Jensen's sense of smell was very sharp, and he noticed something was wrong before EDG made a move, but his sense of smell was not so sharp that he did not realize that EDG's side was not just the support and jungler coming to the middle lane.

Noxus's equipment advantage is now very exaggerated. Facing it, you must not fight hard, but use its inflexible advantage to pull.

But unfortunately, because he did not notice Noxus's position in advance, Jensen walked towards Noxus's face when operating, which was tantamount to a sheep walking into a tiger's mouth.

With the acceleration effect of sprint, Shen Lang quickly controlled Noxus to approach Clockwork.

A followed by W skill.

After the deceleration effect was applied, quickly connect with Q skill.

Noxus's damage is very explosive. Clockwork's health soon became less than a quarter after being hit by the outer circle Q.

Jensen hurriedly released the W skill to his feet to speed himself up, trying to distance himself.

"Where to run?"

Shen Lang controlled Noxus to chase after him, and using the acceleration effect of sprint, the distance between the two quickly closed.

After releasing the E skill, Clockwork was quickly pulled to Noxus.

Although the ultimate skill was still on CD, for Noxus at this time, relying solely on the damage of normal attacks could also take away the health of Clockwork.

After two basic attacks, while Noxus's blood rage effect was triggered, Clockwork's remaining health hit the bottom.

"Brother Mighty! Brother Mighty!"

Remember to frantically call Shen Lang's nickname, Noxus's timely entry and killing of Clockwork brought EDG's team battle, which was originally a bit collapsed, back on track.

Minotaur was still defending the tower. After killing Clockwork, Shen Lang quickly shifted his attention to Widowmaker next to him.

Before Noxus approached, Olaf came to Widowmaker first.

The ultimate skill was activated, and he swung the axe to chop. Before the game entered the late stage, Widowmaker could not be Olaf's opponent. Svenskeren could only decisively give up the ultimate skill to save his life after his health was reduced.

But at this moment, the junior released the ultimate skill.

Ryze used [Warp] to shuttle to the path where Widowmaker was escaping. Under attack from both sides, Svenskeren had nowhere to escape and could only attack Ryze, who had little health, in an attempt to replace him.

It was obvious that he thought too much. Before he could get close to the attack, Ryze's damage first fell on him, and Widowmaker's remaining health was quickly taken away.

The team battle ended quickly, and C9's mid and jungle were killed one after another.

Although EDG's auxiliary Minotaur was also killed by the defense tower later, and Zeyzal escaped in time when he saw the situation was not good, there is no doubt that EDG won this team battle.

Not only did they get two key heads from the opponent, but more importantly, they could take advantage of the victory in this team battle to summon the Rift Herald to destroy C9's mid-lane defense tower.

Shen Lang summoned the Rift Herald, and using the remaining soldiers under the tower, EDG quickly destroyed the mid-lane defense tower.


Remember to knock on the table excitedly.

After destroying the opponent's middle tower, EDG has already won the game. As long as the players behind don't get sick, they can win the game.

"This wave of Weiwu is really crucial. If it weren't for Noxus, EDG would have been in trouble if they were counter-camped after crossing the tower."

Although the team battle has ended, Guan Zeyuan is still in shock.

There are many teams that choose to take risks in the arena, but there are definitely not many teams that choose to take risks after getting a big advantage. What's more surprising is that this team is EDG.

It's obvious that this wave must be Shen Lang's work, otherwise how could EDG, who has always been as steady as an old dog, easily cross the tower and kill. From the initial reaction of the factory manager, it can be seen that the moment the opponent's jungler and support appeared, the first thing he thought of was to run.

In the live broadcast room of the event.

Before this wave of team battles began, the barrage was almost full of questioning remarks, and even before the game started, there were viewers scolding EDG for making a wrong decision.

After winning this key team battle, the netizens in the live broadcast room also changed their faces quickly.

"EDG is in really good shape today!"

"Who said they are only good at internal battles? Aren't they also very strong against teams from other regions?"

"Is this still the EDG I know? They always kill by jumping over the tower, which makes me want to have a heart attack."

"Before, I was worried that Weiwu would be in a bad shape in the World Championship, but now it seems that there is no difference from the summer season."


During the discussion, after the EDG team brought the mid lane soldiers over, they quickly arranged their vision in the C9 jungle.

With the mid lane outer tower destroyed, the upper and lower jungles of C9 were like a girl stripped naked, allowing the EDG team to enter and exit at will.

"Although we have a big advantage now, I hope everyone can be more stable, moreThe game is not over yet, anything can happen. "

Shen Lang reminded in the team voice while controlling Noxus to go down.

Hearing him say this, the other EDG members rolled their eyes speechlessly.

I hope they can be more stable.

The most unstable person in the whole team is Shen Lang. Apart from him, no one else would rush over the tower to kill at any time. This is pure thief crying "stop thief".

After Noxus was switched to the bottom lane, C9 also quickly switched Ornn to the bottom lane to fight against him.

Licorice is now in a completely bad state.

Noxus got a kill in the middle lane again, and he no longer had any emotional fluctuations in his heart.

Anyway, he can't beat Noxus to get a kill, no Even if he couldn't get a kill, it didn't seem to make any difference to his Ornn.

At the beginning of the game, they were full of ambition and the frequency of communication between C9 players was very high. Now, apart from the necessary communication, basically no one took the initiative to speak in the voice chat.

Good brothers in the early stage, sulking in the middle stage.

However, what made Licorice happy was that after switching to the bottom lane, Noxus did not suppress him like he did in the top lane, but disappeared directly on the line after pushing the line every time.

"Maybe he thinks that my tank suit is about to be completed and my ultimate has been cooled down, so he dare not continue to cross the tower and kill me."

Licorice felt good about himself and speculated in his heart.

Disappearing from the bottom lane, Shen Lang directly controlled Noxus to enter the lower half of the opponent's jungle.

"Why don't you continue to suppress Ornn?"

Zhanzhang asked indirectly.

He didn't care whether Ornn would develop or not, he cared about Widowmaker's jungle.

If Noxus didn't come, Widowmaker's jungle would be all his.

"Because it's worthless now. "

Shen Lang answered while brushing the blue buff on the opposite side.

After clearing the jungle on the opposite side, Shen Lang returned to the bottom lane to push the line.

However, when he was about to push the line into the defensive tower, he said in the voice: "Olaf, come here, you can kill Ornn by crossing the tower."

Zhaozhang was a little speechless: "Didn't you say it's worthless?"

"But the defensive tower is valuable! "

Shen Lang was confident.

Olaf quickly came to the bottom lane, and because C9's bottom jungle was invaded, the factory manager easily came to the triangular grass behind the defensive tower.

Noxus quickly sent the troops into the defensive tower.

Just when Licorice thought Shen Lang would continue to disappear and roam, Shen Lang did not say a word and directly controlled Noxus to rush to his face.

At the same time, Olaf's figure also quickly appeared behind him.

What is despair?

This is it!

Licorice hurriedly handed over his ultimate move, trying to lean against the defensive tower for a final struggle.

But after Ornn called the sheep, Shen Lang and the factory manager both stopped at the same time. , mainly don't attack Ornn, naturally he won't be attacked by the defense tower.

As for Ornn's active release of skills to attack people...

For Noxus with Mercury's Boots and Little Drinker, even if he takes full damage from it, he won't be killed instantly.


The moment the sheep hit, the factory manager directly activated the big move, using the acceleration effect to come to Ornn, and madly poured out the damage.

Shen Lang also released skills to make up for the damage after being knocked down.

With the combined efforts of the two, Ornn's health dropped rapidly. When he reached the killing line, Shen Lang decisively released the big move.

[Noxus Guillotine] directly took away Ornn's remaining health.

"So easy! "

Zhaozhang said in a very pretentious voice.

For Olaf and Noxus with their current equipment, it is as easy to kill Ornn by crossing the tower as to eat and drink water.

After killing him, they first leave the attack range of the defensive tower, and then turn around to destroy the tower.

At this point, all three outer towers of C9 were destroyed.

The economic gap between the two sides reached 4000. You should know that at this time, even the big dragon has not been refreshed. This is already a very exaggerated number.

What makes C9 even more uncomfortable is that the next small dragon to refresh is still earth attribute.

Now they are at a great economic disadvantage. If EDG gets it again, Earth Dragon, then when the game time reaches 20 minutes, it will be difficult for them to stop EDG from taking the big dragon.

When EDG's bottom lane combination and Noxus moved towards the river, C9 hurriedly followed.

But because all the outer towers were destroyed, their vision disadvantage was very large.

Widowmaker was about to enter the river from the lower jungle area, and was immediately spotted by the true eye next to the blue buff, while Noxus and Olaf were squatting in the bushes.

E skill [Ruthless Iron Hands] was released, and Widowmaker was directly pulled into the grass. Under the output of Noxus and Olaf, her health was quickly emptied.

"Shocked, two strong men actually did this to Widowmaker in the bushes! "

iboy laughed and teased.

The opposing jungler was killed, and the little dragon was already in their pocket.

Although they were very reluctant, when the jungler was killed by the opponent first, the other C9 players had to give up the little dragon and turn back to the line to continue to develop.

The wail of the earth dragon soon sounded.

"Next, we just need to slowly widen the economic gap and wait for the big dragon to refresh."

Shen Lang also showed a relaxed expression on his face.


20 minutes, the big dragon refreshed.

Since the summoner skill did not bring teleport, Shen Lang could only switch to the top lane to lead the line again.

When the dragon baron appeared in the Summoner's Rift, except for Ryze who was leading the line in the bottom lane, the others of EDG quickly disappeared from sight.

"The opponent is going to move the big dragon! ”

Although he had prepared himself mentally, Svenskeren still felt a little depressed when EDG rushed the dragon on time.

The vision of the upper jungle area was completely dark. No one knew if there were people hiding in the bushes, whether EDG really wanted to kill the dragon, or use the dragon to force them to fight in a team fight?

No need to say more, C9 quickly followed and walked towards the upper river.

Ornn was at the front, and before entering the bush, Varus had to release a skill to test it.

The distance was quickly shortened, and Sneaky placed the blue trinket eye In the dragon pit, the vision inside the pit lit up.

There was no one!

Everyone in C9 was alert instantly.

Since the opponent's target was not the dragon, it must be them.

As soon as this thought came up, scarlet wolf heads immediately lit up on everyone's heads. This was the skill effect of "Predator".

In the blink of an eye, Olaf appeared in the field of vision.

Due to the lack of vision, everyone in C9 could only focus on Olaf. Everyone released skills one after another, trying to kill Olaf first.

But at this moment, Meiko on the side suddenly took action.

Minotaur flashed to close the distance and released skills directly towards Varus in the crowd.

Zeyzal reacted very quickly and ate Varus in time, but Tam and Ornn were still unable to avoid being knocked away by Minotaur's WQ combo.

In the horrified eyes of the crowd, the big boss appeared.

Shen Lang started sprinting and controlled Noxus to rush directly towards Tam.

He couldn't touch the opponent's C position for the time being, but at least he could use the opponent's front row to stack blood fury first, and with his current equipment, it was hard to say whether Tam and Minotaur were the front row.

A followed by W followed by Outer circle Q...

Noxus's movements were smooth, and he quickly used Tam to trigger the blood rage effect.

The moment the team battle started, Jensen handed over the teleport to the ward in the jungle, but as soon as Clockwork landed, it was Noxus who had triggered the blood rage effect.

Shen Lang first released the Q skill, and then flashed directly to the position where Clockwork teleported.

As soon as Clockwork landed, he was immediately hit by Noxus's Q flash, and his health was directly suppressed to a state of just over half health.

Shen Lang directly released his ultimate move.

Noxus chopped with an axe, and the remaining health of Clockwork was actually taken away directly.


Jensen was stunned.

He knew that Noxus's equipment was very good and his damage must be high, but he never thought it would be to this extent.

Clockwork teleported and landed without any skills in time, and was killed instantly. This is really a teleport...send.

"Nice, Clockwork was killed instantly! ”

Everyone in the commentary booth had already predicted that EDG would win this teamfight, but when the scene of Noxus killing Clockwork instantly appeared before their eyes, Guan Zeyuan and others were still inevitably surprised.

The suspense was lost at the beginning of the teamfight.

Originally, C9 was at a very obvious disadvantage, and now the key output point Clockwork was killed by Noxus first.

How to fight a teamfight?

"Retreat, retreat, retreat!!!"

Sneaky shouted in the voice chat.

However, at this time, EDG had already approached, and it was not so easy to run.

Using the remaining time of sprinting, Shen Lang controlled Noxus to continue chasing C9. After Scout's Ryze landed, he directly used his ultimate in the direction of C9's retreat.

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