All Worlds Madhouse

Recommend a book

Recommended book, Wen Yanda's new work, "Don't Soar".

Yes, the one who wrote "The Night Is Coming" was Wen Yan Duo Jiu.

So I don’t need to say more about quality, it’s definitely guaranteed!

The background is the earth one hundred years after the spiritual energy was revived

The beginning is a big twist.

A world-famous cultivator ascended. After his ascension, his fragments of a gentleman returned to the mortal world, where they happened to be obtained by the protagonist.

There is such a sentence in the fragment of consciousness.

"Reviving spiritual energy is a big lie. Don't ascend!"

Tsk tsk.

All of a sudden, it is different from the cultivation and monster-killing upgrade text wrapped in a spiritual energy recovery skin.

This is suspenseful at heart.

Therefore, people who read my book should also like reading this one.

Well, that's it. In the end, I wish Wen Yan a great flow of literary thoughts, a hundred chapters updated every day, and he won't feel tired even if he doesn't eat, drink water or sleep. He will be in better health, the old tree will sprout new buds, and it will be on the shelves. Bai Fumei will line up to post it, and live life directly. peak.


(Note, this is not py, repeat, not py!!)

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