All Things Wrong

Chapter 971: Relay bar

Li Huailin didn't know what happened to Su Ruoyan and Jiang Xueping, because the game has already begun, and the players are waiting for the start of the first game. [][]..[]

"Well, now everyone is going back to their seats, please calm down at the scene." Liu Su, the host here, also received a notice, ready to announce the start of the game, but sit down with the audience here. At the time, you can also take the opportunity to introduce the three guests today.

The finalizer's commentary configuration is the same as last season. It is still the interpretation of the three guests plus two hosts. Of course, two of the three guests are very good guesses. After all, the general guests and the gvs TV station signed the contract. It was signed for the whole season, so the former professional player Jing Long and the game writers drifted in the past should have no doubt to come, the problem is the remaining one.

Why is there a guest missing, which of course has a little relationship with Li Huailin. The last guest of the last season was the former professional player, because the speech was too unobtrusive and accidentally provoked Li Huailin. Li Huailin also helped her earn nearly 100 million assets, but because of this unclear reason, this The fragrant side of the side is considered to be the bad words of Li Huailin who deliberately lowered the odds.

Afterwards, the fragrance is naturally besieged by a large number of unidentified netizens. The number of fans has plummeted. Basically, the people who are still in the fan base are already true love in true love, but they are embarrassed to say now. I am a fan of fragrance, because the name is really stinking now.

Of course, afterwards, Shannon also took remedial measures. First of all, it was naturally an alarm. Of course, she did not know what the situation was. She didn’t even know who was framing her, but unfortunately, the police did not have any means after the police. You said that you lost the money, we can still check the police, you have inexplicably earned more than 80 million, which let us check what?

The result of the alarm is that the fragrance here has been investigated. Although these are the incomes obtained through the formal gaming channels, the police suspect that she is involved in misleading the audience because of the large amount. Make huge profits for yourself. This makes Xiangli really very angry. In order to prove his innocence, the fragrance here directly donated more than 80 million yuan of income to the Huaxia Red Cross. I thought it would be proved, but soon It is considered that there is no way to be forced by people, so it is only possible to pretend to be a good person.

The fragrance is really nothing, just shrink it and wait for the wind to retreat, so that the fragrance has pushed off all the work and started to retreat directly. Of course, she does not need to push her work. The TV station directly announced that she had contacted her contract and was willing to pay liquidated damages. There is no need for a strong liquidated damages here. The two sides broke up peacefully. In the next few months, Shannon has never appeared in the public eye.

The fragrant departure, there is a commentary position here, the audience is also a bit curious, because in general, the finals are all relatively heavyweight figures. So I am looking forward to it, I don’t know what characters I will see.

The first two guests really did not have any surprises. With the introduction of the host, Jinglong and the past drifts have already entered, sitting on the top of the talk. Here Liu’s hand waved and said: “The last commentary may only be known to the older generation of players. He is the former national team captain who once led the Chinese national team to win the National Cup. Let us welcome Huaxia team old captain - Dasongshan!"

"What?" All the audience was a glimpse, the scene was a little silent for a few seconds, and then a moment of intense cheers broke out from the audience, although half of the audience did not figure out who this person is. But the voice of the other half is simply to smash the feeling of the sky.

"Heavenly King! Heaven! King!" The audience who knew the situation shouted the nickname of Dasongshan. In the neat cheers, a middle-aged man, who was about forty years old and more amiable, walked out of the passage, and the cheers of the audience grew louder and louder.

"Who?" Li Huailin was inexplicably a face. He didn't know this person at all, he could only ask for the audience, that is, the wind standing next to him.

The wind here also seems to be a little excited. I looked at Li Huailin and said: "The legendary figure in the history of China's game industry, Tianwang Dasongshan, thirteen, no, it should be 14 years ago to lead the Chinese national team to get The champion of the National Cup, but Huaxia won the world championship for the first time after joining g6, which is really a legend in the legend."

"Fourteen years ago?" Li Huailin looked at Dasongshan here. It is no wonder that it is so old. Fourteen years ago, he was only 8 years old. He didn’t know what was going on. He said that he is now the captain of the Huaxia team. That is to say, this is a senior?

Facing the audience of the tsunami in the mountains, the Dasong Mountain here is not only not a field, but it seems to be a bit happy. It is estimated that it has not been such a situation for a long time. I remembered that I was a professional player and was happy. Smile, here on the Songsong Mountain to get to know the stage, according to the convention, say a little.

"Thank you, to be honest, I thought about it before I came here today. If no one remembers me, I will not hide in the passage. I have been retired for ten years. Thank you for remembering me. Thank you very much." As soon as Dasongshan came up, he stunned all the audience. This style made people feel awe.

"We will always remember you!" "We will always remember you!"

"Old captain, we will always remember you!" Several old players in the stands were almost excited to cry.

Not to mention them, Dasongshan here has to cry in tears. After all, it is a place where you have been young when you were young. A little bit of memory has slowly emerged now, standing on the commentary, this The big Songshan on the side is also a little tearful, almost impossible to say.

"Old captain, can I call you this way?" Liu Su, the host here, took a look at the situation and quickly adjusted the atmosphere.

"Well, I like this title." Dasongshan nodded here.

"Old captain, it seems that the audience missed you very much. After ten years of retirement, the old captain did not seem to be engaged in game-related work after retiring. Do you know that the old captain has concerns about the recent game industry?" Asked.

"Are you testing my ability to explain?" Dasongshan here finally smiled and smiled. "Do not worry. Although I am not engaged in game work, I like the game but it will not. In the past few years, I have been playing games all the time. Of course, because of the busy work, there is no such thing as a professional player at that time, just for leisure and entertainment. Of course, the game "Glory Heart" is just starting to operate. I started playing, maybe because I used to be a bad habit of professional players. I can basically write this Raiders in terms of skill tactics. Of course, I have always been paying attention to professional players. You can rest assured that you will not let you embarrassed."

"Ha ha ha..." The tone of speech was very funny, and the audience at the scene couldn't help but laugh. Some players who did not know the old captain like Li Huailin also had a good impression on this legendary captain who had no fun.

"Old captain. Just said that you are now watching the professional players right now." Liu Su said here.

"Yes." Dasongshan here nodded again.

"So... I would like to ask the old captain, can you comment on the current professional players, a few people who are more impressed, good impressions and bad impressions do not matter." Liu Su said here.

“Oh?” This question immediately aroused the curiosity of the audience, and they also wanted to know the evaluation of the former world champions for the current professional players.

"Oh?" Dasongshan smiled and then nodded. "Then I will simply say a few. Let me first talk about each other."

"Oh." The audience immediately hanged their interest. I didn't expect to come up with the other side of the sky. Of course, they were curious about Dasongshan's evaluation of each side of the sky.

"The players from each side of the day. I have been paying attention since I started." Dasongshan here said, "I am not saying that he will become a s-class player, but from the lower league, I will notice him, from each In terms of angle, he is a perfect professional player. Not only is the technology superior, the talent is extraordinary, the most important thing is professionalism, I don’t think any company will refuse such a professional player to stay in their company."

The scene lens was very well matched to the position of the vip stand above. The person inside the lens was Dong Zhongxing of ZTE Group. Dong Zhongxing here also smiled very hard at the camera, although his heart is now very uneasy.

"The old captain seems to be very optimistic about the players in each day." Liu Su said here.

"Yes." Dasongshan here immediately admitted, "To tell the truth, his current achievements are the result of my expectation, because such a professional player, there is really no way to not make good grades."

"So, is the old captain optimistic about the winners of each side of the day?" Liu Su asked here.

The audience also listened at once, after all, this is the recommendation of the old captain, related to their gambling.

However, Dasongshan here did not immediately explain the white, but earned a topic: "I will talk about other players first. Of course, I know what you want to listen to, since it is another champion player. It’s just a big brother.”

"Oh." The audience was a little excited, and sure enough to say that it was a big brother.

"This non-professional class player, to be honest, really... is not like a professional player. It is an opposite extreme to each other, not only often late, but to be honest, his combat skills are really Yes... it’s worse.” Dasongshan said.

"The fighting skills are poor?" Liu Su directly on this side, this is the first time I heard that someone commented on Li Huailin, this one is fresh.

"Yes." Dasongshan nodded here. "Maybe most of the audience is confused by his gorgeous combat process, but actually observe his only few long-term matches, especially against the heavens. In a few games, it is obvious that you will find their disadvantages in combat skills. Of course, he was originally a single player, not a regular professional player. There is a big gap in experience."

"Oh, that's it." Liu Su nodded here. To tell the truth, this really didn't pay attention, because Li Huailin's game, not a few seconds, is the direct person who doesn't come. To be honest, I want to study him. The road is completely dependent on the brain, and only professionals like Dasongshan can see it.

Dasongshan said this, and the game writer next to him drifted and nodded unconsciously. In fact, he had already discovered this problem.

"Is it a brainless black?" Li Huailin stood in the contest area and looked at Dasongshan here. He said that every time there is a special black person in the guest? A fragrant finish, and another big Matsuyama...

I think so. Liu Su, the host here, also asked at the right time: "The old captain means not optimistic about the bulls?"

"Do I mean this?" Dasongshan suddenly smiled and said, "On the contrary, I am very optimistic about him."

"Ha?" Not only is Liu Su here, but even the audience is a glimpse, because listening to the previous context. It is clear that Li Huailin is criticizing. The fan group of Li Huailin here is a bit untenable. He almost jumped up and protested. Now, when he heard this sentence, he was all in the same place.

"Hey? Let's say that?" Liu Su asked here immediately after a brief trip.

"You asked, you must have not investigated what I was like in the past." Dasongshan said with a smile, "You probably don't know. The year the committee also has a name for me, called a super problem. child……"

“Hey?” Everyone is a glimpse. I have never heard of this before.

"What I did when I was young is now a bit exaggerated." Dasongshan said here, "But everyone doesn't remember that there is only one thing that everyone remembers, that is my achievement, my China. The old captain, I led the Huaxia national team to win the National Cup, no one will remember all the previous noises."

"I am here to tell all professional players one of the most important things." Dasongshan here said seriously. "This is a professional arena, not a stage for expressing things like your own professional ethics. As a professional player, the only thing you have to do is to win the game, win, win, and win. Whether it is for yourself or for the country. For everything, you just win, this is my only advice to you."

The scene was quiet, and it seems that many people are recollecting this sentence and don't know how to react. Dasongshan here took a breath and continued to say: "Back to the chest of the player. I am optimistic about him, as the former captain of Huaxia District, I I am really very satisfied with this current captain, because after I retired, I watched the professional competition of the decade and the National Cup. Why did our Huaxia District’s current performance have been bad, that is, there is no such victory.”

"Winning point?" Liu Su asked here strangely.

"The National Cup is a group battle. It is not a person's performance. You have 31 teammates and tens of thousands of enemies. The most important thing on this stage is the clear direction." Dasongshan here said, "This is What a captain has to do becomes this direction."

"Is it the command of the captain?" The topic is a bit serious. Liu Su, here, also asked seriously. It seems that the students who are preparing to learn knowledge do not speak at the scene. They want to hear this before. Captain's experience.

"Command, not." Dasongshan shook his head here. "It's self-confidence. What you have to do is not to let teammates feel that you can do the best, but let them feel that you can win." What is needed to do this is not technology, mind, tactics, interpersonal relationships, what is needed, ... the tolerance."

"Voice?" This is a bit of a mystery. Liu Su here does not quite understand.

"I know that many of the audience here don't quite understand what I said, because you are not the player who stood on the battlefield at the time. I am sure that I have participated in the friendly match with the European Union a few months ago. The professional player can now understand what I said, and this time the captain of the Huaxia District, I am sure that it is a player with a heart, and there should be no professional players who will object, because only they know that the captain has How strong.” Dasongshan said with a smile.

"Nonsense, Laozi is the first to object." Not finished yet, the guns here could not help but shout, but his voice was too small to be noticed. However, the ones standing next to each other and the wind are really smiling and smiling. As Dasongshan said, the captain of the Huaxia District is Li Huailin. They will not have any opinions.

"Standing like such a captain, you will feel abnormal peace of mind, there will be no pressure, because all the pressure will be pressed against the captain, so this is why the captains of the previous years have not helped the team. The reason, they are not strong enough. And this year, I think our opportunity is coming." Dasongshan finished, took a breath, and then turned to Li Huailin's direction, "Huaxia captain, I am now blowing out for you." You won't let me down this time."

Needless to say, all the shots on the scene were transferred to the rest area where Li Huailin was located. Li Huailin’s face appeared on the big screen. The scene was silent. Everyone waited for Li Huailin’s answer.

"Oh..." Li Huailin smiled softly. Such a guy, Li Huailin really hated it.

With a confident mouth, Li Huailin smiled and replied: "No problem, give it to me." (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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