
In the Gen.G lounge, Chikudi suddenly sneezed.

For some reason, as the game was approaching, he suddenly had an ominous feeling in his heart.

"Jae Hyuk, what's wrong with you?"

Gen.G coach Edgar hurried forward to show concern.

If it were in normal times, as a high-ranking coach, he would not care whether the players had a cold or not. The main thing was that their game was about to start. Although the opponent was a team like VIT, which was not very strong, he still didn't want any accidents that might lead to the loss of the game.

"It's okay, it's okay. I just suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. It won't affect the game."

Chikudi waved his hand and replied.

Cuvee next to him looked indifferent: "Don't be so cautious. The opponent is just VIT. We can win by playing casually. I feel that we can directly use the substitute. What's the difference between this point and giving it away for free?"


Others in the lounge laughed suddenly.

From coaches to players, no one thought that VIT would be their opponent.

In fact, no one thought Gen.G would lose to VIT, as they were the champions last year.

Let’s look at VIT.

Many people have never even heard of their name. Such a team is basically a loser in the world championship. No matter how well they perform, they can only make it to the group stage and it is difficult for them to advance to the knockout stage.

Almost everyone thinks that the last game of the group stage is a game without suspense.

In the EDG lounge.

Although the game is over and they have successfully defeated C9 to win the first game, Abu and Nofe only celebrated a little and then became serious.

"Gen.G is our top enemy in the group stage. If we want to win the first place in Group B, we must win against Gen.G. Although there is no suspense in the last game today, I still hope that everyone can watch it carefully to see if they can find Gen.G's flaws in the game..."

Abu told the analyst team very seriously, and at the same time silently prayed in his heart that the VIT players would be in better condition in this game, so that they could play more of Gen.G's things and collect more information about Gen.G.

Looking at the serious faces of the manager, coach and analyst team, Shen Lang, who was hiding in the corner and browsing the forum, wanted to laugh a little.

According to the original history, the biggest CJB in this world game was not RNG, which lost to G2 in the knockout stage, but last year's champion Gen.G, which was highly expected from the beginning but was eliminated early in the group stage.

Thinking of this, Shen Lang couldn't help but post a post in the forum to show off.

"Gen.G? Just CJB. No one really thinks that the third seed of LCK can be that strong, right?"

"In my opinion, the entire LCK is garbage, and Gen.G is a fighter among garbage. Believe it or not, they can't even beat VIT?"

After this post was posted, it immediately attracted many replies.

"Although I also hate LCK, you can't say that Gen.G can't beat VIT, right?"

"You are crazy, right? Anti-Korean is crazy for you?"

"If you say Gen.G can't beat EDG, I can understand it a little. If you say you can't beat VIT, I just think you are a clown who is sensationalizing."

"Let me put it here. If Gen.G loses to VIT, I will be a Japanese fan on the live broadcast, and I will still be the fifth gear."


Looking at the netizens who were crazy about the post, Shen Lang showed a mysterious smile on his face.

The last game of the first day of the group stage started soon.

The players of VIT and Gen.G took to the stage with completely different emotions.

In the commentary booth.

Guan Zeyuan was still chattering about how strong Gen.G was. He remembered that the key issue he was arguing with Rita was not whether Gen.G could win, but how long it would take them to win this game.

During the conversation, the lineups of both sides were soon released, and the game officially began.

In fact, in Shen Lang's opinion, Gen.G had already fallen behind since the BP stage. Not only did VIT's bottom lane get the strong Kai'Sa and Minotaur combination, but the Syndra chosen in the middle lane was even defeated by VIT's mid laner Ekkoconte.

Both Cs were not easy to play against, and the top laner Urgot was indeed very strong in the laning phase, but VIT knew how to play to their strengths and avoid their weaknesses, and chose Ornn, a hero with strong pressure resistance.

If Ornn really wanted to hide under the defensive tower, even Shen Lang would have to go through a lot of trouble to break the deadlock, and Cuvve's laning level was obviously not comparable to Shen Lang's.

Not long after the game started, Gen.G jungler Haru used Gragas' E flash to help the bottom lane find an opportunity, and Chidi successfully got the head of the opposite ADC, which made Guan Zeyuan on the commentary seat extremely excited.

"What did I say? Gen.G is a team with a very strong ability to find opportunities. VIT's lineup's late-game ability and team battle ability are indeed very good, but they can't drag it to the late game at all."

Looking at his smug look, Ji De and Rita next to him shook their heads and remained silent.

Just when Guan Zeyuan thought that Gen.G could use VIT's bottom lane as a breakthrough point to frantically find opportunities to snowball the economy, the situation of the game was a bit unexpected.

Gen.G never found a suitable opportunity again.

Haru wanted to go to the bottom lane to continue looking for opportunities, but VIT's bottom lane combination was very stable, and coupled with the jungler's counter-camping, Gragas went there many times but didn't find a suitable opportunity.

Haru could only shift his attention to the middle and top lanes.

However, Ornn in the top lane was very stable, even on par with C9's top laner Licorice in the previous game, and it was difficult for Gragas to find an opportunity even if he went up.

As for the middle lane.

After reaching level 6, Ekko's ability to survive is very strong.

Even if he was hit by Syndra's QE first, and Gragas used E flash to connect the control, Ekko was still able to release his ultimate.

VIT's mid laner Jiizuke was very smart. He first synthesized Mercury's Boots when he returned to the city, and then Banshee's Veil. After Xiaohu synthesized the three-piece set, Gen.G's mid and jungle were dumbfounded.

Both of them were AP damage, and they were completely unable to do anything to Ekko.

On the contrary, as the level increased, it was Ekko who could keep Eing up to consume Syndra's health, and the initiative in the middle lane fell into the hands of VIT.

In fact, at this time, anyone with a discerning eye could see that the situation of this game was very wrong for Gen.G. The VIT lineup focused more on team battles, while the Gen.G lineup focused more on laning. They did not play an advantage in the laning period, which was actually equivalent to a disadvantage.

As expected, at 18 minutes, the two sides broke out in a team battle in the lower river because of the little dragon.

Ornn, who had been suppressed for a long time in the top lane, TPed to the front and found the right angle to release a very perfect ultimate. The jungler Nightmare released his ultimate to cut the back row, and then the mid-lane Ekko...

Originally, Chidi's Ashe was still developing well, but after being hit by Ornn, she was quickly killed by Ekko and Nightmare.

The ADC was killed first, and Gen.G was quickly defeated in the team battle.

In the first team battle, Gen.G was beaten 0 for 3 by VIT, and the economic advantage that was hard to build in the early stage was completely ruined.

Seeing the situation become like this, Guan Zeyuan in the commentary seat was dumbfounded.

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