All Things Wrong

Chapter 956: plan

The current situation is very good. Li Huailin is not officially the emperor of the undead. Because Li Huailin is not systematically determined, the personnel and territory of the undead are still not Li Huailin. Of course, it is also red. The name, the ceremony of the throne has been completed, but the emperor has not yet taken office, this is really unprecedented, but it has really happened. [

Yaze now said that he was a fake emperor. In fact, he had been able to execute all the orders of the emperor. Anyway, the civilian ministers could not recognize whether he was Li Huailin or not, and he did not know whether Li Huailin was like Zhang Yaze. Now the crown is here. Yaze’s body, that is to say, even if Yaze does not return to Li Huailin, as long as a few people who know the truth do not say anything, there is no relationship. No one will admit that Li Huailin is the king because they have not seen it.

However, in fact, because these lords listened to Li Huailin’s words, it was very easy for Li Huailin to change back. That is to say, although Li Huailin did not officially claim the emperor, he still mastered the entire undead, but Li Huailin wanted to achieve it. Happening.

The Matthew and others here are also very satisfied. They did not see the difference between this formal succession and the absence of formal succession. They thought that Li Huailin would be the official emperor after the end of the ceremony, and they would be more worried.

Of course, Li Huai-lin is definitely not going to be an undead emperor. How can he handle such a troublesome thing as government affairs? How can he do this? It is also a quasi-change that throws this stall to Matthew and others and let them themselves. Going to the point, he is slipping out on the excuse of secret observation.

Matthew they did not find Li Huailin's sinister intentions. They paid great attention to Li Huailin's safety and attached great importance to the Excalibur, so there is no doubt. So Li Huailin handed over everything in the past very smoothly.

However, there are some things, Matthewen here still has to talk a little bit with Li Huailin, such as the situation of the undead empire now, so the next day Li Huailin was pulled by the Matthews here. Although Li Huailin didn't want to take care of it, he also pretended to listen.

All in all, the current situation of the undead people's territory is far from the contrast. During the period of Hopes, the territory of the undead occupies more than half of the continent. Although it is the territory of the country, most of the territory does not live in the undead, because at that time it was fighting every day, and the land did not develop after it was laid down. It’s just under the name, not really getting it.

After the disappearance of Hopps the Great, the land quickly returned to their original owners. The remaining territorial area was also rapidly reduced to its original position, and then it was the time of King Kaiser, although the work of King Catherine was not great, but at least the territory of that year was maintained and did not receive much erosion.

However, after the disappearance of Emperor Kaiser, the undead was caught in the civil war. First, Matt Xiuen took his territory to the Mozu, and then the Terran and the Dwarf also slightly invaded the territory of some undead. The territory that caused the undead people was reduced by about a third, before Li Huailin did not come. It is this size.

Of course, after Li Huailin came, the territory of the undead people was much more. First, Matthew was back. Of course, his territory was back. Then he ceded a territory from the dwarfs. This is naturally a new territory. After the end of the war of the Mozu. Naturally, there will be another new territory. The total area of ​​these territories should add up to the territory of the Kaiserean Emperor.

Matthew’s introduction is so clear because Li Huailin is to know the size of his territory. The territory here refers to the territory directly under the jurisdiction of Li Huailin, that is, the territory of the entire undead empire has removed the territories that have been sealed out. Matthew's point is to talk to Li Huailin about the separation.

The land system and the human race that the undead people practice are slightly different, mainly because the system of the lord is different. There are no small lords in the name of the emperor, only five large lords, and the small lords below are divided by the big lords. Now the undead are still the five lords, Sudes, Fiona, Thike, Markham and Matthew, and the other lord, Dennis, has already been rushed into the sea, and he is responsible for losing himself. The first thing after basically getting into the throne is to announce the removal of him. The remaining five lords accounted for about 70% of the current undead territory. The only remaining area around the main city, the site left by Dennis, and the new territory now brought by the dwarves are Li Huailin. Directly administered.

Hearing this messy system, Li Huailin felt a headache. This is obviously a land system that is very obstructive to the development of the feudal system. The Zhou Dynasty did it thousands of years ago, and then you understand. Under normal circumstances, Li Huailin can start to engage in these five lords after taking office, but in fact Li Huailin really does not want to take office. For him, the territory of the management is really as small as possible. It is best to give it to the following people. Everything in the province came to him.

"Think of a way to seal out Dennis's territory." Li Huailin said.

"His Highness means to set up a new big lord?" Mattesun asked here.

"Hmm..." Li Huailin looked at. "Is anyone recommended?"

Several lords looked at each other a little. To be honest, they didn't want to recommend a person to go up with them. If they say such a big thing, they are not too good to interrupt...

Li Huailin shook his head, and then suddenly thought of one thing. Anyway, he said the finale. He said that no one can directly indicate that a player is a big lord. This can be studied a little, so he thought about it: Forget it, I will study it myself."

"Yes, Your Highness." All the lords nodded together.

The next question is the problem of forming a cabinet. It is naturally impossible for the five lords to give Li Huailin a civil servant. Now that Matthew is doing these things, he naturally wants to go back to his own territory after the war. Other officials must also look for it again.

Of course, Li Huailin was too lazy to find it. Naturally, he was all handed over to Yaze to take responsibility. Li Huailin immediately took the hand.

"A few of you discussed it a bit, then pulled over the ministers of the former dynasty and finished it." Li Huailin waved and said, "I trust you very much, I hope you will not let me down."

"Please rest assured, Your Highness!" Several lords were touched by Li Huailin.

After doing a few things, the first thing is to officially declare war on the Mozu. Although it has been said that the two communities have already played, they have not yet declared war on each other, because the undead family is not even established. Now, finally, there is, so the first time to declare war. However, there are still no invitations from the Alliance, and the two communities are now somewhat tacit, not mentioning this.

"In short, I have handed it over to you, I believe you." Li Huailin saw that they started to talk about politics again, so they quickly smashed the pot, just didn't want to listen to this.

"The Queen's problem..." Mattesun asked here.

"The Queen?" Li Huailin directly said, "What happened to the Queen?"

"Since it has already been enthroned, the problem of the motherland is also fixed, so that we can carry out the work more conveniently," Matt Schwen said.

"Oh... this queen must be the undead, right." Li Huailin asked.

"This is of course." Several lords here said that except for Matthew, the other few did not know the identity of Li Huailin, so it was very strange for Li Huailin to ask this strange question, otherwise you said that you What is this figure for a different ethnic group to be a queen?

"Mom a chicken!" Li Huailin couldn't help but marry her, and the woman who died in the Ling family, did not spit well, did you give the whole queen?

"Do you want to recommend to you under our seat?" Matt Xiuen asked with a hard scalp.

"No... I will handle it myself, and the rest will be handed over to you." Li Huailin said quickly, "There is nothing else, no one has left me first."

"This...The National His Majesty has just been established...hehe..." Li Huailin did not wait for Matthew to finish the conversation. After he left, he went straight to the city and left. Now Li Huailin is increasingly not wanting to go. Regarding the things of the undead, there are so many messy things to say, and give him the whole undead queen, this is an egg, the battle of the Mozu side is finished, Li Huailin directly swears away, the undead In what case he is too lazy to manage.

Of course, Li Huailin said that there is something that is not nonsense. The most important thing on his side is to report the task of the guardian of the sword here. Now the task has shown failure, but it has not contributed. Li Huailin It is estimated that it will be added a little to be added, and the artifact over there is waiting for him.

Now there are two days away from the finals of the national professional competition. Li Huailin’s plan for these two days is already planned. This is of course leveling and then increasing strength. Now his level is still 53, and now the mainstream s-level players are already close to level 60, Li Huailin has not been leveling for a long time, and now just take advantage of these two days to practice, the best state to meet the finals.

In addition to this, the most serious problem is the problem of each side of the sky. The other party is doing the task of finding the Excalibur. When the target is enlightened, Li Huailin has to find a way to manage it, but I have not thought of a good way, although I already know the approximate location of Tianjian, but the specific location is still uncertain.

While thinking about this, Li Huailin came to the seal of the lava crack, because he still did not know where the report should go to report, so first come to find Isaac to ask. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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