Alliance God-level Summoner

Chapter 585 Coins Vulcan Supermarket Opens (6000 words)

Pluto was defeated, and he was defeated so directly that he had no power to resist.

The eyes of the people of the Vulcan tribe were dull, and even several generals and elders were silent for a long time, unable to accept this fact.

This is Hades, Hades in the realm of gods!

Throughout the history of the Three-Eyed Eldar, apart from the former Vulcan, it would be difficult to find another person who could defeat Hades.

In the hearts of the Vulcan people, Hades was like a real god, aloof and invincible, but no one could have imagined that he would be defeated miserably at the hands of the old man.

Yes, it was a fiasco!

Everyone could see that Hades' strength was completely crushed by the old man, just like the Sky Realm bullying ordinary warriors, with just a few moves deciding the outcome.

"Is there a higher realm above the realm of gods?" This thought comes to many people's minds.

What a terrifying existence that must be~

For a time, both generals, elders, ordinary warriors and tribesmen looked at Mr. Zhang in mid-air with eyes that looked up to the gods. Although Mr. Zhang was not a three-eyed spirit tribe, he always had awe and respect for the strong. in the bones of any creature.

Xiao Yao noticed the change in the attitudes of the tribesmen around him and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Hades's fiasco was completely expected by him, and in his opinion, Mr. Zhang had shown mercy.

It is true that Hades is in the realm of gods, but he has only just broken through the realm of gods. Due to the constraints of the three-eyed spirit clan's combat power system, his real combat power is equivalent to that of ordinary diamond level 1 and 2 monsters. His attack methods Perhaps more diverse, but their physical quality is far inferior to monsters of the same level.

What about his opponent Mr. Zhang?

Zhang Lao is the oldest diamond level 5 summoner. He has 4 diamond level battle beasts and 2 platinum level battle beasts. Through the feedback of the battle beasts and the inheritance of combat skills, even if he does not use the battle beasts to fuse, he can only rely on the summoner's body. In battle, even Hades may not be able to defeat Mr. Zhang.

And just now, Mr. Zhang merged with the diamond level 3 void ephemera, and the combined combat power of the two was enough to defeat even diamond level 5 monsters, let alone Hades, who only had diamond level 1 combat power.

If Mr. Zhang had used all his firepower, Hades would definitely lose even more miserably.

However, Mr. Zhang was still very measured in his actions, allowing Hades to retain the dignity of the defeated while at the same time shocking all the Vulcan tribesmen.

"Elena, help Hades heal~" Xiao Yao said.

"Oh~" Elena woke up from a dream and quickly used her ability.


The soft holy light fell on Hades, calming the surging blood in his body. The bruised bones returned to their original positions, and the color returned to his pale face.


The breeze stirred, and Mr. Zhang floated to the ground from mid-air.

"Are you a master?" Hades suddenly asked when Mr. Zhang landed.

He remembered that Vulcan once said that the realm of God of the Three-Eyed Spirit Clan is equivalent to the diamond level in their world, and above the diamond level, there are master level, grandmaster level and even king level.

And this old man could defeat him so easily. He guessed that maybe this was a master level.

Faced with Hades' sudden question, Mr. Zhang was stunned for a moment because he couldn't understand what Hades said.

But this problem is also easy to solve.

Old Zhang stretched out his hand, and the next second, a confused Nie Jun appeared next to him.

"Xiao Nie, ask him what he just said?" Mr. Zhang said.

"Okay, okay." Nie Jun quickly repeated Mr. Zhang's words.

"Are you a master?"

"Mr. Zhang, Hades asked, are you a master-level expert?"

"Tell him that I am not a master, only a diamond level 5, and his strength is roughly around diamond level 1 or 2, and there is still a lot of room for improvement."

Nie Jun was like a microphone, translating Mr. Zhang's words intact.

"He has not reached the master level, only diamond level 5, and I only have diamond level 1?" Hades murmured to himself.

He really couldn't imagine that the gap in combat power between two people who were also at the diamond level was so huge.

Suddenly, a strong idea arose in Hades's heart - he wanted to go to the world of Vulcan.

He wanted to see how big the strength gap was between other diamond-level masters and him, and how powerful a real master-level master should be?

Perhaps from these observations, he can find the road to a higher realm, a road that hundreds of years ago, the God of Fire who left countless legends, has never set foot on.


From the second day after Xiao Yao's return, the Vulcan Tribe began a vigorous operation.

As soon as they arrived, Xiao Yao took brother and sister Nie Jun and Nie Xiaoyu to conduct a population census of the Vulcan Tribe to find out the number of people in the tribe, the number of households, the number of warriors, how many ordinary tribesmen had work, and how many tribesmen had nothing to do~

With this information, he can then proceed to develop pay scales.

Next, he divided it into several lines and promoted his three major reforms simultaneously.

In terms of education, under the example of several generals, at first, almost half of the clan members participated in Nie Jun and Nie Xiaoyu’s calculation class. However, on the second day, most of them left, and on the third day, only The first tenth.

Faced with this situation, Xiao Yao was not surprised and did not force the tribesmen to learn because he believed that when the commodity system was fully implemented, these people would definitely rush to learn.

Until the fifth day, only 102 people could persist. Among these 102 people were children, teenagers, ordinary tribesmen, and strong warriors. They were quite savvy in calculations.

After five days of intensive indoctrination, these people have recognized Arabic numerals and mastered addition and subtraction within 10.

During this period, the tribesmen were surprised to find that a huge stone house was quickly built behind the tribe. The structure was strange, which aroused speculation.

Is this the Vulcan's new residence?

In fact, this building is the core tool in Xiaoyao's economic reform - the Vulcan Tribe's large supermarket.

All the supplies he brought are stored here and will be available to the entire clan in a few days.

And those 102 people not only had to learn calculations, but also were divided into several groups under Nie Jun's training and memorized the prices, uses, and usage methods of some specific categories of items. In the following days, these people will have to bear the responsibility. Take on the responsibilities of shopping guide and cashier.

While Nie Jun and Nie Xiaoyu were busy with their feet off the ground, Xiao Yao had no time to rest.

During the census process, he counted and recorded the abilities of each soldier, and selected 500 of them as the first batch of "special operations team members" to receive his special firearms training.

Among these 500 people, most of them are not very powerful in frontal combat, but their abilities are diverse, including those that can fly, those that are invisible, those that hide the auras of people around them, those that control animals...

Originally, these warriors were positioned as auxiliaries in the team, and their combat capabilities were completely insignificant compared to those of element controllers.

But it’s different now~

After Xiao Yao's training and guidance, these soldiers not only quickly mastered the use of firearms, but also developed many unique combat modes based on their own abilities.

Xiao Yao even conducted an experiment, in which 20 special forces members armed with firearms besieged Frost Warrior Dylan, using any means. Although the 20 special forces members were frozen to death in the end, Dylan also suffered. Not a minor injury.

Xiao Yao was not surprised at all by this result, because he was well aware of the power of these guns, but for the special forces members, only 20 people could injure the Frost Warriors of the Sky Realm, which completely subverted their previous experience. Cognition.

You must know that any one of the five generals can easily defeat hundreds of warriors, and these hundreds of warriors are all masters of elemental abilities.

But now, 20 "marginal figures" can injure the Frost Warriors. The special operations team members believe that if the number can be doubled or a few more snipers are added, they will definitely win the final victory.

This battle not only greatly increased the confidence of the special forces team members, but also allowed everyone in the tribe to see the power of new weapons. Many soldiers applied to join the special forces team, but Xiao Yao thought twice and decided not to expand the size of the team for the time being.

He won't be able to stay in the Vulcan Tribe for long, so during this period he must train a group of qualified special forces members. In the future, these people will serve as sparks and assume the responsibility of training more special operations members.

Therefore, his requirement for the first batch of special operations teams was to be small but refined, and to build these 500 people into a truly elite team.

In order to train these team members more smoothly, Xiao Yao planted nightmare seeds in each team member so that he could communicate with them without any obstacles.

Regarding being planted with nightmare seeds, all the team members not only did not resist, but regarded it as a supreme honor, because they knew that only big figures like Pluto, several generals, and three elders in the entire tribe could fight with them. Vulcans communicate freely.

And now, these people also have the ability to communicate directly with the Vulcan, which makes them full of pride and pride. Of course, it also inevitably attracts the jealousy of other warriors.

In addition to military training, Xiao Yao also guided the Vulcan tribe onto the road of farming.

Throughout the long history of the Three-Eyed Eldar, they have always existed as a tribe and made a living by hunting. Although this model has continued civilization, it has also restricted the progress of civilization to some extent.

Tribal civilization is destined to be unstable, and the hunting mode cannot guarantee sufficient food.

Taking into account the Vulcan Tribe's extremely simple dietary structure, he specially prepared dozens of kinds of seeds when he returned this time, including vegetables, fruits, rice, wheat, etc.

To be honest, he had never been to the ground or planted a field, and he had no idea how to cultivate these plant seeds.

But the advantage of fantasy civilization is that you don't need to know the specific process at all. As long as you sow the seeds, someone can accelerate the growth of these seeds through supernatural powers.

Within a few days, the first batch of vegetables was harvested. The fruit trees were growing well, and some of the fruit trees were even bearing fruit.

Xiao Yao believes that when he comes back next time, the Vulcan tribe will be able to completely become self-sufficient in food.

Ten days later, everything was ready, and the Vulcan Tribe's major changes were officially launched.


"Everyone sit cross-legged!"

In the open space outside the Vulcan Tribe, Joey, who was wearing a purple robe, pressed his hands and motioned for all members of the Thunder Team to sit around him.

"The captain's clothes look so good~"

"Alas, only Pluto, the five generals and the three elders have such clothes now."

"If only I could have one!"

The team members looked at the thunder and lightning dancing wildly on Joey's chest and the big characters flying like dragons and phoenixes behind him, and the envy in their eyes almost overflowed.

So handsome, so cool, so desirable!

This thought crosses almost everyone's mind.

Joey could see everyone's thoughts at a glance, smiled slightly and said: "Today, I want to announce a big event to everyone."


In an instant, everyone was sitting upright with their ears raised high.

"Let me ask you a question first, does the dress on me look good?"

"Beautiful!" everyone said in unison.

"Do you want it?"

"I want it!" In an instant, the voice was eight decibels louder.

"If you want..." Joey looked around with a smile on his lips: "Then today, I will give each of you one!"

What! ! !

Suddenly, all the team members were shocked and then overjoyed.

Could it be that I can also wear this kind of clothes?

"Dia, bring this stuff over here!" Joey yelled.


I saw several big men carrying a few boxes and placing them heavily next to Joey.

Joey opened the box and took out a lavender suit. He unpacked it, unfolded the top, and turned his body around so that everyone could see the dress.

"From today on, this set of clothes is the uniform of our Thunder team, and every team member can have one."

Joey's words were like a depth charge, instantly detonating the atmosphere at the scene.

"Wow, everyone has one, that's great!"

"Did you see the lightning bolt on his chest? It's exactly the same as Captain Joey's."

"Nonsense, of course our Thunder Team's clothes must have lightning bolts~"

The team members were all so excited that they couldn't sit still. Although this suit was different from Captain Joey's, the color was lighter, and there was no incomprehensible pattern on the back, but no matter what, as long as they could wear this suit. The clothes are enough to make them feel ecstatic.

"Everyone sit down, Dia, pass the things down."


Several big men took out clothes from the box and distributed them to all the members of the Thunder Team one by one.

After the team members got it, they couldn't wait to take off their dirty animal skin coats and put on this set of clothes.

"Don't worry, everyone, I still have good things to give you!" Joey spoke up in time, stopping those who were about to take off their clothes.

Any good stuff?

Everyone's eyes lit up and they immediately sat down quietly.

"Diya~" Joey waved.

Soon, several strong men moved more boxes from a short distance away.

Qiao opened the box, took out a bottle of juice, raised it and said to the team members: "Everyone should be able to guess that the new gadgets that have appeared in the tribe recently were brought back by the God of Fire from his world. I am holding it in my hand. It’s called a drink and it tastes really, really good!”


The team members stared at the drinks in Joey's hand and swallowed uncontrollably.

"Dia, give the drinks to everyone. Don't move once you get them. I'll teach you how to open them."

Joey was afraid that these idiots would make a fool of themselves after they got the stuff.

A few minutes later, all the soldiers got their own drinks, and then looked up at Joey expectantly, just like a group of huskies about to be fed.

"Everyone is like me~" Joey clasped the bottle cap with both fingers and raised his hand high so that everyone around him could see it, "Twist it this way."


The bottle cap was unscrewed, Joey brought the juice to his mouth, took a sip, and showed an expression of enjoyment.

I'll try it too~

The soldiers imitated Joey's actions. Some people unscrewed the bottle cap at once and couldn't wait to take a big sip of the drink. However, some people didn't twist the bottle cap in the right position and couldn't open it for a long time. However, under the guidance of the people around them, , finally everyone successfully opened the bottle cap and drank the drink in one gulp.

Wow~ It tastes so good~

The soldiers smacked their lips and licked away the last bit of sweetness from their mouths, looking like they were still unsatisfied.

"Do you still want to drink?" Joey suddenly shouted.


The soldiers shouted in unison.

Joey smiled and said: "It's impossible to give it to you for free. If you still want to drink next time, you can use the money to buy it?"

money? What is money?

What does buying mean?

The soldiers looked at Joey with confused expressions.

"Okay, now I want to explain to you what money is."

Joey took out a few coins from his pocket and said: "This kind of thing is called money. With money, you can go to the big house behind our tribe and buy any items, such as the clothes just now, drinks, and More good stuff.”

Although the soldiers still don't understand what buying means, at least they all have an idea in their minds that money is a good thing.

"From today on, all warriors in the tribe can receive money every once in a while. Of course, because everyone's strength is different, the money everyone receives is different. The more money you have, the more things you can buy. many."

"Also, let me tell you that only warriors and tribesmen who have contributed to the tribe can receive money. Those who eat, sleep and do nothing all day long have no money."

Upon hearing this, the soldiers suddenly became energetic.

They had long been dissatisfied with the tribesmen who had nothing to do all day long but had nothing to do but eat and drink for free. Now that they heard that they had money but those idlers couldn't get any money, they felt so relieved and happy.

"Okay, without further ado, I will give everyone the money now, and everyone can go shopping later!"

There are a total of 5 types of coins of the Vulcan Tribe, with face values ​​of 1 yuan, 5 yuan, 10 yuan, 100 yuan, and 500 yuan. In order to facilitate identification, Xiao Yao specifically asked Chen Jiaying to design coins with different face values ​​into different designs when he ordered Chen Jiaying to make them. sizes as well as different colors.

For example, a 1 yuan coin is silver, a 5 yuan coin is blue, a 10 yuan coin is purple, a 100 yuan coin is red, a 500 yuan coin is gold, and as the face value increases, the size will also change. big.

Due to tight time and many things to do, the first batch of salary fixing system is still relatively rough. Except for a few generals, the salary of soldiers at the level of captain is 2,000 yuan, that of squad leader is 1,500 yuan, and the salary of other soldiers ranges from 500 to 1,000. No wait, it will be decided by the generals of each major team and the three elders.

Fortunately, the generals and elders have been trained in the past few days to at least be able to understand the numbers on the coins, and there are also several talents who have mastered basic computing skills to help them, which is enough to ensure that the wages of the soldiers and tribesmen can be accurate. Send it underground.

"Dia, it's up to you~" Joey looked at Dia beside him.

Dia and several of his companions are among the 102 people who have mastered basic calculations.

"Yes~" Dia and his companions followed Joey's instructions and accurately paid wages to all the soldiers of the Thunder Team. In the process, they felt a strong sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

Our study for so many days was not in vain~

This scene happened in every corner of the Vulcan Tribe. The five teams, discipline team, strategy team, and logistics team all received their salaries and exclusive uniforms. For a while, many people took heavy coins and rushed towards the big house behind the tribe. .


The Vulcan Tribe supermarket is divided into compartments of different sizes, and materials of different categories are placed in different compartments.

Ige is the captain of the Thunder Team. He is the original old man of the Vulcan tribe. Even his daughter was saved by the Vulcan during the ghost wolf night attack.

This time, he received 1,500 yuan, but he didn't know how to use these small round iron pieces.

"Joy said, just come over here~" Ig murmured to himself.

Looking at the huge building and more than a dozen entrances in front of him, Ige stood there blankly for a moment, not knowing which one to enter.

"Igg, Igg~"

Suddenly, Ige heard someone calling his name. He turned around and his eyes suddenly lit up - he saw an acquaintance.


Akunda is also an old man from the Vulcan Tribe, a little younger than Ige, but he has no awakening ability and usually only does some carrying work in the tribe.

"Ige, come to me, I have something good~" Akunda stood at the door of the compartment and waved to Joey.

"Here it comes~" Ige walked towards Akunda decisively.

Although the population of the Vulcan tribe has expanded to 20,000, in Iger's heart, only the more than 200 Vulcan tribesmen are his eternal family.

"What I sell here are all delicious. You can buy some for your daughter Athena. She will definitely like it." Akunda said.

When he mentioned his daughter, Ige's face couldn't help but soften a little: "Okay, I'll listen to you!"

Akunda recommended many snacks to Joey, candies and chocolates that children like to eat, as well as some biscuits, dried meats, drinks, etc. These days, he has eaten everything in the compartment, and it is clear that Which ones are the most delicious?

"Buy this much first, and then come back when you finish eating!" Akunda said as he packed all the snacks in bags.

"Okay~Okay" Ige had no objection.

"Let me calculate how much it will cost for you~"

Akunda enthusiastically placed all the snacks on the table by the door, took paper and pen, and drew many symbols that Ig couldn't understand at all.

"Akunda, what is this?" Ige couldn't help but ask.

Akunda raised his head and said very proudly: "This is called calculation. Currently, there are only 100 people in the entire tribe who can do it~"

It turns out that this is calculation~

Ige also participated in the so-called computing class, but he gave up completely on the second day. Unexpectedly, Akunda could persist.

“The total is 152 yuan~”

"Do I have enough in my hand?" Iger took out three 500 coins in his hand.

"One is enough~" Akunda took one of them, calculated it on paper, and returned the remaining money to Ige.

"Why did you give me so many more coins?" Ige couldn't help but ask as he saw several more coins in his hand.

"There are more coins, but the money is actually less. Oh, you haven't learned to calculate. Even if I tell you, you don't understand. Anyway, I won't trick you."

"Oh, okay then~"

"By the way, I suggest you go next door to buy some clothes for yourself and Athena. In addition, the one on the far left sells weapons. You can also check it out."


As more and more people walked out of the supermarket with food, weapons, and clothes, the remaining soldiers no longer hesitated and rushed in.

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