All Things Wrong

Chapter 962: try

It took fifteen minutes to meet Li Huailin like this in the wind. The result of the meeting was Li Huailin’s satisfaction. If the wind is really willing to use a rare warrior’s skill book to redeem his erupted epic Grade jacket, Li Huailin also agreed.

From the perspective of value, Li Huailin is still losing money. After all, although epic equipment has appeared a lot, it is still relatively scarce. At least it is quite a lot compared to the huge number of players. Epic equipment is not a big guild is a professional player, of course, the value of this thing is also very high, many equipment is difficult to estimate, even if it is a low-level epic equipment, the attributes are not as good as the current gold equipment, the price is also seen The kind of eyes that people have come out of.

And a rare skill book? This thing is not very good to estimate, although some skill books are written as rare skills, but the probability is still quite big, what will be played will fall, and mainly this kind of things have circulation, unlike the epic equipment, no one sells . However, some rare skill books are really rare. Basically, there are very few people who have seen them. Naturally, the value is also difficult to share stock prices. However, in general, the value of the skills book is still not equipped with high equipment.

However, Li Huailin didn't care. He didn't need money. He didn't use it for this equipment. Then the most important thing was that the equipment was accidentally picked up. It wasn't his own. It was a profit to make a skill book that he could use. ,Why not. Moreover, this skill book Li Huailin really likes it.

Skill book: King Kong.

King Kong: It has a hegemonic effect within 10 seconds after opening. You can't interrupt your movements by any attack. The displacement skills such as knocking back and flying are not effective for you. Instant, consumes 0, cools for 1 minute. Learning requires a level of 60. Occupation: Soldier.

Li Huailin felt very fond of seeing this skill, mainly because the cooling time was very short, so it was quite easy to use. This is like the wind is also true, this skill book is not very very rare, but it is not the kind of bad street, because Li Huailin did not use this skill before the game, so it is estimated that Li Huailin should not meeting. So ask if you can change.

Li Huailin was unexpectedly generous and immediately agreed to the exchange plan. Let the wind here feel a little relieved, and the guns that came together are a bit strange. He is waiting for Li Huailin to take the opportunity to raise the price and then shame him. I thought about the lines. I didn't expect Li Huailin to agree. When I was surprised, I also secretly confessed that Li Huailin was an idiot. The price didn't know. Of course, I was in my heart, and Li Huailin could not hear it.

The negotiations on both sides are still harmonious, so Li Huailin also took the opportunity to ask about the situation of each side of the day, but asked about this. The wind here seems to be a little bit cautious, and it seems to be scared by the attributes of the Excalibur. I am afraid that Li Huailin is also eyeing the legendary weapon. So the answer was very careful. Li Huailin felt that there was no need at all. The soul of this thing was bound, and Li Huailin wanted to get it.

In short, did not get much information, Li Huailin was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and he was ready to go to leveling. The time left for him is really not a lot.

Of course, to level up, Li Huailin first prepared. Either way, Li Huailin’s leveling needs to be prepared first of all, a lot of blood medicine, the kind of blood medicine that is finally used to make up the knife, and then to find a place where no one is. After all, he lives and dies. It’s alive, although it’s not afraid to report it, but it always looks strange. It’s a bit of a headache to be watched.

Therapeutic agents are very well solved, and now the skills of the alchemists have been practiced, so there are a lot more senior alchemists, and there are more advanced therapeutic agents on the market, and they are much cheaper. Li Huailin has a little hoarding a little, and it is enough to take it in the bank. Of course, there is still a task in the bank to save all the equipment on your own. After all, it is leveling. Naturally, the weaker you die, the faster you can. In addition to not being able to save the bank’s binding soul equipment, Li Huailin puts everything. They all went in.

As for finding a place, it is relatively simple. Just pick a city where players of this level are less likely to go. Li Huailin chose a city called Shalem, a small city below the small country west of the Nasser Empire, very very remote, and according to the introduction of the transmitter, the number of monsters around is very small, so It is not a good place to level up. Li Huailin chose this place where no one went.

Transferred to the station, Li Huailin looked around, and sure enough, this is a barren city, which is inferior to the small broken city of Luo Dafeien in the name of Li Huailin. Of course, the number of people is very small. Li Huailin is visible in the scope. I can't see a player, even the npc on the road is a bit strange to see Li Huailin, it seems to be asking how the adventurer will come here.

Li Huailin didn't have time to manage these npcs. He immediately started experimenting with several new methods of leveling that he thought of. Of course, the difference between his leveling and the previous one is that Li Huailin now has the evolution of Xiaomi, he already I will fly. When I was on the road, Li Huailin thought, what would happen if I suddenly fell off the millet, would it fall to death?

Obviously there is a drop damage in this game. The higher the drop height, the higher the damage is naturally. But I don't know if the people here are set to be stronger than the Earth, or the game gravity is set to be smaller than the average earth. It is still difficult to fall to the death. Li Huailin has tried the highest from the palace. The spires jumped down. The distance was about forty meters, and the height of the dozens of floors was so high. As a result, less than 2000 blood was lost. It seems that I want to fall to an instant. Li Huailin can only jump off the cliff, but The problem is that Li Huailin can't find a suitable cliff. Of course, he can't find a cliff high enough. It's just that these cliffs are too far away from the resurrection point. It is inefficient to run over and fall to run.

Now it is different, Xiaomi directly learned to fly at high altitude, which means that Xiaomi is basically a cliff that can be carried with him. It is very convenient to jump and jump, but to be honest, Li Huailin has not died before, but I don’t know. It doesn't work, although it is theoretically feasible, but always try it out, what if something goes wrong.

Nothing to say, Li Huailin here directly summoned Xiaomi. After a huge dragon humming sound, Xiaomi appeared in the middle of the city. The surrounding npc was first smashed, then immediately started running, and ran and shouted: "established There is a dragon! Help!"

"Oh... forget it for a while." Li Huailin arbitrarily managed to ride the millet directly, and then directed Xiaomi to fly above.

However, what Li Huailin did not expect was that Xiaomi’s launch time was longer than he had imagined. Although Li Huailin had already flew over Xiaomi, he did not notice the problem. Because this time is a straight line up, it used to be forward. It is obvious that the strength of the straight line is greater, because the lift is all from the flapping of the wings, and the takeoff is much faster.

However, although slower, Li Huailin chose the way to take off in a straight line, because he had to calculate the height and calculate the time. If you fly forward, these are not very good calculations. Although there is no such thing as an altimeter in the game, according to the size of the scenery on the ground, Li Huailin can probably judge the height position that appears in it, because it is in the same place, it is estimated that he can remember it a few times, mainly It is to calculate how much height you can fall to death.

After rising for a while, Li Huailin looked at the height and estimated that he was about the same height from the ground. So he jumped straight and jumped from the back of Xiaomi. Of course, the most direct way to choose, head down, this landing Of course, it was very sour, but Li Huailin just jumped out and didn't enjoy the pleasure of telling the landing. Then suddenly the whole person paused and stopped.

Li Huailin looked up and saw that Xiaomi here had bitten his foot and forced himself to pull it. This is of course. Xiaomi here does not know what Li Huailin wants to do. He saw Li Huailin’s fall and thought It was Li Huailin who accidentally slipped. The frightened millet quickly bite Li Huailin and let him fall to death.

"I wipe, you stupid dragon!" Li Huailin couldn't help but scream, "Quickly open your mouth!"

"Hey?" Xiaomi here doesn't know why, but it is impossible to deliver the mouth. Isn't this loose mouth directly falling down?

"I..." Li Huailin was too lazy to talk nonsense with the guy who didn't know the owner. When he waved his hand, Li Huailin directly took Xiaomi back into the pet space. He thought that he would raise the millet to a certain height and then he would naturally fall. The province always saves itself.

As soon as Xiaomi disappeared, Li Huailin naturally no one was pulling it. He fell from the air again, and after an acceleration in the air, then Li Huailin was like a big pie on the table. He slammed on the ground with a bang. Fortunately, the surrounding npc is now running out, otherwise it is definitely going to be onlookers.

After about ten seconds, Li Huailin stood up from the ground very speechlessly. If he patted his body, he said: "Although it is a game, but you are slightly in line with the reality, this height falls. Didn't fall to death, can I still play the game well?" (To be continued) r655


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