Chapter 244: Reaching the Final Four! Riot announces the ranking of world players!!

Perkz’s idea is actually not problematic at all.

Half a minute ago, his bomber had just been squatted by a robot in front of the highland tower on his own way.

In about twenty seconds of resurrection time, he revived from the spring and directly chose to go on the road to collect the troops and clear the line, even if the robot on the opposite side had wings, it was impossible to rush to the road in such a short time.


Under the OB screen from God’s perspective, players and netizens all over the world have seen the whole process of all this.

A certain beautiful boy’s upper order robot chose to return to the city to update the supply equipment after a wave of crouching ambushes in front of the opponent’s highland tower on the way down to get the head.

And then.

A direct TP teleportation came to the eye position where the teammate’s male gun was placed in the upper half of the field in advance.

This was followed by a patient crouch ambush.

Wait for the bomber to come to the second tower on the road.

The “mechanical flying claw” of the Q skill of the partition wall shot directly.

Then he pulled back the target bomber, who had no time to react, with a hook.

– Energy Tekken (E)!

A heavy punch filled with electricity was punched.

Directly hit the target’s demolition ghost into the air and control it.

At the same moment, Xiaolongbao’s Wild Man Gun E skill slipped step displacement and protruded face, lifting the gun and firing a flat A to Q.

The ultimate explosive bomb of the big move sticks out of the face.

A wild nuclear hero who has been developing for so long before also played the terrifying outbreak damage that should have at this time node.

The bomberman has not yet escaped control and fallen back to the ground.

The blood tank was instantly emptied by a set of burst damage from the male gun.

A beautiful robot only needs to keep up with the follow-up general attack.

Then easily take the head.


A soft and pleasant female voice sounded the killing announcement.

The cheers and cheers of the audience were boiling like a fryer!

The canteen trio on the commentary stage couldn’t help but be dumbfounded:

“It’s seconds again!!”

“My God, this bomber was resurrected from the spring twice, and in less than ten seconds after he walked out, he was directly sent back to the spring!”

“In a minute or so, three consecutive kills!”

“This bomberman…”

“Black and white TV, it’s just vomiting!!”


In just one minute, Bomberman was killed three times in a row.

Even in the entire background history of the World Championship, it is probably rare to have such an outrageous record of death and speed.

Almost as soon as he was resurrected, he was returned to the spring.

There is simply no room for operation and development for half a dime.

“Yang Shen this robot! Eat Perkz’s bomberman thoroughly!! ”

The duo of Deyun couldn’t help but brighten up at this moment, excited to the point of joy:

“Three kills in one minute!”

“This blood feud can’t be so dead!?”

“Bomberman blood explosion! Brothers! Blood exploded! 々.! ”

This is not a matter of the rhythm of development.

It is the player’s personal mentality, which is targeted by such a series of deaths, and is directly rectified to collapse and break the defense.

The G2 team was confused.

As a party, Perkz is even more mad and collapsed to the extreme:

“Why is his robot on the road again!?”

“Can’t you make a field of vision, how can I fight this!??”

And there is still only one answer.

The steam robot of the advantage game is almost invincible in terms of the ability to snowball.

At this point, several other members of the RNG team were a little unbearable.

Gala: “Isn’t that cruel…”

Xiaohu: “Bomberman is going to be broken, right?” Lin Yang, you caught a sheep and scavenged wool to death. ”

Xiaolongbao: “Brother Yang, do you want to restrain yourself… Otherwise, I’m afraid you’ll be beaten when you shake hands later.” ”


What is restraint?

Lin Yang glanced at the taskbar from his perspective.

Task progress bar [22/30].

It’s still eight times away.

Keep going!


The situation on the field is actually completely chaotic.

Mainly because a completely unconventional single robot, almost single-handedly, put the entire G2 team on the red side into a state of scorching.

Once the field is lost.

The robot on the opposite side is simply like a tiger adding wings and a haunted spirit.

Always worry and watch out for whether a mechanical flying claw will suddenly shoot out from behind the wall and in the grass in a dead corner of the view.

Such a panicked mentality has made everyone in the G2 team now at risk.

It is impossible to know who the next moment disaster will befall you.

Of course –

The greatest chance seems to be to befall Perkz’s bomberman.

“The vision is made.”

“Look at my position, and his robot thinks about me alone!!”

Perkz’s voice in the team’s voice clearly revealed a sense of collapse and despair.

After three games, he has realized how stupid it is to talk about it in the original post-match interview.

RNG of the year.

It’s completely different from the RNG in the S8 season.

The strength of this one is far stronger.


Also more top vengeance!!

There is an old saying of the LPL called “it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years”?

The guy named Lin on the opposite side is simply revenge and will never be overnight, and he will repay his death all day long!

However, the G2 side did not give up hope for this game in advance.

Still trying to find an opportunity to fight back.

Just over 15 minutes into the game, Zoe of Caps on the middle side of the field took the opportunity to hypnotize a bubble (E) to sleep Cindra.

Cooperate with Jankos’s Tano Prince around the back gank.

A set of damage set fire.

Take Cindra down.

Zoe got the head and pushed another wave of defense tower HP along the way.

Then turn to the upper half of the river and take in the second refreshed canyon pioneer.

In the official live broadcast room of the European service, several European commentators couldn’t help but cheer up and rejoice:


“G2 hasn’t given up hope yet!”

“This wave of rhythm is playing beautifully, saving some disadvantages!”

“If Caps’ Zoe can develop, there will still be a battle in the middle and late stage of team battle!”

But this night.

Lady Luck is destined to be reluctant to favor G2.

It’s only half a minute after getting the Canyon Pioneer.

On the G2 side, Jankos’ Taye Prince with Pioneer is ready to come to the middle to release and help Caps’ Zoe get a little more economy.

Little Tiger’s Cindra has not yet returned to the line.

And someone’s single-order robot has already flanked behind with Xiaolongbao’s wild male gun.

A Q skill “mechanical flying claw” shot out of the air like lightning, accurately hitting the target of the prince Jiawen.

Pull back.

Energy Iron Fist (E) strikes to control the flight.

Xiaolongbao’s Wild Man Gun Sticking to the Face is a set of QAR combos.

The instantaneous burst of damage almost made a half-flesh-disguised prince as fragile as paper paste.

The blood tank is instantly cleared!

Zoe Nakadan, who was left with Caps, could only escape desperately and was forced to flee into the lower half of the RNG.

As a result, Xiao Ming, who was rushed in with support, manipulated the auxiliary bullhead to make a savage charge (W) directly into the face of the male gun and the robot.

RNG Ueno regrouped fire.

The male gun takes another head.

“.’ DoubleKill! ——”

The killing announcement of the female voice of the system sounded.

At the on-site commentary table, the canteen trio watched in amazement:

“This combination! It’s inexplicable! ”

“The only thing missing from the men’s gun damage explosion is stable control.”

“But now there are robots, and the only missing link of the male gun is also perfectly filled!”

“Now these two people are swimming in linkage, and really catching one is a second kill!”

Backstage, in the players’ lounges of the major teams of the quarterfinals, the coaching staff and analysis teams were like great enemies.

Desperately writing and writing notes on their respective tactical notepads.

RNG this wild nuclear system…

Kill and can’t be released!

Even if you put a male gun, this robot must not give it!

It’s terrifying!!


The next game has almost entered garbage time ahead of schedule.

19 minutes.

The third dragon refreshes.

This is the Water Dragon Soul, which happens to be the dragon soul attribute that the red square G2 poke lineup is most unwilling to see.

But what is even more uncomfortable is that the pace of the small dragon in the early stage of RNG is too fast, and it is already a listening dragon at this time.

G2 was forced to choose to come and pick up the group.

(Okay Zhao) Strictly speaking, their lineup has actually entered a period of strong strength during this time period.

But what they need to face –

But it is a wild nuclear male gun with the best development in the field, two and a half pieces in hand in 19 minutes.

and a beautiful boy’s single-order robot.

“Find a chance to kill the robot first!”

In the team’s voice, Caps is still shouting.

This will be their last wave of chances.

The entire G2 team has tried to force their spirits up, and if this wave loses, they will completely declare that they will not participate in the final four.

And it seems that the emperor does not deserve his heart.

Just at this most critical juncture, the upper single robot controlled by someone seems to have made a mistake.

The steam robot enters the opponent’s blue buff field to make a good view.

The result was just seen by Zoe across the wall.

– Hypnotic bubbles (E)!

The translucent energy bubble was kicked out by the Twilight Star Spirit.

Hit Britz with precision.

A reading ring appears at the foot of the robot.

Quickly dizzy and fall asleep in place.

At this moment, the G2 team was almost ecstatic!

“Slept! Earth! ”

“The robot is under control!!”

“Seconds him!!”


New Year, kneel down and ask for your monthly tickets and flowers!! Customize it and ask for it seriously!.

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