EDG voice chat.

After this team fight, the atmosphere in the team instantly became relaxed.

"Brother Lang, how about my ultimate this time?"

Meiko took the lead in claiming credit.

Shen Lang quickly gave affirmation: "It's very crucial!"

"What about me? If I hadn't treated you in time, you would have been killed by the opponent."

iboy followed.

"You are also very good, we are all good!"

In fact, Shen Lang had Flash in his hand at that time. Even without Kaisa's treatment, he could have used Flash in time to distance himself and would not be killed by Xia.

But it must be said that iboy's actions are still worthy of recognition.

As an ADC, he at least dared to operate, unlike a certain ADC in the future, whose Aphelios with red and white knife did not dare to step forward to output.

Compared with EDG, IG's voice chat was much quieter.

"This time, I should have flashed decisively to keep up with the damage."

Jackeylove was the first to admit his mistake.

But everyone else knew that one reason for losing this teamfight was that the opponents had very good coordination. Galio had already used his teleport to support before the fight, so that he could use his ultimate to enter the field in time. The other members of EDG also had very good coordination and quickly came to support after the battle broke out.

Another reason was that they did not coordinate well with each other.

Ning Wang saw Fiora retreating and was afraid of missing the opportunity, so he took action in advance, but at this time, The shy's Urgot was still on the road. The lack of Urgot's damage led to the failure to kill Fiora quickly.

In terms of operation on the line, they may be able to suppress the opponent, but they also have to admit that they are far behind EDG in terms of team cooperation.

"It doesn't matter, the game is still to be played. Our lineup is very good at finding opportunities, and it is still possible to fight back."

Ning Wang comforted in the voice.

This is not just comfort. The two heroes, Qing Gangying and Lissandra, are very good at finding opportunities. IG is not completely without opportunities in the subsequent games.

Commentary seat.

Seeing EDG holding such a big advantage, the smile on Wawa's face could not be concealed.

Although it was a civil war in LPL, because of Shen Lang, he still hoped that EDG could win today's game and break the curse of the quarterfinals to advance to the semifinals.

"I have to say that EDG's lineup for this game was very good. IG's ability to find opportunities is indeed very strong, but with Shen and Galio, EDG's ability to counterattack is also very strong. This wave is a vivid example. IG did not kill Fiora in the first time, and other EDG players quickly came to support."

Miller nodded slightly: "After this team battle, Weiwu returned to the city and directly synthesized Greedy Hydra. Fiora's equipment is now more and more obvious. With Shen and Galio, I feel that IG should not be able to move Fiora next."

In fact, King Ning thought so too.

In the following time, he had no idea of ​​targeting Fiora at all.

It's not that he doesn't want to, but that he can't do it.

With Fiora's current equipment, if Shen goes to gank in the bottom lane, he will probably be killed by Fiora's ultimate before he can deal damage. Not only will there be no way to limit Fiora, but it will accelerate the formation of her equipment.

As for whether Fiora will make her invincible in the late game, this is no longer a problem he needs to consider now.

With this situation, whether they can delay the game to the late game is a question.

Back to the line, Shen Lang began to be a little reckless.

After pushing the line, he directly controlled Fiora to enter the lower half of IG's jungle.

Counter-jungle if there is a jungle, and arrange vision if there is no jungle.

Return to the line and continue to push the line, then ignore the Urgot next to him and go straight into the defense tower to attack the tower.

The shy releases skills towards Fiora.

Shen Lang directly counterattacks.

Use the Q skill to close the distance, then connect with the basic attack, use the E skill to cancel the backswing, connect with the basic attack again, and quickly turn around and leave the attack range of the defense tower after dealing damage.

Being hurt by the defensive tower, Fiora's health was also lost a lot, but with the Greedy Hydra, she could quickly recover her health by using wild monsters.

Because Fiora was too fat, The shy did not synthesize Death Dance after making Black Cleaver, but thought about synthesizing the small Thornmail first, which resulted in Urgot having no means of recovery now.

On the surface, Fiora lost more blood, but in fact, it was Urgot who suffered.

Using the soldiers, Fiora's status quickly recovered.

Shen Lang sent the bottom lane soldiers into the defensive tower again, and like before, he directly controlled Fiora to enter the tower to destroy it.

Under his consumption,IG's bottom lane tower has little HP left. At this rate, it's only a matter of time before it's worn down by Fiora.

The shy used his Q skill again and activated his W skill to attack Fiora. Shen Lang also chose to counterattack again, using his Q skill [Breaking the Sky] to move to Urgot's face.

However, this time, when he wanted to get out of the tower's attack range after dealing damage, Urgot suddenly used his E skill.

The shy knew that this was not a solution. After Fiora left the battle, she could use the Greedy Hydra to quickly recover, and his Urgot's HP would be slowly consumed.

So he chose to give it a try, thinking of using the tower to take Fiora away directly.


What he could think of, Shen Lang could naturally think of as well.

To be precise, Shen Lang did so much just to force him to take action.

Seeing Urgot release his E skill, Shen Lang's mouth slightly raised.

This is what he was waiting for!

He suddenly controlled Fiora to turn around and released his W skill.

[Laurent Heart Eye Blade] successfully blocked Urgot's skill and stunned him on the spot.

He used his ultimate skill to hit the front flaw and then used the acceleration effect to move to the side, quickly hitting the second flaw, and then released the Q skill to move to the position of the third flaw...

Shen Lang's sword master is very proficient. Before Urgot can recover from the stun effect, the ultimate skill has hit all the flaws on the four sides, and the burst damage directly takes away the remaining health of Urgot.

The blood recovery array is played, and the blood volume of the sword master slowly rises.

The attack of the defense tower falls again. Due to the blood recovery effect of the ultimate skill, the remaining blood volume of the sword master is not taken away by the attack of the defense tower, and Shen Lang walks out of the attack range of the defense tower with residual blood.


The audience instantly boiled.

Over the tower and kill!

Perfect damage calculation!

"Could this be in Brother Weiwu's calculations? Are there really such terrifying professional players?"

Watching Fiora leave with low health, Changmao was in disbelief.

Looking at Shen Lang's calm expression under the director's camera, it was obviously not luck that he survived the tower-crossing kill of Fiora. Perhaps from the very beginning, all of this was already in Shen Lang's expectations.

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