All Things Wrong

Chapter 977: A-level player

"The skill to improve the probability?" Li Huailin didn't quite understand what the Enron skills were all about when he was on the court. But after the step down, the wind here also discussed a bit. He also understood how it came back. The matter is mainly because he does not know what the priest's skills are. [The passive skill here is a 6% chance to keep a little blood, and the chance of pushing the sniper, Li Huailin also understands what skills Enron used.

"It seems that the role of this secret treasure is to raise the probability of launching a small probability of special effects. According to the situation just now, it is possible to directly increase the probability to 100%." ​​Li Huailin thought, after all, the push chance of the back stick It is too low, and the calculation is not more than 1%. It means it should be the secret of 100% special effects. This thing sounds very useful. After all, it lasts for a long time, according to the time of just surrendering. The duration is estimated to be around 40-50 seconds, and the skills of such a long duration are really very useful.

Li Huailin has already thought of a lot of ways to use it. The problem is that this secret treasure is still in the hands of Enron. I can't get it. This is more troublesome. Is it really necessary to find a chance to hang Enron once?

Li Huailin thought about the plan, while the game here is still going on. The next game is the wind and the flow of the game, so the wind and Li Huailin said a few words and was called away by the staff.

The opponents of the wind are also ranked s-level players with 22 ranks. The strength is still quite different. The game is only about 1 minute away and the winners and losers are defeated. The wind is also here to win the opponent. This is already There was no suspenseful game this morning.

The next game was the battle between Hua Xing's player Lin Biao and a s-level fifteen professional player. Everyone in this game didn't have much hope. After all, the gap between the two sides was a bit big. Before the game, the colleagues here can only fully encourage Lin Biao.

"The following game is the a10 player Gu Yuexian people symptom b10 player ... 呃 ... dog egg ..." It is obvious that even the professional host read this name is a bit unnatural, after all, the name Also... The audience who heard the name smiled a little, and they saw the name when they bought the bet. At first I thought I was wrong. But if I look carefully, I still have a professional player called this one. I looked at the introduction and it was still a woman...

This somewhat inexplicable name made the tension in the stadium a little relieved. In the laughter of the audience, Lin Biao here came to power. Of course, no one thinks that the players in the a-level player can win the game. Only the results of the game surprised everyone.

"The game is over, the winner...the dog...the player." It may be that the referee here also feels that the name is a bit too embarrassing. Finally, the player added two words, but the fact that Lin Biao won here is affirmative.

"Ha?" Not only the audience, but Li Jianyi, who is in the vip room, was shocked. In any case, I didn't expect to win, but it was an unexpected surprise.

"Cow brother! Great, I won!" Lin Biao here also said, holding Li Huailin's hand and jumping and jumping.

"What is the name of the cow brother?" Li Huailin directly supported the amount.

"It's a bit of luck, but the performance is really good." The wind here also passed.

"Thank you for your predecessors." Lin Biao here immediately said modestly.

This game is not wonderful. Because the game lasted for 37 minutes, Lin Biao, the pastor and the opposite of the ancient moon immortal, the knight are both treatment professions. The result is such a long tug-of-war, and in the end it has become a bladder war, the two sides are completely more patience, and then count the amount of blue, rather than tactical skills.

The last thing I didn't expect was that Lin Biao's computing power here was slightly better than the opposite one, and the successful consumption of the opposite blue. Then I won, it was a game in which the audience had to fall asleep, but fortunately the blast of the fast gambling made them wake up from sleep.

"The trough! Laozi lost again!"

"Is the s-level player of tm eating all the time? How can I even beat the a-level players, and the injured son has lost three games."

In the snoring of the audience, the morning game is finally over. Because Lin Biao’s game dragged the time is too long, the morning game went to the tenth game. The a11 match b11 started from the afternoon, and now the players have two hours of rest.

Summarize the morning game, several popular such as Li Huailin, the wind is also flowing, the magic kitchen is no accident, and successfully promoted to the top 16, but the accident is the counterattack of the a-level player, you can see In the morning, there were only 10 games in total. In the 3 games, the b-group players counter-killed the a-level players. All of the three games were successful in the a-level league. This is a bit of a concern.

It is true that the s-level players are not familiar with the skills of the a-level players. But one or two, even if three people fight back, this is not finished, because there is a level of players in the afternoon, is this a-level player? Do you have 4 or 5 places in the top 16? This is something that has never happened before.

However, this is only the matter for the audience to discuss. The players have already rested. The morning game has just ended. Li Jianyi immediately rushed out from the vip room: "Good job, everyone is doing well."

Can't help but be unhappy, this morning's game Huaxing company is really too good, not only the wind and Li Huailin these two scoring points to play a stable, even the dangerous high-ranking talent here, and completely hopeless Lin He actually made a big break into the top 16, how can this make him unhappy.

There is no need to say anything about the wind and Li Huailin. Li Jianyi here should praise Lin Biao: "It's good! Start paying twice in next month, do it well!"

"yeah, thank you boss." Lin Biao here said happily.

In fact, although it sounds like it is very powerful, in fact, the treatment of a-level players here is not very good. Lin Biao’s salary was 10,000 yuan a month, even Li Huai Lin’s winds flowed their tenths. I haven't arrived yet, and the double is just over one tenth. Of course, this is not a bonus for the event.

"Oh... the only result is that I left the first round?" Jiang Xueyi said here, although he also wanted to try hard, but the first round directly hit the sky... This...

"Little ginger, don't worry, the top 32 is already very good." Li Jianyi here comforted, then turned to Lin Biao and continued, "Is it free at noon? If you have time, come directly to our company to sign a new contract." a bit."

Li Jianyi is also a little bit of a heart, although this a-level player named Lin Biao did not pay attention to it at first, but now it is already the top 16 players in the finals. If it is not up to heart, it is estimated that it will be dug by others.

"Hey? This Li, I have something to do at noon..." Lin Biao said here.

"Hey? Is there something? That's OK, remember to come on time in the afternoon." Li Jianyi didn't think too much. Now it should be no one to dig people, so he nodded.

"I have to go first here." Li Huailin said directly that he was free, and Su Ruoyan here is also looking for her to have a lunch.

In addition, several people were directly off the assembly line. He was originally in the Huaxing Company. He was eating together on the following line. After the people finished, the Lin Biao here still did not go offline, and all the way out. The arena then came to the box of a bar in the main city business district.

"Big sister, I am coming." Lin Biao said as he knocked at the door.

"Come in." There was a female voice inside, and Lin Biao here nodded and pushed the door in. There are already 7 people in the room, and if you look at the morning game, you can find out that the eight people here are actually a class A player who participated in the finals, which is just the first place in the a-level league. To the eighth place.

Looking at this ranking, it is obvious that they are centered on one person, that is, the person Lin Biao calls the big sister, and this person is the Druid Yin Xiaoyin who has previously won the victory in the game. .

Now Yin Xiaoyin’s face is not as harmonious as it was on the stage. She is standing in front of her two people. These two are the a-level players who lost the game in the morning. One of them is defeated by the famous. Player Xiao Luo.

"啪", Yin Xiaoyin directly hit the face of Xiao Luo in front of the slap in the face, although the slap in the game has no harm, no pain, but how to look at the past, However, the 30-year-old man did not move at all, and did not continue to bow his head.

"It was really a waste to be fooled by such a simple trap!" Yin Xiaoyin continued here. "When the National Cup is over, you can retire."

"What, big sister, don't..." Xiao Luo said here quickly, but Yin Xiaoyin here did not care for him, went straight to Lin Biao, and then directly put Lin Biao in his arms.

"Doing a good job, Xiao Yan." Yin Xiaoyin's mouth here said on Lin Biao's ear. Lin Biao here is obviously shocked, not because of anything else, but because of fear.

"Big...big sister." Lin Biao here said a little trembling.

"Now it seems that if I want to enter the semi-finals, I should have met the arrogant brother. You just have to go to his good friend?" Yin Xiaoyin asked here.

"Yes, added." Lin Biao here said that she had just added friends with Li Huailin. After all, it was the same company. Li Huailin did not refuse.

"That made him come out to talk." Yin Xiaoyin said with a smile. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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