Alliance God-level Summoner

Chapter 750 The poison of alienation reappears

Beidian Country, Laka Village

"Boss, this is it~"

Lao Du pointed to the pit on the ground and said solemnly:

"Our people were going to open a factory here to recruit workers, and at the same time send a group of people into the Vulcan Tribe, but during the exploration process, they discovered the body, and then..."

Looking at the zombie corpses piled up like a hill in front of him, Xiao Yao frowned and said, "Other than our people, who else knows about this?"

"Not yet!" Lao Du said, "I will have people blockade this place as soon as possible!"


Xiao Yao took a few photos with his mobile phone and asked: "Besides here, have similar situations been found elsewhere?"

"Nothing found yet!"

"Has there been widespread dysentery or plague in Beidian recently?"


"This is not good~" Xiao Yao frowned and murmured, "Could it be that the poison of alienation has a new way to spread it?"

"Boss, do you think the Shadow Club is responsible for this?" Lao Du asked.

"Yeah!" Xiao Yao nodded, "It must be them."

"I now suspect that the Shadow Society has probably developed a brand new alienated poison, and this village is their test subject."

"Lao Du, next send people to inquire about the surrounding situation and see if there are any villages that have disappeared."

"In addition, pay attention not only to Beidian Kingdom, but also to all areas bordering Dragon Kingdom. For some reason, I always have an uneasy feeling."

Xiao Yao's tone was a little heavy. In his current state, this vague sense of crisis is by no means groundless and must be treated with caution.

"Yes!" Lao Du nodded heavily.

"By the way~" Xiao Yao thought of something and asked: "In Beidian, which forbidden land is closest to the border of Dragon Kingdom?"

Lao Du said without hesitation: "Red Maple Forest!"

"How many levels of forbidden areas are they equivalent to in Dragon Kingdom?"

"Level B+, the King of the Red Maple Forest is a Master Level 3 Evil-Eyed Flame Tiger."

"Okay, take me over there and have a look." Xiao Yao said. He was going to verify an inner conjecture. If the verification was successful, I'm afraid Long Country might really be in trouble.


Blue light flew into the body, three pairs of cicada wings sprouted from Lao Du's back, and a faint purple glow appeared in his eyes.

Under Xiao Yao's vigorous training, Lao Du's six-winged thunder cicada finally achieved a breakthrough half a year ago, which meant that Lao Du officially became a diamond-level master.

From the platinum level 2 killer that everyone called him two years ago, he has become the powerful king of intelligence now.

Nowadays, Lao Du firmly believes that as long as he can always follow the footsteps of his boss, his achievements will definitely be far more than that.

An hour later, Lao Du took Xiao Yao to the red maple forest.

The fiery red maple trees stretch as far as the eye can see, like a forest of burning flames, making people feel a rush of heat and vitality.

"Let's go in and take a look!"

Xiao Yao and Lao Du flew at high altitude without any cover, flying straight towards the interior of the forest. Along the way, Lao Du kept exuding a diamond-level aura, so ordinary monsters did not dare to approach at all, but as the two of them Gradually going deeper inside, several monsters without eyes finally came to the door.




Three diamond-level Silver Emperor Sky Falcons surrounded Xiao Yao and Lao Du. Their silver eyes flashed, and the sharp space power faintly tore the space apart, and their energy was locked tightly on the two of them.


Lao Du subconsciously shrank behind Xiao Yao. Although he knew that the boss was around and these beasts would never hurt him, the energy around him was too sharp, and his whole skin ached, and his scalp felt numb. Feeling, so he should get closer to the boss and hug his thighs.


The wings flapped, and the three Silver Emperor Sky Falcons turned into silver light and swooped towards the two of them.

"Diamond level, just right!"

Xiao Yao tapped his index finger three times, and three black lights flew out from his fingers and disappeared into the body of the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon in the blink of an eye.

Bang bang bang~

The blood mist erupted, and the bodies of the Silver Emperor Sky Falcons paused in mid-air. Black flames emerged from their bodies, and amid the shrill screams, they were burned to ashes in less than half a second.

"Dark Demon Power +500!"

"Dark Demon Power +530!"

"Dark Demon Power +600!"

Xiao Yao frowned deeply when he saw the prompt on the system panel.

"Let's go on!"

After getting rid of the three Silver Emperor Sky Falcons, Xiao Yao did not encounter any other monsters without eyes, and headed all the way to the center of the forest. It didn't take long before he felt the violent, evil, and fiery aura.


A thundering roar resounded through the forest. For a moment, the trees shook violently, maple leaves fluttered and fell, and a terrifying monster rose into the sky and stopped a hundred meters away from Xiao Yao, with its evil eyes glowing with light. Staring at Xiao Yao, murderous intent and caution kept changing.

"Lao Du, stay back!"

Xiao Yao waved his hand, and the domineering dragon stick appeared in his palm.


Lao Du Chanyi trembled and suddenly retreated out of sight. When gods fight, he will naturally retreat as far as he can.

[Monster Name] Evil Eyed Flame Tiger

[Monster Level] Master Level 3

[Monster Skills] Fireball, Fire Claw, Tiger's Roar, Fury, Eye of Fire, Evil Eye Gaze, Flame Storm, Tiger's Roar and Fire Cannon

The body of the Evil-Eyed Flame Tiger is like a hill, with strong muscles and fiery red lines all over its body. One pupil is red and the other is dark green, making it look extremely evil.


Xiao Yao hooked his hand towards the evil-eyed flaming tiger, full of provocation.

As the king of the forest, the evil-eyed flame tiger had never been so provoked before. The anger and murderous intent overwhelmed the caution in its eyes. It roared, and a pillar of flame rose from the soles of its feet, pushing it towards Xiao Yao quickly.

"Well done!"

A flash of fighting spirit flashed in Xiao Yao's eyes. He hadn't made many moves in a year, and he didn't even know how strong he was now.

Just in time to practice with you!


The flaming tiger claws tore towards the front door, and the heat wave distorted the surrounding air.

Xiao Yao looked indifferent, raised his stick and hit the tiger's claws hard.


The crisp sound of bones breaking was heard, and the Evil-Eyed Flame Tiger screamed, its body retreated quickly, its eyes full of horror.

It really couldn't imagine that the thin human being in front of it had such terrifying power.

"Tsk, tsk, that looks like a bit of a bully!"

Xiao Yao smiled slightly, then quickly stepped forward, raised his stick and hit the head of the evil-eyed flaming tiger.


The Evil-Eyed Flame Tiger roared angrily, shooting out a red line of fire from one eye, and shooting out a pale green light from the other eye, aiming at Xiao Yao's chest.

However, Xiao Yao was already on guard, and Yumi in his body immediately used [Space Flicker] to teleport Xiao Yao to the back of the Evil-Eyed Flame Tiger.


It was an understatement, without a trace of fireworks, but the sense of crisis coming from the back of its head made the evil flame tiger's head almost explode, and the hair on its body stood on end. Without thinking, it directly activated the skill——[Fire Storm] 】

boom! ! !

The flames burst out, the sky-reaching fire pillar was blazing and domineering, spinning at high speed, instantly drowning Xiao Yao and the Evil-Eyed Flame Tiger.

In the distance, Lao Du clenched his fists nervously, worry flashing in his eyes.

The desperate attempt of Master Level 3 is too scary.

Boss, nothing can happen to you!

However, the next second, his expression suddenly froze, and the flame storm in the sky quickly extinguished, and a figure slowly walked out of the flames with a calm expression. The most exaggerated thing is that there was no damage on his body, as if everything just happened It's all just an illusion.

"Oh my god~"

Seeing the evil-eyed blazing tiger with only half its head left beside Xiao Yao, Lao Du couldn't help but open his mouth, and a tenth-level hurricane blew up in his heart.

The master's level 3 Evil-Eyed Flame Tiger was killed by the boss with just one move! ! !

Boss, how powerful is he? ! !

"Dark Demon Power +3000!"

The sudden increase in the power of the dark demon did not make Xiao Yao happy, but made him feel very heavy.

The evil-eyed flame tiger and the wild fire beast that once lived under Qinyang City. The power of the dark demons of these two master-level monsters can prove that the Shadow Society has the ability to control master-level monsters.

In addition, the location of the Evil-Eyed Flame Tiger is very special. It is located in the Red Maple Forest not far from the border of the Dragon Kingdom. At such a close distance, the ambitions of the Shadow Society are already obvious.

"It seems that this place has been controlled by the Shadow Society!"

Xiao Yao's eyes were half closed. The King of the Forest, the Evil-Eyed Flame Tiger, and the Diamond-level Silver Emperor Sky Falcon. As long as these powerful monsters are controlled, the Red Maple Forest will naturally be controlled by the Shadow Society.

"Shadow Society, what do you want to do?"


Lao Du Fei came over, looked at the evil-eyed flaming tiger at Xiao Yao's feet with some fear, and then asked: "Did you find anything?"

Xiao Yao waved his hand and said: "Old Du, this matter involves too much. I will decide whether to tell you after discussing with the four great masters and King Wu."

"However, these countries bordering the Dragon Kingdom must strictly monitor them. If there is any trouble, they must notify me in time."

"Understood!" Lao Du nodded heavily.

The boss has his own reasons for not saying anything. As a subordinate, you only need to follow the arrangements and do things.

"Go back, Yuumi!"



The dazzling space door opened, Xiao Yao threw the body of the Evil-Eyed Flame Tiger into the beast-controlling space, and then took Lao Du back to Nanming City.

Not long after the two left, a dark-skinned man suddenly came here, scanning his mental energy everywhere, but he could no longer feel the familiar energy.

"What exactly is going on?"

The man murmured, his eyes full of shock and confusion.


After returning to Nanming City, Xiao Yao immediately sent the photos he took to the four great masters and King Wu, and told them what he had discovered.

Not long after, King Wu decided to hold an online meeting immediately.


In the empty room, six projections suddenly appeared.

"Xiao Yao, where did you find these zombies?" Grandmaster Ye asked directly.

As the main person in charge of dealing with the alienation poison, he had witnessed firsthand how the alienation poison could transform ordinary people into zombies in a short period of time and spread the virus through bites.

Everyone originally thought that the alienation poison had been completely eliminated. Who would have thought that this kind of world-destroying virus would appear again.

"Beidian Country, Laka Village!" Xiao Yao roughly described the location of this village.

After hearing the specific location, the other masters immediately showed solemn expressions.

"Xiao Yao, what do you think?" Grandmaster Xue said seriously.

Based on the series of contributions Xiao Yao has made to the Dragon Kingdom in the past two years, no one will treat him as an ordinary master or a junior. Whether it is the four great masters or the King of Martial Arts, they all regard Xiao Yao as the Dragon Kingdom's number one. The six strong men will basically involve Xiao Yao in all major important events in the Dragon Kingdom in the past year. Now, Xiao Yao's opinions definitely have a decisive influence.

Xiao Yao said: "I suggest informing neighboring countries about the alienation poison, letting them understand the importance of this matter, and announcing the ingredients of the antidote, or directly sending them the antidote so that the citizens of these countries can take it and generate Antibodies to prevent large-scale outbreaks of alienated poison."

"At present, the poison of alienation is no longer an internal matter of our Dragon Kingdom. If it is not handled well, it will be a disaster that will sweep the world."

"I agree!" Grandmaster Ye was the first to speak out in support.

"I agree!"



None of the four great masters had any objections, and then everyone looked at King Wu.

King Wu pondered for a moment and said: "Xiao Yao, your antidote still has the same ingredients as before, right?"

"That's right!" Xiao Yao nodded.

"You were able to resolve the Shadow Society's plan before. Now more than a year has passed. Can your antidote be able to cure the current poison of alienation?" King Wu said with a slight frown.

Xiao Yao shook his head and said: "There is no guarantee. I have sent the zombies I just discovered to Chenxi Laboratory for research to see if there is any virus mutation and to test whether the previous antidote is suitable."

"But I can't guarantee whether I can gain anything."

Without the original virus, it is difficult to deduce the real source of infection based on the virus on the zombies. Even Tucci cannot do this.

King Wu said slowly: "I am thinking that if your antidote cannot resolve the new poison of alienation, then if you follow the method you just mentioned, it may be possible to arouse the enemy."

"What do you mean, King Wu?" Xiao Yao asked.

King Wu said: "The key point now is the virus. Whether the old version of the antidote is suitable and whether a new version of the antidote can be developed is the core of breaking the situation."

"In this way, you send a copy of the zombies and antidote to Kyoto, and your Chenxi Group and the Kyoto Research Institute will work together to see if they can make any discoveries."

"Understood!" Xiao Yao nodded.

"In addition~" King Wu added: "We cannot ignore the matter of the Red Maple Forest. Next, I will notify the surrounding countries and ask them to strengthen the defense of the forbidden areas bordering our borders."

"In addition, domestic bases and cities close to the border must also be more vigilant. If an emergency occurs, feedback and support must be provided as soon as possible."

"Another point is that we should also focus on situations like Raqqa Village and try to find valuable clues."

"Indeed!" Xiao Yao nodded with great approval.

Although Lao Du currently has a wide scope of influence and has more and more elites, it is still far behind compared with the state machinery.

If Long Guo can focus on this matter, then Lao Du won't have to try his luck like looking for a needle in a haystack.

"Do you have any other opinions?"

The masters looked at each other and shook their heads slightly.

"Okay, that's it, the meeting is over!"

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