Seeing that Clockwork and Prince were both approaching the bottom lane at the same time, the director quickly switched the camera to the bottom lane.

"EDG's mid and jungle are coming down at the same time, will there be a chance this time?"

Wawa began to look forward to it.

However, Miller, who had sharp eyes, noticed that when EDG's mid and jungle were approaching, Lissandra and Sejuani on IG were also moving up.

"It's better to find an opportunity this time, otherwise it will be a big loss."

He shook his head and said.

During the discussion, Clockwork and the other two quickly came to the bottom lane.

Because they didn't know the specific location of the opponent's vision arrangement, Xiaodi and the other two didn't dare to approach rashly, but waited until Meiko started scanning and clearing the surrounding vision before the two entered the lower half of IG's jungle from the triangle bush.

"Something is wrong!"

Jackeylove was very alert.

It's not strange for the support to arrange the vision when the soldiers enter the tower, but at this time the opponent's mid and jungle disappeared at the same time, and Luo cleared the surrounding vision after the soldiers entered the tower, which made it hard not to associate.

Although it was just a guess, Jackeylove was mentally prepared for the opponent to cross the tower.

Before the factory manager and his two men made a move, Jayce on the top lane was forced into the autistic bush in front of the inner tower again.

When Lissandra was walking up, she was seen by the vision that Shen Lang had arranged in advance. He did not hesitate and decisively controlled Jayce to retreat.

"I can't defend the top lane tower."

Shen Lang said in the voice.

The top lane defense tower had been consumed by the opponent before. This time Lissandra came up, and it was obvious that there must be a pig girl next to it. With this wave of soldiers entering the tower, the opponent can directly take away the remaining health of the top lane defense tower.

"Why is Weiwu brother so cowardly!"

"You can't go up to operate, but you know to retreat. You might as well go back to the fountain."

"Where is the awesomeness before? Operate the opponent!"

Seeing Jayce so frustrated, some viewers complained in the live broadcast room of the event.

However, there were also many people who refuted them.

"Let's not talk about Jayce not having flash. Even if he had flash, how would he operate with Lissandra?"

"Not to mention professional players, even bronze players can easily kill Jayce by crossing the tower with IG's top, mid and jungle lineup."

"With Lissandra's ultimate in hand, you're showing off?"


On the field.

Seeing IG's mid and jungle appear in the top lane, the factory manager felt much more at ease.

At least there was no need to worry about being counter-camped by the opponent this time.

Xia quickly sent the line of soldiers into the defensive tower again, and just when Kai'Sa was about to go forward to make up for the tower, Meiko suddenly took action.

Flash W skill.

Rakan rushed into the defensive tower instantly.

Due to the excellent teamfighting performance last season, the designer had weakened Rakan's ultimate long ago. It takes 0.5 seconds to activate the ultimate before flash can be used, so Meiko can only use flash W to start the teamfight.

Compared to the nearly unsolvable R-Flash-W last season, the simple Flash-W undoubtedly gives Jackeylove a lot of room for maneuver.

With some precautions in advance, he used Flash in time.

Kaisa moved to the side and successfully avoided Rakan's Flash-W, while Baolan next to him also reacted quickly and used Q skill on Rakan.

Titan successfully controlled Rakan, and Jackeylove counterattacked to output, and the damage of [Icathia Rainstorm] was full, and Rakan's health dropped rapidly.

Seeing this, the other EDG players rushed to attack.

The Prince's EQ skill entered the field, and then quickly connected with the ultimate skill.

Just as the distance was pulled close, Jackeylove handed over the ultimate skill, and Kaisa moved to adjust the position, successfully distanced himself from the Prince, and continued to output to Rakan.

Because the skill hit Kaisa, the prince was locked by the attack of the defense tower. Baolan decisively gave up the flash to come to the prince, and used the basic attack to imprison him in place, and then used the ultimate skill...

"This wave of tower-crossing killing is not right!"

Changmao shouted loudly.

Originally thought that EDG's mid and jungle could quickly kill Kaisa in the bottom lane, but unexpectedly, under the operation of IG's bottom lane combination, it could be delayed for so long.

iboy and Scout quickly gave damage.

However, Jackeylove had no intention of running away, nor did he turn around to damage Xia, but gave up the E skill to speed up and come to Luo's side, and continued to damage the support.

Jackeylove knew very well that without flash and ultimate skills, it would be difficult for him to survive this wave, so he didn't think about running at all, but thought about exchanging heads with the opponent.

The teammates were able to destroy the opponent's top lane defense tower. As long as they could exchange heads in this wave, even if they only exchanged one person, it would be very profitable.

Under Xia's damage, Kaisa's health dropped rapidly.However, before being killed, Jackeylove struggled to release his W skill, [Void Seeker] hit Luo, and his passive was fully activated, successfully taking away his remaining health.

On the other side.

The prince's health dropped sharply due to damage from the defense tower.

Clockwork poured all his skills on Titan, but the burst damage did not kill him directly.

Baolan also wanted to exchange heads with the opponent, and took the damage from Clockwork and attacked the prince, trying to deal his last damage before dying.

The control time of Titan's ultimate skill passed quickly, and the factory manager hurriedly controlled the prince to walk out of the defense tower.

However, in his desperate eyes, the attacks of the defense tower followed one after another.

The attack damage of the defense tower was getting higher and higher. Although the prince had a lot of health left, the factory manager knew very well that this amount of health could not withstand the damage of the defense tower.

Titan's remaining health was finally taken away by Clockwork, and at the same time, the prince's remaining health was also taken away by the attack of the defense tower.

The battle is over, 2 for 2.


IG fans cheered instantly.

Just as the battle in the bottom lane ended, Skateboard Shoes and others in the top lane had already destroyed the defensive tower.

There is no doubt that IG made a lot of money in this wave.

"It seems that EDG is still a little anxious. Judging from Jackeylove's performance, he should have known in advance that the opponent would come to the bottom lane to cross the tower and kill. After Luo's flash W was dodged by Kaisa's flash, he should not have continued to fight."

The battle ended, and Changmao began to analyze.

Miller next to him shook his head: "Once the arrow is shot, there is no turning back. The top lane defense tower will definitely be taken by IG. If the bottom lane doesn't do something, this wave will be a pure loss. Qijiang and Xiaoxuedi can only bite the bullet and fight on."

"EDG's double Cs got the kills, so it's not a loss. The only one who is really uncomfortable is Weiwu. From the economic matchup, we can see that Skateboard Shoes is already nearly 800 ahead of Jayce in economy at this time, and the top lane defense tower has been destroyed. Weiwu will be very uncomfortable in the next laning."

IG voice.

Looking at his gray screen, Jackeylove showed a satisfied smile on his face: "Well played, brothers, we should have played like this a long time ago. Target Weiwu to death. As long as we don't let him develop, we can easily win the game!"

"It's a pity that this guy is really cunning. I didn't succeed in catching him once."

Ning Wang regretted.

The shy didn't care: "It's okay, it's okay, I'm the C in this game!"

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