Fiora's burst damage was so high that Rookie TPed in time, but by the time Lissandra landed, Urgot had been killed by Shen Lang and the other two.

Rookie used his E skill in the direction of Fiora, and after closing the distance, he decisively used his ultimate skill, hoping to kill her with the damage of the defensive tower.

However, at the moment when Lissandra raised her hand, Shen Lang used his W skill in time.

[Laurent Heart Eye Knife] successfully blocked Lissandra's ultimate skill, and Rookie's extravagant hope of killing Fiora was instantly shattered.

If the defensive tower was chased out, Lissandra would not be able to kill Fiora, and there was a greater probability that she would be killed by Shen Lang. Although Fiora's health was not very healthy at this time, with Greedy Hydra and Death Dance in hand, her health could be raised quickly.

"I feel that Fiora is a bit unreasonable now, and Urgot can't fight against her at all."

Miller shook his head and sighed.

It's not that The shy is not good, it would be useless no matter who comes in this situation.

There is no vision, no equipment, no teammates...

The shy's performance is far better than that of a normal top laner, as he can let the opponent's jungler come over and be killed by the tower.

In the EDG lounge.

Looking at the situation on the field, the tension of Nofe and Abu was relieved.

"Steady, steady, this game is stable!"

Abu said excitedly.

With a huge advantage in hand, Shen Lang has never disappointed.

Even though Lissandra's timely TP support caused Fiora and the other two to fail to destroy IG's bottom lane inner tower, those who know the business know that as long as Fiora is not targeted by the opponent, it is only a matter of time to take down IG's bottom lane inner tower.

At this time, it is not realistic for IG to target Fiora as before, because the Baron has refreshed.

To catch Fiora, at least three people are needed.

As EDG's mid laner is Galio, the speed of killing the dragon is indeed not fast, but if IG's three people go to catch Fiora, even if they don't choose to counterattack, EDG can take the opportunity to take down the dragon.

At this time, the KFC AI Colonel gave the current winning rate of the two teams in this game.

EDG's winning chance is as high as 90%, while IG's chance of turning the game around is less than 10%.

Colonel KFC's predictions are not necessarily accurate, and he often gives bad predictions like Guan Zeyuan, but from the winning rate given, it can be seen that for IG, the current game situation is already very tense.

Back to the game.

After replenishing his equipment and status, Shen Lang continued to lead the line in the bottom lane.

For the other EDG people, they don't need to take the initiative to do anything now, just slowly clear the line and develop, arrange the vision around the dragon, and then wait for Fiora to slowly lead the line.

27 minutes.

Fiora consumed Urgot home, and taking this opportunity, Shen Lang successfully destroyed the inner tower of IG's bottom lane.

The soldiers in the bottom lane were quickly brought into the highland tower.

Shen Lang still adopted the tactic of cutting meat with a blunt knife. After clearing the soldiers, he cleared the jungle. After returning from clearing the jungle, he continued to push the line, and then took advantage of the opportunity of the soldiers entering the tower to consume the health of the highland tower.

IG voice became silent again.

Everyone knew that if they continued like this, it would only be a slow death. When the highland tower was destroyed, the pressure on the soldiers in the bottom lane would increase dramatically, and EDG would decisively move the dragon. If that happened, they would not be able to take care of both ends and there would be no possibility of competing for the dragon.

After a short silence, Ning Wang took the lead to break the deadlock: "Let's try to move the dragon."

When these words came out, the teammates were surprised.

They were at a great disadvantage now. In this situation, moving the dragon was like looking for death!

But Rookie soon reacted.

They are unable to deal with Fiora now. If Shen Lang continues to lead the team like this, it is only a matter of time before they lose the game. They may not even have a chance to fight in a team until the end of the game, and they will lose very badly.

If they take the initiative to attack the big dragon, Fiora will naturally not be able to continue to lead the line in the bottom lane. With the disadvantage of equipment, their chances of winning the team battle are not high, but they are not completely impossible.

Compared with being slowly killed by Fiora, taking the initiative to find an opportunity to fight in a team at least has a chance. Even if they lose the team battle, it will not be too painful.

"Go, go, go!"

Jackeylove shouted in the voice chat.

Although the team's overall economic disadvantage is very large, because they got a kill in the mid-term, Xia's equipment is still good. If they really want to fight, Jackeylove thinks it is still possible to operate.

Do what you say, IG quickly took action.

Luo and Qing Gangying entered the upper river and quickly used the scanning and searchlight fruit toAfter clearing EDG's vision around the dragon pit, IG's two Cs disappeared from the line at the same time. Even Urgot in the bottom lane teleported to the upper river after clearing the soldiers under the tower.

IG didn't have the Earth Dragon buff, but in this game, except for the support, the other four players had good output capabilities, and they could rush the dragon very quickly.

Before making this decision, Ning Wang still had some extravagant hopes in his heart. If the opponent didn't react in time, they could rush the dragon quickly, which would be the most perfect result.

At first, EDG didn't really care. After all, the opponent was at such a disadvantage. In this case, they could only passively defend. No one would think of actively moving the dragon to seek death.

It wasn't until Shen Lang brought the bottom lane soldiers into the highland tower again, didn't see Urgot coming to defend the tower, and saw that all IG people disappeared from the field of vision at the same time, that he realized something was wrong.

"The opponent may be fighting the dragon, go and have a look!"

Shen Lang hurriedly gave orders in the voice.

iboy was slightly surprised when he heard this, but he quickly reacted. He didn't have time to clear the mid lane soldiers, so he hurriedly controlled Kaisa to move towards the upper river.

After the distance was shortened, he inserted the Vision Transformation from a distance, and the vision in the dragon pit quickly lit up.

IG was really fighting the dragon, and the Baron's health had dropped a lot at this time.

"Fuck, they are really stealing the dragon!"

iboy couldn't help but swear, and at the same time he felt a little scared. If Shen Lang hadn't reacted in time, with the speed at which IG was fighting the dragon, they might really steal the dragon.

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

The factory manager panicked and hurriedly controlled the prince to walk towards the lower river.

Shen Lang's first thought was to hand in a teleport to support.

But just as he was preparing to TP, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his mind.

It seems... unnecessary!

At this time, all five IG players were in the Baron pit, and he led the bottom lane soldiers into the highland tower. Shen had his ultimate in his hand, and Galio's TP was still in his hand.

The mid laner and the support came to support at the same time, and it seemed that the bottom lane could go straight.

"Let the opponent steal the dragon, Shen and Galio come over, and we steal the home!"

Shen Lang immediately shouted in the voice chat.

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