Alliance God-level Summoner

Chapter 796 Global Disaster (Three in One)


The earth shook, smoke and dust rose everywhere, and millions of monsters, led by the master-level golden-armored demon ape, attacked the Dragon Kingdom. A pair of scarlet eyes were full of greed and desire, and the majestic evil energy gathered together, and the beasts The top is almost solid.


Looking at the village getting closer and closer in the distance, the golden-armored demon ape couldn't help but let out a bloodthirsty howl. In an instant, the speed of the beast tide surged.

However, at this moment, a golden pillar suddenly dropped from right in front of the beast tide.

The light dissipated, and a majestic and domineering figure stood directly in front of the millions of beasts. The golden eyes looked forward, full of disdain.

Ouch! ! ! !

The arrogant and domineering wolf howl sounded, and the next moment, golden flames soared into the sky, like a pillar of strength, directly rendering the sky into a bright golden color.

The noble, majestic, and terrifying momentum swept across dozens of miles like a hurricane. For a moment, the millions of beasts in the army stopped, their scarlet eyes faded, and they lay on the ground shivering.

The originally majestic golden-armored demon ape fell to the ground under Warwick's indifferent gaze. Fear suppressed greed, and he kept whimpering and begging for mercy.

The space fluctuated and Xiao Yao and Hades appeared next to Warwick.

Feeling the strong sense of oppression coming from Warwick, Hades was filled with emotions.

There was a time when Warwick tried his best to fight him, and only the other three war beasts could defeat him.

But now, only a few years have passed, and I can no longer resist Warwick at all.

Alas, Vulcan's growth rate is too ridiculous.

Of course, he has also made rapid progress in the past few years.

From the platinum-level sky realm, to the diamond-level god realm, and now to the unprecedented master-level holy realm, his growth rate is unmatched by any three-eyed spirit race.

If there was no Vulcan, he would still be the leader of the dirty and backward Dark Tribe, surrounded by cesspits, the food was extremely monotonous, and his strength was definitely not up to the level of a god.

Therefore, it is very important to follow the leader~~~

"Nocturne, get rid of their dark demon seals." Xiao Yao said calmly.

Nocturne nodded, and the [Nightmare Cage] reappeared, and the endless black mist enveloped the army of millions of beasts. It didn't take long before all the dark demon seals of the monster leader were removed.

After the monsters woke up, Xiao Yao said coldly to the golden-armored demon ape.

"Go away~"


The golden-armored demonic ape kowtowed several times, then rolled and crawled, leading the army of beasts to evacuate quickly.

"Why not kill them?"

Hades wondered, "If we kill them, won't we never have any trouble again?"

Xiao Yao shook his head: "Kill them all, and you may be able to gain a certain degree of stability in a short period of time, but this approach will cause devastating damage to the wild forbidden areas."

"Nowadays, human beings are inseparable from monsters. Summoners need monsters to temper themselves, and countless companies, employees, and families also rely on monsters in forbidden areas to make a living."

"The destruction of a certain forbidden area will have an unimaginable impact on the surrounding people."

"I should have told you the principle of fishing in dry land. In our country, this concept is also called sustainable development."

Sustainable development~

Hades raised his brows, seeming to understand.

"Let's go, there are still several waves of beasts waiting for me to deal with."

Just as Xiao Yao was dealing with the threat of the beast tide, the impact of the zombie outbreak was rapidly spreading on the Internet.


Immediately after the outbreak of zombies in the three towns of Tongling, there were no other entries on the Dragon Kingdom hot search list. The ugliness, evil, and cruelty of the zombies, and the people's wailing, pain, and death filled every corner of the Internet. .

Countless people were so frightened by the bloody and cruel scenes that they turned pale and even vomited repeatedly. While everyone was praying for the people of the three towns, a theory began to spread on the Internet.

"The zombies have broken out and the end is coming!"

Many people claimed that they saw with their own eyes that zombies would turn them into new zombies in almost ten seconds after biting ordinary people. Even summoners could not resist the erosion of zombie poison.

At this rate, hundreds of thousands of people in the three towns of Tongling will all be transformed into zombies in a short period of time, and this zombie wave will quickly sweep to the southeast area, Dragon Kingdom and even the entire world.

As soon as this statement appeared, it immediately captured the hearts of many people. For a time, the atmosphere of panic, fear, and despair spread both online and offline, and the entire Dragon Kingdom was shrouded in a dark cloud.

At the same time, as the most powerful country in the world, any disturbance in the Dragon Kingdom has attracted the attention of the world, and heated discussions have also started on the Internet. Some are worried, some are praying, and many are gloating.

"Oh my god, there are so many zombies in the Dragon Kingdom. Is the end really coming?"

"We call on everyone to prepare sufficient supplies as soon as possible and prepare safe houses in advance. Don't wait until the end of the world truly comes to regret it."

"God bless those poor people and hope they can be rescued soon."

"Holy Mother Bitch, bless them for what they are doing. The Dragon Kingdom is already strong enough, but they should be severely weakened."

"That is, they have so many master kings, why can't they appear immediately to protect those people."

"I suggest that the whole world should work together to seal off the Dragon Kingdom and prevent those horrific zombies from spreading elsewhere."

"I support, let the Dragon Kingdom fend for itself!!!"

However, just when various rumors and conspiracies began to spread, the network situation ushered in a sudden reversal.

"The savior of Tongling Three Towns has arrived!" 》

"All the zombies in the three towns of Tongling have been wiped out!" 》

"We are safe!" ! ! 》

Photos and videos spread quickly on the Internet, and after clicking on these photos and videos, they immediately caused an uproar and panic.

The characters in the photos and videos all have three eyes! ! !

Oh my God, is there another alien invasion?

However, some attentive people discovered that the clothes of these three-eyed monsters were actually printed with the word "fire" of the Dragon Kingdom. At the same time, the soldiers also recognized that the guns in the hands of these monsters were actually the same as the fire stones fully equipped by the troops. The firearms are exactly the same.

Immediately afterwards, the survivors of the three towns in Tongling began to publish revelations online.

It turns out that these three-eyed monsters come from the Vulcan tribe in another dimension, and their tribal leader is named Vulcan.

As soon as the zombies broke out, Vulcan continuously teleported warriors from the Vulcan tribe across planes to the three towns.

And the true identity of Vulcan turned out to be - Xiao Yao, Grandmaster Xiao! ! ! !

Not only that, these three-eyed monsters can all speak fluent Longguo.

Many people even recorded videos. In the video, the survivors and the Three-Eyed Warrior were in the same shot, arm-in-arm. While expressing their gratitude, they also won an enthusiastic response from the Three-Eyed Warrior.

The two sides are like fellow villagers they haven't seen for a long time, and they can communicate without any obstacles.

After seeing these revelations and videos, the Internet became even more violent.

"Master Xiao, you are my god!!!"

"From today on, I will be Grandmaster Xiao's fan forever!"

"Teleport across planes, control foreign races, what else can't Grandmaster Xiao do?"

"I just want to know, how did these three-eyed warriors learn Longguo language?"

"The Long Mandarin they speak is so standard, without any accent at all, it's better than me, a Northeasterner!"

"There is no Longguo dialect spoken by Northeasterners without an accent!"

"Who said that? We are speaking standard Longguo dialect!"

"I really want to chat with these three-eyed warriors. It will definitely be interesting!"

"They saved my daughter's family. If I have the chance, I will treat them to dinner!!!"

The appearance of the Three-Eyed Spirit Clan not only did not cause any panic, but instead received a round of applause and welcome.

After all, they were like divine soldiers descended from heaven, saving hundreds of thousands of people in the three towns.

On the other side, they are still subordinates of Grandmaster Xiao Yao, and they can speak fluent Longguo. Apart from having one extra eye, they are not much different from ordinary people in appearance.

The combination of various factors made the people of the Dragon Kingdom recognize and welcome the Three-Eyed Warrior. Some people even suggested that the country should fund a banquet for the Three-Eyed Warrior to express the Dragon Kingdom's gratitude.

This proposal also won unanimous approval from the people.

Just when the Dragon Kingdom was bursting with laughter, foreign forums were in a commotion.

"That's it, that's it? Zombies!"

"What a garbage zombie, it made me worry for ten minutes."

"It turns out that's all zombies can do, haha!"

"Grandmaster Xiao of the Dragon Kingdom is too terrifying. He can even control foreigners. There is nothing he can't do."

"Dragon Kingdom is already strong, and now it has foreign helpers. It will be difficult for us in the future~~"

The outbreak of zombies has not attracted the attention of Western senior officials, because judging from various videos and intelligence, the strength of zombies is not too strong, at most, it is only as strong as black iron and bronze.

Any diamond level summoner can easily kill tens of thousands of zombies.

However, the appearance of the Three-Eyed Eldar made these senior officials worried.

The Three-Eyed Spirit Race not only has various abilities and outstanding physical fitness, but the most important thing is that this powerful race is actually controlled by Xiao Yao, and its language also comes from the same origin as the Dragon Kingdom.

With the addition of the Three-Eyed Spirit Tribe, the Dragon Kingdom, which is already at the top of the world, will reach a higher level, and the balance between the East and the West will be completely broken.

This is far more disturbing than the appearance of zombies.



The door to space opened, and Xiao Yao and Hades walked into the conference room side by side.

In the conference room, Grandmaster Ye and other leaders had been waiting for a long time.

"Grandmaster Xiao!"

"Grandmaster Xiao!"

The leaders greeted him respectfully, but their eyes were all focused on Hades.

He has a black robe, three eyes, a tall and strong build, and a faint smile on his lips, giving him a lazy and bohemian feel.

This is the first impression Hades left on everyone.

"let me introduce."

Xiao Yao looked at Grandmaster Ye and the big leader next to him, and said, "This one is Hades, the strongest person in the Three-Eyed Spirit Clan and a master-level expert."

Master level! ! !

In an instant, everyone's hearts were shocked.

The strongest one is the master level, which means that there must be diamond and platinum level masters among the Three-Eyed Spirit Clan.

From this point of view, the strength of this race is more terrifying than everyone imagined.


Hades nodded slightly towards everyone, but his peripheral vision was locked on Grandmaster Ye.

This must be the Grandmaster Ye that Vulcan mentioned. He is indeed very strong!

"Grandmaster Xiao, Hades, please take a seat~"

The big leader warmly greeted the two of them to sit down.

Although Hades was a subordinate of Grandmaster Xiao and was nominally a vassal of the Dragon Kingdom, no one dared to treat Hades lightly.

In a sense, Hades represents the entire Three-Eyed Eldar Tribe. To disrespect Hades is to disrespect the Three-Eyed Eldar Tribe.

After the two sat down, Grandmaster Ye asked aloud:

"Xiao Yao, what do you think of this incident?"

For a moment, everyone straightened their bodies and looked serious.

"First of all, make sure that the person behind this incident is the Shadow Society."

Xiao Yao frowned slightly and said, "First the alienation poison broke out, and then detonated the beast tide in all the forbidden areas in the southeast area. The energy and skill of the Shadow Society exceeded our expectations and imagination."


Everyone nodded in approval.

Previously, including the King of Martial Arts, the four great masters, and the major leaders, they only regarded the Shadow Society as a difficult killer organization. Although it was difficult to find out its lair and leader, after all, it was a killer organization that could not be put on the table and would not be beaten. The big guys take it seriously.

However, now, the Shadow Society has unabashedly demonstrated its intention to destroy the world, and its methods are also extremely cruel and crazy.

Therefore, the senior leaders of the Dragon Kingdom unanimously agreed that the Shadow Society should be dealt with as the number one enemy at present and must be eliminated in a short time.

"And there's some bad news."

Xiao Yao's face was solemn: "Just now, beast tides also broke out in the Desolate Land, the Plains of Ten Thousand Beasts, the Forest of Ghosts and other places, and the target of all the beast tides was the Dragon Kingdom."

What! ! !

Everyone's body was shaken.

The bases in the southeast are doing their best to resist the beast tide. How can they have the extra troops to resist these alien beast tides?

"Don't worry, everyone." Xiao Yao waved his hand, "I have forced these beasts back."

Already withdrawn?


Hearing this news, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.


Xiao Yao's words immediately made everyone excited again.

"By exploring the memories of these monsters, I discovered..."

Xiao Yao said in a heavy tone: "There are master-level experts in the Shadow Society~"


This news was like thunder, making everyone stiff and their scalps numb.

What is the concept of the Grandmaster level? Except for the two kings in the world, the Grandmaster is the strongest combat power. They have the energy to reach the sky and the earth, and can easily destroy a city by one person.

If there really is a master-level expert in the Shadow Society, then any city in the Dragon Kingdom will be in danger at all times.

"Xiao Yao, are you sure?"

Grandmaster Ye couldn't sit still at all, and his expression was extremely solemn.

Xiao Yao nodded: "I'm sure~"

"How can this be!"

A military boss couldn't help but said.

Which of the master-level experts has not been famous since he was young, and under the attention of countless people, he has gradually reached the level of master.

Any grandmaster is the pillar of his country and is respected by thousands of people. How could he join the infamous Shadow Society?

This makes absolutely no sense~~

"Who do you think this grandmaster is?" Grandmaster Ye said seriously.

A master-level expert couldn't have jumped out of the cracks in the rocks. He must have a real identity.

There are only a dozen or so grandmasters in the world, so it should be easy to identify them.

"I can't tell right now."

Xiao Yao shook his head and said: "We still need to collect further clues."

After speaking, Xiao Yao looked at everyone again, his tone was calm and firm:

"Don't worry, everyone, Dragon Kingdom has King Wu and five great masters. We have the ability and confidence to protect our country."

After hearing this sonorous and powerful declaration, everyone suddenly seemed to have taken a reassurance, and their inner anxiety and worries were relieved a lot.

"Grandmaster Xiao is right. How can we, a huge country, be afraid of a small Shadow Society?"

"That's right, Grandmaster Xiao has super long-distance teleportation and can appear anywhere at any time. As long as the Grandmaster dares to appear, Grandmaster Xiao will definitely destroy him as soon as possible."

"Yes, we must believe in King Wu and the five great masters!"

There is no one here who has experienced strong winds and waves and has an extremely firm mind. What's more, there is King Wu and five great masters in the Dragon Kingdom, so why should they be afraid of a villain in the shadows.

The haze lingering in the conference room dissipated slightly, Xiao Yao nodded and continued:

"Next, there is one more thing to do."

"The antidote to the new alienated poison has been produced by my plague rats, and will be mass-produced next."

"Judging from the previous deeds in Laka Village of Beidian Kingdom, the spread of alienation poison is not limited to the Dragon Kingdom."

"Therefore, just in case, I suggest that the ingredients of the antidote be made public to prevent the zombie wave from breaking out abroad."

"I agree!" The big leader was the first to express his attitude. "The Shadow Society is not only a harm to our Dragon Kingdom, but also a harm to all mankind. We must join hands to destroy this terrifying organization."



Everyone nodded frequently.

Although there are many controversies and disputes between the Dragon Kingdom and other countries around the world in international affairs, the Dragon Kingdom will never remain alone in the face of major issues that concern all mankind.

"Okay, since everyone agrees, then the matter is settled."

Xiao Yao added: "By the way, although the crisis in the three towns of Tongling has been resolved, the follow-up investigation cannot be relaxed."

"I need to know whether there are people from the Dragon Kingdom among the first batch of people transformed into zombies. This is very important for the next action arrangement."

"If there are no people from the Dragon Kingdom, it means that the antibodies we gave to the entire population were successful and are still effective against the new alienated poison. Then, our large-scale mass-produced antidotes can be saved for allies in need. supply."

"Also, we need to investigate the upper limit of infection of the alienated poison. The previous alienated poison could not infect summoners above the bronze level. I need an accurate answer as to whether this alienated poison has increased its toxicity."

"Understood, I will arrange this." A senior executive took over the task.

"Okay, let me talk about the last point~"

Xiao Yao glanced at Hades, and then said: "Let me briefly introduce the situation of the Three-Eyed Spirit Clan."

Upon hearing this, everyone immediately pricked up their ears and listened carefully.

"Those who know my experience should know that I encountered an assassination when I was at the gold level. At that time, I was hit by the assassin's [Space Exile] and almost died in the space turbulence."

Mentioning this, many people think of this incident.

As the most legendary genius in the Dragon Kingdom, Grandmaster Xiao's detailed growth experience has been placed on the desks of countless big shots, and the dangerous assassination will naturally not be missed.

"Fortunately, I was lucky. I accidentally broke into an alien plane and met the three-eyed spirit tribe there."

Xiao Yao didn't tell much about the specific process of conquering the Three-Eyed Spirit Clan. He just mentioned a few words in an understatement, and then said:

"After that, I provided supplies to the Vulcan Tribe through Chenxi Group, and the Vulcan Tribe continued to provide me with three berries and fire stones. Everyone is familiar with fire stones, and three berries are the main raw materials for the Three Gods Potion. .”

Three Gods Potion~

Everyone present was no stranger to the Three Gods Potion, and was even very familiar with it.

As the most high-end product of Chenxi Group, Sanshen Pharmaceutical’s reputation is world-renowned.

This medicine can prevent 80% of the diseases in the world, including various types of cancer.

As soon as the Three Gods Potion came on the market, countless rich people, summoners, and leaders rushed to buy it.

Everyone present, including the summoners, have taken the Three Gods Potion, and they know very well how terrible the wealth the Three Gods Potion has brought to the Chenxi Group.

Mere clothing, food, daily necessities and other materials can be exchanged for such precious things. This transaction is too enviable~

Of course, jealousy and envy can only be buried deep in the heart, and no one dares to touch Grandmaster Xiao's things.

Next, Xiao Yao continued:

"After several years of development, the Vulcan Tribe has expanded rapidly. Today, the Vulcan Tribe has a total population of 500,000, of which more than half are awakened warriors. There are more than 30,000 gold-level warriors, 47 platinum-level warriors, 6 diamond-level warriors, and masters. Level 1 person."

As soon as these words came out, the scene fell into an eerie silence, and you could hear a pin drop.

Me, did I hear you right?

Gold level warrior, 30,000?

There are more than 200,000 soldiers who can fight?

More than 50 people with platinum and diamond?


The big guys looked at each other with horror in their eyes.

This kind of strength is comparable to some small countries.

The most terrifying thing is that the Vulcan Tribe only has a population of 500,000. If the number were larger, its strength would be unimaginable.

This race is really terrifying!

"Next, the Vulcan Tribe will fully cooperate with us to deal with crises that may occur in the future."

Xiao Yao said seriously: "So, in terms of public opinion, I need your support so that the people can treat the three-eyed warriors with the correct attitude."

"Grandmaster Xiao, don't worry about this."

A big boss said: "Currently on the Internet, we people are praising the Vulcan warriors and thanking them for saving the people of the three towns of Tongling."

"Coupled with the fact that the Vulcan warriors can all speak Longguo fluently, the people simply treat them as fellow villagers."

"That's it~"

Xiao Yao raised his eyebrows. He didn't have time to pay attention to the trend of public opinion on the Internet just now. He didn't expect that the public's acceptance of the three-eyed warrior was so high, which was indeed beyond his expectation.

"Then I have nothing to say here. Do you have anything to add?" Xiao Yao said.

"Let me say a few words."

The leader straightened his body slightly and was about to speak when a figure suddenly broke in.


The visitor looked panicked and his lips turned white:

"The zombie wave has broken out all over the world."


Upon hearing this, the expressions of everyone present changed drastically.

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