Back on the line, Qing Gangying still felt very uncomfortable in the laning phase.

In the past, Shen Lang always suppressed the opponent in the laning phase. Now he was suppressed by the opponent under the defensive tower. At first, he was a little uncomfortable.

Duke also knew how to manipulate the mentality. Every time he used the Q skill to consume Qing Gangying's health, he would light up the dog tag.

It was still a bit difficult for the hero Sion to kill Qing Gangying in the laning phase, and with the increase of levels, Qing Gangying's laning phase was not as uncomfortable as before, so Duke wanted to use this method to make Shen Lang get excited, otherwise Qing Gangying would hide under the defensive tower and he would have no way to expand his advantage.

"Ignore the opponent, he just wants to mess with your mentality."

Looking at the situation in the top lane, the factory manager reminded.

Hearing this, Shen Lang smiled contemptuously: "You want to mess with my mentality, who are you looking down on?"

No one knows how to mess with the mentality better than him.

I'm afraid it's not too much to want to use his best method to deal with him.

In the following laning, Shen Lang performed very steadily. He tried to make up for the damage he could, and didn't make up for the damage he couldn't. Maintaining his health was the most important thing, and he absolutely didn't give the opponent any chance to kill him by crossing the tower.

The game time soon came to 7 minutes.

The mid laners on both sides had reached level 6, and both returned to the city to replenish their status before TPing to the line.

At this time, Ning Wang controlled Taliyah to come to the middle lane.

Both Clockwork and Taliyah had AP damage, so Scout directly synthesized the mercury shoes after returning to the city. Ning Wang ganking the middle lane was not the best choice.

"With Galio's current state, Taliyah and Clockwork may not be able to kill him even if they deal full damage. Isn't it a bit hasty to gank the middle lane?"

Miller analyzed.

As soon as the voice fell, Ning Wang quickly took action.

Taliyah walked out of the bushes on the side of the field of vision and went directly behind Galio.

At the same time, Rookie controlled Clockwork to release skills, QW was released at Galio's feet, but it did not connect with the ultimate move.

Xiaodi hurriedly used his E skill to distance himself, but Taliyah's skills soon followed.

After releasing his QE skills, Ning Wang deliberately held back his W skill, as if he wanted to wait for Galio to use his flash before releasing his skills.

Xiaodi was also very calm. He had already synthesized his mercury shoes. The damage from Taliyah and Clockwork was not enough to kill him, so he did not use his flash, but walked under the tower while bearing the damage from the opponent.

However, when he returned to the tower, Galio's health had been suppressed.

Seeing Galio return to the tower, Ning Wang and Rookie quickly cleared the soldiers in the middle lane.

Scout could only quickly clear the soldiers under the tower and then return to the city to replenish his status.

But at this time, Taliyah and Clockwork went straight to the middle lane, and Miller immediately reacted: "Ning Wang's real target is the top lane Qing Gangying, and he came to the middle lane to gank first just to free Clockwork."

"Clockwork's ultimate is even in his hand, this wave of Weiwu brother should die."

Wawa shook his head and said.

EDG voice.

At this time, Shen Lang had already noticed something wrong.

When Taliyah appeared in the middle lane, he cut the screen to the middle lane. Although the acting skills of IG's mid and jungle were very good, he still found the flaw -

Clockwork didn't use his ultimate!

Although Galio had synthesized Mercury's Boots, in the situation just now, Clockwork's ultimate could at least force Galio's flash even if he couldn't kill him.

But Rookie didn't do that.

Maybe he made a mistake, but Shen Lang would rather believe that the opponent did it on purpose.

"Galio go up!"

Seeing that the junior brother had returned to the city, Shen Lang hurriedly said in the voice.

At this time, his Qing Gangying had not reached level 6. If the opponent's mid and jungle came to the top lane to cross the tower at the same time, it would be difficult for him to escape even if he had flash.

If Galio could provide timely support, he would not only not die, but might even have a chance.

Upon hearing this, the junior immediately abandoned the line of soldiers that had already entered the tower in the middle lane and controlled Galio to go straight to the top lane.

Top lane.

Duke quickly pushed the line of soldiers into the defensive tower.

Shen Lang pretended not to know the opponent's intention and controlled Qing Gangying to go forward to last hit and clear the line.

At this moment, King Ning released his ultimate move.


Accompanied by the cheers of Taliyah, [Wall Curtain] quickly cut off Qing Gangying's retreat.

Not only that, the figure of Clockwork appeared behind the defensive tower.

Without time to think about it, Shen Lang hurriedly released the E skill towards the side wall, and then kicked Sion directly in the face.

The skill hit, successfully stunned him, and at the same time pulled away from Clockwork and Taliyah..

Duke used his W skill to shield himself and began to charge his Q skill. Qing Gangying used the acceleration effect of the Q skill to move to the side. He immediately released the Q skill and decisively used his ultimate.


Qing Gangying was stunned on the spot.

Rookie controlled Clockwork to approach, released the QW skills under Qing Gangying's feet, and then decisively connected the ultimate.

Fortunately, the stun time of Sion's close-range ultimate was not very long. As soon as the special effect of Clockwork's ultimate skill came out, Shen Lang used flash in time to distance himself.

Returning to the side of the soldier, he released the enhanced Q skill to kill the melee soldier next to him.

Qing Gangying's body lit up.

It was not until this time that it reached level 6. Although it was a bit late, it was very timely.

The opposite side of Taliyah's W skill, Shen Lang hurriedly used his ultimate.

Using the unselectable effect of [Hex Ultimatum], Qing Gangying successfully evaded Taliyah's skills and successfully came to its side, restricting it within a fixed range.

At this moment, Galio was already close.

Heroes appeared.

Junior Brother released his ultimate at Qing Gangying, and Galio jumped into the air, then fell from the sky to Qing Gangying's side and successfully knocked Taliyah away.

"Why is Galio here?"

Ning Wang couldn't help but widen his eyes.

If the opponent's mid laner can give the ultimate in time, there is only one possibility-

Galio went directly to the top lane after returning to the city!

The opponent actually predicted their actions in advance.

After the ultimate landed, Junior Brother hurriedly followed up with the output, released the Q skill at Taliyah, and then quickly connected the E skill [Justice Punch], and then charged the W skill [Shield of Durand]...

Although Galio's damage is not very high, the control is absolutely full.

Shen Lang released his W skill in reverse, and then controlled Qing Gangying to come to Taliyah to make up for the damage.

Rookie and Duke next to him reacted quickly and hurriedly controlled their respective heroes to rush into the defense tower.

But at this time, Taliyah had been locked by the defense tower. Under Galio's control, Ning Wang could not use any skills.

"Retreat, retreat!"

Seeing his health getting lower and lower, Ning Wang gritted his teeth and made a decision.

If he continued, it was possible that Clockwork and Sion would be left behind. If so, even if they could successfully kill Qing Gangying, it would be a loss.

Hearing his teammates' words, Rookie and the others could only control their heroes to leave.

The system prompt sounded soon.

Qing Gangying successfully killed Taliyah.


EDG's voice was instantly blown up.

On the commentary seat, Wawa's eyes reappeared with hope: "Brother Weiwu got another kill!"

"EDG still has hope in this game!"

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