"Remember to change your ID when you go back today!"

Shen Lang walked to iboy and patted his shoulder.

The next game was EDG's. Even if iboy wanted to accept the punishment, he couldn't do it.

"How could they lose like this?"

iboy said it was hard to accept. In his opinion, the teams in the LCK region, even the third seed, were stronger than the European and American teams. He didn't expect AFS to lose to G2.

After a brief moment of surprise, everyone quickly shifted their attention to the game.

C9 may not be a very strong team, but it is definitely not a wild team. EDG has a great chance of winning, but if they are careless, they may be overturned.

After all, AFS has a precedent.

"The core of C9 is the mid laner Jensen. As long as they can limit the middle lane, the game is still easy to win. So in this game, the jungler should go to the middle lane more. If the top lane can play an advantage in the laning, they can also roam the middle lane more..."

Before the game started, Coach Nofe gave earnest advice.

Under the guidance of the staff, the players of the two teams quickly boarded the stage.

Shen Lang looked at the C9 battle seat, and his eyes were involuntarily attracted by the ADC player.


This player's strength is not very strong, but he will be very popular in domestic forums in the future because he has a hobby - Cosplay.

He likes to Cosplay heroes of League of Legends, which is not surprising. What is really surprising is that he Cosplays all female heroes, and is affectionately called "cross-dressing big brother" by domestic netizens.

Until now, Shen Lang still remembers his Cosplay Sivir.

"Do you look at C9's counterpart? Does it look like China Unicom?"

When debugging the equipment, everyone chatted in the voice chat.

Tactics and so on have been said countless times before, and Nofe did not continue to talk about it at this time.

"It's really similar. Today, I beat it to the point where it can't connect."

"How about we make another bet, to see who will give away the first blood first in this game."

"Come on, come on, who's afraid of who!"


While talking, the director quickly turned the camera to the commentary booth.

"Welcome back, after the fierce battle between AFS and G2, it's finally our LPL team's turn to play. This game is EDG vs. C9. I'm Guan Zeyuan, the commentator of this game."

"I remember."

"I'm Rita."

After saying hello, Guan Zeyuan quickly finished the commercial and then shifted the topic to the game.

"EDG was still very good in today's game..."

Before he finished speaking, Ji De next to him interrupted: "Don't be a bad healer at this time. Yesterday, a netizen on Weibo specifically told me that I don't need to comment on today's game. I just need to guard you one-on-one. I will never let you be a bad healer."

"Not really."

Guan Zeyuan felt helpless, but he didn't say anything after all. He himself didn't know about his bad healer attribute.

"Let me analyze it."

Rita next to him smiled and said: "EDG's core is the top lane, and C9's core is the middle lane, so this game still depends on whether Brother Weiwu can play an advantage in the laning phase. If he can maintain his summer game status, EDG should have no problem defeating C9."

"But have you read the news online? After the summer game ended, Brother Weiwu has never logged into his Chinese server account. The official Korean server account has only a few ranking matches now. I really doubt whether he can maintain his summer game status..."

Guan Zeyuan continued.

Hearing this, I smiled: "You are suspicious, I want you to doubt."

Guan Zeyuan doubted, that's fine.

Shen Lang has been playing badly in training for a long time, but even so, he can still perform very exaggeratedly in the summer season.


While the commentator was chatting, the equipment was quickly debugged and the BP officially began.

In this game, EDG was on the blue side and C9 was on the red side.

The C9 coach also did his homework before the game and quickly sent Qing Gangying, Jian Mo and Jian Ji to the ban position.

When these three heroes were sent to the ban position, there were bursts of exclamations from the audience.

Three bans on the top lane, and it was the first round of BP to ban three top lane heroes. Such a scene is definitely rare in the arena, not to mention on the stage of the world game. From this, we can see how much the C9 coach fears Shen Lang.

"The opponent will not ban five top laners, right?"

Nofe wanted to laugh. The opponent's coach targeted the top lane like this, which meant that EDGG can easily take down strong heroes in other lanes.

He sent Rakan to the ban position, and when choosing heroes, he first locked Kaisa down.

"Brother Weiwu made a great contribution as soon as he came up!"

I remember that his face was full of surprise.

In this version, Kaisa is definitely a T1 echelon. EDG can take this hero, and the opponent can't get Xayah and Rakan. The balance of winning rate has tilted towards EDG.

It's C9's turn to choose.

In the absence of Rakan, Xayah must not be taken. After hesitating for a long time, they finally locked down the combination of Varus and Tam.

"I guess the opponent should want to roam and target the top lane."

Nofe quickly realized the intention of the C9 coach. Tam is a hero that can protect Varus's development in the laning phase, and can use the ultimate to lead the jungler to gank in the mid-term. With the operation of the C9 coach banning three top laners, the target is naturally Shen Lang in the top lane.

"Take Ryze in the middle lane, and choose Minotaur for the support."

Nofe made a decision quickly.

It was C9's turn again. The coach did not choose Taliyah, but locked in Jensen's favorite Clockwork. They relied on the mid-lane carry, so they naturally could not pick roaming heroes.

After the third selection, continue to ban heroes.

After all, C9 did not give all the last two bans to the top lane. After banning Urgot, they also banned Zhao Xin, who has been used more in recent training matches.

Continue to let C9 choose heroes.

Surprisingly, the hero locked in the jungle position is Widowmaker.


Seeing this hero, EDG people immediately started to make a noise in the voice chat.

This is the signature hero of the factory manager, and it is still relatively unpopular now. It is a bit surprising that the opponent chose it in today's game.

"If you can't beat the opponent's jungler in this game, I really look down on you, Qijiang."

Shen Lang was fanning the flames.

"If there is no Xin Zhao, let's choose Olaf as the jungler."

Nofe made a decision quickly. This hero is quite good at countering Widowmaker.

As for the top unit.

"Do you want to use the special skill?"

Nofe asked.

The special skill he mentioned was the ADC top laner that Shen Lang had taken out in the training match before.

Shen Lang shook his head slightly: "No need, give me Noxus."

Nofe nodded slightly after hearing this.

The hero is locked, the Hand of Noxus.

In the last counter position, C9 did not choose a strong top laner hero to fight Shen Lang, but chose Ornn to resist the pressure.

The main reason is that none of the strong top lane heroes in the current version have been banned by C9, so even if they want to fight Shen Lang head-on, there is no suitable hero.

With Ornn locked, the lineups of both sides in this game are as follows:

EDG is on the blue side: top lane Noxus, jungle Olaf, mid lane Ryze, bottom lane Kaisa and Minotaur.

C9 is on the red side: Ornn in the top lane, Widowmaker in the jungle, Clockwork in the middle lane, Varus and Tam in the bottom lane.

"Our lineup is very good in this game, everyone play well!"

Nofe is very satisfied with this lineup.

They can start a team fight and have a front line. They are very strong in the early stage and not weak in the late stage.

If the C9 coach had not been crazy about Shen Lang, such a lineup would not be possible.

After the BP, the coaches of both sides came to the middle of the stage to shake hands, then walked off the stage, and the game began to load.

Entering the Summoner's Rift, Shen Lang quickly bought equipment and rushed straight to the top lane.

From the lineup, it is definitely impossible to fight in the early stage.

Neither side had the intention of colliding at the beginning. Even when the other EDG players invaded the jungle to set up vision, Clockwork and Tam who were guarding the entrance of the jungle did not resist, but let the EDG players enter the jungle to set up vision.

The soldiers came out quickly.

Shen Lang did not rush to upgrade his skills, but first controlled Noxus to go forward to finish the knife.

C9 top laner Licorice was indifferent and had no intention of moving forward. He waited until the melee soldiers were at low health before controlling Ornn to release the Q skill to kill.

"Is he really that stable?"

Shen Lang was a little helpless.

If the opponent played the game like this, he really had no way to deal with it.

The opponent would rather miss soldiers than lose health. Before reaching level 6, Noxus's damage was definitely not enough to kill Ornn. Even as long as Ornn controlled the distance, it would be difficult for Noxus to even consume health.

Shen Lang could only choose to upgrade the W skill, control the line of soldiers in the middle, and increase Ornn's losses as much as possible.

"Did this C9 top laner receive special training before today's game? He was thinking about resisting pressure from the beginning, regardless of whether he developed well or not, and resolutely did not give Noxus any chance."

RememberI have to laugh and shake my head.

From the 4 bans in the BP stage to the current Ornn being extremely wretched, perhaps this is the means that the C9 coach has come up with to target Shen Lang.

"It is true that Noxus in the top lane cannot quickly expand the advantage, but what about other lanes?"

Guan Zeyuan asked back.

The bottom lane Kaisa and Minotaur have gained an advantage shortly after they came online.

Kaisa and Minotaur have obviously stronger line clearing capabilities, and after reaching level 2 first, Meiko flashed WQ skills to control Varus, and then hung up Ignite, and iboy released E skills to speed up the output.

Although Sneaky gave up the flash in time to open the distance, he still consumed a lot of blood, and the weakness of the auxiliary Tam was also forced out.

The auxiliary's double summons exchanged for the ADC's flash, and also suppressed Varus's blood volume. Even if they didn't get the head, it was actually very profitable.

The EDG bottom lane combination is leading in both blood volume and level, and the initiative of the bottom lane will be firmly in their hands.

At 4 minutes, Olaf came to the top lane.

Shen Lang used his E skill [Ruthless Iron Hand] first, pulled Ornn back, and quickly connected with AW to slow him down...

However, Licorice was still very cautious. He had no desire to fight with Shen Lang to exchange blood. He directly released his E skill to distance himself, and then connected with his Q skill to slow down Noxus.

Ornn quickly returned to the defensive tower, and Olaf naturally could not find an opportunity. The factory manager could only walk out of the bush, throw out his Q skill to slightly consume Ornn's blood, and then return to the bush behind to return to the city.

"Don't worry, wait for me to slowly consume the blood, and then come up to cross the tower to kill."

Shen Lang commanded.

He was also very depressed about Licorice's play style, and felt like punching cotton.

However, something even more depressed happened next.

Shen Lang slowly consumed blood, and finally suppressed Ornn's blood line to less than half blood. Just when he was about to shake people to cross the tower to kill, Licorice actually chose to return to the city.

Ornn returned to the city to restore his health, and then teleported directly to the top lane.

Shen Lang was stunned for a moment. The health he had consumed before was in vain, and he had to start all over again.

"There is no chance in the top lane, you'd better not come."

Both Noxus and Olaf have not reached level 6 yet. Without the ultimate, it is still unrealistic to want to cross the tower and kill the fully-healthy Ornn, and who knows if the opponent's jungler Widowmaker is squatting next to him.

If he is really squatted by the opponent's jungler, not only will he not be able to expand his advantage, but he will even lose all the advantages accumulated by Noxus in the early stage.

Upon hearing this, the factory manager immediately controlled Olaf to walk towards the bottom lane.

Shen Lang did not continue to control the line, but quickly released skills to push the line. After pushing the line into the defensive tower, he directly controlled Noxus to disappear in the top lane.

"Licorice played very steadily. Brother Weiwu should feel that there is no chance in the line, so he wants to push the line and roam to target the opponent's jungler. This is also the most commonly used method of EDG..."

Guan Zeyuan analyzed.

However, just as he finished speaking, Noxus, who was originally heading towards C9's jungle, suddenly stopped.

I remember wanting to laugh a little: "He still wants to ambush Ornn!"

Seeing Noxus disappear on the line, Licorice hurriedly fed back the information to his teammates in the voice chat.

Ornn quickly released his skills and soon cleared the line of soldiers under the tower.


Continue to go forward to make up for the enemy.

After C9 was confirmed to be in the same group with EDG in the group stage, they studied EDG's game videos crazily, so Licorice saw Noxus disappear and thought of Shen Lang's most commonly used tactics in EDG's summer game videos. Naturally, he thought that Noxus would enter their jungle to target Widowmaker after pushing the line.

Inertial thinking is sometimes fatal. Looking at Ornn who was leading the line forward, Shen Lang showed a satisfied smile on his face.

"I thought you could hide under the defensive tower all the time and not come out?"

While muttering, he directly started sprinting, Noxus's movement speed increased sharply, and he rushed straight to Ornn's position.


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