The game was a big success, but the game was a big success.

When the two teams chose heroes, Coach Mafa changed his previous style and directly chose a fairly late-game lineup with double AP in the mid-jungle: top single Vampire, jungle Gragas, mid single Viktor, ADC Kaisa and support Minotaur!

On the other hand, the TL team chose a lineup for early and mid-game fighting: top single Aatrox, jungle Olaf, mid single Leblanc, ADC Xia and support Titan!

Afterwards, the two teams started this game that made DWG very worried amid the cheers of the audience!

Just when everyone thought IG would lose to TL, Xiao Leyan seemed to be like a chicken blood, and the rhythm was actually a bit explosive!

In the first three levels, Xiao Leyan's Gragas perfectly avoided TL's Olaf and successfully cleared the first three groups of wild monsters without any pressure!

Just after reaching level 3, Xiao Leyan's Gragas used a wave of spiritual ganks and unexpectedly used E flash to help Rookie's Viktor get a kill of Leblanc!

At level 5, Xiao Leyan perfectly counter-ganked Olaf in the bottom lane and helped Jackylove's Kaisa get a double kill!

After helping Kaisa get a double kill, Xiao Leyan took Jackylove to control the first dragon: Fire Dragon!

After controlling the Fire Dragon, Xiao Leyan returned to the city to replenish a wave of equipment, and by the way, he came to the top lane to help Theshy's Vampire kill the Sword Demon!

Xiao Leyan completely relied on his own strength to directly help IG team's three lanes open up the situation!

This is not over yet!

In the second dragon team fight, Xiao Leyan's Gragas used his ultimate to blast TL's ADC, Xia, who had her ultimate in hand, out of the crowd!

What's even more unacceptable is that even the system seemed to be cooperating with Xiao Leyan's explosion, and it actually swiped out three fire dragons in a row!

After gaining a huge advantage, TL could no longer deal with IG's already very late lineup.

In the last dragon team fight, Xiao Leyan first helped Theshy's Vampire kill TL's Sword Demon in the bottom lane, and then rushed to the dragon with a very fast speed through the Predator to take the dragon!

At this point, TL's defeat was doomed!

When the game reached 24 minutes, IG even won the game with a head ratio of 16 to 2 with Baolan and Leyan on the court!

Seeing that IG finally won the game, Coach Jin, who was sitting in the DWG lounge, was completely relieved!

Little did they know that after seeing that something was wrong with the players on the field of IG, Coach Jin was even afraid that he would faint in anger, so he took a quick-acting heart-saving pill!

After the game, Xiao Leyan's Gragas won the MVP of the game!

When the three commentators Mlxg saw Xiao Leyan win the MVP, they looked at each other in bewilderment.

Mlxg was confused: "This... So Leyan is so powerful?"

Wang Duoduo was speechless: "He didn't explode in the game he should have played well, and he exploded in the game he shouldn't have played well."

"Well... It's a bit difficult to comment!"

Guan Zeyuan was surprised: "Congratulations to IG for winning this game!"

"Next, it's the turn of the extra game between TL and DWG!"

"Both teams are currently 3-3!"

"Whoever wins the next extra game will qualify as the second in the group stage!"

At the same time, although IG did win the game, the audience in the official live broadcast room was also very indifferent to this. :

"How could this idiot LeYan play so hard when he shouldn't win?"

"Fuck, could LeYan be an undercover player sent by LCK to our LPL?"

"What's the matter, LeYan is determined to carry DWG to the quarterfinals?"

"IG's coach arranged it so well that he didn't even choose the lineup they are best at fighting!"

"Coach Mafa: I never expected that there would be a traitor in my team!"


After LeYan and others returned to the lounge of IG, LeYan was still happily waiting for Coach Mafa to praise him.

But what he didn't expect was that he only waited for Coach Mafa's puzzled expression:

"LeYan, why are you so fierce today?

Doesn't make sense? "

Le Yan: "..."

After a short break, the two teams with a record of 3-3 started the last extra game!

DWG did not live up to the opportunity Le Yan created for them.

DWG played so steadily in the last extra game!

As long as it is a group that can be avoided, DWG will definitely not take it!

As long as there is an opportunity to operate, DWG will definitely choose to operate!

After 30 minutes of operation, DWG finally won this last extra game!

However, until the end of this game, the explosions of both sides The number of kills was only 8 to 1!

Just from this kill ratio, we can see how many team battles broke out in this game!

With the end of the extra game between DWG and TL, the places for the top eight teams finally surfaced!

The four first-place teams are: GRF, FPX, SKT and IG!

The four second-place teams are: DWG, FNC, SPY and G2!

After the extra game, Coach Mafa looked around at Lu Hao and others, and then asked:

"Although no matter who is drawn, it is the second place in the group stage."

"But no matter what, we should do better."

"Who among you has better luck?"

"Whoever has the best luck will be responsible for drawing this lot for us! "

As Coach Mafa finished speaking, Jackylove and the others focused their attention on Lu Hao!

Facing the gazes of the crowd, Lu Hao pointed at himself in disbelief and asked:

"What the hell?"

"You mean I'm lucky, so you let me draw this lot?"

Ning Wang nodded like a chick pecking at rice:

"Yes, brother!"

"If I remember correctly, you seemed to want to play in the game, and then you were directly recruited by our IG team, and you were the first team as soon as you came on the court!"

"I think your experience and luck are unprecedented, right?"

"So this draw for our team must be you!"

Jackylove also said with a look of agreement:

"Yes, Brother Hao!"

"If you are unlucky, then why don't others have a very beautiful childhood sweetheart, but you have one?"

"I can only say that Brother Hao, you are a person who is born lucky! ”

After hearing the narration of Jackylove and Ning Wang, Coach Mafa thought about it carefully and found that it was true!

So, Coach Mafa slammed the table and said:

"In that case, let Haozi go to draw lots for our team!"

"It's decided happily!"

Lu Hao: "..."

Just like that, Lu Hao was pushed out of the IG team's lounge by Jackylove and others.

After pushing Lu Hao out, Ning Wang slammed the door of the lounge and even locked it from the inside!

Seeing this, Lu Hao could only go to the competition site to draw lots alone with no choice.

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