Alliance God-level Summoner

Chapter 593 Registration Troubles (4000 words)

There is a small city between the ancient capital and the military base, called Qinyang City. It was originally a small village, but because it was close to the military base, soldiers and summoners came here to spend money, so Qinyang Village gradually developed into Qinyang City, which was not prosperous at all. The main urban area of ​​the inferior ancient capital.

And with Grandmaster Xue moving into Qinyang City, the name of the military base was officially changed to Qinyang Military Base.

"So, where should we report?" Li Yu looked around and asked curiously.

Xiao Yao glanced at the message from Mr. Zhang: "Let's go, first go to the service hall set up by the army. After reporting there, we will be assigned to the army's special operations team."

There are great differences between Qinyang Military Base and Xiaojunshan Military Base.

Xiaojunshan Military Base encounters beast tides very rarely. It only happens once every few years. Therefore, once a beast tide breaks out, the main force of the battle is the soldiers in the base and military summoners, and civilian summoners will basically not participate.

The Qinyang Military Base is completely different. As the frequency of the undead waves increases, the soldiers and summoners in the military base alone are no longer able to deal with it. Therefore, the power of civilian summoners must be united.

Every time a wave of undead breaks out, there are precursors. Once these precursors are detected, the army will issue a recruitment order to the outside world and invite civilian summoners to participate in the defense of the city.

Of course, there is a reward for defending the city.

Once the summoner can complete the mission with the army, he will receive corresponding cash rewards based on his military merits, and at the same time, he can accumulate military points.

Military points are like Kyoto University's mission points. They can be exchanged for money directly or for various treasures in the army's treasury.

However, the various treasures in the army's treasury are not only low in price, but many of them are rare treasures that are not accessible to the outside world. Therefore, almost no one will choose to exchange money, but gradually accumulate military points to exchange for their favorite items.

Precisely because of the existence of the military industrial point system, a large number of summoners have been stationed here in Qinyang City over the years, always waiting for military recruitment.


There are many people in the military service hall.

The recruitment order has been issued, and the summoners who have been waiting for a long time rushed here and signed up to participate in this city defense mission.

For them, although the tide of the undead is very dangerous, and many summoners die here every year, as long as Grandmaster Xue is here to take charge, at least they don't have to worry about the risk of city destruction and death. As for life or death, then It depends on individual ability.

Those who are willing to actively participate in the defense of the city either have confidence in their own strength, or have participated in many missions and have mastered certain life-saving skills.

Most of them come from grass-roots backgrounds. Unlike children from big families or students from top universities, they have access to many resources. For them, lacking resources and talent, it is difficult to climb up the ladder.

Therefore, this is the place for them to make a comeback. As long as they accumulate enough military points, they will have the opportunity to become the strong men they once looked up to.

"Wow, there are so many people~"

As soon as they stepped into the office hall, Xiao Yao and others couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

The area of ​​the service hall is not small, close to 2,000 square meters, with dozens of windows, but despite this, the hall is still crowded with people, and there is a long queue in front of every window.

"Hey, you guys~" A deep voice came from the side.

Everyone turned around and saw a tall man with a scar on his forehead looking at them seriously.

"Have you guys graduated from college?" The scarred man frowned.

These young people look so immature, they are like kids who just went to college, rushing in without knowing anything.

"Uh, just graduated, just graduated~" Xiao Yao heard that Scarface asked out of good intentions, so he falsely reported everyone's age.

"Just graduated~" Scarface's face softened slightly, but he still warned: "You guys, this is not a place to play house. People like you who have just stepped out of school have probably never seen blood a few times. , let alone face those terrifying undead."

"Go back, don't waste your life here."

"I won't leave!" Before Xiao Yao could speak, Li Yu raised his neck and said in a sonorous voice: "The country's life and death are based on the interests of the country, so why should we avoid it due to good fortune or misfortune? As the summoner of the Dragon Kingdom, I protect my family and the country. It’s my mission, and I will never back down from danger.”

His voice was loud and immediately caused many people around him to turn their heads to look at him.

"Well said, you are worthy of being my young man from the Dragon Kingdom!"

"Young man, your words make my blood boil!"

"Haha, what an ambitious young man!"

Everyone looked at Li Yu with admiration. The young man in front of them might not be very strong, but the passion in his chest was inspiring and admirable, as if they were seeing the ignorant and fearless version of themselves when they were young.

This kid~

Scarface was slightly moved. Although he did not agree with this impulsive decision, he was still quite touched by the young man's passion.

As I get older, I'm surrounded by people who are just like fools. It's been a long time since I've seen pure people like this.

"Little devils, protect yourselves~" Scarface's voice became gentler, "I hope that after the defense of the city is over, we can still see a few of you in Tanyang City."

After saying that, he waved his hand and strode away.

Young people cannot be persuaded. Only after experiencing hardship and blow will they truly change their minds.

I just hope these little devils can come back alive!

After Scarface left, there were still many people in the hall secretly watching them.

Xiao Yao secretly poked Li Yu's soft flesh and whispered: "You kid, when did your ideological level become so high?"

In my impression, although Li Yu is not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, but to say that he can sacrifice his life for the country and is brave and not afraid of death, it is still a bit high to think highly of him.

Has this kid experienced any changes recently?

"Hehe~" Li Yu's impassioned expression suddenly collapsed, and he snickered like a chicken thief mouse: "Isn't that all staged~"

"Liangliang's words before reminded me that sooner or later you will be promoted to Grandmaster, so it's not too much for me to be a Grandmaster!"

"When these people saw it, they thought, holy shit, it turns out that I have met Master Li a long time ago, and he even said these words, which moved us so much~"

"By then, won't my tall and majestic patriotic image, Master Li, be affixed!"


Your co-author, Master Li, has great foresight and has set up people many years in advance.

Bullshit, really bullshit!

"I knew it~" Xiao Yao rolled his eyes. Sure enough, this was the Li Yu he knew.

When it comes to chicken thieves, no one can compare to him.

"Come on, we don't have to queue up to sign up~" Xiao Yao looked around and found that there were still many people secretly watching him, so he said helplessly, "I can only ask the teacher for help."

Before going out, he changed his face as usual, so no one could recognize him so far.

It's just that if you want to sign up to participate in the city defense mission, the summoner needs to register with your real name and perform facial recognition, and then a dedicated person will review and test it. Of course, the test process is very simple, and the strength is determined based on the number of war beasts.

Originally, he thought there wouldn't be many people in the hall, and even if he appeared in his true form, it wouldn't cause much commotion.

But who would have thought that this place would be so crowded, and Li Yu would do something like this, causing his plan to completely fail.

"Let's go and see if the teacher can make arrangements~"



In the room, Mr. Zhang suddenly received a text message.

He turned on his phone. At this time, the teacher sitting next to him glanced at it and said with a smile: "It's from Xiao Yao~"

"Xiao Yao? Is he the child who is known as the number one genius in the Dragon Kingdom?" A rich voice came from the side.

An old man wearing a black robe and a domineering look on his brows was seen sitting in the main seat, asking with interest.

"Well, it's him!" Mr. Zhang nodded, with unconcealable pride in his eyes.

"Grandmaster Xue, Xiao Yao is a close disciple of Mr. Zhang, and he is here this time." Another younger teacher smiled. Facing Grandmaster Xue, his tone and demeanor were quite relaxed, and it seemed that they had an unusual relationship. generally.

In fact, this is related to Grandmaster Xue’s origin.

Among the four great masters, two came from Kyoto University, one of them was Grandmaster Ye Xunye, and the other was Grandmaster Xue Nan.

It is precisely because of this relationship that Kyoto University will send many diamond-level experts to strongly support Grandmaster Xue.

In return, Grandmaster Xue will also appropriately favor Kyoto University on the issue of resource allocation in universities.

Therefore, when teachers at Beijing University face Grandmaster Xue, they will feel as if they are meeting an old senior, and naturally they will not be too nervous.

"Oh, then I want to meet the number one genius in the Dragon Kingdom." Grandmaster Xue looked at Mr. Zhang, "Daoxuan, after the tide of the undead is over, bring this child over and let me have a look."

"I heard that he is already at the platinum level. Even I am ashamed to be at the platinum level when he is less than 20 years old!"

"No problem~" Mr. Zhang said with a smile, "Xiao Yao also admires Grandmaster Xue's style very much, so I just happened to bring him here for you to give me some advice."

"Mr. Zhang, what does Xiao Yao want to see you for?" asked the teacher next to him.

"There is something." Mr. Zhang said a little embarrassedly, "Xiao Yao has not been very well-known in the past two years, and many people know him, so I encountered a little trouble when registering."

"Hey, it's just a small matter~" Grandmaster Xue waved his hand and said, "I will arrange it, so you don't have to worry."

"Then I'm sorry to trouble you!"


"Boss, five more summoners have come to our company."

In the military camp, a soldier in military uniform ran to Wu Wei excitedly and shouted excitedly.

"5 Summoners?"

Wu Wei's eyes lit up, he took out his cell phone from his pocket and said, "Come, let me see how strong these newcomers are."

Opening the backend system, Wu Wei glanced at it expectantly, but when he saw the information above, he immediately cursed:

"Damn it, are all the people in the back office pigs?"

"The name is ominous, the gender is ominous, I just said 1 platinum, 4 gold."

"Boss, am I reading that correctly? It says that their status is - Kyoto University students."

"I'll go to your mother's internal affairs department!" Wu Wei's face flushed with anger and he roared loudly: "I'm going to sue you to death."

"Damn it, can a student at Kyoto University be gold or even platinum? Are you all fucking pig brains?"

"Hey, I want to see which son of a bitch opened the back door and allowed a few crooks to sneak in and join my team!"

"Go, report them to the Military Justice Department!"

Wu Wei was so angry that he slammed the table, stood up, and walked out angrily.

In the room, more than a dozen other team members followed Wu Wei angrily, demanding an explanation from the back office department.

You know, what they have to face next is the tide of the undead. If they are not careful, they will really not be able to come back. And at this time, the internal support department actually assigned them a few such unreliable teammates. This and What is the difference between intentional murder?

Damn it, they must be sued to death, even if they stab the army commander or even Grand Master Xue.

These people walked straight to the door. Before they had taken a few steps, there was a knock on the door.


"Excuse me, is this the seventh company? I'm here to report~"


Everyone paused.

"Boss, it must be them!" The team members on the side pointed at the door and said indignantly.

"Damn, you guys really dare to come here!"

Wu Wei clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "Brothers, I will give them a good beating later, and then take them to the Military Justice Department. I want them to identify those pig heads in the Internal Affairs Department on the spot."

"Yes!" Everyone was gearing up, with a cruel smile on their lips.


Wu Wei opened the door suddenly and said angrily: "You guys... uh~"

His voice suddenly broke, as if someone had choked him.

Damn, I read that right! ! ! !

"Hello everyone, I am Xiao Yao." Xiao Yao said politely: "The following few are my teammates, and they are here to report to Captain Wu Wei of the 7th Company!"

Xiao...Xiao Yao! ! ! !

For a moment, everyone in the room stared blankly, shocked and speechless.

Xiao Yao, the first genius of the Dragon Kingdom, is standing right in front of me and wants to join our seventh company?

Am... am I dreaming?

"Hello, hello!" Wu Wei came back to his senses, his face suddenly changed, and he stretched out his hand with great enthusiasm: "I am Wu Wei, Xiao Yao of the 7th Company. I have been admired for a long time, and I have been admired for a long time!!!"

Xiao Yao held Wu Wei's hand and said politely: "Captain Wu Wei, we will be your team members from now on, please take good care of us."

"Easy to say, easy to say!"

Wu Wei turned his head and shouted loudly: "Those who can't see, please hurry up and bring some stools over."

"I'll do it, I'll do it!" A group of people volunteered and quickly ran to the side and moved seven or eight stools.

"Guys, please sit down!"

After Xiao Yao and others sat down, Wu Wei hesitated and asked: "I would like to ask, according to our background display, your strength is one platinum and four gold. Is this information true?"

To be honest, even though Xiao Yao was standing right in front of him, he still couldn't believe that the number one genius in the Dragon Kingdom was already at the platinum level.

The few young people behind them looked like college students who had not graduated, and they were all gold-level.

This is too outrageous. When did the Dragon Kingdom have so many super geniuses?

"Captain Wu, don't worry, this is our true combat power." Xiao Yao nodded, and then explained, "It was by chance that we broke through to the current level."

by chance……

Wu Wei's mouth twitched fiercely, you might as well not explain.

"There is another problem. It seems that your names are not displayed in our background. This..."

"I'm really sorry about this~" Xiao Yao apologized: "There was some trouble during the registration process, so we did not go through the formal registration channel."

"Then you guys are..."

"It was Grandmaster Xue who assigned us here!"

Xue... Grandmaster Xue!

Suddenly, everyone in the room looked at Wu Wei with extremely strange eyes.

What was the boss scolding just now?

Are you a son of a bitch for opening the back door?

"Xue...Grandmaster Xue!" Wu Wei had a smile on his face that was even uglier than crying,

"He really thinks highly of our company!"

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