. However, Mitri does not know the power of the Excalibur. Although Bazera has already told him to pay attention to the Excalibur before the departure, Mitri has no concept of the Excalibur. According to the general conventional war mentality. Even if the person with the Excalibur is so powerful, it is impossible to play a role in the war of tens of thousands of people. He did not know that the Excalibur was actually a strategic weapon...

Due to the large size of the troops, Mitri is very careful to send a large number of investigations to serve the other side. However, it is obvious that the troops of the undead people here have also sent investigations, but the number is very small. Mitri does not know whether it is luck or how it is. Anyway, it is very smooth.

Of course, he did not know that this is the undead people are digging for them. In fact, the undead people here can easily guess the position of the other side's ambush. After all, there are not many places where ambush can be nearby. So I knew the position of the other party from the beginning, but I didn’t send people to investigate. The scouts were also wandering around, just don’t go there.

As time slowly approached midnight, the investigation of the undead people was less and less, but Mitri, who was hiding in the ambush area, became more and more nervous: "I hope that the gods will be successful, this attack must be successful."

At about 11 o'clock, the enthronement ceremony at the main city of the undead was finally started, although the time was a bit late. But the ceremony was still filled with people from the undead. Because of the warm-up in the past few days, basically all the undead people now know one thing, that is, the new imperial family on their own side is the emperor who has the same sword as the Hopes Emperor a hundred years ago. Then the next Needless to say, the significance of the Excalibur for the undead is self-evident, and the previous Emperor Hops has proved it, so for the emergence of Li Huailin, a sudden airborne emperor, the undead Instead, the performance is very welcome and supportive. Almost no civilians expressed their reluctance to accept the new emperor.

The scene in the temple is already surrounded by three layers of three layers, surrounded by various undead, because I heard that the new emperor will show the Excalibur in public in the evening. Most of them did not catch up with the era of Hops the Great, and have never seen the Excalibur, so they want to see what the legendary Undead God looks like.

Finally, the time of the ceremony was over, and a light bell smashed through the night sky. The crowds that were noisy here were also quiet. Everyone turned to the roof of the castle in the middle of the main city of the undead. Soon, Li Huailin appeared with the three undead lords of Matthew, thiok, and Markham. Seeing Li Huailin here, the thunderous cheers sounded.

"Wocha the Great! Vocha the Great! Vocha the Great!" The undead civilians cheered as much as they could, but this was the new emperor who could bring hope to their undead. Must show respect for him.

Although it was a grand ceremony, Li Huailin still had no appearances. He still wore a black robe, but after a little decoration, he looked a little better, but still couldn't see it. Undead civilians also don’t know why this new emperor doesn’t like to show up, but it’s not recommended. However, the following Mozu spies are annoying, because it is still unclear whether the above person is the Emperor Wacha, after all, it is not clear, the other party directly finds someone wearing a black robe instead of doing it, in order to clearly know the identity of the other party, Only when the other party shows the Excalibur, this thing can't be faked.

The beginning of the ceremony was still a very cumbersome ritual process. The general situation was to worship the gods first, then the founding emperors of the undead, and then the emperors of the later generations. Li Huailin is completely unaware of the history of the undead people. Li Huailin’s ritual here is completely unclear. Although Matthew’s here has told him about the process of the ceremony, Li Huailin did not listen to it. The general people above the rooftops of good sacrifices are also unable to come up, so the above situation is that the next side of Matt is trying to teach Li Huailin how to do it, but the following people can’t hear it, and they see Li Huailin’s side. It was still very perfect, nothing unexpected.

After about an hour of complicated rituals, all the work in the previous period was completed, and finally there was no step in the general enthronement ceremony, which is to show the link of the Excalibur. This situation is in all the previous emperors. None of them happened, including when Pope the Great was enthroned. Li Huailin was the first to do this. The purpose is naturally not to mention. Of course, the civilians below do not know.

"His Royal Highness, yes." Matthewne here said.

Li Huailin looked at the time. The current time is already after the evening, which means that it can be transmitted at any time. I hope that the Mozu on this side can cooperate with him and he will finish the rest early.

One step forward, Li Huailin here stood in the most prominent position in the middle of the roof. Then I took out the Excalibur from the parcel, and I don’t know if the sword of the glory was inspired by the present atmosphere. The moment that I took it out, the unprecedented black light flashed here, and the visual effect of the scene was very amazing.

Of course, take the moment. The aura effect of the light is activated here. Not only the guards and ministers on the roof, but all the undead civilians downstairs near the roof feel the additive power of the property in a moment, feeling like it is useful in their body. Unfinished strength, never felt so good.

"This...what is this power, I feel the whole body is strength!" a civilian shouted.

"God! Is this the power of the Excalibur? I feel it, I feel it!"

"It’s all strength, I have to go to the battlefield and fight for my Highness!"

"Wocha the Great! Vocha the Great! Vocha the Great!" There is no need to say anything. The scene once again rang the continuous buzz, but because Li Huailin’s current aura range is only 240 yards, the coverage is still not up to everyone in the square below, so the people behind are still not feeling, watching the people in front just Like a dog blood, the undead civilians behind are also curious, and rushed forward.

At this time, the former Mozu spy also found that the situation was not right, because they felt wrong when they took out a sword over there. Now it has begun to vomit blood, and all around it is human. They simply can't squeeze out.

Fortunately, the spy of the Mozu here is not only the Mozu, but also the undead, or else it is all dead, Li Huailin must cry.

"This is definitely an Excalibur, you must report it immediately!" Soon, the Mozu's spy made this news clear. Immediately began to report to the Mozu side.

This information quickly appeared in front of Bazera. Although it was late at night, all the ministers of the Mozu did not sleep now. They all waited for news in the palace and heard the report. Everyone stood up immediately.

"Looks... It seems that Vocha is in the main city of the undead, and is now holding a ceremony." Bezella’s eyes flashed and said, "There is no better chance than this."

"His Highness, without the guy named Wocha, the undead army is vulnerable to this. The battle of the former Helgalo River has confirmed this, so when the other party is holding the throne ceremony, we You should launch an attack immediately, and you can definitely hit the other party with a surprise." Most ministers tend to this point of view. After all, it is a golden opportunity.

"The prime minister..." Bezela turned to the next prime minister, Sauron, because he hadn’t spoken yet, and it seemed to be thinking about what he was doing. "What do you think?"

"We are not at the scene now, nor do we know what the scene is now." Sauron here said that the situation on the north bank of the Helgalo River is now. Although Mitri has contact with the main city, there is The time difference, the situation on the scene is not very clear, so Sauron is also very careful to say, "I think we should inform this news to General Mitry, let him decide whether to launch an attack based on the situation on the spot."

"Well..." Bezela nodded slightly. "You are right. After all, we can’t see the situation here, so blind command may also cause problems, or give it to the soldiers. General, immediately informed the news to General Mitry."

"His Royal Highness." Sauron nodded here.

Because it is in the territory of the Mozu, the news here is also transmitted to the hands of Mitri in front. The news that Baizella brought to him is two, one is the assault ceremony that has confirmed the presence of Vocha Above, the second is to judge whether it is an attack.

"Yeah." For Bezela gave this decision to himself, Mitri is still very satisfied here, and will be indifferent to the foreign military order. Originally, Mitri has the right to judge by himself, now Baizela Taking the initiative to give yourself, it is to make Mitter more satisfied.

Of course, at the same time, he is also careful. If this is a mistake, the 50,000 troops on his own side will have to explain it. According to the current situation, he may become the sinner of the Devil's defeat.

"How is the situation around the undead?" Mitry asked again carefully.

An adjutant next to the "Report General!" replied, "I just received the news that the military camp of the undead people is still brightly lit. The other party seems to have held a ceremony in the military camp. It is probably a new emperor on the other side of the main city." The feeling is that all the soldiers of the other side have no rest. If it is attacked now, will it not be very good?"

"This is the case." Mitri nodded nodded, but then shook his head again. "It is better to wait for the other soldiers to rest when they are at night. But now the situation is special. One is us. There is not much time now, but now the other party has not found us, but when it is dawn, how can I find out. The second one is... Although the other party is awake now, I still don’t think that I’m going to be attacking this. The other party’s current attention is on the ceremony, and the alert to us will become even smaller, so there is no problem in launching the offense now.”

"Well..." The adjutant here thought a little, "The general said it is reasonable."

"Then inform all the troops. Start slowly moving toward the undead position, try to drive in. Once it is discovered by the enemy, immediately attack at full speed, and strive to rush the opponent's defensive position in the first time and push the other side to the river." Terry ordered.

The commander next to "Yes!" immediately nodded.

The order was quickly conveyed, and the Mozu troops here finally began to move, and they pressed toward the camp of the undead. In fact, the other party’s troops have just emerged from a hidden location. It was discovered by the reconnaissance unit that had been hidden for a long time by the undead people here.

"The Lord, the other person started to act." The news was first passed to Sudense's ear here. Sudes had been waiting for a long time, and they were preparing for it in the past few days. The rituals including the appearances here are also acting. In fact, the undead soldiers are all ready for the night's battle, not only the rest. Moreover, the battalion has also designed various defensive measures. Even if the other party rushes in, they can stand up in the first place and wait for their sire to come.

Of course, not only these. The undead people are also ready to give a gift to the Mozu army here. When the other party waits for the news, the big gift here is already arranged. All the preparations are complete, waiting for the Mozu to drill inside. The result is really coming across.

"Well, follow the plan and call the adventurer over there." The undead family has been prepared to be more complete, so it is very stable.

At the same time, Li Huailin’s ceremonies have already reached the final stage. Naturally, it is a coronation ceremony. However, this kind of comparative trouble, because Li Huailin is still wearing a black robe, the crown is really unable to bring it, you can’t It’s too strange to bring it directly outside the black robe.

Matthew’s seemingly did not expect this situation. Now, when I wait for this festival, I feel that something is wrong. When I was trying to solve the problem, Li Huailin’s remote call was ringing. Li Huailin looked at the name, and it really was the young man in the company he was looking for.

"Boss, the npc here can tell you to come, it seems that the opposite person has already started to act." The company's Xiao Gehui reported here.

"Understood, you can go offline." Li Huailin nodded. "I will remember the bonus."

"Good boss, no problem boss." The company's younger brother said happily.

Hanging down the remote, Li Huailin smiled and said: "Okay, the other party is here."

"Now?" Matt Xiuen here was a little bit a little earlier than the expected time. I didn't expect the other person to be so unsettled, so quickly attacked, and now the enthronement ceremony has not been completed yet. It.

"I went." Li Huailin said with a wave.

"Wait, Your Highness, the enthronement ceremony here is the last step. It is better to finish and go again..." Matthew said immediately.

"There are all the fights on the other side. I am still here to engage in ceremonies here?" Li Huailin said nothing about this ceremony at all, and immediately said.

"But...but now." Matt Xiuen said a little anxiously.

"Well, I will hand it over to you. I will go to the Mozu first." Li Huailin finished, it was a transmission, and it disappeared in front of Matthew.

"Ah! Your Highness! Your Highness!" Matt Xiuen shouted twice, but it didn't help, and Li Huailin had already sent it away.

"This is... it’s really troublesome." Matthewne touched his head and looked at the dense crowd below. How can this be explained? Thinking about it, Matthew is also a good idea. Since Li Huailin has already shown the Excalibur, it is already showing his identity. Now, if you find someone wearing a black robe and bring the crown to the end, it will not be finished. If it is a fait accompli, Li Huailin will become the emperor of the undead. .

"Yazawa, I have a very important task for you here." Matt Xiuen looked at Yaze around him and said.

"Well? What is it, Lord Lord?" asked Yaze. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: I wish you all a happy new year, the Year of the Goat


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