As the saying goes, wealth and honor come in danger.

Shen Lang knew very well that if he didn't use this method, his opponent would never be fooled.

It was precisely because he was very confident in his operation and reaction ability that he dared to sell his health below half.

The factory manager squatting in the bushes next to him was really sweating.

If Noxus was killed instantly by Widowmaker just now, he wouldn't even have needed to take action. If he relied on Olaf alone, it would be impossible to keep Ornn or Widowmaker.

However, the battle was not over yet. Shen Lang's goal was not to survive the joint attack of the opponent's top and jungle, but to create opportunities.

"Don't rush out."

He reminded the factory manager in the voice while controlling the low-health Noxus to retreat.

Svenskeren was a little surprised that Noxus was not killed instantly, but he didn't think too much. He quickly controlled Widowmaker to turn around and chased after Noxus.

Widowmaker's flash was also on cooldown, Svenskeren could only wait for the CD of the Q skill to turn on, and then directly release it towards Noxus.


However, Shen Lang reacted very quickly. The moment Widowmaker raised her hand, he controlled Noxus's movement and successfully turned away Widowmaker's Q skill.

"Brother Weiwu is still operating!"

Guan Zeyuan also shouted excitedly: "Noxus snakeskin moves to turn away Widowmaker's Q skill. Widowmaker has no flash and can't touch Noxus now. Brother Weiwu seems to be able to survive this wave."

When Widowmaker's Q skill turns on again, Noxus has used the blood bottle to recover a lot of health. The most important thing is that Noxus's Q skill has also finished cooling down.

Noxus, who was walking towards the defense tower, suddenly turned back and quickly released the Q skill.

[Killing All Around] The outer circle hits Widowmaker, and Noxus's health increases again. Seeing this, Svenskeren frowned immediately.

Noxus only has this little health left, and it is so difficult to kill.

"Go ahead, kill Widowmaker!"

Looking at his health rising, Shen Lang shouted in the voice chat.

Unconsciously, Svenskeren had come to the bush next to Olaf.

As soon as the voice fell, the factory manager immediately activated his ultimate.

The Q skill was released, Olaf threw the axe, accurately hit Widowmaker, and slowed it down.


Svenskeren was surprised.

Noxus was almost killed just now, and Olaf didn't show up in this situation. He thought the opponent's jungler was not in the top lane, but he didn't expect him to be squatting in the bush next to him.

After the surprise, there was despair.

Widowmaker, who had no ultimate and flash, was approached by Olaf, which could be said to be a deadly situation.

In just a moment, Svenskeren gave up escaping and continued to rush towards Noxus, wanting to replace Noxus before being killed by Olaf.

Surprisingly, Noxus did not continue to flee, but turned around and walked towards him.

Widowmaker released her Q skill again.

However, at the moment of her attack, Noxus moved to the side again and once again twisted her skill.


After twisting away Widowmaker's skill, Shen Lang also showed his dog tag to taunt.


Svenskeren was so angry that he pounded the table.

Being toyed with by Noxus like this, he was really a little broken.

Under Olaf's output, Widowmaker's health was quickly suppressed, and Licorice next to him could only watch. Facing Olaf who activated his ultimate move, Ornn had no way to deal with it.

Seeing that Widowmaker's health was at the bottom, Shen Lang hurriedly handed over his E skill, and then connected with his W skill, successfully snatching Widowmaker's head from Olaf.



Svenskeren and the factory manager spoke almost at the same time, and they obviously could not accept this result.


"You're going to grab a head like this?"

The factory manager felt like cursing, as the meat that was about to reach his mouth was snatched away by Shen Lang.

"What do you know?"

Shen Lang curled his lips and explained, "Do I need your head?"

"This is for the team. The opposing jungler was just toyed with by me, and he must be a little upset. Now that I got his head, isn't his mentality going to explode?"

"The game is like a war, and the most important thing is to attack the heart. Do you understand?"

The factory manager curled his lips: "It's really like an old sow wearing a bra - one set after another!"

After being fooled by Shen Lang many times, he now only believes Shen Lang's words three points. What's the most important thing? Shen Lang just wants to kill the head this time.

However, from the perspective of the game, the cost-effectiveness of Noxus getting a head is indeed higher. Originally, Ornn was already difficult to play on the line. Now that Noxus got Widowmaker's head again, it is easy to gain an advantage in the top lane.

"I have to say that this wave of Weiwu brother is really bold, NoxusUsing this method to lure the opponent's jungler to gank is like dancing on the edge of a knife, but the risk is great and the benefits are also obvious. This wave of Widowmaker was killed by Noxus, and EDG's advantage in the jungle is obvious. The initiative of the game is back to EDG again..."

After the battle, remember to analyze calmly.

Noxus is more counter-Ornn in the laning phase, and Olaf is also very restrained against Widowmaker. The hero itself has a considerable advantage, and now it has an economic advantage. At least for a long time to come, the initiative of the game will be firmly controlled by EDG.

Coming out of the fountain again, the factory manager walked straight to the lower river.

He wanted to take the little dragon.

The first little dragon is a water dragon, which is not a very important attribute, but it is better than nothing.

Even if C9's bottom lane is advantageous at this time, it cannot compete with EDG for this little dragon under the current situation. It was like picking it up for free.

C9 didn't want to have a conflict over a small dragon at this time. For them, the real important thing was the Rift Herald that was about to refresh.

The game time soon came to 9 minutes.

Under the suppression of Shen Lang, Ornn was quickly beaten home in the laning phase.

Licorice returned to the city to replenish his status, but surprisingly, after Ornn walked out of the fountain, he did not go to the top lane, but went straight to the bottom lane.

At the same time, the C9 bottom lane combination pushed the line back to the city, apparently replenishing the status, but actually changing lanes, Varus and Tam went directly to the top lane.

"C9 should want to compete with EDG for this Rift Herald. They have a huge disadvantage in the top and jungle, and they obviously can't compete with EDG, so the bottom lane combination will switch to the top lane. Varus's development is okay, plus the advantage in numbers, there is really a chance!"

Guan Zeyuan was more and more surprised as he analyzed.

Changing lanes at this point in time, unless you open the God's perspective, it is difficult to react.

Ji De also shook his head and sighed: "There are really no weak teams that can enter the World Championship. ”

After clearing the troops under the tower, iboy and Meiko also chose to return to the city, and after replenishing their status, they went straight to the bottom lane, obviously not noticing C9's lane change at all.

For EDG, the situation is a bit unfavorable.

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