After getting the head of Minotaur, Shen Lang did not rush back to the top lane, but first controlled Qing Gangying to go to the middle lane to clear the line.

Now his development can only be said to be barely catching up with others, so he naturally cannot miss any opportunity to develop. He should suck the blood of his teammates. If you don't suck the blood of your teammates, your teammates will suck your blood.

"The opponent may attack the little dragon, you go and have a look."

While clearing the line, Shen Lang did not forget to send his teammates away, fearing that the factory manager would compete with him for the line in the middle lane.

The factory manager rolled his eyes and returned to the jungle to brush the jungle.

In this case, how could the opponent attack the little dragon? If he was really sent away by Shen Lang, not to mention the soldiers in the middle lane, I'm afraid he would not have a share in the upper half of the jungle.

Shen Lang is a glutton and will not miss any resources.

After clearing the soldiers in the middle lane, he returned to the top lane to deal with the soldiers, and then returned to the city to replenish equipment.

When he walked out of the fountain again, Qing Gangying had synthesized the three powers.

For Qing Gangying, the three items are definitely the core equipment. After this equipment comes out, the damage will change qualitatively.

Return to the top lane and continue to fight with Sion.

Duke wanted to control Sion to push the line across the river as before, and then go to the middle lane to look for opportunities.

However, just when Sion was charging the Q skill towards the line, Shen Lang abnormally handed over the E skill towards the wall.

As Sion's Q skill fell, Qing Gangying also kicked him in the face.

At first, Duke thought it was Zhao Xin who came to the top lane, so he turned on the W skill to put a shield on himself, and then connected the E skill to slow Qing Gangying, and walked towards his own defense tower without looking back.

Shen Lang handed over the W skill, [Tactical Sweep] also slowed down Sion, and then controlled Qing Gangying to chase him relentlessly.

Duke retreated while fighting, but Qing Gangying's Q skill was quickly strengthened.

Shen Lang stepped forward to release the skill, A followed by pulling up, and Qing Gangying's scissor kick immediately took away a lot of Sion's health.

"The damage of Qing Gangying seems to be a bit high now!"

Seeing such a scene, Miller immediately sighed: "Although it was very uncomfortable at the beginning, and he is still behind in last-hitting, Qing Gangying has got two kills now, and his equipment is actually not bad. After the three items come out, Sion is no longer his opponent."

Seeing that his health is less than one-third, Duke also realized at this time that he is no longer Qing Gangying's opponent and can no longer push the line recklessly like before.

The game came to 18 minutes.

Ning Wang came to the middle lane again to target Varus, but this time when he was about to take action, Zhao Xin suddenly appeared from the bushes on the side.

The two sides stopped at a certain point, and finally just consumed each other's health, and no heads broke out.

But the moment Shen Lang saw Taliyah appear in the field of vision, he directly controlled Qing Gangying to release the E skill and kick Sion in the face.

Duke counterattacked with a charged Q skill, but under the acceleration of [Precision Etiquette], Qing Gangying quickly walked out of the range of Sion's Q skill.

The W skill slowed down, and then released the enhanced Q skill after getting close.

Facing the active consumption of health by Qing Gangying, Sion was now helpless. With the increase of levels, the gap between heroes was already very obvious.

When Qing Gangying turned and left, Sion had less than one-third of his health left.

Duke thought secretly and finally decided to return to the city to replenish his status.

Qing Gangying's ultimate was still in his hand. With Sion's current status, he was worried that Shen Lang would kill him after the soldiers entered the tower.

"You can move the little dragon!"

Seeing Sion return to the city, Shen Lang immediately said in the voice.

Upon hearing this, the factory manager immediately controlled Zhao Xin to walk towards the lower river, and did not first arrange the opponent's vision, and directly released the E skill to poke the little dragon.

At the same time, Varus and the two in the middle lane also began to push the line.

Originally, Duke wanted to teleport to the soldiers under the upper tower after returning to the city, but seeing EDG start to attack the little dragon, he could only hand over the teleport to the lower river eye position, and the other IG players also followed to the river.

Seeing Sion give up his teleport, Shen Lang in the top lane had no intention of following his teleport, and continued to control Qing Gangying to destroy the tower.

Not only that, the other EDG members also stopped and retreated to their own jungle areas.

Faced with this situation, IG could only take over the little dragon.

If Sion returned to the top lane, EDG would use Qing Gangying's leading teleport to continue to attack the little dragon, and if Sion did not go back, Qing Gangying would continue to carry the dragon, and they could only use the little dragon to force Qing Gangying's teleport out.

"Get ready, get ready!"

Seeing IG take over the little dragon, Shen Lang showed a satisfied smile on his face.

Finally, we can fight!

The little dragon's health dropped rapidly, and Zhao Xin and others turned around and appeared in the field of vision again.The moment he destroyed the top defense tower of the opponent, Shen Lang directly used the teleport to the trinket eye in the dragon pit.

"Teleport to the crowd, Brother Weiwu is really brave!"

Wawa's eyes widened, not daring to miss any details.

As soon as the voice fell, Zhao Xin had already taken action, and the factory manager directly used the E skill to the nearest Sion.

The moment Zhao Xin entered the field, Scout connected the ultimate move.

The small dragon pit is relatively narrow, and Galio's ultimate move has a huge space to play.

Fortunately, Jackeylove reacted quickly, first attacked Zhao Xin, and then quickly used the ultimate move, using the displacement of the ultimate move to avoid Galio's hero appearance.

Ning Wang also used the flash.

Although the key output point was not controlled by Galio, IG's lineup was dispersed by [Hero Appearance].

After landing, Shen Lang directly targeted Kaisa.

Released the hook towards the wall, and then kicked directly at Kaisa.

Jackeylove wanted to use the E skill to distance himself, but Shen Lang was very decisive and used Flash directly.

Qing Gangying used E Flash to stun Kaisa, and then used A and Q skills to trigger the passive shield, and then used W skill to slow down...

No matter how poorly developed Qing Gangying was, it was not something that an ADC could touch, not to mention that Qing Gangying's equipment had already caught up.

Without his teammates around, Jackeylove felt like he was facing a great enemy and hurriedly used Flash to distance himself.

Just when Kaisa moved out, Shen Lang quickly followed up with his ultimate.

The distance was shortened again, and the Q skill was strengthened. [Precision Etiquette] directly kicked Kaisa's artery, and its health bar dropped sharply.

"Kaisa is going to be killed in seconds!"

On the commentary seat, PDD clenched his fists nervously. With the quality of a former professional player, he could already feel at this time that IG seemed to be losing this team battle.

Baolan wanted to rescue his own ADC, but it was too late. Qing Gangying quickly took away Kaisa's remaining health.

After taking the head of the opposing ADC, Shen Lang continued to rush towards his teammates.

With the combined output of Zhao Xin and Varus, Sion's health had already reached the bottom.

It's better to come at the right time than to come early. Shen Lang used the E skill that was on cooldown, and then connected the Q skill to accurately kill Sion.


iboy's eyes widened. He had been attacking here for a long time, but ended up making wedding clothes for Qing Gangying.

Then everyone continued to attack the Minotaur who was stuck by Tam. Varus pulled the bowstring frantically, but at the last moment, when the Minotaur's health was about to reach the bottom, Shen Lang controlled Qing Gangying to release the Q skill again.

Trible Kill!

The system prompt sounded soon, and iboy broke the defense instantly: "You can really kill!"

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