The new player is still a big deal.

Looking at Lu Hao's back, Rita smiled and continued:

"The new support player of IG has been controversial recently. What does our Colonel Guan think about this?"

Guan Zeyuan smiled mysteriously and said:

"After all, IG just won the championship last year, and it is also the team that won the first S championship for our LPL, so any new player it recruits will receive widespread attention."

"I know everyone is curious about the strength of the new support player, and I just got some gossip here."

"As far as I know, the new support player of IG is not It's really strong!"

"It is said that so far, as long as this support plays in the training game, IG has not even tasted a defeat!"

Hearing Guan Zeyuan say this, Rita made a stunned expression:

"Is it true? Is the new support of the IG team so strong?"

"Colonel Guan, is your news authentic?"

Guan Zeyuan smiled and said:

"As for whether it is true or not, can't we know it today?"

"Because the news I got is that IG plans to let this new support play today!"

As Guan Zeyuan said this, the barrage in the official live broadcast room instantly boiled!

"Brothers, I've heard that the new support player of IG is so strong that even UZI is no match for him!"

"Not only UZI, Doinb also mentioned during the live broadcast that IG has a new strong support player."

"What's this? When the IG team officially announced the team, the comments below were full of curses, but in this case, Vincent and Northeast Quail both stood up to support them, which is already valuable enough!"


While everyone was discussing, our protagonist Lu Hao followed Coach Mafa to the IG team's lounge, waiting for Coach Mafa to make specific arrangements.

Just when Lu Hao took out his phone and was about to watch a short video, Ning Wang approached him with a smile and asked:

"Brother, do you think Coach Mafa will let us play today?"

After hearing this, Lu Hao stopped watching the video and replied with a smile:

"To be honest, I really don't know if you will play today."

"But I will definitely play today."

Hearing Lu Hao's answer, Ning Wang asked in shock:


"Did Coach Mafa tell you something?"

"Fuck, brother!"

"Didn't we agree to debut together? Why did it suddenly become your debut alone!"

"Brother, you can't just leave me alone!"

As Ning Wang spoke, he actually started to pull Lu Hao's arm and shook it hard!

Lu Hao looked at Ning Wang and said helplessly:

"I really can't decide when we will play, brother!"

"And Coach Mafa told me that as long as we can choose the blue side in the first game today, I can play directly."

"But if the first game is the red side, I can only decide whether I will play or not after seeing the result of the first game."

Hearing Lu Hao say this, Ning Wang immediately asked with a puzzled look:

"Do we have to divide the red and blue sides when we play?"

"And we need to see the result of the first game before deciding whether you will play or not?"

"Why does Coach Mafa make things so complicated?"

Hearing this, Lu Hao spread his hands to Ning Wang.

At this moment, Coach Mafa, who had just left, finally returned to the lounge of the IG team.

However, as soon as Coach Mafa came back, he came to Lu Hao with a look of regret and said:

"Haozi, I have a very unfortunate news for you."

"We drew the red side in the first game, so you can't play in the first game."

"As for whether you will be allowed to play in the first game, it depends on the situation at that time."

"After all, your hero pool has a little problem, so you can hide it if you can."

Hearing this, Lu Hao smiled and replied:

"It's okay, Coach Mafa, you can arrange it as you like."

"All I can do is obey the arrangement!"

Hearing Lu Hao's statement, Coach Mafa smiled with satisfaction

He smiled, and then announced to everyone in the lounge:

"The first game will be played by Theshy, Rookie, LeYan, Baolan and Jackylove!"

"Hurry up and get ready, remember to take your peripherals, we are about to play."

After hearing the list of players announced by Coach Mafa, LeYan and Baolan began to pack their peripherals and prepare to play.

LeYan was fine, because he and Ning took turns to play in the training game, but Baolan was under a lot of psychological pressure at this time!

Because after this period of contact with Lu Hao, he has found that Lu Hao is much stronger than him when he gets the hero!

So, at this time, Baolan secretly swore in his heart:

"I must play well in today's game and strive to beat JDG directly 3-0!"

"Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep my starting position!"

Not long after, Baolan packed up his peripherals and followed Coach Mafa to the game site.

At the same time, Guan Zeyuan also got the roster of IG's players.

Guan Zeyuan was very surprised to see that Lu Hao did not play!

However, the surprise on Guan Zeyuan's face flashed away, and he smiled and reported to the audience in the official live broadcast room:

"I just got the news that the roster of IG's first game has been released."

"However, the player Unfair that everyone is looking forward to did not choose to play in the first game."

"It seems that the coach of the IG team is planning to hide his hand first and see what the status of JDG is!"

Rita also took over the conversation with a smile on her face:

"Although the most popular player Unfair did not play, this will not affect the next exciting game!"

"Everyone, look!"

"The players who will participate in the competition on both IG and JDG have begun to appear!"

As Rita's voice fell, Theshy, Leyan, Rookie, Baolan and Jackylove from IG walked onto the court one after another.

On the JDG side, ZOOM, Kanavi, Yagao, Green Hair and Imp went on the field one after another!

After everyone simply debugged the equipment, the first game between JDG and IG began!

After a long BP time, the first lineup of both sides was finally selected.

The lineup on the IG side is: Theshy's Aatrox, Leyan's Prince, Rookie's Akali, Jackylove's Ezreal and Baolan's Titan.

The lineup on the JDG side is: ZOOM's Gnar, Kanavi's Kindred, Yagao's Fan Mother, adimp's Kaisa and Green Hair's Doom.

At this time, Ning Wang, who was watching the game in the IG team lounge, saw the lineups of both teams and asked Lu Hao with some concern:

"Brother, do you think we can win this first game?"

"Why do I feel that the opponent's lineup is much more solid than ours?"

"Especially the opponent's selection of Kindred and Doomsday, which is a bit too restraining for our lineup, right?"

Hearing this, Lu Hao smiled and replied:

"What's there to worry about?"

"What if the opponent's lineup is stronger?"

"All we can do now is believe that Rookie and his team can win , that's enough. "

When Ning Wang heard this, he looked at Lu Hao with a surprised face:

"Good guy, brother, do you have such a good mentality?"

Hearing Ning Wang say this, Lu Hao smiled and replied:

"What's the matter?"

"Isn't it normal to trust your teammates?"

In Ning Wang's unexpected expression, Lu Hao silently added in his heart:

"It doesn't matter if they lose the first game. At most, I can win it back when I come on the court."


Not long after, the first game between JDG and IG began!

Before the soldiers were sent out, the players on both sides simply stood in position and did not choose to make trouble at level 1.

Until the wild monsters refreshed, Le Yan's Prince chose to start with red, and Kanavi's Kindred also chose to start with red.

Immediately afterwards, all members of both sides began to develop steadily, and developed until the sixth minute of the game time, when the two sides finally had the first wave of direct conflict!

Near the bottom lane river, the mid, jungle and support of both sides had the first small-scale team fight for a river crab that had just refreshed!

In this wave, Baolan's Titan first hooked Kanavi's Kindred!

Rookie's Akali saw this and immediately used the R skill to rush to Kindred's face and opened the smoke bomb!

But because Baolan's Titan did not make up for the control of the basic attack after the hook, and Leyan's Prince did not have the EQ skill.

This caused Kanavi's Kindred to flash out of Akali's attack range when his health was low!

If it was just like this, it would be nothing.

But due to the dual control of Doomsday and Fanzi Ma, Rookie's Akali could not escape the battlefield and was killed by Doomsday on the JDG side!

After Akali gave away the first blood, Baolan's Titan had already used flash to escape in the first time.

But he was still chased to death by Fanzi Ma and Doomsday who were almost in full state!

As for Titan's head, it was taken by Yagao's Fanzi Ma!

At this point, the balance between the two sides was broken!

IG was already in a disadvantageous position!

Just when this small-scale team battle broke out, Coach Mafa also returned to the IG team's lounge.

Coach Mafa was furious when he saw this ending!

"Why did Baolan dare to Q on Kindred's face when the Prince didn't have a double EQ?"

"Forget it, why didn't you dare to make up a single attack after Q?"

"This is not acting, what are you doing?"

After talking about Baolan, Coach Mafa started to spray Le Yan on the screen again:

"I don't know what Le Yan is thinking, why can't you, a Prince, help look at Titan when you retreat when you have flash?"

"If you looked at Titan this time, how could Titan die?"

"Is there something wrong with your thinking, huh?"

Although Le Yan and Baolan, who were playing on the court at this time, could not hear Coach Mafa's roar.

After Coach Mafa calmed down for a while, he said to Lu Hao and Ning Wang who were watching the game silently:

"Haozi, Ning, I don't care what the result of the first game will be, you two must play in the second game!"

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