Alliance God-level Summoner

Chapter 295 Heavy casualties



As each summoner held his head and screamed, the other summoners also began to panic, and many of them secretly wanted to retreat.

"I think we should withdraw!"

A fat boy whispered.

"What to withdraw?"

Wang Dawei said sternly: "If we withdraw now, won't all our previous efforts and contributions be in vain?"

His battle beast is at the front, and if he retreats, they will be the most dangerous.

"But if we don't retreat, we won't be able to fight~"

Seeing more and more apes rushing down, the fear in Pangpang's eyes became even worse.

At this time, the battlefield became increasingly dangerous, and most people could no longer hold back their desire to retreat.


At this time, a boy with long hair climbed up from the ground. His face was red and his veins were exposed. It was obvious that he had not yet recovered from the pain of losing the soul of the war beast.

He shouted loudly: "Let's go!"


I saw a ferocious tiger breaking through the blockade and running towards the long-haired man quickly.

The summoners gathered in a group looked at the tiger charging towards them without slowing down at all, and screamed strangely:

"Fuck me!"

All summoners immediately stood against the wall.

The tiger rushed over quickly and slowed down slightly when it was beside the long-haired man. The long-haired man jumped on the tiger's back with a slight jump and left without looking back.

The first person ran away, and the people behind him no longer hesitated.

bang bang bang

More and more war beasts broke out of the encirclement and left with their masters.

Facing the fleeing beasts, the apes did not stop them at all, but turned to deal with the enemies who were still fighting.

This situation makes everyone's escape mentality even more serious. No one is willing to let their war beast become the victim of helping others escape.


At this time, Sui Wenzhong held his head in his hands, blood flowed from his nostrils, and he knelt on the ground and screamed wildly.

He had already killed one war beast. Unexpectedly, when the second war beast broke out of the encirclement, it was knocked away by a giant bear and fell off the cliff.

Both war beasts died, and the pain of splitting their souls was like heart-wrenching, causing the blood vessels in his face to explode, and he even had hallucinations in front of his eyes.

He felt that the strength in his body was rapidly draining away, and he was extremely frightened by a sense of weakness he had never felt before.

"No, no, no..."

He reluctantly stood up and ran down the mountain tremblingly.

When everyone saw this scene, they quickly urged the war beast to leave, lest they end up like this man.

"This is not true, this is not true."

Sui Wenzhong had a pale face, weak legs and feet, and could not walk in a straight line.


At this moment, his steps faltered and his body tilted sideways unconsciously.

But the direction he was leaning towards was the 100-meter abyss.


Sui Wenzhong stretched out his hand and screamed desperately.

Before he died, a scene in which his friends tried to persuade each other came to mind:

"Wen Zhong, give up. We just can't attack it."

Sui Wenzhong closed his eyes in despair.

"Ah Hui, I really regret not listening to you!"


The coquettish blood flowers bloomed, and another wronged soul was added to the secret realm.


"Retreat quickly, retreat quickly!"

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer summoners around him and more and more enemies surrounding his beast, Wang Dawei clenched his fists and roared loudly.


The Iron Rhino and the Violent Demonic Bear tried their best to move outward bit by bit.

But this group of apes seemed to have identified the two of them. They did not stop other war beasts from running away, but these two 'leaders' were the only ones who were determined not to let them go.


The sharp claws pierced the eyes of the violent demonic bear, causing him to roar extremely violently.

Pfft, pfft, pfft

The apes were like crazy, poking bloody holes in the steel rhino and the violent demon bear.


The Iron Rhino and the Violent Demonic Bear kept making earth-shattering roars, but as time passed, their voices became weaker and weaker, and finally became silent again.


Wang Dawei was lying on the ground, rolling around wildly and screaming.

After killing the two culprits, all the apes looked at the few remaining enemies on the path.


The apes screamed and rushed towards the enemy. They were like huge waves, sweeping across the entire battlefield in an instant.

Thump thump~ thump thump~

With all the corpses being thrown under the cliff, the battle ended imperfectly with the Summoner's defeat.


"Hey, Wen Zhong~"

Watching his friend fall off the cliff, He Hui was filled with grief.

From the moment his friend set foot on this road, he had already prepared for the worst.

Without knowing the number, strength, and skills of the enemy, without unified command, and without unified belief, if you act rashly like this, how can you possibly succeed?

Although the third-level holy spring is rare, one must take risks and even sacrifice his life for it...

Wen Zhong, is it really worth it?

At this time, the atmosphere at the foot of the mountain was extremely silent.

Dozens of summoners and nearly a hundred war beasts participated in this operation. In the end, not only did they fail, but 7 summoners died.

Among the remaining summoners, a dozen of them lost a war beast, and the rest of the war beasts also suffered from tragic injuries.

This result made everyone despair.

"Forget it, I won't be delusional anymore."

A girl with refreshing short hair turned around and left without looking back.

"Let's go, let's go~"

After her, many people gave up fighting for the third-level holy spring and chose to look for other holy springs.

He Hui shook his head and prepared to leave to bury his friend's body. He could not let him die in the wilderness.

"Damn, there are so many people already!"

At this time, a man's exclamation came to his ears.

He Hui turned his head and looked, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

This is a group of five, three men and two women.

It is very difficult to form a group of five people in a secret realm, and the members of this group are surprisingly good-looking.

Isn’t it possible that the good-looking ones can only play with the good-looking ones?

Li Yu saw the lonely He Hui on the side, stepped forward and asked:

"Brother, has the third-level holy spring been used by someone?"

They have arrived as fast as possible, but looking at their posture, they are not trying to draw water from a bamboo basket but in vain.

He Hui shook his head: "No."

He pointed to the cave on the cliff and said: "The third-level holy spring is there, but there are too many guardian beasts in this holy spring, and it is impossible to attack it."

"There are so many, how many can there be?" Li Yu glanced at the monsters on the path. There didn't seem to be many. Dozens of them?

He Hui said: "At least there are more than two hundred. As for whether there are more in the cave, it's hard to say."

"What the hell?"

Li Yu exclaimed: "More than 200? Are you kidding me?"

The Level 3 Holy Spring erupts once every ten years, and almost every time someone carves up the Level 3 Holy Spring through various means, so the information about the Level 3 Holy Spring is not a secret.

The number of guardian beasts in the third-level holy spring is generally around 30-40. One person cannot solve them, but as long as there is a team of seven, eight or ten people, they can be completely eliminated.

Therefore, every time the third-level holy spring erupts, the most important test is one's luck.

Whoever is closer and finds a partner quickly can share the energy of the third-level holy spring.

But this was the first time he heard about the holy spring with more than 200 guardian beasts.

He Hui shook his head and said: "I'm not kidding. Dozens of people rushed up just now. Not only did they not succeed, but many people died. I advise you not to think about it."

After saying that, he sighed and left with heavy steps.


Suddenly everyone's eyes were focused on Xiao Yao.

Xiao Yao stared straight ahead, his eyes were terrifyingly bright, and he murmured with a smile on his face:

"God is really helping me!"

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