Alliance God-level Summoner

Chapter 752 The growth of partners!

Black clouds pressed down on the realm, and boundless evil aura shrouded the world, making people feel chilled all over.

Xiao Yao looked far into the distance, and the ghost tide in the distance came into view.

Wraiths, ghosts, and soul-destroying monsters covered the sky and the sun. Purple zombies, poisonous zombies, and hairy zombies were hideous and terrifying. What surprised him the most was that behind these ghosts, there was a large group of monsters with black bodies, red hair, and green eyes. He flew quickly towards the base with a smile.

"That's... Rakshasa!"


Qiao Sheng heard Xiao Yao's murmur and asked quickly: "Shuai Xiao, is it the Rakshasa tribe that is attacking the city this time?"

Xiao Yao shook his head and said with a solemn expression: "Not only Rakshasa, but the resentful ghost and Rakshasa are coming together."


For a moment, the expressions of all the senior generals on the city wall changed drastically.

" is this possible!"

An officer almost lost his voice: "Rakshasa and resentful ghost team up, this kind of thing has never happened before!"

Many of the generals were pale, the house was leaking and it rained all night, the two ghost kings joined forces to attack the city for the first time in hundreds of years, and the big weapons in the base, the Akashi guns, were all rusty. Under such circumstances, Xiao Can handsome layouts really stop them?


Behind the ghost tide army~

The resentful ghost king looked ahead and said calmly:

"Rakshasa, Xiao Yao has a total of 6 master-level battle beasts. In addition, he himself also has master-level combat power. Last time, my Han Demon and Yin Puppet were able to fight one against three. Now one year later, his strength should be It’s grown a lot, but it’s still no problem if the Han Demon and the Yin Puppet fight one against two.”

"In addition to my Drought Demon and Yin Puppet, you will assign three master-level Rakshasa to block Xiao Yao and his other two war beasts. The other three Rakshasa will directly enter the human base and attack all the officers on their walls. Kill, if this happens, the human base will inevitably collapse."

After saying that, the Resentful Ghost King glanced at the master-level tribesmen next to the Rakshasa King.

After Xiao Yao killed Ice Storm Zi Zhan, he himself only had two generals, Hanbao and Yinpuppet. However, the Rakshasa clan itself has an excellent race and a profound foundation. In addition, it and the Shura clan have been fighting each other all year round, devouring each other, making the clan A total of 6 master-level Rakshasa emerged from within, and the strength of one of them was not even weaker than that of Drought Demon.

"No problem, I will let my subordinates capture the boy named Xiao Yao, and I will open his belly myself and taste the delicious blood."

King Rakshasa licked the corner of his mouth, intoxicated and crazy, as if he had smelled the alluring blood.

"But we can't ignore the big guy."

The resentful ghost king looked up at the sky and said, "He will definitely stop us."

"Grrrr, are you afraid of the resentful ghost?" King Rakshasa put his ugly face close to the resentful ghost king and mocked:

"If you're afraid, you can stop now!"

The Resentful Ghost King silently floated to one side and said calmly: "Rakshasa, I am reminding you that we can only stop him by joining forces, so please don't stab me in the back."

"Grudge, I should be the one to say this to you."

King Rakshasa chuckled and said: "I really want to see how powerful a guy can be on a par with Yama."


On the city wall, many generals fell into panic again.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yao frowned slightly, but soon, his brows relaxed and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.


With a flash of white light, a huge figure appeared in front of the city wall. The gray-white stone body was dozens of meters high. The golden wings spread out, setting off layers of air waves. The majestic momentum burst out, giving people an unparalleled sense of security. .

"This is Xiao Shuai's battle beast, the Colossus of Justice Galio!"

Looking at the towering body like a city wall, the soldiers suddenly felt a strong sense of peace of mind, as if there was a high mountain standing in front of them, enough to withstand all disasters.

"Ah ho ho, fight, here I come!"

Next to Xiao Yao, a thin figure suddenly appeared, letting out a sharp and sinister smile.

Brushing, brushing, brushing~

Four bright space gates appeared on the city wall at the same time. Warwick, Lao Niu, Nocturne, and Sun Wukong walked out one after another. Behind them, four boys and girls appeared in front of everyone with a group of war beasts.

"Xiao Shuai's war beasts have all appeared!"

"Hey, these four young people look familiar!"

"I know that these are the other four heroes who are known as the Five Heroes of the Dragon Kingdom together with Xiao Shuai. They are also Xiao Shuai's friends and teammates."

“This momentum is all diamond level!!!”

Everyone looked shocked, and their hearts were filled with turmoil.

For such a young diamond-level person, do super geniuses all appear together?

"Xiao Yao!!!"

"Xiao Yao!!!"

The friends gathered around Xiao Yao excitedly, opening their mouths to say something, but looking at the solemn scene in front of them, they held back their words.

"Liangliang, Xiaoxiao, Xianyu, Yaoyao, welcome home!"

Xiao Yao couldn't hide the excitement and joy in his eyes. Although he sent War Beast to lead his friends to grow up and pay attention to them all the time during this year, after all, they hadn't seen each other for such a long time, and he missed the days of fighting side by side with everyone very much.

"Xiao Yao, is this a tide of beasts attacking the city?"

Xu Xingliang looked behind him, and his originally excited expression gradually turned solemn.


Xiao Yao nodded and said: "Next, it's up to you to deal with the diamond-level monsters!"

He glanced at everyone's battle beasts, and his eyes stayed on the new faces for a few seconds. When he saw the skill list of these new faces, he couldn't help but raise a slight arc at the corner of his mouth.

"Leave it to us!"

Bai Lingxiao responded, with a confident smile on her cold face.

This year, everyone has not relaxed for a moment, just to live up to Xiao Yao's trust and dedication and to help him at the critical moment.

Now, the opportunity has finally come.

Swish swish swish~

At this time, the other worshipers also came to the wall one after another. Seeing the young faces beside Xiao Yao and the beasts exuding powerful aura, their eyes couldn't help showing shock.


Suddenly, an excited voice came from behind.

Hearing that unusually familiar voice, Bai Lingxiao's delicate body trembled, and then she suddenly turned back.


Bai Lingxiao opened his eyes wide and shouted excitedly.


Bai Lingxiao suddenly threw herself into Bai Chengfeng's arms, her eyes a little red.

"Dad, I'm back!"

Bai Chengfeng patted his daughter's back gently, his tone full of excitement and tenderness: "It's good to come back, it's good to come back!"

He had just heard the siren sounding in the city, and immediately set off to the base to provide support. Who would have thought that at this moment he would meet his daughter, whom he had been separated from for a year.



At this time, there were chaotic laughter and roars from the distance. Bai Lingxiao let go of his arms and his eyes became firm again.

"Dad, let's get rid of these monsters first."


Bai Chengfeng nodded heavily and looked into the distance, his eyes gradually filled with strong murderous intent.

In order not to delay the reunion of our father and daughter, you ghosts should die as soon as possible!

"Missile troops, prepare for the first wave!"

The arrival of many strong men gave Qiao Sheng and many officers confidence and confidence. They regained their composure and commanded in a deep voice.


call out! call out! call out!

Missiles flying all over the sky flew out from behind the base and hit the ghost army.

Boom! ! !

The violent explosion caused the world to tremble, smoke rose everywhere, and countless zombies and Rakshasa died in the all-round bombing of the missiles.


The tragic death of their companions made the Rakshasa clan go crazy instantly. They screamed and flapped their wings and rushed towards them.

"Second wave, launch!"

"Third wave, launch!"

After entering a state of war, Qiao Sheng became the professional commander again, issuing orders in an orderly manner.

Wave after wave of missiles were launched, blooming all over the place, blowing countless ghosts to pieces. However, the number of ghosts was still too many, and the missiles alone could not destroy the large army. A large wave of Rakshasa flew first, covering the sky like bats.

"court death!"

Xiao Yao snorted coldly, and his majestic mental power surged, triggering the formation on the ground.

Swish swish swish~

On the empty ground, dense and complex formation patterns suddenly appeared, and each formation eye was quickly lit up, like a vast starry sky map, giving people an extremely shocking visual impact.

Boom! ! !

The sky suddenly darkened, dark clouds emerged, purple thunder and lightning flashed through the clouds, and the air pressure was suffocatingly low at this moment.

"Thousands of thunders descend from the sky!"

Xiao Yao raised his hands and his clear voice echoed through the sky.

Boom! ! !

Countless thunders pierced the sky and crashed down. For a moment, the area in front of the base turned directly into a sea of ​​thunder and lightning, with plasma tumbling and the screams of Rakshasa and ghosts heard endlessly.


After a while, the sky became clear, there was nothing in front of the base, and all the ghosts were reduced to coke.


Seeing this scene in front of them, all the soldiers' eyes widened and their whole bodies trembled with excitement.

Formation, another formation, and it was still a completely different thunder formation than last time.

Compared with the nine-turn spirit-slaying formation that wiped out souls last time, the visual shock of the thunder coming into the world was undoubtedly several times stronger. At this moment, Xiao Yao was the God of Thunder in their hearts. In the blink of an eye, everything was wiped out.

At this moment, the panic and fear caused by the Huomingshi Gun had long been replaced by excitement and shock, and the soldiers once again sounded Xiao Shuai's firm words.

"I promise everyone that as long as I am here, the base will not fall!"


"Is this the human formation?"

King Rakshasa narrowed his eyes slightly, showing a little surprise.

"Humans are really a creative race." The Ghost King said quietly, "You can never underestimate them."

"Grudge, can this formation solve it?" King Rakshasa asked.

If the formation problem cannot be solved, then she is not willing to let her men continue to die.

"Don't worry, the formation has its limits."

The Ghost King waved his hand. This year, he used Yuan Hui's identity to get a lot of key information, including formations.

The formation needs to rely on the energy provided by the formation eye to activate. Once the energy is exhausted, the formation will naturally become silent.

In addition, destroying the formation eye is also an effective way to break the formation.

"Let Platinum Diamond go out and destroy the formation patterns and formation eyes on the ground." The Ghost King said.


King Rakshasa nodded and ordered in a sharp voice: "Do it!"

Swish swish swish~

Black shadows flew out from the ghost army. At the same time, many platinum and diamond level ghosts, resentful spirits, and zombies also rushed towards the base.

"It's our turn!"

Li Yu took a step forward with a faint smile on his lips.

"Go and be safe, Tucci will hold the battle for you!"

Xiao Yao said in a deep voice.

He could clearly feel that there were several powerful master-level qi machines in the ghost tide army. Two of them were very familiar to him. They were the World-Destroying Drought Demon and the Black Evil Yin Puppet. The momentum of the other ones was not too different from the two. There are many, and there are even existences that can rival the Drought Demon.

Of course, after a year of growth, he no longer paid attention to his once powerful enemies. He just wanted to see the fighting performance of his friends and protect them to prevent his opponents from sending master-level ghosts to sneak attacks.


Several streams of light entered the body, and the friends chose to merge with the familiar battle. Xiaoxiao turned into a beautiful and enchanting nine-tailed fox, Xu Xingliang grew mantis wings from his back, Li Yu's skin sprouted white hair, and sharp claws grew from the back of his hands. Tao Yaoyao Then she turned into a noble and stunning mermaid. At the same time, many worshipers also merged with the war beasts, crossed the city wall, and fought fiercely with the opposite side.


Bai Lingxiao shouted tenderly, full of heroic spirit, and opened her nine tails like an open white lotus. She used [Soul Assault], and her figure turned into a white charm, rushing towards a diamond-level Rakshasa at lightning speed, with pure white energy. The ball blasted out.


Rakshasa screamed loudly, his dry ghost claws glowed with black light, and he waved his arms to scatter the energy balls.

"Giggle, human, die!"

The ghost claws tore forward, bringing up a stench and fishy wind. Cruelty and violence flashed in the green eyes.

Seeing the ghost claw approaching, [Soul Assault] was launched again. Bai Lingxiao moved a few meters sideways like a flicker. At the same time, a heart-shaped ray flew out from her mouth and landed on Rakshasa who was unable to react.


Rakshasa paused, his pupils glowed with pink light, and a silly smile appeared on his lips.

At this moment, the sword energy descended, as bright as the moonlight.


The long sword was chopped down, and the head fell to the ground.

Bai Lingxiao smoothly put the Rakshasa's headless body into the beast control space, and then rushed towards another target.


Xu Xingliang flashed out of the void, a strange purple light glowed on his blade arm, and he slashed hard, cutting off most of the diamond-level zombie's head.


After all, the zombie belongs to the undead species, and with only half of its head left, it can still fight back. He turned around with a roar, and swung his white-haired claws back like a whip, tearing the wind.


A purple shadow flickered, appearing behind the zombie like a ghost. The cold wind passed by, and the half of the head fell to the ground with a sound, and the cut was as smooth as a mirror.


Li Yu kicked his steps, his body rose into the sky, and he flashed directly in front of Rakshasa, and his bloody claws directly tore the ugly head to pieces.

"Howl of the angry waves!"

Tao Yaoyao raised her staff and pointed forward. The next second, the water element quickly condensed in front of her, turning into waves dozens of feet high, and then surged forward.

Bang bang bang~

Zombies were drowned in the tsunami one after another. The powerful impact destroyed their bodies, shattered their bones, and completely lost their vitality.

On the city wall, Xiao Yao saw all the performances of his friends, and a smile couldn't help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

"Everyone has become stronger!"

One year has passed, and the friends have grown from platinum level 3 and level 4 when they were separated to diamond level 3 and 4 masters now. Their strength has been fully improved by one level. After being united, they are invincible within the diamond level. They can kill these ghosts. It is as easy as chopping melons and vegetables.


Xiao Yao turned his head and looked at the other side of the battlefield.

How will the performance of several new faces be like?

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