That night.

In a hotel room, a banquet has been set up, with all kinds of delicacies from land and sea, extremely luxurious.

EDG sat together, toasting, and the whole room was filled with a joyful atmosphere.

After the game, Abu pulled everyone here to celebrate EDG's advancement to the finals, and also to celebrate their successful ticket to the World Championship.

"At first, I really thought we couldn't go to the World Championship this season. I'm not afraid of you laughing at me. I have already thought about how to apologize in advance. I didn't expect Xiaolang to come to me suddenly, and a miracle happened."

Abu raised his glass and said with emotion.

He still remembers that afternoon when Shen Lang came to EDG for a trial training alone. At that time, he and Nofe only thought that this player was very talented, and he could take over the pressure in the future after Ray retired or transferred.

The reason why he found Shen Lang at the beginning was that he valued his ability to withstand pressure.

No one expected that the unintentional move would completely change EDG. The pressure-resistant top laner originally prepared for the future has now become EDG's carry point.

Until this time, Abu still felt that the world was a bit absurd.

"Cheers to Brother Weiwu!"

Aide Zhu also raised his glass and joked about Shen Lang's nickname.

Everyone followed suit and raised their glasses.

They should indeed thank Shen Lang. In the words of netizens, other EDG players should give Shen Lang a kowtow.

Without Shen Lang, let alone entering the finals, it is hard to say whether they can enter the semifinals.

The comparison between the first game against RW today and the next three games is indeed a bit exaggerated.

Before Shen Lang came on the stage, EDG was crushed by RW. After Shen Lang came on the stage, RW was crushed by EDG in three consecutive games. Anyone with eyes can see that Shen Lang is the key factor in changing the situation.

"Thank you, thank you."

Shen Lang picked up the glass and drank the happy water in it.

He was quite modest in front of his boss, after all, he was still counting on him to pay him.

"Isn't Xiaolang from Shanghai?"

Aide Zhu asked casually.

Shen Lang shook his head: "I'm from Pingxiang, Jiangxi."

"Young people should come to big cities to fight, how about this, I won't give you a bonus if you win the game this time... I'll just give you a suite."

Aide Zhu said lightly.

Hearing the first half of the sentence, Shen Lang was very disappointed, wondering why the boss was not as generous as before.

But after Aide Zhu finished speaking, the whole person instantly became energetic.

The boss is still rich and inhumane!

He gave a suite, in comparison, a small bonus is undoubtedly insignificant.

"I'm so sorry."

Shen Lang's face was smiling like a chrysanthemum, and he didn't politely refuse as usual.

This is a suite in Shanghai!

Seeing Shen Lang's reaction, Aide Zhu also smiled.

A house is indeed not cheap, but if he can win Shen Lang's heart by paying for it, it is totally worth it in his opinion.

It was not until today that he knew that the contract signed by Shen Lang and EDG was only for one year.

Although EDG has the priority to renew the contract after this, there is too much room for maneuver.

Shen Lang is only 18 years old, and he has shown the level of a top professional player at this time. Under normal circumstances, professional players will not retire until they are 25 years old.

In other words, Shen Lang has at least 7 years of professional career.

Seven years!

You know, it is only the S8 season now.

As long as Shen Lang can maintain this state, EDG will definitely have no problem advancing to the world championship. Seven years means seven opportunities. It should be no problem to win the world championship trophy.

Shen Lang is the future of EDG.

Seizing Shen Lang is seizing the future!

After today's game, Ed Zhu did some homework and knew the conflict between him and RNG. He also knew that using a contract to tie him down would be counterproductive, so he used this method to win people's hearts.

EDG is no poorer than other clubs, and it treats you no worse than other clubs. There is no reason to violate the previous contract, right?

Ed Zhu has asked Abu to prepare to re-sign a contract with Shen Lang, just waiting for the end of the summer season. The gambling contract signed a few months ago can no longer match Shen Lang's current worth.


After the celebration, everyone returned to the base quickly.

Shen Lang usually doesn't train, so he naturally won't train on game days. He was even too lazy to turn on the computer and went back to the dormitory to rest.

Just as he was about to play two games of Kings of Glory, his family suddenly called.

"Langzi, you played well in today's game. You are MVP for three consecutive games. You are worthy of being my child!"

The loud voice of my father came from the phone.

Since Shen LangAfter becoming a professional, my father also learned about the game of League of Legends and watched the games. Now he can understand the games a little bit.

"Hehe, of course, your son is a master."

Shen Lang said proudly.

"I heard that if you win today's game, you can go to the world game. Play well in the next games, win glory for the country, and make a name for yourself, earn more money, and buy a house in Shanghai in the future..."

Dad began to chatter.

"Is it so easy to buy a house in Shanghai? You can't even kill all the pigs in the town, and you know how to put pressure on your son."

The mother next to him complained immediately.

"Today our boss gave me a house."

Shen Lang suddenly said.

The phone fell into a long silence, and after a long time, an unbelievable voice came: "I gave you a house directly, and you helped your boss block the bullet?"

Shen Lang heard this and smiled without saying anything.

Dad only knew that he performed very well today and won the MVP of three games in a row, but he didn't know his value after winning these three MVPs.

At this time, he is no longer the teenager who tried every means to gain a foothold in the professional arena.

Now, he is a hot star player.

On the other side.

After the party, Aide Zhu received a call.

The caller was Bai Xing, the boss of RNG.

These rich second-generations in the e-sports circle are in contact with each other, and they used to get together to show off whose team has better results.

Since RNG won the MSI championship, Bai Xing has been showing off in front of Aide Zhu, which made Aide Zhu very unhappy, but he was suffering from the poor performance of his team and could only pretend to be an ostrich and ignore Bai Xing.

Now that EDG has achieved remarkable results, he can naturally stand up straight in front of Bai Xing.

"Old Zhu, thank you EDG for creating an opportunity for RNG to advance to the world game."

Bai Xing was not in a hurry to talk about business, but thanked Aide Zhu first.

"If you have something to say, say it quickly, and if you have something to say, fart quickly."

Aide Zhu knew that he called at this time and it was definitely not good.

"It's nothing big. I just like a professional player from EDG. EDG is full of talents anyway. Why don't you sell him to me?"

Bai Xing said his purpose.

Aide Zhu sneered: "The player you are talking about is not Shen Lang?"

It is indeed a small matter to ask for other youth training players, but it is definitely a big deal to ask for Shen Lang.

"Yes, he came from RNG. It should be no problem to return to RNG. Let him partner with Uzi. It will be easy for us to win the first world championship of LPL. I won't let you suffer a loss. We can discuss the transfer fee."

Bai Xing deliberately said it very simply.

If Aide Zhu hadn't watched the games these days, he might have been fooled, but now he has discovered the value of Shen Lang and naturally would not give him to RNG.

In fact, he couldn't make a decision.

If Shen Lang returned to RNG, he would not be able to pass the hurdle of Shen Lang. The contract period is only one year. Who knows if Shen Lang will just give up and fight like he did in RNG, which would be a waste of time.

"Bullshit, you are so bold. Let Shen Lang be given to you, or you can let Uzi come to EDG. You can set the price. Let him partner with Shen Lang, and EDG can also win the first LPL championship."

Aide Zhu cursed.

Listening to the tone of Aide Zhu on the phone, Bai Xing knew that if he didn't spend a lot of money, he would not be able to buy Shen Lang back.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little resentful.

If it weren't for Quan Zhonghe, Shen Lang wouldn't have left RNG, and he wouldn't have to argue with Aide Zhu here now.

This afternoon, he watched the game between EDG and RW with IG boss Wang Sicong.

Watching Shen Lang's crazy killing on the field, Bai Xing couldn't help but sigh: "Ed Zhu is really lucky to be able to pick up such a talented player. If Brother Weiwu is in RNG, this year's world championship will be easy to win."

As a result, Wang Sicong immediately told him with gloating: "Shen Lang used to be a player of RNG. He came to EDG after being dismissed by RNG."

Hearing this, Bai Xing's blood pressure soared instantly.

Unlike Wang Sicong, he often surfs on Weibo and is not aware of the conflict between RNG and Shen Lang.

When he sorted out the ins and outs of the matter, the whole person was instantly broken.

The reason why RNG lost this talented player was just because of tens of thousands of yuan.

Tens of thousands of yuan!

It was just his meal money.

He didn't even finish watching the game, and directly called Quan Zhonghe to scold him.

At the beginning, Quan Zhonghe wanted to kick out Shen Lang, who was playing badly, and the contract was signed very "perfectly". Now he wants toIt was impossible to get Shen Lang back.

In desperation, Bai Xing came up with the idea of ​​buying Shen Lang back.

But it was obvious that it was easy to kick him out, but it was difficult to invite him back.

No matter how he offered, Ed Zhu refused to give in and just said that Shen Lang was not for sale.

There is no such thing as a non-saleable item in this world. It's just that the price offered is not enough. However, RNG's current finances can no longer offer a price that matches Shen Lang's talent.

In the end, the two parted unhappily, and Bai Xing had to face the reality.

After hanging up the phone, Ed Zhu couldn't help but complain: "You want Shen Lang, and I want him too!"

Whether Shen Lang is willing to re-sign a contract with EDG is still unknown.

And this guy seems to be laughing on the surface, but judging from his previous actions, he is definitely a thorn.

You can't control him with a contract.

RNG is a vivid example. They dare to play badly directly. The contract is only for one year. Now it has been a few months. Shen Lang is only 18 years old and there is no time to wait.

Now that he has made a name for himself, even if he plays badly for the next year, there will still be a lot of teams vying for him when his contract ends.

"What kind of contract should I give him?"

Aide Zhu was a little embarrassed.

At this moment, the phone rang again, and this time it was Wang Sicong who called.

He also wanted Shen Lang!

"Did Bai Xing contact you just now?"

Wang Sicong said teasingly: "This bastard almost got angry to death when he heard that Shen Lang was from RNG in the afternoon. You are lucky. If there were no problems with the RNG management, you would not have a chance to play for Shen Lang."

"He wanted to buy Shen Lang, but I didn't agree."

Aide Zhu said truthfully, and he was a little relieved in his heart.

At the beginning, thanks to the management of his own club's keen eyes, they discovered Shen Lang in time and decisively signed the contract.

"I also want to buy Shen Lang, do you agree?"

Wang Sicong got straight to the point.

Ed Zhu smiled and shook his head: "Don't do it, IG already has The shy, how can Shen Lang have a place in the past? Let him be a substitute for The shy?"

"If Shen Lang performs well, it is not impossible to let The shy be his substitute."

Wang Sicong replied.

"Tsk tsk——"

Ed Zhu couldn't help but be amazed. Letting The shy be a substitute for Shen Lang shows how much Wang Da Shao values ​​Shen Lang.

But it's a pity that no matter how much he values ​​him, he can't let him go.

"EDG still hopes Shen Lang will win the championship. It's impossible to sell him. How can we play the world championship without him?"

Ed Zhu still refused.

"Win the championship?"

Wang Sicong laughed immediately: "Shen Lang is indeed very strong, and I am also optimistic about his future, but EDG wants to rely on Shen Lang to win the world championship, you are probably dreaming."

"Don't even mention the world championship, they can't even win the summer championship!"

Wang Sicong is still very confident in IG. EDG did perform very well in today's game, but to a large extent, it was because Shen Lang was able to suppress the laning in the top lane.

This is true whether it is against RW or RNG.

Facing IG, his opponent will become The shy, and Wang Sicong doesn't think Shen Lang can still suppress the laning.

If the top lane can't suppress the effect, how can EDG win?

"Then wait and see."

Aide Zhu responded with a smile.

At this time, Wang Sicong suddenly thought of something and said cunningly: "How about we make a bet, if EDG wins the summer championship, I will give you Jackeylove, if IG wins, you give me Shen Lang."

"No bet!"

Aide Zhu's attitude is very firm.

He said EDG could win the championship, but he was actually a little unsure.

"Alas, what a pity!"

Seeing that Ed Zhu was not fooled, Wang Sicong could only give up.

Later, the bosses of other teams also called, and their target was naturally Shen Lang. Some of them offered extremely exaggerated prices, and even Ed Zhu was tempted, but in the end he rejected them.

He didn't want to sell, and he couldn't sell.

These people's calls would only make him pay more attention to Shen Lang. The more exaggerated the price others offered, the more determined he was to tie Shen Lang to EDG.

"It seems that one house is not enough!"

Ed Zhu sighed secretly.

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