Chapter 242: Lin Yang’s Top Revenge! Make your mouth hi! Make you mouth-water!!

Another world-famous painting was born.

This is the thought that came to the minds of almost all players and netizens of the entire national server at this moment.

(Tricked.) )

At this moment, almost the players in the G2 battle table instantly cracked to the idea of breaking the defense.

Jankos, P and Wunder, who flashed at the same time, only felt that their eyes were dark, and they almost collapsed.


This robot, how can he still play like this!?

In essence, in fact, with the reaction speed of professional players, the ballistic trajectory of the hook can be judged at the moment when the opponent robot flashes the hook.

Then dodge or dodge.

But at that moment, several G2 team members were really nervous to the extreme.

Especially because a beautiful robot is almost a hundred hooks, which really causes them great psychological pressure.


At the same moment when the robot accelerates and crosses flashes to chase and kill.

The three G2 team members subconsciously handed over flashes.

It’s all a stress response.

But who the hell wants to get—

A steam robot with almost a hundred hooks throughout the game.

Actually in such a wave of key little dragon groups.

Staged three two seven such an outrageous flash reverse Q!?


The whole competition venue was sensational!

To be precise, after the breathtaking crowd in the audience fell on their backs.

The players who got up from under their seats looked at this scene of world-famous paintings on the big screen and burst into unstoppable laughter!


“Crouch! This top world famous painting! ”

“One flash and three flashes!”

“The whole G2 team thought that the robot wanted to Q itself, but Yang Shen reversed Q air!”

“Brothers! This wave is not a loss! Blood earned!! ”

In the live broadcast room of a live broadcast platform, the smile of the Deyun color duo was simply bright and joyful!

Sika on the side also laughed so much that his mouth was rotten:

“Why stop bleeding and earn!?”

“This flash reversed empty Q, blowing up the mentality on the other side!”

“I flash three of them, in exchange for you a reverse empty Q, this special G2 can’t be cracked?”

“Worthy of Yang Shen! The mentality is really the top level in the world!! ”


The whole network barrage is boiling with sensation.

Not only the national uniform, including the European and American uniforms and the live broadcast room of the Hanbok, the barrage was stunned like a tide and quickly brushed the screen.

All the players and netizens in the world, he has never seen such an outrageous picture!

Key regiment.

The key first.

As a result, your robot is left here to make a whole effect!?


Is it true that he deceived his opponent.

Trick out three flashes and cheat out a top world famous painting!

“Yang Shenniu B!!!”

In the official live broadcast room of the national service, the barrage is all boiling and hot!

And in the OB screen at this moment, after a certain beautiful boy deceived the opponent into three flashes, he began to greet his teammates if nothing happened:

“Come on, they didn’t flash.”

“Open the dragon and open the dragon!”

Several RNG team members: “…”

No matter how rich their imagination was, they didn’t expect this wave of little dragon regiments to win in such a way.

Although a good news.

But I always feel that the corners of my mouth can’t help but twitch.

There is also an urge to beat someone.

Soon, the second dragon was also included in the RNG of the blue square.

The opponent’s red side G2, because of the lack of three flashes, easily did not dare to take the group, and could only be forced to give up and then withdraw.

Several G2 players are really dripping blood.

Three flashes ah…

And they are all life-saving skills of key heroes, and if a team battle breaks out in the next 5 minutes, there will be a lot less room for operation on their side.

Especially because of the whole life of a robot.

It’s all gone.

Lin Yang was in a good mood at the moment.

Just now, he deliberately pinched the mentality of the opposite hand, and it really worked.

The deterrent power of the robot hero is there, and the Q skill mechanical flying claw is in hand, which is really scary.

Now the little dragon is in hand.

The task was also successfully completed.

The system’s pleasant cues ringed in your ears.

[Silver revitalization mission completed.] 】

【Reward sending…】

[Congratulations to the host for winning the buff – “King of the Draw”. 】

[Robot hero proficiency increased by 50%, hook accuracy increased by 30%, and hook imagination increased by 50%. 】

Several buff effects are superimposed, and now Lin Yang’s robot hook accuracy has nearly doubled.

And the ability to hook the imagination bonus –

It remains to be verified by subsequent actual combat.

“Brothers come and come! Huddle to do things!! ”

A certain beautiful boy called his teammates with great interest in the team’s voice.

Several RNG team members: “…”

It’s nothing for the average person to say this.

It can be said from a certain population, which always makes people think that this guy has a bad stomach again.

I want to mourn for my opponent G2 in advance.


The game lasted just over 14 minutes.

The defensive tower plating disappears.

Xiaolongbao’s wild male gun swims on the road, and cooperates with Lin Yang’s robot to directly demolish the opponent’s outer tower on the road.

Wunder’s Jace did not dare to come up to clear the line to guard the tower, he flashed and did not turn better, the opposite robot drove a W to accelerate over, and he had to die if he ate the hook.

As soon as the outer tower on the road was broken, Lin Yang’s upper order robot was completely liberated from the line stage.

Double acceleration of five-speed shoes and W skill overload operation.

Start working.

The steam robot that turns on the overload operation is like a bolt of lightning, whizzing into the river.

Blink Kung Fu.

He came out of the grass on the left side of the middle road river mouth and pounced directly on the opposite Zhongdan Zoe.

Then a hook shot.

– Mechanical Flying Claw (Q)!

Caps is almost desperately trying to manipulate Zoe to twist and dodge the hook.

But one was careless, and he was hit by Xiaohu’s Cindra QE second consecutive push at the limit distance.

The moment he got rid of the dizzy control, the opposite robot had already rushed to the front with the “energy iron fist” of the E skill.

Caps is forced to flee back to the tower.

And seeing that there was no chance in the middle, Lin Yang didn’t stay at all, turned his head and controlled the robot to leave again to make trouble elsewhere.

Caps’ whole person was in shock:

“Damn it!”

“This guy, how is it haunted!”

“Let’s take a look at his location!”

But fortunately this wave he himself reacted decisively and quickly enough not to let the robot gank succeed.

This also makes Caps a little smug and vain –

In addition to the whole life, your robot hook is no more than that.

As long as you are a little vigilant and watch out, it is still easy to hide by maneuvering the position…

The thought just crossed my mind.

At this moment, Zoe was also retreating to her own tower with residual blood, ready to return to the city.

Next second.

A cold mechanical flying claw whizzed through the air from behind the field wall on the right side of the defense tower!

Accurately hit the target under the tower Zoe.


The sound of iron claws clasping at the target.

Caps’ face froze abruptly in front of the computer screen.

The eyes are sharply rounded!


It’s not even time to say a single swear word.

The petite body of the Twilight Star Spirit has been instantly pulled away by a hook partition wall!

On the other side of the field wall, a certain beautiful steam robot has raised its metal fist with flashing electricity again.

– Energy Tekken (E)!

Directly hit the target Zoe into the air.

Under the blessing of the blazing light, this heavy punch directly triples the damage!

Zoe’s blood bar plummeted a full block!

Flat A.

The big move “electrostatic force field” burst into the gate to cast a dense cobweb current.

The damage that broke out made Zoe’s already bloody blood bar instantly bottom out.

Half Blood Kill!!


A soft and pleasant female voice sounded.

The audience cheered and applauded like a fryer!

The canteen trio on the commentary stage was surprised and praised:


“This wave of Yang God’s robot didn’t go at all, relying on the speed of the five-speed shoe to directly circle and kill back.”

“Caps’ Zoe didn’t expect it at all, this robot will kill him if it sees it!”

“A set of QER combos, half-bloody kill!”

“The robot’s damage—”

“Invincible too!!”

The robot development speed in this game is not as fast as the heroes used by other Lin Yang.

After all, as a half-tool man, he gave up more economy and head to Xiaolongbao’s wild nuclear male gun.

But this does not mean that the robot in this game has no killing ability.

The archangel shines with light in hand.

At this time, the robot’s set of burst damage is also considerable.

Kill in the middle and take Zoe’s head, and Cindra of the Little Tiger can push another wave of troops along the way, and by the way, tear down the HP of the opponent’s tower.

And Lin Yang’s robot once again burrowed into the opponent’s field.

Directly caused the whole G2 team to panic:

“What about the robot position?”

“Wild area to the eyes, take a look!”

“Damn, where did the robots go!?”

Next second.

Perkz’s desperate voice sounded from the team’s voice:

“Damn it… Why did he come and go down again!? ”


Kneel down and ask for your monthly tickets for flowers! Happy New Year’s Day to all! Ask for customization again~.

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