Alliance God-level Summoner

Chapter 259 Full Firepower


Xiaoke flexed his legs and kicked up, his body jumped up high, his sharp claws intertwined a web of death in the air, and he pounced on the Balrog Bear in front of him.

The Balrog Bear roared angrily, its fat body expanded again, its right palm was attached with scorching flames, and it swung its fire palm towards Xiao Ke.


The bear's paw and the wolf's claw collided, and Xiao Ke flew backwards under the huge force and fell several meters away. But at the same time, his wolf's claw also left several blood marks on the palm of the Balrog Bear.


Lao Niu stepped hard, and his body exploded with astonishing speed, like a speeding truck. Just as Xiao Ke flew upside down, he hit the Balrog Bear's chest.

Brutal collision!


The Balrog Bear was knocked three to four meters away by the old cow, and after landing, a big pit was made in the ground.


Tucci shot more than a dozen arrows on the left side of the Balrog Bear. Because the Balrog Bear's left eye was gouged out by him, the left side was the blind spot of the Balrog Bear's sight.

More than a dozen poisonous arrows were inserted into the Balrog Bear's left arm and left leg. Although it was blocked by his solid skin and thick fat, the corrosive effect of the toxins caused him to howl loudly in pain.

[Death Venom: Tuqi's attack will cause the enemy to be infected with deadly venom, and each layer will receive a certain amount of real damage every second. It can currently be stacked 6 times and last up to 6 seconds. 】

Twitch's passive - Death Venom brings real damage. No matter how high the Balrog Bear's defense is, it cannot block the effect of real damage.


At this time, Lao Niu punched the ground with both fists, and a huge force caused the Balrog Bear's body to bounce high from the ground.

At this moment, the Fire Mantis appeared from behind, and the fire on its arm blades suddenly burst out, like two flaming guillotines, striking at the head of the Balrog Bear.

The Balrog Bear had no time to react, so he could only reluctantly put his thick arms across his head, and the flames spiraled up.

Poof! Poof!

The sharp blade arm cut two deep wounds visible on the bones of the Balrog Bear's arm. One blow was effective, and the Fire Mantis was not greedy for success. The vibration of its wings lifted the body into the air, thus evading the Balrog Bear. counterattack.

A series of dog-walking blows almost made the Balrog Bear's lungs explode with anger, its eyes glowed a frightening red, and its entire hair stood on end.


At this time, a lonely wolf howl came from behind, and as soon as the Balrog Bear turned around, he was knocked down by a black shadow.


The wolf claws were continuously waved in front of the Balrog Bear's chest, but because the strength gap between the two was still quite large, the suppression effect only lasted for half a second before the Balrog Bear woke up.


The Balrog Bear reached forward with his big hand, trying to catch Xiao Ke who was trying to escape.

But Xiao Ke was so experienced that he dodged the blow with a slight jump of his body.

Just as the Balrog Bear got up and wanted to catch up, a huge wall appeared in front of Xiao Ke.


Lao Niu summoned all his strength, the muscles of his right arm bulged again, and punched out, creating a white wave of air.

The Balrog Bear immediately retaliated, and the fire palm with the 'giant power' effect pushed forward and collided with the iron fist.


Lao Niu took a few steps back and stepped on the ground to create small pits. The rough fist surface turned slightly black, and it looked like he had suffered a small loss.

The Balrog Bear was motionless, but if you look carefully, you can see that his arms are shaking slightly.

"Oh my god, it's a tie!"

The collision between Lao Niu and Balrog Bear once again shocked everyone's jaws.

You must know that Lao Niu is only Silver Level 1, while his opponent is Gold Level 1.

In the 5th grade, with a huge gap in rank, the fight was almost evenly matched. Is there anything more terrifying in the world than this?

Xiao Yao stood aside and nodded with satisfaction.

The violent bull's demonized all attributes are increased by 30%, coupled with the passive 50% increase in strength and defense of the Vajra Body, and the active 2x increase in strength and defense of the Vajra Body, this makes the original strength and defense far higher than the same. Lao Niu, who has reached level 1, is now close to the level of ordinary gold level 1.

The Fire Demon Bear is powerful, but it is only a bit stronger than Lao Niu who explodes at full strength, and Lao Niu is not the only opponent he has!

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Tucci stood on a hillside far away, shooting wildly at the Balrog Bear from a high position.

At this time, he has activated the "Full Fire" skill. Each arrow not only has higher lethality, but also has a penetrating effect.

[Full Firepower: Tucci gains additional attack range and attack power bonus, and his attacks have a piercing effect. 】

Puff puff puff puff~~

Each arrow hit the Balrog Bear's wound accurately.

After contacting the wound, the poisonous arrow melted quickly, just like a fish trying to drill into the body of the Balrog Bear.

At the same time, Tu Qi in the distance grabbed it with his empty hand, and the toxins in the Balrog Bear's body exploded as if under command.

[Toxic Burst: Tucci causes a large amount of damage to surrounding enemies infected with death venom, and does not remove the layers of death venom. 】


The severe pain in his body caused the Balrog Bear to let out an angry and shrill scream, and the bear's eyes glared at Tuki in the distance. He swore that he would hammer this little mouse into a pulp.


At this time, Xiaoke jumped down from the air, his sharp claws reflected a cold light in the air, and slashed towards the throat of the Balrog Bear.

Caesar Claw!

Bah, the mouth of a beast!

Another blow from the Flame Palm and the Wolf Claw hit each other. Xiao Ke did a beautiful backflip in the air and landed firmly on the ground.

Under the powerful blood-sucking effect of the mouth of the beast + light self-healing + bloodthirsty werewolf transformation, the burnt hair on his body instantly became shiny, and no scars could be seen.

Xiao Ke is an immortal blood-sucking monster when he bursts out with all his strength. As long as you don't kill him instantly, he will be an eternal nightmare for the enemy.


Several more poisonous arrows struck.

The Balrog Bear angrily waved his fire palm, vaporizing all the poisonous arrows in the air, but this also exposed his back again.

For a moment, Xiao Ke, Lao Niu, and Lie Huo Fei Mantis attacked from three directions at the same time.

The wolf claws, blade arms, and iron fists were all aimed at the Balrog Bear's vitals.

Roar! ! !

The Balrog Bear roared loudly, and the flame tornado spun around him again.

The blazing flames scorched the ground black, and the flying sand and gravel were carried up by the tornado with great force, as if a disaster was coming.

Faced with such an astonishing defense, ordinary war beasts may choose to retreat.

But it is a pity that these three war beasts are not afraid at all.

The Fire Mantis itself possesses the ability of flames, so it has extremely high resistance to flames.

Lao Niu relied on his strong defense and showed no fear at all.

Xiao Ke used the Howl of the Ancients, and the high damage reduction greatly reduced the damage caused by the fire to him.

The three war beasts rushed directly into the range of the flame tornado and struck with all their strength.

The Balrog Bear obviously didn't expect that all three enemies would dare to rush into his flame tornado. A single oversight caused him to fall here forever.


Fiery Arm Blade + Armor Breaking Strike.

The flaming blade arm cut a very deep wound on the back and heart of the Balrog Bear, and blood spurted out like a fountain.

Lao Niu's iron fist hit the Balrog Bear's temple, causing his brain to shake and his vision to go dark.

The fatal blow came from Xiao Ke. He let out a long howl, causing the Balrog Bear to instantly fall into fear. One of his wolf claws slashed the Balrog Bear's throat, and the other wolf claw pierced it directly.


The wolf's claws peaked at the back of the Balrog Bear's neck.

The Flame Demon Bear's body stiffened for an instant, and when he came to his senses, his eyes were filled with deathly silence and despair.


Xiao Ke pulled out the wolf's claws, and the wound suddenly expanded. Half of the Balrog Bear's head was separated from its shoulders and hung down on one side.

The flame tornado extinguished, and everyone saw the scene inside.


Seeing Xiao Ke tearing off the head of the Balrog Bear, holding it in the palm of his hand, and roaring to the sky, everyone was shocked by this cruel and ferocious scene and their hearts trembled.

They believe that this scene will remain in their memory forever and will never be forgotten.

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