The best way to win the game is to play the game.

Hearing Lu Hao say this, Theshy also smiled:

"No faction, oil suspected! (Five-person team, interesting)"

"Wo Yao Wan (I want to play) Kalista!"

After hearing this, Lu Hao smiled and replied:

"Okay, okay, you can play anything later, anyway, our main focus later is happiness!"

After that, Lu Hao called Vincent on WeChat.

On the other side, in a three-person room in an e-sports hotel, Vincent was lying on the bed with great interest, playing Landlord on his mobile phone.

Beside Vincent, only Hai Dafu was sitting in front of one of the computers watching anime.

In this game of Landlord, Vincent was the landlord, and he only had four 4s and a 2 of hearts left in his hand!

At this moment, Vincent's previous player played an 8 of spades!

Seeing this 8 of spades, Vincent's face was also full of smiles:

"You really don't take the road to heaven, but you come to hell without a door!"

"I only have one bomb and a 2 of hearts left in my hand, and there are no big and small kings outside."

"You dare to play 8 of spades?"

"Sorry, little punk, I will definitely win this time!"

After saying that, Vincent played a 2 of hearts alone!

After Vincent played this 2, his next player really chose to pass!

Seeing this, Vincent immediately showed an expression of winning!

Just when Vincent was about to play the bomb to harvest the happy beans, his previous player suddenly played four 5s!


Although the previous player played a bomb, Vincent was not panicked at all because his previous player still had 10 cards in his hand at that time. He even wanted to laugh!

"Haha, bomb, right?"

"Your bomb is just a multiplier!"

"I don't believe you can kill me with 10 cards!"

Thinking of this, Vincent even lit a cigarette very comfortably, and then chose to pass!

Of course, since Vincent's bomb was smaller than his previous player, Vincent could only choose to pass.

But what Vincent didn't expect was that his previous player actually played 1010JJQQKKAA when it was his turn next!

Naturally, Vincent lost this Landlord game!

Vincent saw that he could still lose with a bomb in his hand, and his eyes widened immediately!

"What the hell?"

"So this little jerk can actually beat me with ten cards?"

At this moment, Vincent suddenly regretted not using a computer to broadcast live, because the effect of this show was really explosive!

In this way, even if Vincent lost these happy beans, he would not feel bad.

Just when Vincent was a little upset, he saw Lu Hao calling him!


"It's almost nine o'clock in the evening now, why did Haozi call me?"

Confused, Vincent still answered the call from Lu Hao.

"Hello, Haozi!"

"Why did you remember to call me so late!"

After the call was connected, Lu Hao told Vincent directly that he wanted to invite Vincent and Northeast Quail to play five-man team together without any hesitation!

Moreover, he also specifically told Vincent that Theshy would play five-man team with them!

After listening to what Lu Hao said, Vincent smiled and replied:

"Five-person team?"

"No problem, let's just form a five-person team!"

"But, Brother Quail went out for a massage an hour ago."

After hearing this, Lu Hao felt very confused:

"What's going on? It's okay for Miller and Baby to go for a massage today, but why did Brother Quail also go for a massage?"

"Is today a very suitable day for a massage?"

Thinking of this, Lu Hao said helplessly:


"Brother Quail goes for a massage, so let's go four-person team together, Brother Te."

After hearing this, Vincent still smiled and said:

"It's okay, even if Brother Quail is not here, we can still go five-person team!"

"Because I have another person here!"

After hearing this, Lu Hao was overjoyed and said:


"That's great, this way we don't have to have four people in a team and one ghost


In this way, Lu Hao and Vincent made an appointment to play flexible five-person team later!

After the call was hung up, Vincent smiled and shouted to Hai Dafu who was watching anime:

"Hey, Hai Dafu!"

"I have good news for you. You can play flexible team with your idol soon!"

After hearing what Vincent said, Hai Dafu immediately paused the anime, then turned around and asked excitedly:

"Really, brother Te?"

"I don't have much education, please don't lie to me!"

At this time, the Northeast Quail, who was doing a back push in a massage shop, suddenly sneezed!

After sneezing, the Northeast Quail even felt a burst of coolness coming from his body:

"Strange, why do I suddenly feel a little cold? "The Northeastern Quail thought with some confusion.

On Lu Hao's side, after Lu Hao hung up the phone, he and Theshy took a taxi and headed for the best Internet cafe closest to their hotel.

About fifteen minutes later, Lu Hao and Theshy arrived at a luxuriously decorated Internet cafe!

When Lu Hao and Theshy came to the bar, Lu Hao asked the waiter at the bar:

"Hello, does your Internet cafe have a double room?"

After hearing Lu Hao's question, the waiter at the Internet cafe replied with a smile:

"Hello, we have a double room here."

"And there is no one in that double room now. "

What Lu Hao didn't know was that after seeing Theshy and Lu Hao wearing masks, the waiter's brain started to work at high speed!

When Lu Hao heard that there was a double room, he decisively took out his ID card and handed it to the waiter. Theshy also handed over his passport at the same time.

After looking at the ID cards and passports of the two people one by one, the waiter at the bar instantly confirmed his guess!

The waiter exclaimed:

"Fuck, I was just wondering if you two were Shy and Hao, I didn't expect you two were actually the real ones!"

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, my luck is so good!"

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