Alliance God-level Summoner

Chapter 237 Boss Wan is grand

Leaning back on the bed, Xiao Yao opened his hands, and poisonous mist of different colors suddenly appeared on each fingertip.

After Tuqi absorbed the Hundred Poison Fruit, the toxicity in his body greatly increased, and this improvement was fed back to him as a summoner.

There are various colors of poisonous mist on the fingertips, each color represents a different attribute.

Black is bloody and throat-sealing, white is coma, green is paralysis, purple is suffering, blue is itching and is unbearable, yellow is super corrosive...

He estimated that with his own level of toxins, even a silver-level person wouldn't be able to withstand it.

However, his problem is the same as Tucci. Even if the poison is very strong, it is useless if it cannot be fed into the enemy's body.

Tucci can at least inject poison into the enemy's body through poison arrows, but he can't put his hand into the monster's mouth and feed the poison.

But overall, he is still very satisfied with this growth.

Monsters are difficult to kill, but killing is not easy.

If anyone dares to offend me, then let you try my poisonous gift package.


The next morning, Xiao Yao and his group came to the classroom.

This class is Monsterology, which is also the subject with the most schedules.

"Well, I'm so sleepy~"

Li Yu yawned greatly.

"Still sleepy? Did you wake up for five hours yesterday?"

Xu Xingliang rolled his eyes.

"What do you know, life lies in sleep!"

"Oh, I only know why you need to sleep for so long while you are alive. You will sleep forever after you die."

"Shut up!"

Xiao Yao laughed at the bickering between the two.

"I feel like you're in a good mood today~"

Bai Lingxiaoyu held her chin in her hands, tilted her head and looked at him and said.

Xiao Yao laughed: "It's hard to feel bad after making so much money."

"That's right~"

Bai Lingxiao smiled sweetly: "Xiao Tuhao, I want to drink milk tea."

"no problem!"

Xiao Yao smiled and said, "I will take care of all your milk tea for the next month."

"I also want!"

Li Yu raised his hand.

"plus one."

Xu Xingliang stuck out his head.

"plus one."

Tao Yaoyao hugged Bai Lingxiao's arm and said with a smile.

"The local hero took it."

Xiao Yao waved his hand and said boldly.

He still has more than 3 million in his pocket, so he can drink milk tea freely.

But I still have to thank the generous boss for saving myself 10 million.

If you can confirm his identity in the future, you must thank him.


Wan Jiabao walked into the room whistling, his expression even proud.

Xiao Yao must have fed the Hundred Poison Fruit to the war beast.

Has it been poisoned to the point of death without a complete body?

Haha, if only soul damage could turn him into an idiot.

Wan Jiabao looked around the classroom, hoping to see Xiao Yao absent from class or looking decadent and annoyed.

Suddenly, his body stiffened, and he saw Xiao Yao joking with the people around him, with a smile on his face that didn't look hurt at all.

what happened? Didn't he use the Baidu Fruit?

At this time, Xiao Yao noticed a look on him. He turned around and found that Wan Jiabao was staring directly at him with a strange expression.


Seeing that Xiao Yao had discovered him, Wan Jiabao's eyes wandered away, then he turned around and coughed twice.

What the hell is this guy doing?

Xiao Yao frowned slightly.

Wan Jiabao is like an annoying fly, buzzing around every day, so you should deal with him, but there is no good reason, so just ignore him, and you will feel very annoyed.

Wan Jiabao walked to the last row of the classroom, where his special seat had become, and even the teacher would not care about him.

But halfway through, he couldn't hold back the impulse in his heart, walked up to Xiao Yao and asked:

"Are you really okay?"

Xiao Yao looked at him and said calmly: "What do you mean?"

"I mean, are you and your beast okay?" Wan Jiabao asked unwillingly.

"Is there something going on between me and my beast?" Xiao Yao said coldly.

"No no."

Wan Jiabao smiled and sat back down dejectedly.

"There's something wrong with him!"

Li Yu looked at Wan Jiabao's back and said.

Xiao Yao frowned slightly: "What does he mean?"

"Why don't you go get him and knock him unconscious? I have a way to make him tell the truth."

Li Yu made a knife-cutting gesture.

"Do you still have this ability?"

Xiao Yao asked with raised eyebrows.

"Oh, let me show you today."

"I'm here to help too. I can look out for the wind." Xu Xingliang said enthusiastically.

"Yes, you are allowed to join."

"Then let's do this..."


After class, Wan Jiabao walked out of the classroom and walked to the teaching building next door to use the toilet.

He has a problem. He can't share the same toilet with outsiders, otherwise he won't be able to urinate.

After seeing that no one was in the restroom, Wan Jiabao breathed a sigh of relief and slowly pulled down his pants.

Ten seconds later, Wan Jiabao shook his head and pulled up his pants with satisfaction.

As soon as he turned around, he saw a cloud of white smoke covering his face. He was unprepared and involuntarily inhaled some of the white mist.

In less than half a second, his vision went dark and he collapsed to the ground with a bang.

Behind him, Xiao Yao showed a proud smile.

Stealth and poison

This combination is really useful for shady people.

However, Wan Jiabao also specially found an unoccupied toilet, which was really cooperative!

Xiao Yao took out his mobile phone and sent a message, and soon Li Yu and Xu Xingliang came here.


Xu Xingliang placed a "cleaning" sign at the door, then closed the door and pressed his body against the door.

Seeing Wan Jiabao lying on the ground, Li Yu said with envy:

"Your invisibility is so useful. If I had this skill, I wouldn't be able to enter and exit the women's bathhouse."

Xiao Yao rolled his eyes: "Fortunately you don't know how, otherwise I'm afraid you won't live to be 20 years old."

"Tch, you underestimate me too much."

Li Yu pulled Wan Jiabao up and raised the corners of his mouth, "Look at me next."

Putting Wan Jiabao's head against the wall, Li Yu stared at him, purple six-pointed stars emerging from his pupils.

A faint purple light shone on Wan Jiabao. Wan Jiabao slowly opened his eyes, but his pupils were unfocused and seemed to be in a fugue.

"What did you mean by what you asked Xiao Yao today?" Li Yu's voice became a little hollow.

"I thought his war beast would be poisoned by the Hundred Poison Fruit, and he himself would be injured."

Wan Jiabao replied in a stiff voice.

Xiao Yao frowned and said, "Ask him why he knew I bought Baidu Fruit."

"How do you know he has the Hundred Poison Fruit?"

"Because I sold the Baidu Fruit to him at a discount." Wan Jiabao replied.


Xiao Yao was shocked by this reply.

That kind and generous boss turned out to be Wan Jiabao?

What the hell is this?

"Why did you sell it to him at a discount?"

"Because even the Platinum level cannot bear the toxicity of the Hundred Poison Fruit. If he, a Silver level, wants to use the Hundred Poison Fruit to cultivate a war beast, he will definitely die miserably. So I will sell it to him at a discount."

So that’s it~

Xiao Yao looked at Wan Jiabao's confused and stiff expression and felt funny.

It turned out that this guy wanted to harm me, but unexpectedly, he helped me a lot by a strange combination of circumstances.

Boss Wan, you are such a ‘good person’!

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