All Worlds Madhouse

Chapter 136 He Comes from Heaven (End)

【The world is full of lies】

【I would rather be blind and not see a thing.】



I stopped thinking!

But my throat slipped out of consciousness. It was roaring with all its strength, in pain, and the sound almost squeezed my eyeballs out of my head!

What am I?

Am I one of those demons?

Are these the demons I slaughtered along the way?

My throat was broken, and blood rushed down the trachea into my lungs. I choked and coughed violently and miserably, but I could only curl up on the ground, trying desperately to pull off the face that had been torn off by my own hands. Stick it back on your face.

That's my face!

That's my face!

I would give anything to have this sentence imprinted in my mind.

At this moment, the priest's words penetrated my ears.

"This is heaven, where the restless souls will be saved."

He was preaching to me!

"You are in pain, I can save you"

There was no pity in his tone. If I could raise my head at this time, I should be able to see him.


There was a sound of steel colliding. I raised my head and saw a pig-headed man walking towards me. The sound came from its feet. It was a locked chain, deeply embedded in the flesh, and the rust was mixed with dryness. of blood.

In its hands, it held a bowl of disgusting and smelly soup and another pair of iron chains.

"Drink this medicine and give up thinking, child. Thinking only makes people miserable. Just follow me, because I know everything you need to do."

Give up thinking?

Yes, I don’t want to think about it anymore, this memory is too painful, too painful!

I struggled to stretch out my hand, trying to take the soup and hold the iron chain.

However, I saw that the pig-headed man's ears were sewn to his scalp with dense threads.

Something suddenly occurred to me.

The guy named Hobert, the "person" named Mary whose throat I cut off, and me, I finally realized what all of this meant.

lie! cheat! Slavery!

We are the lowest labor force. We work for this paradise. When we use up the last bit of value, we will become the meat on the chopping board, waiting to be slaughtered.

And this iron chain means that we are willing to do this!


I felt angry again, but this time, not at these grotesque pig-headed men.

But to the bishop sitting on the chair, to the angels with simple rings, to all "people"!

I knocked out the poison in my hand that could make me forget all this, and pulled out the butcher knife from my waist.

"This pig is crazy! His soul has been corrupted by evil!"

The bishop roared, and I could see his yellow teeth and his tongue stained with blood.

The slaughterhouse was boiling. Countless figures came up and surrounded me.

And those figures turned out to be those "pigs"!

Are they trying to kill me?

"Hawk!" An angel handed an ax to the pig closest to him: "You have been chosen by God, go up and purify this demon!"

"What?" I was shocked: "No, I am not a devil! We are companions! They are the devils."

I roared, but the pig named Hawk still came to me with the ax.

I suddenly realized that it was me before, and I became the demons I killed with my own hands.

"You must obey me! Demons come from your thoughts. They squirm in the pits of hell and lie on the maggots of sin. They will swallow your soul until eternity!"

The bishop screamed, the sound was so ugly, and his fishy breath blew into my eardrums.

There was a sound of breaking wind, and the ax struck at me, adding another scar to my body.

I'm in pain, but this pain is nothing compared to the severe pain in my heart. Why? Why is the truth like this? Are all the poor workers here just like me, who have gone through so much trouble and jumped from one abyss into another?

Another ax blade struck, and I remained silent, letting it sink into my flesh.

Tears followed the low roar, streaking down my face with ridges and grooves.

I raised the butcher knife and cut Hawke's throat.

[He died and I understood the meaning of massacre]

I'm a butcher. So I copied my old business and started my massacre.

Maybe death is the salvation for these poor pigs.

You don’t have to suffer anymore!



Finally, my broken body became the only thing standing on the pool of blood. Those angels and pigs were all piled up on the floor of the temple in a mess. I could no longer distinguish them.

I slowly walked towards the bishop, who was hiding behind the chair. I pulled him out!

"Merciful Lord, I have forgiven you."


I didn't hear him finish, so I inserted my hand into his mouth, up to my elbow.

I wanted to find out if there was something disgusting in his body that made him tell those horrible lies.

However, there is nothing

This is the memory I have been looking for.

This is heaven

Let me forget all this.

I thought, looking around aimlessly at everything.

At this time, I found the bowl, which was lying quietly next to the skin I had peeled off. It was not broken, and there was still some fishy soup in the bowl that had not been spilled.

I jumped on it as if I had found a treasure and drank the soup inside!

He put that face on his head again.

[Maybe this way, I can forget all this! 】

Just like that, I walked out of the temple, and the wind couldn't blow away the blood on my body. .

Where am I going?

I looked at the river. The water was so clear and beautiful. I found that what I had been pursuing was so incompatible with me.

Perhaps, I only deserve to sink into the smelly sea of ​​blood and become those demons that climb onto the shore. Originally, I was one of them.

I laughed and cried.

I turned around and walked to the top of the sea of ​​blood, opened my arms, and jumped down!

"Am I going to die?"

I don’t know either. Maybe it will, maybe it won’t, but it doesn’t matter because I will forget all this eventually.

This is my biggest wish at the moment.

In the darkness, there was endless pain. They were like tiny maggots, burrowing into my flesh, following my blood vessels, and gnawing at every inch of my bones.

In pain, I don't know how long it lasted.

Finally, a drop of rain fell on my brow.

I woke up.

I don’t know this world, I don’t know who I am, I only know that I have a body covered with scars and an ugly face. These scars seem to have endured millions of reincarnations, one layer covering one side. .

Why do they stay here?

I don't know. I don't know anything.

Therefore, I can only walk forward along this scarlet sea of ​​blood

I walked through a village, and the villagers told me that the village was rebuilt only a few decades ago because it had experienced a fire.

I asked how I could get my memory back.

They pointed to the end of the Blood Sea. Legend has it that there is a temple there.

The most brutal journey in the world.

What's even more cruel is that this journey will be repeated thousands of times.

And every time, it's a brand new pain.

That day, I dragged my tired body on the shore of the sea of ​​blood. Not long ago, I just asked a passerby if there was any way to retrieve my lost memory. He pointed to me in the direction of the end of the sea of ​​blood.

So I walked and walked.

I do not know how long it has been

I smelled smoke.

It was a man with disheveled hair, smoking a cigarette and standing on the shore, with the scarlet tide washing over his ankles.

"Do you want to escape?"

he ask me.

I wonder what he means by escape, escape from this paradise? To escape this pain? Or escape from reincarnation?

So I murmured, not knowing how to answer.

He smiled, as if he knew my confusion.

So, he threw the cigarette into the sea of ​​blood.

In an instant, the scarlet blood was ignited like the most powerful corpse oil, and the fire shot straight into the dome. Tens of thousands of suns were burned, making a shrill scream. I have never seen heaven so bright. The scorching flames burned my face.

The man smiled inexplicably.

And I cried for no reason

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