Alliance God-level Summoner

Chapter 808: Skyrocketing Strength: Fusion of Heavenly Dao


Accompanied by a sharp phoenix cry, the wind and clouds changed in an instant. Snowflakes actually floated over the desert with a temperature of more than 50 degrees. The blue sky blocked the sun, the temperature dropped sharply, and the ground was covered with thick ice crystals. It was as if we had suddenly entered the realm of extreme winter.

The ice crystal phoenix Avnia, one of the three gods of the Freljord, condensed her figure from the wind and snow, unfolded her crystal clear, hundred-meter-long sky-covering wings, and stirred up the biting cold wind. She was noble and elegant. It is vividly displayed on the body.

【War Beast Name】Ice Crystal Phoenix——Avenia

[War Beast Level] King Level 1

[War Beast Skills] Frost Nirvana, Ice Sparkle, Frostbite, Glacier Storm, Frost Barrier, Magic Mirror Ice Crystal, Ice and Snow Chain, Ice Feather Falling from the Sky, Ice Phoenix Travel, Power of God, Absolute Zero

Xiao Yao spread his arms and looked up at the sky. The feedback power of the war beasts was like a mighty torrent, rushing through his body, constantly tempering his bones, flesh and blood, meridians, and soul. However, compared with the painful experiences he had experienced , this time the feedback process seemed extremely gentle. His body was like a bottomless pit, able to absorb boundless energy.

The terrifying green poisonous mist corrodes the earth, the majestic magic tide roars, and the strong and persevering light of justice shines on the world.

At this moment, all war beasts have completed their evolution.

Among them, the king level 1 war beasts - Zaun Fury Beast Warwick, Tauren Chieftain Alistar, Eternal Nightmare Nocturne, Monkey King Monkey King, Void Terror Chogas, Ice Crystal Phoenix Alvinia

Half-Step King - Twitch, the source of the plague, Yumi, the magical cat, Galio, the Colossus of Justice

"Finally promoted to king!"

Xiao Yao sighed with emotion. Only after he was promoted to king did he truly understand the horror of this realm.

The king is already qualified to understand the power of the law, and can move mountains and seas with just a few moves. After reaching this realm, fighting is no longer just a confrontation of energy and strength like before, but depends on the relationship between the two sides and the law of the great road. control.

At the moment when he was promoted to king, he had already left King Wu and Caesar far behind.

After all, he has six king-level beasts, and the laws he controls include fire, power, soul, ice and snow, guardianship, and void.

In addition, the newly learned skills of the war beasts have also become his strong confidence against the purple-eyed night devil bat.

Warwick: [Sun God] Warwick absorbs the power of the sun, condenses the essence of the sun, and improves damage and self-healing capabilities. The sun is immortal and the body is immortal.

Alistar: [Immortal Body] Alistar is immune to all instant death damage. When his blood volume is reduced to 0, he will immediately recover 20% of his blood volume.

Twitch: [Junkrat's Scourge] Twitch summons the Junkrat army to attack the enemy.

Sun Wukong: [Saint Buddha's Protection] Wukong inspires the power of the Holy Buddha, removes all negative conditions on his body, and restores his health to full value.

Nocturne: [Transfer] Nocturne transfers his own injuries and negative status to the enemy's body.

Galio: [Guardian of Justice] Galio condenses a huge barrier, absorbs all energy, and automatically disappears after a period of time.

Korgas: [Gate of the Void] Korgas opens the Gate of the Void and summons the Void Army to fight.

Avonia: [Absolute Zero] Avonia freezes an area, causing time and space in the area to freeze for a period of time

Among these skills, there are control skills [Absolute Zero], legion skills [Junkrat's Scourge], [Void Gate], and the most important ones, of course, are the other defensive skills [Sun God] and [Immortal]. Body] [Holy Buddha’s protection] [Replacement of flowers and trees] [Justice protection].

In addition to these items, he also has powerful defensive skills such as [Invincible Hellfire Body], [Light Self-healing], [Strong Will], [Vajra Giant Spirit Body], [Fighting Body], etc.

If you integrate all these skills into one, you can achieve immortality in the true sense.

Phew! ! !

Avonia looked down and let out a clear cry. From these strange beasts, she not only felt a powerful aura that was comparable to her own, but also had an inexplicable sense of intimacy.


Avnia whispered, her voice gentle and kind, like a clear spring nourishing the soul.

"Avinia, welcome to join us!"

Xiao Yao smiled slightly.

Boom! ! !

Dang Dang Dang! ! !

At this moment, there was a huge thunder sound in the distance, as well as the sound of iron hammering, thunder clouds rolling, flames raging into the sky, and a barbaric, ancient, and desolate atmosphere, which immediately made Avonia look surprised.

"You are here too!!!"


Boom! ! !

The thunder roared, and the violent thunder and lightning connected the sky and the earth like chains, forming an extremely terrifying thunder storm. In the center of the storm, a white bear slowly stood up, surrounded by countless substantial lightnings. Its eyes were bright white, with faint flashes of lightning, and its aura was like desolation. The beast is like an ancient god, ancient, wild, and domineering.

"Thunder is calling me!"

The immortal mad thunder Volibear looked up to the sky and roared, and the thunder in the sky surrendered at his feet at this moment.

Xu Xingliang stood not far away, with thunder and lightning shining all over his body and his bones ringing, looking at his new battle beast with great surprise.




Under the scorching sun, a tall and mighty figure suddenly appeared. He had a pair of huge horns and held a hammer in one hand. There was a flame furnace standing in front of him. The hammer struck the furnace, and every blow made the earth shake. , the flames rise.

"Volibear, Avonia, you are all here!"

Aoun, the Flame of the Hidden Mountain, looked into the distance, and a deep and deep voice sounded in the desert.

At this moment, the three gods of Freljord gathered together!

"God of forging, Orn~"

Looking at the huge hammer in Aoun's hand, Li Yu smiled, and his body was filled with blazing flames:

"Xiao Yao, my forging ability will definitely surpass yours now."


The blue arcane energy gathered into the human body. Pieces of fragments adhered to the surface and looked like a layer of armor, connected to each other by iron chains. Some of the fragments formed an inverted triangle head. Through the gaps, the blue The energy becomes the eyes.

"Let me show you the real magic!"

A hoarse and evil voice came from the energy body, and in an instant, blue light shot straight into the sky.

The Ascended One—the ancient wizard spirit Xerath, appears!


Bai Lingxiao opened his palms, arcane energy danced actively between his fingers, and a smile gradually appeared on his beautiful face.


In the desert, a majestic giant tree rises from the ground, its horned dragon-like branches gently swaying, causing a breeze to blow by. In an instant, weeds grow thickly, flowers bloom, and the desolate and lonely desert turns into a vibrant place in an instant. grassland.

"Who woke me up?"

On the branches, a pair of eyes slowly opened, containing wisdom, warmth, kindness and love.

"Emerald God Ivern~"

Tao Yaoyao was bathed in green light, like a holy goddess of life, softly calling Ivern's name.



In the dark and deep shadow mist, pairs of red eyes opened, burning like flames, mixed with fear, pity, and murderous intent.

The rough and hoarse sound of crows sounded in the shadows, making people's scalp numb, as if this sound could pull people into an endless abyss.

Da da da~~

A strange and thin figure walked out of the shadows, holding a rusty lantern in his left hand. A little dim light filtered through the shadows. He held a death scythe in his right hand. His body was stooped, his mouth was open, and there were two rows of sharp and penetrating eyes. The teeth are clearly visible.

"I am fear!"

"Ancient Fear Fiddlesticks!"

Looking at that evil and ferocious figure, Mr. Zhang not only had no fear in his heart, but was filled with kindness.



A terrifying monster crawled out of the desert. It was nearly ten meters tall, with a huge head and scales all over its body. It held a strange weapon in its hand, with a handle in the middle and scimitars at both ends, shining with an icy cold light.

"Brother, are you here too~"

Renekton stood up straight and looked to one side. He felt the breath of his brother Nasus, the desert god of death.

"Desert Butcher Renekton~"

Xiao Li clenched his fists, and the majestic sea-like power rose from the soles of his feet, making him unable to help but smile happily.


"Let's take off~"

Feeling the completely different and powerful aura around him, Xiao Yao's eyes lit up and he pumped his fist excitedly.

Sure enough, it was just as I predicted.

The four friends and Mr. Zhang were all promoted to the Grandmaster level and got new beasts, the immortal thunder Volibear, the hidden mountain flame Ornn, the ancient wizard Xerath, the Emerald God Ivern, the ancient Fear Fiddlesticks.

Moreover, except for Mr. Zhang, the other friends have more than two grandmaster-level beasts, Xu Xingliang’s Khazik and Maokai, Li Yu’s Rengar and Zac, Bai Lingxiao’s Ahri, Death Song, and Tao. Yaoyao's Vel'Koz and Nami have all reached the Grandmaster level.

Now, the four of them hold the beasts of the three major alliance masters, and in terms of combat power, they have even surpassed the four major masters.

At the same time, Dad's stone man Malphite also successfully broke through to Master level. Even with the blessing of the Heavenly Stone, Malphite and Renekton rushed to Master level 5 in one fell swoop.


Figures came from all directions and finally stopped next to Xiao Yao.

"Xiao Yao!"

"Xiao Yao!"

After landing, everyone quickly walked to Xiao Yao's side, their excitement and surprise were palpable.

"Dad, master, friends, congratulations to everyone!" Xiao Yao smiled slightly.

"Oh my god, I can't believe that one day, I can become a grandmaster." Xu Xingliang said dazedly, obviously not getting over this huge surprise yet.

And why not the rest of the people?

While everyone was talking, on the other side, the war beasts also divided into several waves, which was very lively.

"Ornn, Volibear, you didn't expect that I am stronger than you."

Avonia incited Frostwing, and in front of her two brothers, her kind and noble demigod suddenly turned into a lively little girl, and said proudly.

Volibear and Ornn looked at each other. In the original alliance background, the two had fought against each other because of the believers. But in this world, those grievances have long since disappeared. Now, the two have become close and friendly brothers again. .


Renekton stood next to Nasus, grinning with a very ugly and penetrating smile:

"haven't seen you for a long time."

"Yeah, it's been a really long time."

Nasus and Renekton hugged each other vigorously, feeling filled with emotion.

"Hey, hey, you two, don't forget me!"

Xerath made a joking voice from the side.

"Xerath, you traitor!"

Nasus glanced at Xerath coldly. Even though most of the memories of his previous life had been erased and everyone present was now a comrade-in-arms, in his heart, he still felt dissatisfied with the insidious villain Xerath. Have a little bit of a good impression.

"Traitor!" Renekton echoed.

Xerath didn't care at all about Nasus and Renekton's offense. Instead, he sighed:

"Alas, it's a pity that Azir is not here, otherwise our Shurima camp would be even more lively."

"Kazix, Rek'Sai, Kog'Maw, Vel'Koz~"

The big insect Korgas looked at the void species around him. The power of the king escaped, making the beasts feel heavy pressure, and said in a hoarse voice:

"It's okay for me to be the boss here!"

"No problem, no problem."

Only the master-level Rek'Sai and Kog'Maw responded immediately, while Kha'Zix and Vel'Koz also bowed their heads obediently under the cold and ferocious aura of the big bug:


"Next, it's time to do this!"

After adapting to his own abilities, Xiao Yao decided to try out the new method in his mind at this place - the Fusion of Heavenly Dao.

The Heavenly Dao Fusion Technique is a method that can only be mastered by the owners of the Heavenly Dao Divine Stone. Since many war beasts are transformed by the Heavenly Dao Divine Stone, their powers can be gathered into one body and condensed into the highest combat power.

To deal with the Purple-eyed Night Demon Bat, relying on siege will undoubtedly lead to death. After all, this guy is King Level 3 and has more than 50 skills. If he attacks Tuki or Phoenix who have weak defenses, once he succeeds, he must It will be difficult to bear the pain of soul tearing, leading to the collapse of the situation.

However, within the realm of the king, the gap in strength at each level was even greater, so he was really not sure what level his strength would reach after fusing all the war beasts.

"let's start!"

Signaling the people around him to retreat to a safe position, Xiao Yao took a deep breath, with firm eyes, and activated all the energy in his body according to the specific spiritual route.

boom! ! !

The terrifying momentum exploded, like the explosion of a nuclear bomb, instantly stirring up a mushroom cloud, churning yellow sand, and billowing air waves. Xiao Yao stood in the center of the storm, spreading his arms to welcome the integration of nine streams of light.

The moment the war beast entered the body, Xiao Yao's body suddenly erupted with almost substantial terrifying pressure. It was like a god coming to the world, noble, proud, majestic, and domineering, making everyone in the distance feel the suffocating pressure.

The muscles expand, the body rises, the pupils emit dazzling golden light, explosive power fills the body, the power of the soul is as vast as the sea, it can easily stir up the wind and clouds, and the power of fire, frost, poison, void and other powers are transformed under Yuumi's control. For the pure chaotic magic power, the momentum increased steadily, condensing into a violent tornado, reaching straight into the sky.

【Name】Xiao Yao

[Level] King Level 3

[Skills] Blood Thirst, Mouth of the Beast, Blood Tracking,...Victory Roar, Earth Crush, Savage Crash...Death Venom, Ambush, Poison Barrel...Shadow Blade, Nightmare Path...with blocking Fight, Tiger Missile...Indestructible, Shattering Blow...Colossus Blow, War Wind...Carnivore, Shatter...Frost Nirvana, Ice Shine...Absolute Zero

"Is this the level 3 power of a king?"

Xiao Yao gently clenched his fist, producing an air explosion sound. Looking at the dense list of skills on the system panel, a strong sense of confidence arose spontaneously.

The six kings, the three half-step kings, and the nine war beasts combined into one, coupled with his own terrifying power comparable to the king, made him become a king level 3 powerhouse no less than the purple-eyed night devil bat in one fell swoop.

No, it shouldn’t be less than, it should be more than.

The Purple-Eyed Night Demon Bat only incorporates the incomplete original power of the Creation King. Its total skills are only over 50, but its own skills are as many as 90, which is almost twice as many as his.

Of course, although there are many skills, it does not mean that one can crush the opponent. After all, many skills are not very useful in a duel, such as Twitch's [Ambush], [Bucket of Poison], Nocturne's [ Nightmare Path], [Shadow Blade], Lao Niu's [Trample], etc.

More than 50 skills are enough to make the purple-eyed night devil bat have no shortcomings. Therefore, if the two really fight, it still depends on the state of the battle and the understanding of power and laws.

On the latter point, the Purple-eyed Night Demon Bat, which has been promoted to king for hundreds of years, clearly has an advantage.

"Xiao Yao!"

"Xiao Yao!"

Everyone came running from a distance and looked at Xiao Yao in surprise.

The current Xiao Yao's momentum and pressure are more than ten times stronger than before. He stands there as if he is an ancient god, making people unable to resist.

"Xiao Yao, your appearance hasn't changed?" Li Yu raised his eyebrows.

"That's right~"

Everyone also looked puzzled.

Everyone has seen the scene on TV of King Wu suppressing the Hai Clan. At that time, King Wu clearly had the characteristics of a war beast. Unlike Xiao Yao, his appearance did not change at all even if he merged with the nine-headed war beast. It's really strange.

"This is the ability of the Heavenly Dao Fusion Technique."

Xiao Yao explained with a smile.

After merging, the characteristics of the war beasts on the summoner are actually a manifestation of incomplete power fusion, but the Tiandao Fusion Technique can ensure that he can perfectly control the power of the nine war beasts. Then, symbols such as hair, horns, wings, etc. Nature will not show up.

Of course, if Tushuai is handsome, he can also show it a little bit.

For example, Warwick's golden eyes, Lao Niu's horns, and Phoenix's ice wings are pretty cool when you think about it.

"Xiao Yao, after fusing all the war beasts, what level has your strength reached?" Mr. Zhang asked seriously.

As soon as these words came out, everyone suddenly became nervous and looked at Xiao Yao with deep anticipation in their eyes.

Xiao Yao smiled slightly and whispered a few words: "King...Level 3!"


In an instant, several young people shouted excitedly, their faces flushed, especially Li Yu, who directly grabbed Xiao Yao's shoulders and shook them vigorously, as if they were freed, and shouted excitedly:

"That's great, I don't have to be afraid of that guy anymore."

To be honest, when Li Yu learned about the mastermind behind the destruction of the world, his belief collapsed in an instant. From childhood to adulthood, he was proud of the descendants of Li Chu and proud of inheriting the Purple Spirit Magic Eyes, but who would have thought , the demon king who slaughtered hundreds of millions of creatures turned out to be the ancestor's war beast, the purple-eyed night devil bat.

And when he learned the true strength of the Purple Eyed Night Demon Bat, he felt extremely desperate and collapsed.

He couldn't imagine how he, and even the entire Li family, would face the world if the world was really destroyed by the purple-eyed night devil bat.

Fortunately, he has Xiao Yao by his side, and there is Xiao Yao in this world.

Xiao Yao, who is also a son of heaven, at this moment, has a strength no less than that of the Purple Eyed Night Demon Bat.

The world is saved, and so is the Li family! ! !

"King Level 3!"

Zhang Lao and Xiao Li looked at each other, and both of them smiled with surprise and pride at the same time.

The young, powerful boy in front of me, who is about to save the world, is his son (disciple)!

"Yeah, we don't have to be afraid of him anymore!"

Xiao Yao gently patted Li Yu's shoulder and smiled.

However, at this moment, Xiao Yao's expression suddenly tightened, and he turned his head to look northeast, his eyes extremely solemn.

There is the dark forest.

Purple-eyed Night Demon Bat, here he comes! ! !

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