Jackeylove and the other two hurried to the jungle to support.

Ning Wang had no intention of clearing the jungle, and controlled Zac to retreat in order to delay time, but before he could get away from him, MeikoQ's skill was used, and Titan accurately hooked Zac.

Although he had a passive skill, this was in the EDG jungle. If the passive skill was triggered, it would be the same as death.

There was no other way, Ning Wang could only decisively hand over the flash in the direction of his teammates.


Seeing Zac hand over the flash, the factory manager who was watching the show while clearing the jungle couldn't help but cheer.

There is no doubt that he was the biggest beneficiary of this wave.

After forcing the opponent's jungler to flash, the EDG team had no intention of continuing to chase. After all, the IG bottom lane combination had already come to support. Even if they had the advantage in numbers, if they really fought, the result would be hard to say.

"Love you, baby!"

Seeing that his jungle was protected, the factory manager smiled and made a heart shape to Shen Lang.

Shen Lang also cooperated and made a heart shape to him: "I love you too!"


Looking at the disgusting looks of the two, the teammates all made vomiting expressions.

"You two secretly fencing in the dormitory at night, right?"

"Can male ketone die?"

"It's really disgusting."


The director presented the interaction between the two in front of the audience, and the audience burst into laughter, and the live broadcast room of the event was occupied by barrages of ridicule.

Back to the game.

Shen Lang returned to the city to replenish his status, and then quickly returned to the line.

Although the soldiers were sent into the defense tower before TP, since it was not the cannon line, the captain would still inevitably miss soldiers when he went to the line.

"I must be the C in this game, otherwise I will give you both heads!"

Coming out of the opposite jungle, the factory manager said confidently.

With the help of his own top laner, the advantage in heroes is also obvious. If he still can't carry the game, it is really unreasonable.

In the following games, Zz1tai played very actively, constantly invading the opponent's jungle to find Zac. Although he was not able to successfully counter-jungle every time, he was able to set up vision in IG's jungle.

"Looking at this situation, EDG seems to be able to compete for this little dragon."

Miller realized it later.

Although Kaisa and Titan in the bottom lane were suppressed, iboy and Meiko did a very good job of resisting pressure, and the gap was not so obvious.

In comparison, the gap between Xin Zhao and Zac was obvious.

When Xin Zhao reached level 6, Zac had just reached level 5. Taking advantage of the difference in jungler's ultimate, EDG was indeed able to operate and compete for the Earth Dragon.

"I understand. No wonder Brother Weiwu would rather give up his teleport and suffer a loss to help Zhao Xin establish an advantage. He was thinking about competing with IG for this earth dragon. Even if the captain is behind in level, it is very difficult for the vampire without flash to suppress it. However, Zhao Xin got the advantage and allowed EDG to qualify for the little dragon. Brother Weiwu is playing games with his brain!"

It was not until this time that PDD realized that the so-called love was fake. Shen Lang had been playing a big game from the beginning.

Zhao Xin's subsequent actions soon confirmed PDD's guess.

After reaching level 6, the factory manager controlled Zhao Xin to walk straight towards the little dragon pit. Kaisa in the bottom lane began to release skills to clear the line frantically, trying to push the line of soldiers into the defense tower.

Such an abnormal behavior quickly attracted the attention of everyone in IG.

Baolan reminded loudly in the voice chat: "Zhao Xin may be stealing the dragon, Zac, come here quickly!"

Hearing this, Ning Wang seemed very calm: "Give it to the opponent."


Jackeylove couldn't help but widen his eyes. This is not like Ning Wang's style.

Many times, even in a big disadvantage, Ning Wang would think about fighting with the opponent. Although Zac is behind in level now, you have to know that the bottom lane holds the line. If they really fight, their chances of winning are definitely not low.

"Compared to the Earth Dragon, I think it is more important to target Brother Weiwu."

Ning Wang explained.

After saying this, his teammates suddenly realized that the Earth Dragon is important, but combined with the previous few games, it is indeed more important to target the top lane.

Zac not only did not lean down, but went up against his usual behavior. Such an abnormal behavior quickly attracted PDD's attention.

"No, Ning Wang would not have noticed that Zhao Xin was fighting the dragon?"

He was uneasy.

"It shouldn't be that serious. EDG's actions are very obvious. They almost wrote "I'm going to attack the little dragon" on their faces. There's no reason why they can't see it." Wawa shook his head. Miller suddenly thought of something and said in surprise: "IG won't just give up this earth dragon and go to catch the captain in the top lane, right?" Hearing Miller's guess, PDD didn't believe it at first, but combined with Shen Lang'sThe performance in the previous few games suddenly seemed a bit reasonable.

"It seems... there is really such a possibility."

As the health of the Earth Dragon gradually decreased, IG's bottom lane combination began to act, and the policewoman and Morgana walked towards the river, pretending to be ready to join the team.

Not only that, Ryze in the middle lane also pushed the line and walked towards the river.

Although there was no vision of Zac, seeing the opponent's posture, the factory manager still couldn't help but get nervous.

2000 blood... 1000 blood...

The little dragon was about to reach the punishment line, but Zac didn't appear in the field of vision.


Just when the factory manager was confused, Shen Lang's exclamation suddenly sounded in the voice.

"The opponent's jungler is in the top lane!"

Shen Lang never thought that the opponent would rather give up the Earth Dragon to catch him.

Zac suddenly appeared from the side, and he was caught off guard. He had no time to react. What's more, the captain was still in the state of pushing the line at this time.

The shy decisively used sprint, quickly closed the distance, and used his ultimate. With the help of Zac, the vampire's damage was full...

In the blink of an eye, the captain's health became dangerous.

Seeing this, Shen Lang didn't even think about using flash. He was still a long distance away from the defense tower. Even if he used flash to distance himself, he would be quickly caught up by the sprinting vampire.

First Blood!

The system prompt sounded soon. With the combined efforts of Zac and the vampire, the captain's health bar was quickly emptied, and the head was taken by The shy's vampire.


In the IG voice, everyone cheered loudly.

Although EDG got the Earth Dragon, they felt that they were very profitable to be able to limit Shen Lang, not to mention that it was the vampire who got the captain's head.

The wailing of the Earth Dragon also sounded soon.

After killing the little dragon, the factory manager originally wanted to take the initiative to keep the opponent and force the opponent to join the team, but the IG players acted very quickly. As soon as Zac appeared in the top lane, the bottom lane combination and the mid laner retreated in time, and the hook of Titan was blocked by Morgana's shield. In the end, they did not fight.

"Tsk tsk, is this the face of Weiwu brother!"

In the commentary booth, Miller couldn't help but sigh: "In order to target Weiwu brother, IG can even give up the earth dragon. I have been commentating for so many years, and I have never seen a player get this treatment, not even Faker!"

PDD next to him envied: "The face is played out. The performance of Weiwu brother in the first few games is too exaggerated!"

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