All Things Wrong

Chapter 975: Face warrior

Of course, the person who lost the game was Li Huailin who initially thought that he was the third round opponent, because Li Huailin’s number is a8, so the 8 to 4 game will definitely be played with a5/b5, a6/b6 inside. Li Huailin initially thought that it was a mad book. After all, he was the highest ranked one in the world, but the actual result was that the mad book actually lost to a player in the a-level league in the first round. >>Fiction

To the side of the wind, they also inquired a little, this a class player who defeated the mad book player is the second place in the a-level league. It is said that the a-level player has the most popular fans, and the game name is atomic dust. The occupation is a paladin. It is indeed very pleasing to look at the looks. At first glance, it is the kind of female fans. The main reason is that Li Huailin didn’t think that the other party was powerful in the whole game, but he was mad at this side. The book is inexplicably lost.

"It's a bit strange." The wind here is also a bit unintelligible, but I don't know what's going on. "I always feel that this person is not quite right. The mad book should be regulated by technology, but it is actually lost. It is."

"The damage he made seems a bit strange." The famous star here said, "Don't you think the numbers are a bit too much?"

The number that the famous person said is the number that jumps out. Generally speaking, only one figure will jump out of a number, but the name will always feel that the damage cut by the other party and the number of knives he sees are not good.

“Is the skill of a combo?” The wind here also said, “The a-level players are also dominant because the s-level players are unfamiliar with them, and the skills are basically not clear.”

"But this year's a-level players are too perverted, and they have already killed two." Jiang Xueyi said here.

"After all, compared to the previous session, this season's finals not only hides more careers, but also has two more turns. So the skills used are much more." The wind also said, "You see some points on the commentator. It’s not enough to say it, so it’s very possible to be smothered by new skills.”

"It’s just fine anyway." Li Huailin waved. "I don't believe he can win me."

Although there was a little accident, the game continued, and the guns here were very smooth and won the opponent. Then it was the turn of Li Huailin's game.

"If you are a player, please follow me to the player lounge to prepare." The staff member has also called Li Huailin.

"Know it." Li Huailin nodded.

"Idol! Come on!" Lin Biao here quickly rushed to say the courage.

"Do you think they are cheering for me?" Li Huailin pointed to a few people next to him. Sure enough, no one except Lin Biao cheered Li Huailin. Jiang Xueyi smiled here: "Big brother, don't cheer, I just ask him not to let the opposite death be too bad..."

"Yeah, Huai Lin, but the opposite is Enron, you don't want that..." The wind here also said.

"I..." Li Huailin helped the amount, "I understand it."

The staff who followed this came to the lounge together, and soon, I received a notice that I could play. Out of the game channel for a moment. A huge cheering sound came out from the audience on both sides, and Li Huailin really enjoyed the superstar level.

"Bulky brother! Niubi brother! Niubi brother!" The audience was simply screaming Li Huailin's name, especially Li Huailin's fan group, the sound of the big shock Li Huailin could not help.

Looking up at the big screen here, Li Huailin saw his gaming win rate, 1:1.09, which is estimated to be the lowest and lowest winning rate. This has already bought the tax and has no profit at all. Li Huailin, who is also the point of the five lights, won the game. Li Huailin turned his head and looked at it. The former captain of the mountain, Matsuyama, looked at himself with satisfaction. According to the age of the other party, it seems that he was watching the feeling of his son growing up, so that Li Huailin’s heart shook because of this look... what.

The nature waiting on the stage is that Li Huailin’s opponent is safe, and the two are already very familiar. Although there are no teams in ten days, the contact is still there. Here, Enron is still carrying a strange thing to his mouth. It seems to be supplementing nutrition before the game. Seeing that Li Huailin is nodding his head is saying hello. Of course, Li Huailin is used to it. Enron has always been this not very talkative.

"Well, can you not eat anything from the Enron player?" said the referee here.

"Okay." Enron said simply, then put the food in the parcel.

The referee is still the usual way to call the two people around, and then repeat the rules a little, taking advantage of this time, the explanation here is too slightly to adjust the atmosphere.

"According to the habit of tying brothers, it is estimated that it is a spear to solve the battle." Liu Su said here.

"This is already the habit of the younger players." Jinglong said here, "It is a temptation to throw a spear directly at the beginning of the game. Of course, everyone already knows this model, but even if you know There are very few people who can stop it."

"This skill is really very powerful." Dasongshan here said, "I have never seen anyone else use this skill so far. It is also his unique skill. It is estimated to be a special skill for hiding the profession. It seems that this hidden profession is very powerful."

"And Boss is the first player to complete the hidden two-turn. The mastery of the two-turn skills should be the most experienced among all players." The past is also drifting.

I was chatting, the referee on the field was a member of the team, indicating that both sides were ready, and the game started at any time.

"Well, the game is about to begin!" The Liusu just finished, and the scene was quiet for a moment, because Li Huailin’s game was sometimes too short, and he couldn’t understand what was going on, so he ended. The audience are all breathless and afraid to miss a key link.

"Begin!" As the referee waved here, the game started formally. The Enron here is the same as all the pastors, and immediately retreats and brushes himself to various buffs. Because the priest is the most buff occupation, all kinds of buffs with their own attributes, the game rules can be added after the start, so the first few seconds are the time to brush buff.

Li Huailin is unceremonious. He straightens his hands and then pulls outwards. A golden spear with a light-colored spear appears in his hand, and his right hand pulls back. Li Huailin directly directs the sun spear. Enron’s direction was thrown out.

"Come on!" everyone shouted at the same time, the question is... Is it safe to pick up this blow?

The sun spear crossed an arc in the air and rushed to Enron here, but the Enron here was just standing in the same place. What surprised everyone was that the Enron here still gave himself some skills. Although everyone knows that the sun spear will track the target, but now everyone knows that the chance of hitting the critical hit by the crit will increase the hidden setting. Although the spear is necessary, you may not hide it. A crit, this has not been seen directly hiding.

-43085 (five times crit), an extremely exaggerated number jumped out of Enron's head, so that all the people who saw it were shocked. This is the most exaggerated damage figure they have ever seen. It is simply not I believe this is a number that players can play, and they see very little in the super wave ss.

But what surprised them even more is that Enron here is not dead. Really, more than 40,000 crit numbers have risen, and the amount of Enron’s blood here has returned to zero in an instant. No, it should not be zero, because if you look carefully, you can see Enron here. There is still 1% of the remaining life, but in fact it is really 1 point of blood.

"Two-way pastor's passive skills mysterious body protection." Immediately there are players who read the name of this skill. This skill is a new skill of the priest's second turn. Passive, the effect is that after being killed, there is a 6% chance (level 1) to retain 1 point of life. It is basically called the second-time priest's most wasteful skill, because There is no practical value at all. It is still a passive skill. Looking at the face, this 7% chance is really too embarrassing, but I did not expect to be able to start at this time.

Li Huailin didn't know the priest's skills, but it was very surprising to see the attack on this side. And after the next hit, the life value of Enron is also quickly starting to recover, at a speed visible to the naked eye. Going up.

Not only that, Enron here is still adding debuff to Li Huailin. Of course, this is all about helping Li Huailing, but she doesn’t know it. Li Huailin looks at her buff bar and has an all-element resistance + 45 buff, magic defense increased 35% buff, and a buff that responds to 135 blood per second. He has already begun to know that the Enron transfer here is to give more debuffs to the pastor to hide the occupation. When the team asked her to add debuff to herself, you can see how useful these debuffs are.

Although I thought about it, Li Huailin didn't listen to it. He raised his hand and was a sun spear. He directly slammed toward Enron.

-17828 (crit)

Another double crit, the amount of Enron's blood here is empty in an instant, but the fate is that the Enron here is still alive, and only 1% of the blood skin is left.

"What?!" Not only Li Huailin, but the audience is watching. This is a super character skill. Even if you train this skill to level 5, the chance of launching is 10%. You will have two chances of 1% in succession. This is what kind of face can start this skill.

"It's a bit wrong." Li Huailin immediately realized. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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