EDG successfully qualified as the first in the group, which was originally a very happy thing.

But on the night of the game, there were many more doubts in the forum.

"EDG started with 3-0. Normally, it is very easy to advance to the knockout stage, but they played very hard in today's game. They lost to VIT first and then to C9. If it weren't for Brother Weiwu's outstanding performance in the key game against Gen.G, it would be hard to say what the final result would be."

"Being able to lose to a team like VIT shows that the performance of EDG players is not stable. Maybe their upper limit is very high, but their lower limit is also very low. In comparison, RNG is more stable."

"EDG is now completely dependent on Brother Weiwu. He is like two different teams with or without him. If other teams find ways to target Brother Weiwu in subsequent games, EDG will have a very difficult time in the knockout stage."

"Boldly predict that if EDG can't draw a good draw in the quarterfinals, it is likely that EDG will stop in the quarterfinals this season."


Shen Lang has the habit of browsing forums after the game.

After returning to the hotel after the celebration, he was thinking about how the netizens in the forum would praise EDG, but he never expected that after the game, there would be more voices of pessimism.

Although there are many die-hard EDG fans who are arguing, compared with the fanatical fans of RNG, the fighting power of the piglets is still a little worse. Now the most optimistic team in the forum is not the top seed EDG of LPL, but the third seed RNG.

In the mouths of some netizens, EDG has become the thief who stole the RNG summer championship. Many people are even criticizing EDG for being good at internal battles but not good at external battles, hitting their own people hard and being submissive to teams in other regions.

"It's outrageous. If you don't know, you would think we lost the game today!"

Shen Lang has always been very strong mentally, and he likes to use various means to play with netizens in the forum, but this time, looking at the various weird remarks in the forum, he was a little bit broken.

Scout beside him shook his head and sighed: "RNG's performance in the group stage is indeed very good, and we do have many flaws."

In fact, after today's game, he and iboy were a little doubtful of themselves.

When Shen Lang was on the field, they won without effort, and when Shen Lang was not there, they would lose the game. They felt that they did not play any role on the field, but instead dragged Shen Lang down.

As if sensing the younger brother's inner thoughts, Shen Lang looked at him with concern: "Do you feel that you have not played a role on the field, and you are embarrassed to always win the game without effort?"

Scout pursed his lips and nodded slightly.

Shen Lang leaned over and patted his shoulder: "Don't have this idea, you still have a very critical role on the field, after all...without you, the game can't be opened."

When the younger brother heard the previous words, he was still a little moved. He thought Shen Lang would comfort him, but when he heard all the words, he was speechless in an instant.

"You know how to comfort people."

The younger brother laughed and scolded.

Time flies, and the sixth match day is coming soon.

EDG has advanced to the knockout stage. Players and coaches can now watch the game in a very relaxed manner and study the opponents in the knockout stage in advance.

Today is the match of Group A.

Since there are no LPL teams, the audience in the live broadcast room of the event is not as many as yesterday, but the match of Group A is more suspenseful than that of Group B.

Among the four teams, FW and G2 now have the same record, both 2-1, while the gap between the lagging AFS and PVB is not very large, and the record is 1-2. In other words, none of these four teams dares to guarantee that they will definitely advance, and everyone has the opportunity to advance to the knockout stage as the first in the group.

Since Gen.G was eliminated yesterday, the LPL audience is still looking forward to it today.

AFS is now in a backward position. If it is also eliminated in the group stage, then LCK will only have KT as the only seedling. Their own success is certainly gratifying, but the failure of others is also worth celebrating.

The first game will start soon.

AFS vs. FW.

Unfortunately, the Flash Wolves players did not perform very well in this game, and AFS finally won the game.

When the first game ended, the Korean audience at the scene breathed a sigh of relief. They were really worried that the tragedy of Gen.G yesterday would be repeated today. Gen.G was too much to criticize, and if AFS was added, the keyboard speed would not be able to keep up.

The second game.

G2 As expected, they successfully defeated PVB, bringing their points to 3-1, and took the lead in leading other teams in Group A.

"I feel that AFS can still advance. If that's the case, it feels that it will be the most beneficial for us if they win the first place in the group."

Nofe analyzed during the break of the game.

G2's strength on the field is not bad, but in the eyes of many people, that is because the overall strength of Group A is weak. Compared with AFS, Nofe is more willing to face G2 in the knockout stage.

Shen Lang heard this and shook his head slightly.

Inertial thinking hurts people. G2's previous strength does not mean that it is not strong now. The strength of the LCK team in the past does not mean that it is strong now. If you think about it carefully, G2 and EDG are in a similar situation. They have obviously defeated AFS, but most people still think they are weaker than AFS, and EDG has obviously advanced as the first in the group, but many people still think they are not strong enough.

In the third game, FW played against G2.

In this game, G2 took out an unexpected lineup.

They did not choose the traditional shooter, but took out the combination of Brand and Tam in the bottom lane.

When this system came out, Nofe and the EDG analyst team were shocked. This was the system that Shen Lang had told them before. Since it takes a long time for the traditional shooter's equipment to take shape, the bottom lane simply did not need an ADC, but took out a mage to focus on the early and mid-term rhythm.

Under normal circumstances, the traditional shooter is not a match for the mage in terms of clearing speed or blood consumption in the early stage. This means that the side that chooses the mage to go to the bottom lane can take the initiative in the early bottom lane, so that they can cooperate with the jungler to compete for the little dragon.

However, it is regrettable that the little dragon refreshed in the early stage of this game was not a fire or earth attribute. G2's luck was really a bit bad. Under the strict defense of Flash Wolves, they could not gain an absolute advantage in the early and mid-term.

When the game came to 30 minutes, the Flash Wolves ADC equipment gradually took shape, and G2's lineup became weak instead.

After 43 minutes of fierce fighting, Flash Wolves successfully won this game.

"It seems that ADC is still necessary."

After the game, Nofe shook his head and said.

Originally, he also wanted to try this system, but G2's strength in this game made him start to waver.

The traditional mage with support in the bottom lane does have advantages, but the defects are also very obvious.

Seeing this, Shen Lang said: "We can't just deny this system based on the victory or defeat of a game. It may be very suitable for us. After all, we still have to try it before we can draw a conclusion."

As a time traveler, he naturally knows that this system is feasible.

For a long time in the future, the system of traditional mages going to the bottom lane will become the mainstream of the game, and even the LPL, which is rich in ADC, will be greatly affected. Many teams choose this system in the game.

While talking, the fourth game will soon start.

AFS vs. PVB.

In just 24 minutes, AFS successfully won this game.

After this game, PVB can be declared out early. Even if they win the last game, their points cannot catch up with the first three teams.

The remaining three teams have exactly the same points, and their current record is 3-2, but FW still has a considerable advantage, because their opponent in the remaining game is PVB, while G2 and AFS are each other.

At this time, someone in the live broadcast room of the event joked that FW got exactly the same script as EDG yesterday.

Facing the opponent who had been eliminated in advance, even the points situation was the same. As long as they could defeat PVB, FW would be able to enter the knockout stage, and then compete with the winner of AFS and G2 through a tiebreaker to determine who would be the first in the group.

After all, they are compatriots. Although they are in different regions, domestic audiences are still very happy to see Flash Wolves take the first place in the group, and they all began to cheer for Flash Wolves.

But what no one expected was that FW actually lost this game!

PVB did not play badly because they had been eliminated. On the contrary, they played very resiliently in this game. When Flash Wolves got a big advantage in the early stage, they dragged the game to the late stage and finally won the game by winning the key team battle.

After this game, FW's situation instantly became awkward.

They got the same script as EDG, but the ending was completely different. Now, not only can they not get the first place in the group, but they even need to play a tiebreaker to qualify for the knockout round.

The fifth gameIn the final match, AFS played against G2.

At this time, the domestic audience still had expectations in their hearts. As long as G2 could beat AFS and FW beat AFS in the tiebreaker, AFS could still be eliminated.

Unfortunately, AFS successfully won this game.

In the final tiebreaker, the mentality of FW players was probably a bit explosive. The performance on the field can only be described as horrible. In the end, they lost to G2 and bid farewell to this world championship with regret.

The places for the knockout stage in Group A are released: AFS, G2.

The seventh day is the game of Group C, which is also the most watched game in the group stage.

In fact, there is basically no suspense in Group C in terms of qualifying places. RNG and KT are far ahead of TL and MAD. As long as they don’t lose all the games today, it’s hard not to advance.

The real suspense today is who is the first in Group C between RNG and KT.

Since RNG successfully defeated KT before, they are now temporarily in the lead.

The game will start soon.

In the previous games, neither RNG nor KT had an upset.

In the first game, KT successfully defeated TL, and in the subsequent games, RNG also defeated MAD very smoothly.

The third game was between MAD and TL. The two teams are now in trouble. Even if they win this game, they are destined to be eliminated, so the two teams simply played badly and started to choose various weird heroes to play happily.

Don’t say it, when the game is not about winning or losing, it is often happy. The players on the field have fun, and the audience on the scene is also happy to watch. However, after this game, the joyful atmosphere suddenly stopped.

Because the next game is the game between KT and RNG.

This game is very critical.

If RNG can win the game, there is no need to watch the subsequent games. Since KT was double-killed, even if RNG made mistakes later, if the points are the same, there is no need to play extra games. According to the rules, RNG directly won the first place in the group.

If KT wins, the points of both teams will be tied. If neither team makes mistakes in the subsequent games, they will compete for the first place in the group through extra games.

The game will start soon.

RNG still chose the traditional four-protect-one system, hoping to replicate the previous game and use this system to defeat KT.

However, during this period, KT has studied how to target RNG's four-protect-one system.

The jungler chose Sejuani, who has strong ganking ability, and the mid laner chose Syndra, who has strong killing ability.

The two brothers of KT's mid and jungle went crazy to the bottom lane in the early stage. Even if Smeb was targeted in the top lane, the two still went crazy to gank.

This resulted in Uzi having no room to develop at all.

The development of Letme in the top lane was indeed very good, but because he chose a hero with poor carry ability such as Ornn, in the subsequent team battles, RNG was no match for KT because Uzi's development was too poor.

Not only that, after gaining the advantage, KT did not give RNG any chance to delay the game, and used the Baron to force a team fight early.

This game was finally stopped at 28 minutes, KT successfully defeated RNG, and the two teams came to the same starting line.

In the next two games, RNG and KT did not make any mistakes. After defeating their respective opponents, the score of the two teams was finally fixed at 5-1.

The extra game started soon.

Through the last game, KT felt that they had found a way to restrain RNG, and the players felt that they had a sure win in this game, and the Korean audience at the scene also began to celebrate in advance.

However, in the BP stage of this game, RNG rarely chose the system of protecting the bottom lane that they are best at.

Letme chose Urgot in the top lane, and the jungler chose the hero Lee Sin after replacing Spicy Pot.

After the game started, KT's strategy was still to target the bottom lane and try to prevent Uzi from developing.

Mala Xiang Guo had anticipated this, and Lee Sin frantically ganked the top lane in the early stage, quickly helping Letme establish an advantage.

The top laner and ADC who developed well in the early stage were obviously more powerful. RNG was also very lucky in this game, and the first little dragon was a very critical earth attribute.

Using the little dragon, RNG forced KT to join the team fight, and finally relied on the super high combat effectiveness of Lee Sin and Urgot to successfully win the first team fight, and also helped Uzi get a kill.

After this team fight, not only the top laner was fat, but even Uzi developed with it. For KT, the situation instantly became difficult.

In the following games, RNG'sThey played steadily and used their own advantages to slowly snowball, and did not give KT any chance until the end of the game. In the end, the game was frozen at 38 minutes, and RNG successfully won the game.

Shen Lang was also very surprised by this result.

At the end of the game, he couldn't help muttering: "RNG's fans may be even crazier!"

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