The two of them were so busy, and the two of them were so busy.

Lu Hao looked at EZ who typed out this long string of messages in a few seconds, and couldn't help but be surprised:

"Isn't this EZ's home zone in Zaun?"

"This typing speed, wow, there's something."

After being surprised, Lu Hao had a headache because he was afraid that the Weapon and this EZ would quarrel!

"I hope these two don't quarrel, otherwise this game will really be in jeopardy."

Fortunately, EZ only scolded the Weapon and continued to make up for the tower knife, and the Weapon didn't choose to pay attention to EZ.

Seeing this, Lu Hao breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"Fortunately, these two didn't quarrel."

"Otherwise, it would be embarrassing to lose the first game as a support."

Although the levels of Ashe and Titan have successfully risen to level 2, and Ashe occasionally uses the advantage of long arms to use the W skill to consume EZ and Lu Hao's Thresh.

But Lu Hao looked at Ashe hiding behind the minions, who seemed to have no chance to open, and said with a relaxed look:

"Brother Quail, you don't think you are safe hiding behind the minions, do you?"

"If you really think so, then you are wrong."

"Let me show you that move."

The audience in Lu Hao's live broadcast room felt very confused when they heard Lu Hao say this!

Because Lu Hao's flash had not turned on at this time, and there were quite a lot of minions in front of Ashe, at least no one in Lu Hao's live broadcast room could figure out how Lu Hao could open Ashe!

"Can the anchor really get the ice? Can he use Hexflash to get it?"

"I think he can't get it even if he uses Hexflash, right? After all, Quail's ice is attached to the edge of the lower wall!"

"Yeah, the anchor doesn't have the chance to use Hexflash to get it!"

"Can he use Hexflash to pull Quail on the spot, and then use the E skill to get it? But I don't think Quail is that stupid, right?"

"Yeah, yeah, I can only say that unless the soldiers in front of Quail give way, the anchor can't get Quail's ice! At least it's impossible to get it directly with the hook!"


On the other side, Chu Xinyuan, who had already arrived home, was lying on her bed, her fair legs swinging in the air.

Suddenly, the legs stopped swinging, Chu Xinyuan hugged her pillow and covered her head directly, and said with annoyance:

"Why did I agree with Brother Hao just now? Give Brother Hao some more time!"

"This is just a waste of time!"

"With the time, I might as well take Brother Hao to eat delicious food and go to fun places!"

"Is it that dating is not good, or the food is not delicious?"

"Chu Xinyuan, you are such a big fool!"

After being annoyed for a while, Chu Xinyuan suddenly pushed the pillow away, pouted her cherry lips, and muttered unhappily:

"Damn Brother Hao, you have to try to pursue that unattainable e-sports dream again, right?"

"Okay, then from today, I will record all the ugly operations you have played in the past few days and make a video, and then slowly show it to you later!"

Immediately, Chu Xinyuan took out her mobile phone and entered Lu Hao's live broadcast room.

Chu Xinyuan entered Lu Hao's live broadcast room just when the audience was discussing how Lu Hao could get Ashe!

Before Chu Xinyuan could think about it, Lu Hao controlled Thresh to move a little distance to the upper right, shortening the distance between himself and Ashe.

Although there were many minions in front of Northeast Quail, he was afraid of being hit by Thresh's E, so Northeast Quail still controlled Ashe to retreat a few steps.

"For the time being, I just need to make sure that Thresh can't E me, so that I'm unlikely to get into trouble." Northeast Quail thought to himself.

Before Northeast Quail could feel at ease for a few seconds, he saw Thresh not far in front of him, and he started to hook inexplicably!

When Thresh was hooking, Northeast Quail looked at the two minions in front of him, one on the left and one on the right, one in front and one behind, and a doubt flashed through his mind:

"I still have two minions in front of me, what exactly does this Thresh want to hook?"

The next second, something unexpected happened to Northeast Quail!

At the moment when Thresh's hook was launched, the two minions in front of Northeast Quail actually began to move forward!

This is not the end, because the two minions are one on the left and one on the right, one in front and one behind.

After the relationship, the soldier in front walked forward, and the soldier behind walked a few steps downward, and then followed the soldier in front!

This is nothing in itself, it is just the normal operation of the soldier to move forward.

But the problem is that there is a Thresh who is hooking!

Thresh's hook went straight to the soldier closest to Ashe, and when it was about to hook the soldier, the soldier "turned" and left the original place!

"Where are you going!" As Thresh's voice sounded, Ashe was hooked!

As the Northeast Quail, who had never thought that he would be hooked, couldn't help shouting the first time he was hooked:


"Can this hook me too?"

The audience in Lu Hao's live broadcast room didn't expect that Lu Hao could easily hook the Northeast Quail's Ashe with the opponent's soldiers in front of him!

Moreover, because Lu Hao specifically said before hooking, "You don't think you'll be safe if you hide behind the soldier, do you?", the audience in Lu Hao's live broadcast room reacted even more intensely!

At this moment, the barrage in Lu Hao's live broadcast room was full of "Ah???"!

Although Chu Xinyuan didn't hear what Lu Hao said, it didn't affect anything!

Because she also saw Lu Hao's outrageous hook!

Chu Xinyuan stared at Han Bing who was hooked by the hook in amazement:


"Is this soldier a spy on Brother Hao's side?"

"Otherwise, why would the soldier on the opposite side specifically make way for Brother Hao to hook Han Bing behind him?"

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