The explosion of the base of JDG team, the main reason for the explosion.

As the base of JDG team exploded, Guan Zeyuan screamed vigorously:

"Linglong Tower, another Linglong Tower!"

"IG team once again won a game with a crushing advantage!"

"Let's congratulate IG!"

As soon as Guan Zeyuan finished speaking, the barrage of the official live broadcast room was occupied by a "Congratulations to IG"!

At this time, Lu Hao also took off his headphones.

Afterwards, Lu Hao heard the deafening cheers at the game site!





Lu Hao couldn't help but smile as he listened to the cheers of the audience.

This time, Ning Wang was not as excited as he was when he won the last game. Instead, he looked at Lu Hao calmly:

"Let's go, brother!"

"Let's take a break and prepare for the last game of the day!"

However, when Jackylove took off his headphones, he excitedly gave Lu Hao a bear hug!

While holding Lu Hao, Jackylove shouted:

"Brother Hao, you are so awesome!"

"It's a blessing for me to meet a support like you!"

"It's so cool, it's so cool for me to play this game!"

Hearing what Jackylove said, Lu Hao's mouth twitched:

"What the hell, a blessing for me?"

"I think there's something wrong with your mind."

"Don't do it, Jack. If you do it again, I'll complain to Coach Mafa."

After that, Lu Hao gently pushed Jackylove away.

When Ning Wang heard that Lu Hao was going to "complain" to Coach Mafa, his eyes suddenly lit up!

"I used to be an ADC, so if I play ADC now, I shouldn't be too bad."

"Plus, our team's starting support is definitely Haozi, so..."

"My ADC plus Haozi's support, it seems to be really okay?"

"After all, Haozi's support is so strong that he can win even if he ties a dog!"

Thinking of this, Ning Wang put himself into the role of Jackylove's Draven just now, imagining that he and Lu Hao were killing everyone in the bottom lane.

So, Ning Wang felt more and more happy the more he thought about it!

"No, after this bubble game is over, I must try to double-row with Haozi in the bottom lane."

"Maybe I can get FMVP again in the ADC position!"


While Ning Wang was immersed in his own fantasy world, Jackylove, who had just been pushed away by Lu Hao, suddenly felt an inexplicable chill coming from his back!

After Lu Hao and his team interacted with each other for a while, they left the game and walked towards their team's lounge.

When Lu Hao and his team left, the big screen at the game site also showed the MVP winner of this game: IG, Unfair!

At the same time, on the JDG team side.

Kanavi took off his headphones with a helpless look on his face and prepared to return to the JDG team's lounge.

He was shocked to find that he was the only one in their team who stood up!

Kanavi looked at his four teammates who were staring at the screen intently, and he instantly had a bad premonition in his heart...

Soon, Lu Hao and his team passed through the corridor and returned to the IG team's lounge.

During this walk, Jackylove had been excitedly telling Rookie and Theshy how powerful he was in the last game.

However, Rookie and Theshy were always perfunctory to Jackylove.

So, when Jackylove returned to the IG team's lounge, he was excited to continue chatting with coach Mafa about his story in the last game.

However, just as Jackylove was about to talk to Coach Mafa, a word from Coach Mafa suddenly petrified Jackylove!

"Haozi, congratulations on winning the MVP of two games in a row!"

"I was right!"

"Haozi, you are a natural LOL professional player!"

Hearing this, Lu Hao smiled and replied:

"No, no, Coach Mafa

"I've won the prize."

At this moment, Jackylove, who had been "petrified" for a while, suddenly shouted:


"Why can Brother Hao be the MVP of this game!"

"This is unscientific!"

After Jackylove finished shouting, Lu Hao and others all looked at Jackylove.

Seeing this, Jackylove continued to say without any embarrassment:

"It's really unscientific!"

"After all, my record in the last game was 15-0-4!"

"I don't deny that Brother Hao is very strong, but judging from the record alone, the MVP of this game should be awarded to me anyway, right? "

After hearing what Jackylove said, Lu Hao and others looked at each other first, and then laughed out loud!

The laughter of everyone made Jackylove a little confused.

After laughing for a while, Coach Mafa smiled and patted Jackylove on the shoulder and said:

"You also said that judging from the record alone, the MVP of this game should be given to you."

"But there is no way, the game is not just about the record!"

"Come on, Jacky, maybe you can get the MVP in the next game."

Before Jackylove could say anything, Lu Hao also patted Jackylove on the shoulder with a smile:

"It's okay, Jack."

"If you really want the MVP, give the opponent a few in the next game when you can't lose."

"In this way, you can get the MVP without any accidents."

When Jackylove heard this, he immediately went crazy and said:

"I don't want this kind of MVP!"

"What I need is the MVP that I really get with my own strength! "

As Jackylove finished speaking, Lu Hao and the others laughed again!

At the same time, in the lounge of the JDG team.

JDG's head coach Homme looked at the almost all autistic players in the room, and he had a very strong sense of powerlessness in his heart!

At this time, Coach Homme had already found that his players' mentality had been completely beaten by the IG team!

Although he had already realized that their JDG team might stop here, Coach Homme still made a final struggle!

Coach Homme first scolded everyone, trying to inspire everyone's desire to win.

But it was useless!

Because they had been beaten out of a Linglong Tower for two consecutive games, at this time, except for Kanavi, the rest of the JDG team had I have completely lost confidence in the next game.

Seeing that scolding was useless, Coach Homme quickly began to encourage.

But even encouragement had little effect on Green Hair and others.

There was no way, Coach Homme could only sigh, and then encouraged everyone to play hard in what might be the last game of the year.

Not long after, Lu Hao and others returned to the game scene under the leadership of Coach Mafa.

JDG also returned to the game scene under the leadership of Coach Homme.

Because the fourth game had not started yet, Jackylove saw the abnormality of JDG at a glance when he was very bored!

Jackylove gently poked Lu Hao with his elbow, and then said:

"Brother Hao, look at JDG."

"Did you notice that they suddenly became lifeless this time? "

After hearing this, Lu Hao took a look at the situation on the JDG side.

Then, Lu Hao found that the JDG side was indeed dead, just as Jackylove said.

To be more precise, at this time, except for Kanavi, all the JDG members had no fighting spirit on their faces!

Lu Hao thought about it and said helplessly:

"It's normal for the opponent to have no fighting spirit. After all, we have beaten a Linglong Tower for two consecutive games."

"Especially the opponent's support, who even died 9 times in the last game."

"I can only say that Jacky is too cruel!"

After hearing this, Jackylove complained speechlessly:

"Is it me who is cruel?"

"It's obviously you, Brother Hao, who is too cruel, okay? ”


At this time, commentator Guan Zeyuan also noticed that the members of the JDG team were in a very low state, so he said helplessly:

“It seems that JDG has been beaten by IG and has no energy. ”

“Come on, JDG, you have to adjust your state as soon as possible!”


This fourth game is probably over before it even starts! "


However, several members of the JDG team did not cheer up from the beginning to the end in this fourth game.

Since almost all members of the JDG team have lost their confidence and fighting spirit.

Therefore, in this fourth game, JDG lost even faster and more miserably than in the previous game!

When the game time was only 16 minutes, Lu Hao and others had already pushed down the JDG team's base!

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