All Things Wrong

Chapter 964: Opening

One day later, the Brasov Arena, the capital of the neutral country, is already a lively and extraordinary place. ``Today is the day of the national professional player finals, and it is just New Year's Day. There are a lot of people who are naturally on the holiday. It is just time to take a look at the finals here and make a fun.

This final is not only the finals of this season, but also the finals of this year. When the champion of this season is decided, the champion of the year also appears. The prizes are naturally very much, and the results in the first half are not very good. The good players are also eager to play their part in this competition and strive for a good ranking.

In addition to the rewards of the players, there are naturally company rewards. The 16 companies representing the company's best this year will also be born at the same time. This is not only an honor, but also a question of the right to speak at the company summit. Although there is no stipulation that the company of the year can grasp the right to speak, in general, the actual situation is like this. There is nothing to say, the winner is the king, and the loser is good to talk.

In the past two years, the company of the year has always been in the hands of the Central Group. Therefore, Dong Zhongxing is the absolute boss of the company summit. Generally speaking, his decision, no other company can have objections, this is nothing. The method, who is called the champion of each side of the party, in addition to each other, the other few people are also very good, such as the retired Ziwei Dao, who was beaten by Li Huailin, was also a first-class player, the stability point of the points, and the flashing oranges. Although not top notch, the results are all on the top.

However, this year, Dong Zhongxing here is a bit worried, not because of his old rival, that is, the Guangping Group, the company of the dark side of the magic kitchen, but the Huaxing Entertainment Company, which has sprung up here. This company did not pay attention to Dong Zhongxing until the middle of this year. Although it is said that the other side has a wind is also a first-class good, but it is only this one. He once also dig through the wind, but the other party said that Li Jianyi refused to him, but Dong Zhongxing did not care, because the wind also flowed to the highest score at that time, which was the top ten, and did not show much water. Product.

However, the Huaxing Company in the second half of this year suddenly became worried. Although last season said that each side also took the second place, but in Dong Zixing's view, he has been able to lose a game, of course, he will not allow himself to lose again, not to mention, if he lost again this time The company of the year is not necessarily its own.

Ming knows that he will increase psychological pressure on his players, but at this time Dong Zhongxing also has to put pressure on them, if they can not get the right to speak at the company summit. This is a huge blow to ZTE.

"Nothing, I will win." At this time, I dare to say this in the same way. The other few people, including the wind, really did not dare to fight with Li Huailin, defeating the task of the biggest enemy, Li Huailin. It’s down, it looks like it’s quite confident.

"Please, please." Dong Zhongxing here is also an abnormal trust in the other side of the day, seriously nodded, and then said to other players. "You have to work hard, and try to lean forward as far as possible. Understand, as long as there is progress, you will be assured of bonuses and the like, and you will definitely be satisfied."

"Yes, boss!" Because they are also about the New Year (Lunar Year), the players are waiting for the year-end award. The number of awards at the end of the year is naturally related to the results. Everyone who doesn't want to live a good year is also ready to fight for a good ranking.

As before, the finalists are not all s-level players, but the s-level players in the top 24 of the round robin. And the top eight players in the round robin. Because the ZTE Group here is thick and pays attention to cultivating younger generations, the 8 people of the a-level players also account for 3 places. Compared with the Chinese side, the base of the Chinese stars is too bad. 8 a The class player only took one, which is still very unexpected. Even Li Jianyi here did not expect it. To tell the truth, I almost forgot the things of the a-level league. After all, the focus of Huaxing is now in the s-class league. When he heard that a certain a-level player in his company’s name actually broke out and won the qualification for the finals, Li Jianyi here also took a long time to react. It turns out that our company still has a can. Level player.

"You are good, my name is Lin Biao, you can call my little dog eggs." In the Huaxing Group's lounge, the a-level players who are going out of the encirclement are greeting the s-level players.

Looking at the a-level player who suddenly appeared in front of him, the wind here is also flowing, the talents of the famous, and Jiang Xueyi are a little bit awkward, because this a-level player called a dog a female...female Of...

The nickname is no problem. I didn’t expect that the girl named Lin Biao really named her game name as a dog. Don’t say anything else. These people are thinking about introducing the player when they play. What should I do? For example, "Now it is a player from the Huaxing Group...", how it feels so strange.

However, it seems that this girl named Lin Biao is very well-behaved. It should be said that it is also the kind that does not seem to have the strength from the outside. Although it is the same company, the wind is also very influential to Lin Biao. I have seen it in the company several times, but I thought it was a clerk. The two didn’t talk at all. It was only yesterday that I knew that a class-a player had smashed into the finals, and now I know her. .

"You actually killed it." Jiang Xueyi, who seems to be here, really knows Lin Biao. It seems that the surprise is just because it is a bit surprising to see the other side killing. After all, he also played in the a-level league for a few years. The two have encountered it, but the image is not deep.

"Yeah, seniors, this year's luck is particularly good." Lin Biao said happily here, "I got the eighth place inexplicably, and I was able to participate in the finals. It was so happy."

"Hey, are you older than me?" said Jiang Xueyi here. "It’s weird."

"No problem, now you are a s-level player." Lin Biao here immediately said, "It must be a senior!"

This kind of Jiang Xueyi also secretly laughed, after all, this thing is still a little proud, of course, his ranking is not good, but fortunately entered the finals.

"Right, what about the ancestors?" Lin Biao here began to check around after the greeting, because the company's biggest card Li Huailin is not in the lounge, she certainly wants to say hello, not only because the other is The company's predecessors, and Lin Biao that is very admired by Li Huailin.

"Oh...this..." The wind here also flows directly to a booster, and then refers to Li Jianyi, who is making a long-distance call next to him. "Li is in contact, it should be coming soon."

Next to the famous general and Jiang Xueyi are also the same amount of support, this year's finals late, Li Huailin is also the first one, but fortunately now only the time of collection, the official game is only after the opening ceremony of 9 o'clock, from now on There are more than half an hour, but in another ten minutes, the player will start to record, and if it is not, then it will be considered as abandoning the game.

Li Jianyi is going crazy now. Although he knows that Li Huailin is a well-known large-scale employee, the new committee has been introduced to prevent him from completing the game. However, he really did not expect that Li Huailin’s finals will be late. What kind of trouble is it? I really want to kill him, and it’s terrible. It’s still ten minutes to start recording. Li Huailin’s people are still online.

Li Jianyi can't get off the line now. After all, this is about to start entering. Now the remote call is also in contact with people in the company to contact Li Huailin. Isn't this really going to kill him? Li Jianyi thinks that he must go out and have a heart in the New Year, or else the company has not yet developed, and he will be sick and sick.

When Li Jianyi and other people were on the side of the news, his long-distance call suddenly rang. Li Jianyi here quickly took a look. Fortunately, the name displayed was Huai Ruolin. Here, Li Jianyi took a breath and quickly asked to pick it up. "Wai Lin, Big Brother, I really gave you a sigh. The staff asked me why I was playing remotely. I don't know how to explain it to them."

"Sorry, sorry, I really overslept." Li Huailin said quickly.

"Sleeping... Oversleeping?" Li Jianyi here also spent a long time, to be honest, even Li Jianyi, the temper, now wants to marry her.

"I will arrive soon." Li Huailin said that he hangs the remote directly. After all, it is still very fast on the line. One returning to the city and adding the volume, it will take a few minutes.

Li Jianyi here also gave a sigh of relief and said to several players: "Okay, I finally got in touch, I will arrive soon."

"The players of Huaxing Entertainment are ready to enter the main venue." At this time, the staff also came to inform. Of course, several people nodded and followed the staff to the main station. At the end of the entry, the opening ceremony was followed. At this time, the audience were basically seated, and the players gradually came to the stage. Immediately, the eye-catching audience found that the players of Huaxing Company appeared to be less personal. ......

"What about the bulls?" The question is coming soon.

I haven't waited for someone to answer. Someone suddenly looked at the sky, then pulled the audience and said, "What do you think of heaven?"

Looking up, a golden figure is flying towards the arena. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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