Without the troops, the policewoman naturally couldn't push the tower.

Just as IG's bottom lane combination sent the next wave of troops into the defensive tower, the top laner released his ultimate to support the middle lane after clearing the troops.

Seeing Taliyah coming to support, Ning Wang had to give up the idea of ​​crossing the tower to kill.

"Why did Weiwu get the kill again?"

On the commentary stand, PDD frowned.

The game seemed to be developing in the direction he was most worried about. Relying on sucking the blood of teammates and the economy provided by the talent Kleptomancy, the captain's own development was very good. Now that he has been allowed to get kills continuously, he has already tended to become a big boss.

Miller shook his head: "There is no way. When Vampire was killed by a single player before, he gave up his two summons. Now he can only save his life with the blood pool, but the damage of Zhao Xin and Gangplank is very explosive, and The shy has no room to operate at all."

"The most uncomfortable thing is that the middle lane tower has not been taken yet. Brother Weiwu has obviously calculated everything long ago and deliberately saved his ultimate to clear the middle lane soldiers to create time for Rock Bird to clear the line and support."

Shen Lang certainly could not know in advance that IG would choose a fast push system, nor could he predict that the situation of the game would become like this.

In other words, he came up with a way to deal with IG's fast push system in a very short time, which is what really surprised Miller.

In the IG lounge.

Seeing the vampire being killed again, the smile on Jin Jingzhu's face disappeared instantly:

"Why did Wave develop again?"

"How can he always develop?"

Listening to his question, the analyst next to him couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Maybe this is a truly talented player."

Those who can play in a favorable situation are not considered masters, and those who can carry in an unfavorable situation are truly top players.

Before today's game started, many people on the Internet compared Shen Lang with The shy, but except for the diehard fans, most people were not optimistic about Shen Lang. They recognized Shen Lang's future, but they didn't think that Shen Lang could be compared with The shy now.

But after playing these games today, even IG's analysts and IG's natural supporters had to admit that Shen Lang's performance in the finals crushed The shy.

That's right, not just surpassing, but crushing!

"Before the world game starts, we must come up with a set of methods to target Wave!"

Jin Jingzhu said firmly.


Back to the court.

Zhao Xin and Gangplank quickly destroyed IG's bottom lane defense tower.

Shen Lang returned to the city to replenish his equipment, and when he walked out of the fountain again, Gangplank directly synthesized the green fork.

Due to two consecutive kills, the vampire's equipment was already very backward. When both sides returned to the bottom lane again, The shy could no longer fight.

Shen Lang's Gangplank was very proficient. As long as the vampire approached, the double barrel could basically hit it. As the level increased, the CD time of Gangplank's explosive barrel was very short, and he could frequently use the explosive barrel to consume the vampire's health.

The situation in the bottom lane was instantly reversed, and now it was Shen Lang's turn to push the line frantically and bring pressure.

After the summoner skill cooled down, although it was difficult for Gangplank to kill the vampire alone, relying on the consumption of the double barrel, he could easily beat the vampire back home.

The soldiers pushed the bottom lane inner tower, and Shen Lang directly released the E skill under the defense tower. With the previous lesson, The shy did not retreat, but turned forward to hit Gangplank's explosive barrel.

However, before the vampire's general attack hit the explosive barrel, Shen Lang first released the Q skill and quickly placed the explosive barrel under the vampire's feet.

The two barrels hit again, and the vampire's health suddenly became dangerous.

"You want to hit my barrel? Dream on!"

Shen Lang's mouth corners slightly raised, quite confidently said.

If it was ADC top laners like Lucian or Vayne, then maybe he could compete with him for A explosive barrel.


Even The shy can't do it!

At the moment of being hit by the explosive barrel, The shy hurriedly gave up the blood pool and walked behind the defense tower.

He was really worried that Shen Lang would flash A Fire Blade and then Q skill like before, so he didn't even have the chance to give up the flash.

With the vampire's double summons in hand, Shen Lang did not give up the flash to chase, but controlled the captain to enter the opposite defense tower and began to use the soldiers under the tower to demolish the tower.

"According to this situation, before EDG's mid lane tower falls, IG's bottom lane tower must be destroyed by Gangplank first."

Miller shook his head and analyzed.

IG had the initiative in the previous game, but now they are a bit passive because of Gangplank's point.

You know, EDG has a Earth Dragon in their hands, and Gangplank alone can bring enoughPressure, others may not be unable to try to move the dragon.

"Switch the line, Ryze to the bottom lane."

Ning Wang suggested in the voice.

It's not that Ryze is better at fighting Gangplank than Vampire, but in the current situation, he must consider the operation of the dragon.

In this game, The shy chose the summoner skills of sprint and flash, without teleport. If EDG really wants to move the dragon, Vampire can't quickly support.

Before, it was thought that EDG couldn't move the dragon, so Vampire was allowed to line up with Gangplank in the bottom lane. Now that EDG has the opportunity to move the dragon, it is naturally more appropriate to let Ryze with TP go to the bottom lane.

Hearing this, The shy immediately controlled Vampire to go up.

However, sometimes fate is so wonderful. Before Vampire arrived on the line, Zhao Xin came to the top lane first.

The factory manager originally wanted to gank Ryze.

The Captain's ultimate can clear the line, and he doesn't have to stay in the middle lane like before, so after clearing the upper jungle, he directly controlled Zhao Xin to go to the top lane.

"The other side has changed lanes!"

Seeing Ryze appear in the bottom lane, Shen Lang quickly fed back the information to his teammates.

His target appeared in the bottom lane, but the factory manager didn't seem to have any intention of leaving.

It doesn't matter who he catches!

At this time, The shy still has the problem of being stubborn.

Even though he was caught and killed twice in a short period of time, he was still very fierce after switching to the top lane.

Captain really can't beat him, but Taliyah can still be pinched.

After going online, first use the E skill to clear the line, then go forward and release the Q skill, then move coquettishly to turn off Taliyah's Q skill, while the general attack triggers the theft omen, while waiting for the skill CD...

Looking at such a fierce vampire, the junior brother was a little stunned and a little surprised.

The jungler was right behind him, so he simply played along, pretending to be afraid of the vampire, and controlled Taliyah to retreat.

The shy was fooled, and immediately started sprinting to chase him, but just after crossing the river, Zhao Xin appeared behind him.


The shy, who was a little drunk, sobered up instantly and turned around and retreated towards the defense tower.

But Zhao Xin quickly released his E skill and rushed to his side, and Taliyah, who was originally fleeing in panic, also turned around at this time.

In desperation, The shy could only use flash and blood pool to escape.

"The vampire is going home again!"

PDD was a little anxious, pounding the table with his hand.

Although the vampire didn't die this time, both summons had been given up, and the blood pool was still on CD. With its remaining health, it continued to stay under the defense tower and waited for Taliyah to send the line of soldiers into the defense tower. With Zhao Xin, it could directly cross the tower and kill.

Without teleporting, the vampire could only go to the line when returning to the city, which was very slow.

After returning to the city several times in a row, the vampire has not developed well for a long time, and the rhythm has already tended to collapse.

Not only PDD is anxious, but IG fans are also a little anxious.

"What is The shy doing? Does he know how to play?"

"I was still counting on him to teach Brother Weiwu a lesson, but he was beaten by Brother Weiwu in all aspects."

"With his performance, it's better to let Duke go?"

"The king bomb started like this. In my opinion, it's not Brother Weiwu who is strong, but The shy is too bad."

"Again, the big advantage at the beginning was reversed, and the problem was still in the top lane. I really don't know how IG played today's game."


Due to the high expectations before the game, the actual performance of the players in the game was not satisfactory, which made many fans very depressed. During this period, The shy, who became a breakthrough point one after another, naturally became the outlet for fans' emotions.

The shy did not continue to be stubborn. While the rock bird pushed the line, he hurried back to the city to make up for the state.

But in this way, Zhao Xin and Taliyah can directly use the soldiers to destroy the tower, and IG's upper outer tower was quickly destroyed.

The fast push system did not work for a long time, but let EDG keep pushing to take the tower. The economic gap between the two sides has narrowed to a few hundred, and IG's advantage has become negligible.

In the following time, The shy seemed to have learned a lesson and became more stable in the line.

Because the captain gave a lot of pressure in the bottom lane, EDG also began to try to make a fuss around the big dragon.

The jungler and the support began to arrange the vision of the upper river, and the soldiers in the middle lane could be pushed out slowly.

28 minutes.

Shen Lang sent the soldiers into the inner tower of IG's bottom lane again.

The defense tower had little health left, and Shen Lang ignored Ryze under the tower. He first arranged the explosive barrel to the side, and then directly controlled the captain to enter the defense tower.

Rookie did not want to give up the defense tower, and was anxiousHe quickly released skills towards Gangplank and the soldiers, trying to force Gangplank out.

Shen Lang was unmoved, and took Ryze's damage and attacked the tower.

The passive skill of Fire Blade can also be effective against the defense tower. After attacking the passive skill, Shen Lang quickly released the Q skill towards the explosive barrel on the side, and at the same time placed the explosive barrel under Ryze's feet.

The skill hit, and the defense tower quickly locked Gangplank.

Just before the attack fell, Gangplank attacked the defense tower again with the passive skill of Fire Blade.

Two normal attacks with passive skill directly took away the remaining health of the defense tower. Gangplank had little health left, but Shen Lang was still fearless.

He ate oranges to raise his health, and then used the acceleration effect of the barrel to rush straight to Ryze's face.

"Death bombing!"

Shen Lang handed over his ultimate skill, and Rookie knew that his opponent had already killed him, so he quickly handed over the flash to distance himself.

"Can we try to move the big dragon?"

The voice of the factory manager sounded in the voice.

He saw the fight between Gangplank and Ryze in the bottom lane. While he was impressed by Shen Lang's rampant behavior, he was also very perceptive and realized that this was a very good opportunity.

Ryze didn't have much health, so he had to go back to the city to replenish his health. After replenishing his health, he had to deal with the soldiers brought to the high ground by Gangplank. They could use this time difference to try to move the dragon.

Time was precious. As soon as the factory manager said this, the EDG team quickly took action.

Shen Lang released his skills to push the line, while the others went straight to the upper river.

"EDG wants to use this opportunity to try to move the dragon!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, PDD's heart instantly rose to his throat.

If EDG really took the opportunity to get the dragon, IG would become very passive next.

Gangplank was difficult to deal with alone. If he got the dragon buff, the high ground tower in the bottom lane might not be able to be defended.

"Hurry, hurry over!"

Ning Wang was also a little flustered.

At this time, The shy was brushing his own F6. Listening to his teammates, he hurriedly controlled the vampire to enter the bushes on the side of the middle road.

EDG soon appeared in the field of vision.

Surprisingly, The shy did not wait for his teammates to come over. He made a decision almost in a flash.

Sprint was turned on, flashed close to Kaisa and Titan, and the ultimate skill was directly hung up, the enhanced Q skill was released, the E skill was charged, and then the W skill was released to hide underground to avoid damage...

Almost in the blink of an eye, the burst damage of the vampire was all poured on Kaisa. Due to the lack of vision, iboy had no time to react. He only saw the vampire suddenly appear beside him, and then his screen became gray.



The audience was boiling instantly.

In the commentary booth, PDD was a little confused at first, and when he reacted, he jumped up from the chair instantly.

"Kai'Sa was killed instantly!"

"The shy came in instantly and dealt explosive damage, and actually killed Kai'Sa instantly?"

Miller next to him was also a little caught off guard: "No, isn't the damage of Vampire so high?"

If I remember correctly, they were just discussing that Vampire's laning had collapsed a bit. Judging from the record, it is now even in a negative record, but such a Vampire with a very poor record was able to kill instantly.

Kai'Sa was killed first, and the Titan next to him was also affected and lost a lot of health. The key is that due to the existence of the blood pool, Vampire was able to escape unscathed.

In this situation, the situation seemed to be reversed instantly.

"IG can hit the big dragon this time!"

Wawa was the first to react and shouted excitedly.

Although EDG had recovered a lot of economy at this time, it was not a big advantage. Kai'Sa was killed instantly by Vampire, which was indeed a good opportunity for IG.

Whether they were going to attack the Baron directly or using the Baron to force EDG to come over and fight, at least they had the initiative in their hands.

"Baron, Baron!"

After a brief moment of shock, Ning Wang also reacted and shouted wildly in the voice chat.

The IG team quickly approached the Baron pit.

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