"Ah, I don't want to play Sion!"

Hearing that the coach wanted him to play Sion, The shy was a little unhappy.

It's not that he was afraid of being suppressed by Shen Lang in the laning phase, but that he didn't like to play a pressure-resistant top laner. In previous games, even with a hero like Sion, The shy would still play very strongly in the laning phase. This is his style of play.

"You can not play Sion, but you have to be mentally prepared. In this game, the double support system may focus on the top lane."

Kim Jingzhu's attitude was not very firm.

The shy nodded immediately after hearing this: "Don't worry, I have confidence."

After a brief discussion, when the countdown was about to end, IG locked the sword girl in the counter position.

"The jungler and the mid laner should go to the top lane more often. In the early stage, the top lane just needs to be stable and wait for Kayn and Ryze to lead the rhythm..."

After the BP was over, Kim Jingzhu said with admonition.

The BP of this game was completely out of his control. EDG's swing of Taliyah jungle completely broke his plan. The lineup was obviously not as good as the opponent's. If they wanted to win the game, they could only pray that the players could perform exceptionally well on the field.

"I feel that IG's lineup in this game is not very good."

Miller also analyzed at this time: "Kim Jeong-soo should want to target the jungler like in the last game, so the jungler chose the hero Kayn, but EDG broke the routine and did not take the herbivorous jungler. In this way, Kayn became the weaker party."

The hero Kayn can only become strong after transforming. Before transforming, it is still okay to play against the herbivorous jungler, but it is not enough to face the offensive hero like Taliyah.

"Not only that, Jin Jingzhu probably didn't expect that this Taliyah was a jungler, so he chose to ban Nightmare in the subsequent BP, and didn't ban Galio in the middle lane, which made EDG successfully take over the double support system. When Taliyah and Galio reach level 6, the pressure on the side lane will be very great." Wawa added.

During the analysis, the coaches of both sides came to the middle of the stage to shake hands.

The game officially started loading.

EDG on the blue side: top single Aatrox, jungle Taliyah, mid single Galio, bottom lane Kaisa and Braum.

IG on the red side: top single Fiora, jungle Kayn, mid single Ryze, bottom lane Ashe and Tam.

"From the lineup, we don't win easily?"

Shen Lang was very confident, and he didn't see any influence of the loss in the previous game.

In comparison, the veteran factory manager seemed a little nervous. He hadn't played a jungler like Taliyah, who tends to attack, on the field for a long time, and it was still when the mid laner was Galio.

In the current version, Galio is a tank, and his output ability is not very strong, which makes him, as a jungler, need to take on the role of AP output.

"Don't open champagne in the first half, our lineup is just better than the opponent's."

Hearing Shen Lang's words, the factory manager immediately refuted seriously.

Seeing him like this, Shen Lang wanted to laugh: "I know you are a little anxious, but don't be anxious. If I remember correctly, your best hero is Widowmaker instead of Sejuani. Brother Li Can and I can support you. You must play more strongly, otherwise there is no point in holding this Taliyah."

Taliyah is not very good against Kayn after transformation, which means that Ning Wang must be put under enough pressure in the early stage to gain enough advantages before he transforms. Shen Lang is a little worried that the factory manager will play Taliyah as Sejuani, and the tragedy of the last game will still be repeated in this game.

"Don't worry, believe me."

The factory manager took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

Both sides quickly entered the Summoner's Rift. The players on both sides bought their starting equipment and then rushed out of the fountain quickly.

"Invade the jungle!"

Shen Lang directly pinned the signal to the IG blue buff jungle.

They were on the blue side, so there was no need to exchange jungle with the opponent, but they could still use the strength of the lineup to invade the IG jungle to set up vision in the early stage, so as to detect Kayn's early movements.

Braum and Galio were at the front, and the others followed closely.

Seeing this situation, Rookie, who was guarding the river entrance, hurriedly controlled Ryze to retreat.

After leaving vision, the EDG team left the bush, and then Shen Lang and Scout entered the upper half of the opponent's jungle, and also left vision next to the red buff.

The soldiers came out quickly, and everyone controlled the heroes to go online.

After going online, Shen Lang saw that the passive flaw of Fiora was refreshed in the front, and immediately controlled the Sword Demon to turn around and leave.

This is a little trick for laning against Fiora.

After pulling away, Fiora's passive flaw was broken.The bloom will be refreshed, and will not be refreshed at the original position.

Control the bloom to the back, so you don't have to worry about being consumed by Fiora when you come up.

The soldiers attacked each other, and Shen Lang and The shy were not in a hurry to attack the soldiers, but waited until the melee soldiers were at low health before controlling their respective heroes to move forward.

At the moment when Fiora made a last-hit move, Shen Lang immediately released the Q skill.


The Q skill hit, and then the blue comet hit Fiora, taking away a lot of its health immediately.

The talent Shen Lang chose was not the mainstream Electrocute or Conqueror, but the Comet with stronger consumption ability.

The Sword Demon had no advantage against Fiora, because the Q skill could move flexibly and the W skill could block damage, it was difficult for the Sword Demon to deal full damage, and Electrocute and Conqueror were not easy to trigger.

In comparison, the Comet can slowly grind Fiora's health.

After the Q skill hit, he continued to control the Sword Demon to move forward, with the passive [Death Sword Qi] still in his hand, and the flaw was behind him, so he was not afraid of the Sword Lady at all.

The shy could only temporarily avoid the edge and control the Sword Lady to retreat.

"Brother Weiwu's laning ability is really strong, he is really too meticulous!"

PDD couldn't help but sigh, even though he was a staunch supporter of IG, he had to admire Shen Lang's laning ability.

Professional players have a high level of proficiency in heroes, and the difference in reaction ability is not big. It is often these small details that can really make a difference in laning.

The junglers on both sides quickly brushed up.

After clearing the upper half of the jungle area, Taliyah and Kayn met in the river, and both wanted this river crab.

"If he dares to come over, leave him!"

Just when the factory manager was nervously trying to fight for punishment, Shen Lang's voice rang in his ears.

While speaking, he had already controlled the Sword Demon to walk towards the river.

The soldiers on the top lane didn't enter the tower, so the support of the Sword Demon would definitely lose experience, but Shen Lang didn't care at all.

If you say you want to help your brother, then you can't let your brother suffer!

Seeing the Sword Demon appear in the field of vision, Ning Wang instantly realized that he couldn't fight for this river crab, and immediately controlled Kayn to release the E skill to speed up and distance.

"Thank you, love you!"

The factory manager took the river crab with a joyful face. It must be said that it feels good to be loved by someone.

Shen Lang immediately replied with a smile: "This is what a father should do. I can't starve my cubs even if I starve myself!"

The factory manager: ...

For junglers, river crabs are still very important in the early stage.

With the help of the Sword Demon, Rock Bird successfully killed the upper river crab without even giving punishment.

Then the factory manager continued to control Rock Bird to walk towards the lower river.

According to his thinking, Kayn didn't grab the upper river crab, so he would definitely go to the lower river to take the river crab.

The junglers of both sides met again in the lower river.

This time, the top laner Aatrox was unable to provide assistance, but the bottom lane support Braum came to support in time.

You must move in the early stage!

Meiko always kept in mind what the coach said before the game.

Seeing his own support coming, the factory manager immediately became fierce, and regardless of the river crab next to him, he directly released the Q skill to Kayn.

The IG bottom lane combination was able to support, but at this time, the combat effectiveness of Taliyah and Braum was very strong. Ning Wang hesitated a little, and finally decided to give up the river crab.

"Like Xiaolang said, you must never let your child suffer. Dad loves you!"

Seeing Kayn disappear, Meiko teased and controlled Braum to return to the line.

Punished and killed the river crab, and Taliyah successfully reached level 4.

The factory manager returned to the city to replenish equipment, and then controlled Taliyah to go straight to the top lane.

His teammates helped him, so he naturally had to return the favor and help his teammates. After all, he also wanted to be the father of Shen Lang and Meiko.

As the game time passed, the top lane soldiers gradually pushed towards IG. Before Tiamat was synthesized, Fiora's ability to clear the line could not compare with that of Aatrox.

Zz1tai found a good time. He entered the top lane bushes just when Aatrox pushed the soldiers into the top lane defense tower, and then quietly waited in the bushes for Fiora to push the soldiers back.

Seeing the position of Taliyah, PDD on the commentary seat instantly became nervous: "Qijiang is playing a big chess game this time. I wonder if The shy can detect it?"

"If you continue to move forward, Fiora will at least be forced to flash."

Miller shook his head and said.

Taliyah is a waste of time to squat like this. You need to wait for Fiora to slowly push the soldiers over, but correspondingly, squatting like this is also difficult to detect. He doesn't think The shy can detect it.

EDG voice.

Shen Lang looked at the Taliyah next to him with disgust: "You really didn't come to the top lane to get experience on purpose?"Crouching in the bushes nearby, Rock Bird can also gain experience, which is not very uncomfortable for the factory manager, but if it fails, it will be Shen Lang who will feel uncomfortable.

"Stop talking nonsense, go up and sell your ass!"

The factory manager urged.

Shen Lang immediately controlled the Sword Demon to move forward, and then directly handed over the Q skill.

The shy wanted to turn away, but Shen Lang released the Q skill in time to adjust the position.

The skill hit, Sword Princess's health dropped, Shen Lang continued to move forward, wanting to continue to release the second stage of Q.

However, just when the skill was fired, The shy decisively handed over the W skill.

[Laurent Heart Eye Knife] successfully blocked the Sword Demon's skill and stabbed forward quickly.


A crisp sound rang out, and the W skill accurately hit the Sword Demon, stunning it on the spot.

The shy frowned slightly.

He felt something was wrong. When the two of them fought before, he had used his W skill to block the Sword Demon's Q, but every time the stab after blocking the skill, Shen Lang would move away.

This was the first time that he had stunned the Sword Demon since the laning.

Although he was confused, The shy still did not give up the opportunity to consume the blood. He immediately controlled the Sword Princess to release the Q skill forward, accurately hitting the flaw on the side of the Sword Demon, and then A followed by the E skill to deal damage...

At this moment, the factory manager in the bush finally made a move.

The Q skill was released, and he moved towards the Sword Princess' face while releasing the skill.


The shy was frightened by the sudden appearance of Taliyah, and quickly controlled the Sword Princess to retreat, and stared at the screen, ready to move away from the Taliyah's W skill at any time.

But it was not Taliyah who took the first shot, but the Sword Demon.

After the stun was lifted, Shen Lang handed over the W skill, [Evil Fire Chain] accurately hit the Sword Princess.

The CD of Sword Lady's Q skill has not been turned on yet. If she is pulled back by Sword Demon's W skill, she will definitely be connected by Rock Bird's W skill. In a flash, The shy quickly gave up the flash to open up the distance.

What surprised Shen Lang was that at the moment when Sword Lady flashed out, the factory manager also gave up the flash.

EW skill released.

[Rock Thrust] actually successfully lifted Sword Lady back.

"Fuck, so confident?"

Shen Lang's face was full of surprise. This time he thought he could only force Sword Lady to flash, and now Rock Bird lifted it back, it seemed that there was a chance to kill.

With a general attack, [Death Sword Qi] took away a lot of Sword Lady's health again.

Although The shy released the Q skill in time to open up the distance, Rock Bird's Q skill had also turned on.

Close to the wall, while accelerating, he released the Q skill, and the damage of [Stone Piercing] was full, and immediately took away the remaining health of Sword Lady.

"Speak up!"

"What are you barking about?"

"Who is the father?"

After getting the kill of Fiora, the factory manager instantly became excited and shouted loudly in the voice chat.

"I admit that you have something."

Shen Lang was indeed a little impressed, but he was still stubborn.

According to his stereotype of the factory manager, after Fiora gave up the flash, he would never follow up with the flash to gamble whether the W skill could hit.

Facts have proved that what Abu said before the game was still useful.

Not only Shen Lang, but the audience was also surprised.

"Is this the Qijiang I know?"

"Not to mention that he took Taliyah in the game, he dared to do this now. I have every reason to suspect that someone is playing for him."

"Once you put on the headphones, you don't love anyone. Now it's Dark Kai time!"

"Kayn hasn't transformed yet, Qijiang has transformed first. Something is wrong. Will EDG really win this game?"

"Qijiang is dreaming back to S5. I can only say that my youth is back."


The barrage rolled wildly.

On the commentary stand, watching Fiora being killed, PDD slapped his thigh and said, "Oh, I didn't expect Fiora to die this time. I thought she would just force a flash at most. In this case, the top lane is a bit hurt!"

Under EDG's dual support system, the pressure on the side lanes was already very high. Now that Fiora was killed before level 6, it will be even more difficult.

"And Taliyah is good at fighting Kayn in the early stage. Now Taliyah gets the kill again. The gap between the junglers has widened again. Ning Wang is also very uncomfortable."

Miller also analyzed it.

On the court.

After killing Fiora, Taliyah and Aatrox quickly pushed the line of soldiers into the defensive tower.

"You all lie down in this game, I'm C!"

I don't know if it was because of the successful killing of Fiora that regained confidence, the tension at the beginning of the game instantly disappeared on Zz1tiao, and it really felt like a dream back to the past.

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