Alliance God-level Summoner

Chapter 231 Dead Demon (Updated for the Alliance Leader)

"Where were you just now?"

As soon as Xiao Yao sat down, Bai Lingxiao couldn't help but ask.

Xiao Yao glanced around, leaned into her ear and said, "I'll tell you after the concert."

Warm breath came from her ears. Bai Lingxiao felt her ears itching, her face turned slightly red, and she said softly: "Hmm~"

The surrounding light was very dark, and Xiao Yao did not notice the change in Bai Lingxiao's expression. He scanned the entire stage and surrounding area to check for potential dangers.

However, after a period of observation, he found no other problems, so he concentrated on enjoying Lu Yiyi's performance.

The concert lasted for more than 2 hours, and Xiao Yao missed more than 50 minutes, but still listened carefully for more than an hour.

Generally speaking, Lu Yiyi's singing skills can still be given full marks. She is indeed the best among female singers. After 2 hours, her breath was not disturbed at all, and her voice seemed to have a magical power that could make people sing. Quickly integrate into the mood of the song.

However, the quality of the songs is relatively average, at least for a time traveler like Xiao Yao, it can only be considered quite satisfactory.

When the show ended, Xiao Yao and his group were taken back to Lu Yiyi's dressing room by the previous staff member.

There was no one else in the dressing room at this time, and Lu Yiyi hadn't come back yet.

After finding a seat and sitting down, Tao Yaoyao was still excited:

"Sister Yiyi's songs are so beautiful and she sings so well."

"Indeed, it sounds better live than the recorded version."

Li Yu also nodded.

"The first song was my favorite, it captured me instantly."

Xu Xingliang expressed his opinion.

Xiao Yao remained silent and did not speak.

"Xiao Yao, what do you think?"

Bai Lingxiao looked at him and asked.

"Well, it's pretty good!"

Xiao Yao nodded.

"Looking at you like this, you don't seem satisfied."

Li Yu patted him and said.

“It’s not that I’m dissatisfied~”

Xiao Yao hesitated and said:

"I think the singing skills are definitely perfect, but the quality of the songs is average!"

He remembered that Lu Yiyi was not an original singer and most of her songs were purchased.

This also explains why the quality of her songs is uneven.

"Is it average? I think it's pretty good~"

Tao Yaoyao rarely refuted Xiao Yao's opinion.

Xiao Yao smiled and said: "This is just my personal idea. Maybe it's because my aesthetics are weird~"

Seeing Xiao Yao's attitude, everyone didn't care. After all, everyone just has different criteria for judging songs, so there is no need to worry.

But what he didn't know was that because the dressing room door was not closed tightly, there was a person outside the door who heard his remarks.


After a while, Lu Yiyi opened the door and came in, followed by a man and a woman.

The woman is probably in her 30s, has neat short hair, and has the aura of a strong working woman.

But the male's dress was very strange, with brown eye shadow, light lip gloss, slender eyeliner, colorful clothes, and a twitchy walk, which made Xiao Yao frown inwardly.

He hates this kind of guy who is neither male nor female.

"Everyone has been waiting for a long time. Let me introduce you. This is my agent, Sister Rou, and this is my personal makeup artist, Tony." Lu Yiyi said with a smile.

Everyone nodded.

But Xiao Yao noticed that Tony, the ghost, had inexplicable hostility towards him, and he just glanced at him for no reason.

That little expression almost made him vomit.

After Lu Yiyi sat down, she motioned to the makeup artist to remove her makeup while she chatted with everyone.

"Xiaoxiao, it's rare for you to come to my concert. How do you feel~"

Lu Yiyi smiled and said.

"Of course it is impeccable~"

Bai Lingxiao stretched out his thumb.

The smile on Lu Yiyi's lips rose a little, she looked at the others and asked, "What do you think?"


Tao Yaoyao nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"It's awesome!"

Xu Xingliang and Li Yu also nodded.

“It sounds great~”

Xiao Yao gave an evaluation.

Lu Yiyi's eyes narrowed into a crescent shape, almost exactly the same as Bai Lingxiao's.


At this time, an inappropriate voice sounded.

Makeup artist Tony stopped what he was doing, looked at Xiao Yao and said with a strange look:

"That's not what someone said just now. I remember you said that our Yiyige was just average. Why did you change your attitude now?"

His voice was girlish and a little hoarse, which was extremely uncomfortable.

But when he heard this sentence, Xiao Yao couldn't help but have a look of embarrassment on his face.

He didn't expect that what he just said would be heard by this Yin Yang Egg.

The result was brought up in front of the real owner.

He immediately explained: "What I mean is that your songs are not worthy of your singing skills."

The smile on Lu Yiyi's face did not diminish, but she was still a little unhappy inside, but since he was Xiaoxiao's classmate, there was no need to show it.

"It doesn't matter, everyone likes music differently and I understand that."

Xiao Yao smiled awkwardly and said nothing more.

But just because he didn't say it didn't mean that others were willing to let him go.

Tony raised his orchid fingers and said in a mocking tone:

"Some people are not very capable and have a weak tone. They obviously don't understand music but they act like masters. It's really sad~"

Damn shemale, are you finished yet~

Xiao Yao felt a fire rising in his heart.

Normally, if someone talks about him like this, he won't get so angry, but once he faces such an indifferent guy, his temper is always inexplicably irritable.

"Okay Tony~"

Lu Yiyi stopped him in time.

She didn't want to see the matter continue to escalate. These people were all Xiaoxiao's classmates, top students at Beijing University, and might become big shots in the future. She wasn't afraid of offending them, but it was hard to say about Tony.


Tony raised his chin and sneered disdainfully.

Your uncle's~

Seeing the dead demon's proud look, Xiao Yao clenched his fists and wanted to punch him.

At this time, he felt his fist being held by a cold and delicate hand.

Turning around, Bai Lingxiao was looking at him and whispered, "Don't argue with him."

Xiao Yao took a deep breath and nodded.

Forget it, for Xiaoxiao's sake, I don't bother to argue with you.

At this time, Lu Yiyi's cell phone rang. Sister Rou glanced at the name on it and quickly handed the phone to her.

Lu Yiyi took it and looked at it with a surprised expression.

"Hey dad~"

She winked at everyone, then turned around to talk.

"By the way, you haven't told me what you did just now?" Bai Lingxiao asked in a low voice.

Xiao Yao glanced at Lu Yiyi, then whispered into Bai Lingxiao's ear.

The warm breath that continued to reach her ears made Bai Lingxiao stiffen, and her face turned red unconsciously, but when she listened to Xiao Yao's story, her expression changed quickly.

"Shadow Society?"

Bai Lingxiao had an uneasy look on his face: "Are you sure?"

Xiao Yao nodded and said: "Two members of the Shadow Society have died in my hands, I am very sure."

"But why did the Shadow Society find my sister?"

"I don't know, maybe someone placed an assassination order on the Shadow Society, or maybe they just wanted to create chaos, or they just wanted to make some fuss about her."

Making a fuss?

Bai Lingxiao suddenly thought of something, and his expression was very solemn.

Seeing Bai Lingxiao's expression, Xiao Yao quickly asked: "Does your sister have other identities besides being a singer?"

Bai Lingxiao shook his head: "No."


She frowned and said, "My uncle has a special status. He is the military commander of Dragon Guard Fortress."

Dragon Guard Fortress!

Xiao Yao's face changed, and the two looked at each other as if they had realized something.

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