Alliance God-level Summoner

Chapter 223 Secret Technique—War Beast Vision

"Xiao Yao, I have an idea."

Bai Chengfeng said: "If all three of them can reach Silver Level 3 next semester, then you will be fully qualified to participate in the National League."

National League!

Xiao Yao's eyes lit up.

As a loyal fan of the National League, his favorite thing to do is study National League videos.

He would carefully study every game above the quarter-finals many times to learn the tactics and coordination.

After becoming a summoner, he naturally fantasized about participating in the National League and winning the championship in one fell swoop, but he had never considered participating in the league as a freshman.

But if you think about it carefully, if all three brothers can be promoted to Silver Level 3 next semester, there is great hope of winning the league championship.

Seeing Xiao Yao's very moved look, Bai Chengfeng smiled slightly.

If anyone else said that a certain student could train all three war beasts from Silver Level 1 to Silver Level 3 in just half a semester, he would definitely sneer at it.

There is no way to compare the energy and resources spent cultivating one war beast and cultivating three war beasts at the same time.

In half a semester, it is already very good to be able to train a war beast from Silver Level 1 to Silver Level 3.

But if this student is Xiao Yao, there will be nothing wrong with him.

Of course, for ordinary students, the three war beasts are only Silver Level 3, which is not enough strength to participate in the internal selection of Beijing University.

At Beijing University, if you want to participate in the national league and achieve good results, you must have at least one silver level 5 beast, and the other two beasts must also reach silver level 4. There cannot be any hindrance.

But Xiao Yao's beasts are different. Their strength far exceeds that of the same level. As long as they reach Silver level 3, they are definitely qualified to represent Beijing University and even have a chance to win the championship.

"I'll try my best!"

Xiao Yao nodded firmly.

Now that you have this idea, you should go all out.

It's just that Silver Level 3 is not stable enough. After all, those who can participate in the National League are the top talents in the country. Silver Level 4 and Level 5 are everywhere, and the strength of a single war beast is definitely far beyond that of the same level.

If he really wants to participate, he will naturally be rushing to win the championship. It is best to train all three war beasts to Silver Level 4, so as to ensure that he can win the championship.

"And one more thing."

Bai Chengfeng smiled and said: "Since you are already at the silver level, I have a secret technique that I can pass on to you."

"Secret technique?"

Xiao Yao looked confused.

"This secret technique is called - War Beast Vision."

Bai Chengfeng explained: "After reaching the silver level, the summoner's spiritual power gradually begins to take effect, and secret techniques also emerge."

"The vision of the war beast, as the name suggests, allows the summoner to have the vision of the war beast. After the secret operation is activated, everything the war beast sees and hears will be shared in the summoner's mind."

"But teaching secret techniques requires extremely strong mental control, so only summoners above diamond level can teach secret techniques. We both happen to be here today, so I will teach you this secret technique directly."

Secret technique, battle beast vision.

A hint of surprise flashed in Xiao Yao's eyes.

Below the Silver level, even if the summoner sends war beasts to investigate the surrounding situation, they can only obtain relevant information from the vague expressions of the war beasts. Moreover, because the war beasts are not familiar with many things in this world, the information transmitted is also unclear. Must be accurate.

But with the vision of the war beast, it is equivalent to the summoner having a pair of moving eyes, which is completely different.

The secret technique is really magical.

Xiao Yao said expectantly: "Uncle Bai, I'll trouble you then!"

Bai Chengfeng nodded, then his eyes flashed, and an invisible wave rippled. He raised his right finger and pointed at Xiao Yao's eyebrows.


Xiao Yao suddenly felt that his mind went blank.

I don't know how long it took before he gradually recovered.

"This is……"

Xiao Yao showed a surprised expression.

He saw a mysterious rune in his mind, with a pair of eyes engraved on it, vividly.

He raised his head and felt a little sorry when he saw Bai Chengfeng's increasingly tired eyes.

"Uncle Bai, I'm so sorry for bothering you so much just after I got home today."

Bai Chengfeng smiled and waved his hand: "It doesn't matter, just rest for a night."

As Xiao Yao's elder, it is an honor to be able to witness the rise of this peerless genius and play a role as a guide in his growth process, even if he is a diamond-level summoner.

"Okay, dinner will be served soon, let's go inside."

He Wanyu said.

Seeing the fatigue in her husband's eyes, she felt very distressed, but she could understand why her husband was so anxious to teach Xiao Yao's secret skills.

Xiao Yao's talent was so terrifying that no matter whether he was his teacher or an elder, he wanted to teach him everything he had learned.

As long as nothing happens to this child, he will definitely become a master-level genius in the future, and may even become a king-level genius in the Dragon Kingdom.

"Let's eat, let's eat!"

Bai Lingyun shouted excitedly.

Mom made a lot of delicious food today, and he was so greedy that his mouth was watering.

Not long after returning to the house, He Wanyu brought the prepared meal.

Gold-level hurricane antelope meat is the main course, paired with several brightly colored vegetables. It's a five-star level!

At the end of the meal, Xiao Yao almost couldn't stand up straight.

"Xiao Yao, remember to go to the Summoners Association to update your information when you have time."

Bai Chengfeng took a sip of tea and said.


Xiao Yao responded.

Registered silver-level summoners can receive a subsidy of 10,000 yuan from the state every month, and their authority has been improved, allowing them to obtain more internal information and resources.

"But Uncle Bai, I have a question I want to ask."

Xiao Yao hesitated and asked: "Xiao Ke has evolved, can his race name be changed?"

The name I chose before was too random. Black Wind Wolf sounded like a cannon fodder name.

This really damages Xiaoke's image.

So he planned to take this opportunity to change Xiaoke's racial name.

"A racial name? Sure."

Bai Chengfeng smiled and said: "After all, there is only one wolf tribe in the world, Xiao Ke, who can possess 6 skills at the bronze level. It's not up to you to decide what to call him."

"That's good~"

Xiao Yao nodded.

He has already thought about it. The name of Xiaoke's new race will be called - Bloody Blood Demonic Wolf.

This is what the protagonist should be like.

Just like the Black Wind Wolf before, who was given the wrong name?

It has discouraged many readers.

I really don’t understand~

Xiao Ke is called the Raging Blood Demonic Wolf, Lao Niu is the Purple Prison Demonic Cow, what is Tucci's name?

The source of the plague does not seem to describe his image.

But it’s best not to make major changes, otherwise you’ll be criticized again.

Forget it, let’s just call it Plague Rat.

Angry Blood Demonic Wolf, Purple Prison Demonic Ox, and Plague Demonic Rat.

The three brothers all bear the magic word, so they are a neat family.

I'm such a genius at naming!

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