The game was a big success.

Just when Lu Hao finished speaking, TES also selected Lucian and Zoe respectively!

When Jackylove saw that the ADC on the opposite side was Lucian, he immediately shouted to Coach Mafa:


"Is the opponent so fierce? Are they planning to use Lucian to put pressure on the bottom lane?"

"Coach Mafa, I strongly apply for EZ this time!"

Coach Mafa smiled meaningfully and said:

"It's okay, you don't need to apply to me."

"Because I originally planned to give you EZ this time."

At this time, King Ning suddenly said:

"Coach Mafa , can I apply for an Olaf? "

"To be honest, I can't stand being suppressed by others in the jungle!"

"This time I will suppress others in the jungle!"

Coach Mafa smiled and replied:


"I'll give you Olaf!"

However, Coach Mafa said so, but because the opponent had already played Lucian, Coach Mafa did not rush to play EZ, but let Ning Wang take an Olaf for himself, and let Rookie take a Qiyana for himself!

Then, it was the turn of the TES team to select people.

After a long struggle, TES finally chose to lock in a Pig Girl!

So far, the first round of BP for both sides has ended!

After the first three heroes of both sides were selected, Miller and Wawa continued to discuss.

Miller: "I feel that TES's BP is a little bit worse!"

"Olaf, Cat and Qiyana, the three most OP heroes in this version, were all picked up by IG."

"I'm afraid that TES's early game rhythm will be led by IG."

Wawa: "Normal, after all, IG's Unfair is so powerful now."

"Even TES doesn't want to get into trouble with Unfair at this time, which is really understandable."

"And if you want to limit Unfair, you must use at least three BAN positions."

"This means that Tes must put the most OP heroes in this version. To IG team."


At the same time, the audience in the official live broadcast room was also having a heated discussion:

"Good guy, as long as Brother Hao comes on the court, the cards will be pulled to the maximum! "

"TES banned three supports, this is the value of our Brother Hao!"

"Please TES, please stop banning Brother Hao's Thresh, I want to see Brother Hao's Thresh!"

"TES: We don't want to ban three supports either, so can Unfair please not choose the heroes he is good at?"


During this period, TES has also banned their fourth hero: Darkin Sword Demon.

On the IG side, in order to prevent the strong combination of Lucian and Braum, Coach Mafa asked Jackylove to ban Braum!

Seeing that IG really banned Braum, White Crescent couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Alas, it's really hard to play BP with the current IG!"

"Since Unfair joined the IG team, IG has too many more points to target!"

"Now I feel that not only do I need to ban everything, but I also feel that I need to grab everything!"

"What a pity, if I didn't grab Sejuani in the last round, I could at least guarantee that I could get the Lucian and Braum combination in the bottom lane."

Of course, White Crescent was just thinking about it.

Because if he didn't grab Sejuani first, IG would definitely ban Sejuani,


On the IG side, Coach Mafa was thinking about who he should give the last BAN position to.

Lu Hao saw Coach Mafa's entanglement and suggested:

"Since Braum has been banned, why don't we ban a fan mother?"

"In this way, Jack's pressure can be minimized, and I can command better."

Coach Mafa heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up!

"That makes sense!"

"Then you should ban the fan mother!"

Just then, Jackylov

e expressed his thoughts:

"How about we ban Diana?"

"In this way, we don't have to worry about Hao's cat being forced to be interrupted and get off the car."

Lu Hao heard this and said with a smile:

"Jack, just be at ease!"

"We just need to reduce your pressure on the line."

"As for the opponent wanting to open me?"

"If I can be robbed by the opponent when I play a cat, then I might as well retire on the spot!"

Coach Mafa heard this and made a decision:

"Just listen to Haozi, BAN Fanzi Mama!"

In this way, IG's fifth BAN position was given to Fanzi Mama, that is, Apocalypse.

When it was TES' turn to ban the last position, TES once again considered it again and again, and still gave the last BAN position to Jayce.

Then, it was TES' turn to select people.

Because the counter position was reserved for the top laner, TES locked the Minotaur under the command of White Crescent Moon!

Seeing the selection of TES team, Lu Hao sighed subconsciously:

"Didn't choose Sun Goddess, but chose Minotaur?"

"It seems that the opponent should want to sacrifice the ability of the bottom lane to open the situation to give the team a tankiness."

"In that case, the opponent should choose a top laner who is more inclined to output rather than tank, right?"

After being led by Lu Hao, the more Coach Mafa thought about it, the more he felt that Lu Hao's idea should be right!

With this thought, Coach Mafa stopped thinking.

Because Coach Mafa believes in Theshy's personal ability!

"Shy, do you have other ideas for this game?"

"If not, I plan to give you a Blue Steel Shadow."

Hearing this, Theshy smiled confidently and said:

"Use Mei Xiangfa, Shattered Transformation!"

After getting Theshy's reply, Coach Mafa commanded Lu Hao and Jackylove to lock EZ and Blue Steel Shadow respectively!

When it was TES's turn to make the final selection, TES indeed selected a Kennen with strong teamfight damage output!

At this point, the lineups of both teams have been completely finalized!

The final lineup selected by IG is: top lane Qing Gangying, jungle Olaf, mid lane Qiyana, AD Ezreal, and support Cat.

The final lineup selected by TES is: top lane Kennen, jungle Zhu Mei, mid lane Zoe, AD Lucian and support Minotaur!

Now that the heroes have been selected, Coach Mafa is ready to go and shake hands with White Crescent, and then leave the game.

The moment Coach Mafa turned around and prepared to leave, he couldn't help but think of Lu Hao's analysis:

"I didn't expect Haozi to have a bit of talent as a coach?"

"It seems that Haozi should be the kind of person who can force food into his mouth with his fists."


Soon, Coach Mafa and White Crescent shook hands and then left the game together.

Lu Hao and others have also passed the last waiting time.

As the computer screen switched, the heroes of Lu Hao and others appeared in the Summoner's Rift!

At this point, the first game between IG and TES officially began!

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